Unser Experte für Lebertumoren – Basics

Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Trudo Knoefel

Spezialisierungen: Lebertumoren, Leberchirugie, Viszeralchirurgie

Institution und Position: Direktor der Chirurgischen Klinik A (Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Kinderchirurgie) des Universitätsklinikums Düsseldorf. Lehrstuhlinhaber (C4) für Chirurgie mit Schwerpunkt Viszeralchirurgie an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Vorsitzender des Senats der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.

Stand: 14.03.2018

Die Mitschrift des Interviews mit Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Trudo Knoefel zum Thema “Lebertumoren – Basics”

Welche Arten von Lebertumoren sind die häufigsten?

Bei den Lebertumoren muss man unterscheiden zwischen den gutartigen Lebertumoren und den bösartigen Lebertumoren.Bei den bösartigen Tumoren zwischen denen, die in der Leber entstanden sind und denen, die als Metastasen in der Leber von anderen primären Tumoren entstanden sind beziehungsweise von anderen Tumoren von anderen Organen.Bei den Tumoren, die in der Leber entstanden sind, ist das häufigste weltweit und inzwischen auch in Europa das  hepatozelluläre Karzinom (=der Leberzellkrebs).

Beiden metastatischen Absiedlungen, die chirurgisch therapiert werden müssen, ist die Metastase vom Dickdarmkrebs das Häufigste.Und bei den gutartigen Tumoren gibt es sehr häufig gutartige Tumoren, die überhaupt keine klinische Bedeutung haben und medizinisch nicht behandelt werden müssen.Bei den Tumoren, die operiert werden muss, ist das häufigste das Leberzelladenom,eine Vorstufe des Leberkrebses.

Welche Primärtumoren führen zu Leber-Metastasen? 

Sehrviele Tumoren aus anderen Organen führen zu Metastasen in der Leber.Das liegt einfach daran, dass die Leber ein kapillares Netzwerk darstellt.Ein Netzwerk aus zahlreichen kleinen verzweigten Gefäßen und diese wirken als Filter für die herumschwimmenden Tumorzellen im Blut und damit könnenfast alle Tumoren  eine Absiedlung in der Leber setzen bzw. Metastasen bilden.Wir müssen aber unterscheiden zwischen den Tumoren, die in der Leberentstehen, die  durch eine chirurgische Therapie entfernt werden sollten und anderen Tumoren, die eher durch eine Chemotherapie behandelt werden sollen.

Ein typisches Beispiel für die Erkrankung, die eher durch eine Chemotherapie behandelt wird, ist der Brustkrebs oder die Absiedlung des Brustkrebses.Diese sind sehr gut durch eine Chemotherapie behandelbar.Bei anderen Tumoren, wie zum Beispiel insbesondere bei Absiedlungen des Dickdarmkrebses,ist die primäre operative Therapie, also die Entfernung der Metastasen aus der Leber durch einen chirurgischen Eingriff,das Erfolgreichste.

Gibt es typische Symptome für Lebertumoren? 

Leider sind die aller meisten Lebertumoren asymptomatisch, das heißt, sie machen keine Symptomatik und werden erst spät erkannt.Das ist das Heimtückisch an Lebererkrankungen.Das betrifft  sowohl die primären gutartigen und bösartigen Lebertumoren, als auch die metastatischen Absiedlungen.Es gibt allerdings seltene Ausnahmen, so zum Beispiel, wenn ein Lebertumor an der Leberkapsel sitzt und einen Dehnungsschmerz macht oder am Zwerchfell liegt.Das Zwerchfell liegt direkt über der Leber, und da kann dann Schmerz entstehen. Auch kann ein Tumor auf den Magen aufdrücken und dadurch eine Magenentleerungsstörung machen.Auch das kann frühzeitig gelegentlich eine Symptomatik machen.Häufig ist es allerdings so, dass wenn eine Symptomatik auftrifft, eine chirurgische Therapie schon gar nicht mehr möglich ist.

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Wie werden Lebertumoren diagnostiziert? 

Lebertumoren werden heutzutage in aller Regel d . . . .

Müssen gutartige Tumoren der Leber behandelt werden?

Die allermeisten gutartigen Lebertumoren bedür . . . .

Sollte bei Leberkrebs sofort operiert werden?

Leberkrebs ist an sich erst mal ein Sammelbegri . . . .

Sollte vor der OP eine Biopsie des Tumors erfolgen?

In aller Regel sollte man von einer Biopsie des . . . .

Welche OP-Möglichkeiten gibt es bei Leberkrebs? 

Bei Leberkrebs ist das Ziel auf jeden Fall den . . . .

Wie können Lebermetastasen therapiert werden?

Entscheidend bei der Behandlung von Lebermetast . . . .

Wie kann die Leberfunktion trotz OP erhalten werden?

Um die Leberfunktion gut abschätzen zu können . . . .

Welche Rolle spielen minimal-invasive Verfahren? 

Minimal-invasive Verfahren,wie zum Beispiel die . . . .

Welche Rolle spielen die Chemotherapie oder Bestrahlung? 

In aller Regel ist es bei den meisten Lebertumo . . . .

Wann ist eine Lebertransplantation sinnvoll?

Eigentlich ist es nahe liegend, dass wenn ein T . . . .

Gibt es Risikofaktoren für Leberkrebs?

Wenn wir als Leberkrebs auch die Metastasen mit . . . .

Welche Rollen spielen erbliche Risikofaktoren?  

Leberkrebs und auch die anderen Lebertumoren si . . . .

Gibt es neue Behandlungsansätze beim Auftreten von Metastasen?

Beim Auftreten von Metastasen gibt es im Prinzi . . . .

Was kann ich zur Vermeidung von Leberkrebs selber tun? 

Wichtig ist es, dass wenn Risikofaktoren für d . . . .

Würden Sie ein präventives Screening per Ultraschall empfehlen? 

Das Screening nach neu aufgetretenen Metastasen . . . .

Was gibt es Neues auf diesem Gebiet? 

Bei den Behandlungen der Lebertumoren müssen w . . . .

Welche Möglichkeit gibt es bei nicht-operablen Tumoren? 

Bei zunächst nicht-operablen Tumoren, bei dene . . . .

Infos zur Person

Ich leite seit über 10 Jahren die chirurgische Klinik A an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf. Eine Klinik in der wir uns schwerpunktmäßig mit Lebertumoren beschäftigen und zwar sowohl im klinischen, operativen Bereich, aber auch in der Erforschung der Lebertumoren – in der Erforschung neuer Behandlungsmethoden der Tumoren und vermitteln dieses auch an unsere Studenten, an unseren Nachwuchs also vertreten das Fach der Lebertumoren in Forschung, Lehre und in Krankenversorgung.

Infos zur Klinik

In der von mir geleiteten Klinik an der Universitätsklinik in Düsseldorf beschäftigen wir uns schwerpunktmäßig mit der Behandlung von Lebertumoren – gutartigen und bösartigen Lebertumoren. Insgesamt ist das eingebettet in ein großes Programm der Behandlung von bösartigen Tumoren, der besondere Schwerpunkt liegt aber bei Behandlungen von Lebertumoren. Wir haben in diesem Institut, in dieser Klinik, neue Behandlungsmethoden entwickelt, die es uns ermöglichen, vorher nicht operable Tumoren in behandlungs- und operationswürdige Tumoren zu überführen und damit eben Patienten auch langfristig zu helfen. In diesem Institut wird weiter sehr intensiv an der Behandlung von Lebertumoren geforscht, an dem Verständnis wie solche Tumore entstehen, wie wir sie besser beeinflussen können und wie wir eben auch durch die spezielle chirurgische Therapie bessere Ergebnisse erzeugen können.


1988 Promotion (magna cum laude) , Thema der Dissertation: Zur Prognose des
Nierenzellkarzinoms und seiner Stabilität nach serieller Transplantation auf Nacktmäuse
1987-1989 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Chirurgischen Klinik Innenstadt und Chirurgischen Poliklinik der Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München (Direktor Prof. Dr. L. Schweiberer)
1989-1991  Fellow, Departments of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston  (W.G. Austen, M.D., A.L. Warshaw, M.D.)
1991 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Chirurgischen Klinik Innenstadt und Chirurgischen Poliklinik der Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München (Direktor Prof. Dr. L. Schweiberer)
1991-2003 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Chirurgischen Klinik, Abteilung für Allgemeinchirurgie, Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg (Direktor Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult C.E. Broelsch, seit April 1998 Direktor (komm.) Prof. Dr. J.R. Izbicki)
1992 Mai bis Oktober, Assistenzarzt, Chirurgische Klinik, Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Essen (Direktor Prof. Dr. V.M. Rötzscher)
1994 Habilitation mi tdem Thema: Die Veränderung der Mikroperfusion bei der akuten experimentellen Pankreatitis der Ratte – Validierung der diffusen Reflexspektrophotometrie, Universität Hamburg


1996 Ernennung zum Oberarzt der Abteilung für Allgemeinchirurgie, Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg
1998-2003 ständiger Vertreter des Direktors der Abteilung für Allgemeinchirurgie Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg
2002 Ruf auf die C4 Professur der Universität Rostock für Allgemeine und Transplantationschirurgie
2003 Ruf auf die C4 Professur der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf für Allgemeine und Viszeralchirurgie


American Gastroenterological Association
American Pancreatic Association
American College of Surgeons
Association Française de Chirurgie
Berliner Chirurgische Gesellschaft
Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Studium der Leber
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
Deutscher Pancreas-Club
European Digestive Surgery
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer GITCCG
European Pancreas Club
Krebsgesellschaft Nordrhein Westfalen
International Association of Pancreatology
International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association
International Transplantation Society
Nordrhein-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie & Diabetologie
Society for Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract
Society of Pelvic Surgeons
Vereinigung Bayerischer Chirurgen
Vereinigung Niederrheinisch-Westfälischer Chirurgen
Vereinigung Nordwestdeutscher Chirurgen


  • 1: Krieg A, Mersch S, Boeck I, Dizdar L, Weihe E, Hilal Z, Krausch M, Muehlendick
    B, Topp SA, Piekorz RP, Huckenbeck W, Stoecklein NH, Anlauf M, Knoefel WT. New
    model for gastroenteropancreatic large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma:
    establishment of two clinically relevant cell lines. PLoS One. 2014 Feb
    14;9(2):e88713. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088713. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID:
    24551139; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3925161.
  • 2: Kroepil F, Schauer M, Raffel AM, Kroepil P, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT.
    Treatment of early and delayed esophageal perforation. Indian J Surg. 2013
    Dec;75(6):469-72. doi: 10.1007/s12262-012-0539-z. Epub 2012 Jun 12. PubMed PMID:
    24465104; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3900754.
  • 3: Krieg A, Dizdar L, Verde PE, Knoefel WT. Predictors of mortality for
    necrotizing soft-tissue infections: a retrospective analysis of 64 cases.
    Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2014 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24413760.
  • 4: Cupisti K, Lehwald N, Anlauf M, Riemer J, Werner TA, Krieg A, Witte J, Chanab
    A, Baldus SE, Krausch M, Raffel A, Herdter C, Schott M, Knoefel WT. Encapsulation
    Status of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinomas is Associated with the Risk of Lymph
    Node Metastases and Tumor Multifocality. Horm Metab Res. 2014 Feb;46(2):138-44.
    doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1361158. Epub 2013 Dec 19. PubMed PMID: 24356791.
  • 5: Kroepil F, Nestler T, Toeruen M, Fluegen G, Kraus S, Krieg A, Rehders A,
    Vallboehmer D, Knoefel WT. [Prognostic Value of Preoperative Anaemia and
    Perioperative Blood Transfusion in Surgical Treatment of Rectal Cancer.].
    Zentralbl Chir. 2013 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print] German. PubMed PMID: 24327484.
  • 6: Orth K, Knoefel WT, van Griensven M, Matuschek C, Peiper M, Schrumpf H, Gerber
    PA, Budach W, Boelke E, Buhren BA, Schauer M. Preventively enteral application of
    immunoglobulin enriched colostrums milk can modulate postoperative inflammatory
    response. Eur J Med Res. 2013 Nov 23;18:50. doi: 10.1186/2047-783X-18-50. PubMed
    PMID: 24266958; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3879091.
  • 7: Driemel C, Kremling H, Schumacher S, Will D, Wolters J, Lindenlauf N, Mack B,
    Baldus SA, Hoya V, Pietsch JM, Panagiotidou P, Raba K, Vay C, Vallboehmer D,
    Harréus U, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH, Gires O. Context-dependent adaption of
    EpCAM expression in early systemic esophageal cancer. Oncogene. 2013 Oct 21. doi:
    10.1038/onc.2013.441. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24141784.
  • 8: Sell H, Blueher M, Kloeting N, Schlich R, Willems M, Ruppe F, Knoefel WT,
    Dietrich A, Fielding BA, Arner P, Frayn KN, Eckel J. Adipose dipeptidyl
    peptidase-4 and obesity: correlation with insulin resistance and depot-specific
    release from adipose tissue in vivo and in vitro. Diabetes Care. 2013
    Dec;36(12):4083-90. doi: 10.2337/dc13-0496. Epub 2013 Oct 15. PubMed PMID:
    24130353; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3836153.
  • 9: Wijnhoven BP, Toxopeus EL, Vallboehmer D, Knoefel WT, Krasna MJ, Perez K, van
    Rossum PS, Ruurda JP, van Hillegersberg R, Schiesser M, Schneider P, Felix VN.
    New therapeutic strategies for squamous cell cancer and adenocarcinoma. Ann N Y
    Acad Sci. 2013 Oct;1300:213-25. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12247. Review. PubMed PMID:
  • 10: Krausch M, Raffel A, Anlauf M, Schott M, Lehwald N, Krieg A, Topp SA, Cupisti
    K, Knoefel WT. „Cherry picking“, a multiple non-anatomic liver resection
    technique, as a promising option for diffuse liver metastases in patients with
    neuroendocrine tumours. World J Surg. 2014 Feb;38(2):392-401. doi:
    10.1007/s00268-013-2267-3. PubMed PMID: 24101025.
  • 11: Fischer JC, Niederacher D, Topp SA, Honisch E, Schumacher S, Schmitz N,
    Zacarias Foehrding L, Vay C, Hoffmann I, Kasprowicz NS, Hepp PG, Mohrmann S, Nitz
    U, Stresemann A, Krahn T, Henze T, Griebsch E, Raba K, Rox JM, Wenzel F, Sproll
    C, Janni W, Fehm T, Klein CA, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Diagnostic leukapheresis
    enables reliable detection of circulating tumor cells of nonmetastatic cancer
    patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 8;110(41):16580-5. doi:
    10.1073/pnas.1313594110. Epub 2013 Sep 24. PubMed PMID: 24065821; PubMed Central
    PMCID: PMC3799344.
  • 12: Krieg A, Baseras B, Tomczak M, Verde PE, Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT. Role of
    survivin as prognostic and clinicopathological marker in gastric cancer: a
    meta-analysis. Mol Biol Rep. 2013 Sep;40(9):5501-11. doi:
    10.1007/s11033-013-2650-z. Epub 2013 Aug 15. PubMed PMID: 23948878.
  • 13: Krieg A, Mersch S, Wolf N, Stoecklein NH, Verde PE, am Esch JS 2nd, Heikaus
    S, Gabbert HE, Knoefel WT, Mahotka C. Expression of TRAIL-splice variants in
    gastric carcinomas: identification of TRAIL-γ as a prognostic marker. BMC Cancer.
    2013 Aug 12;13:384. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-384. PubMed PMID: 23937794; PubMed
    Central PMCID: PMC3751299.
  • 14: Schlich R, Willems M, Greulich S, Ruppe F, Knoefel WT, Ouwens DM, Maxhera B,
    Lichtenberg A, Eckel J, Sell H. VEGF in the crosstalk between human adipocytes
    and smooth muscle cells: depot-specific release from visceral and perivascular
    adipose tissue. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:982458. doi: 10.1155/2013/982458.
    Epub 2013 Jul 9. PubMed PMID: 23935253; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3723083.
  • 15: Fluegen G, Jankowiak F, Zacarias Foehrding L, Kroepil F, Knoefel WT, Topp SA.
    Intrahepatic endometriosis as differential diagnosis: case report and literature
    review. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Aug 7;19(29):4818-22. doi:
    10.3748/wjg.v19.i29.4818. Review. PubMed PMID: 23922482; PubMed Central PMCID:
  • 16: Rehders A, Anlauf M, Adamowsky I, Ghadimi MH, Klein S, Antke C, Cupisti K,
    Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT. Is minimal residual lymph node disease in papillary
    thyroid cancer of prognostic impact? An analysis of the epithelial cell adhesion
    molecule EpCAM in lymph nodes of 40 pN0 patients. Pathol Oncol Res. 2014
    Jan;20(1):185-90. doi: 10.1007/s12253-013-9682-5. Epub 2013 Aug 6. PubMed PMID:
  • 17: Kroepil F, Dulian A, Vallboehmer D, Geddert H, Krieg A, Vay C, Topp SA, am
    Esch JS, Baldus SE, Gires O, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. High EpCAM expression is
    linked to proliferation and lauren classification in gastric cancer. BMC Res
    Notes. 2013 Jul 5;6:253. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-6-253. PubMed PMID: 23830302;
    PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3724596.
  • 18: Moehlendick B, Bartenhagen C, Behrens B, Honisch E, Raba K, Knoefel WT,
    Stoecklein NH. A robust method to analyze copy number alterations of less than
    100 kb in single cells using oligonucleotide array CGH. PLoS One. 2013 Jun
    25;8(6):e67031. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067031. Print 2013. PubMed PMID:
    23825608; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3692546.
  • 19: Schieren G, Boelke E, Scherer A, Raffel A, Gerber PA, Kroepil P, Schott M,
    Hamilton J, Hayman A, Knoefel WT, Budach W, Matuschek C. Severe
    everolimus-induced steatohepatis: a case report. Eur J Med Res. 2013 Jul
    3;18(1):22. doi: 10.1186/2047-783X-18-22. PubMed PMID: 23822543; PubMed Central
    PMCID: PMC3706391.
  • 20: Lehwald N, Cupisti K, Krausch M, Ahrazoglu M, Raffel A, Knoefel WT.
    Coincidence of primary hyperparathyroidism and nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma.
    Horm Metab Res. 2013 Sep;45(9):660-3. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1345184. Epub 2013 Jun
    11. PubMed PMID: 23757116.
  • 21: Krieg A, Werner TA, Verde PE, Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT. Prognostic and
    clinicopathological significance of survivin in colorectal cancer: a
    meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 3;8(6):e65338. doi:
    10.1371/journal.pone.0065338. Print 2013. PubMed PMID: 23755220; PubMed Central
    PMCID: PMC3670901.
  • 22: Lehwald N, Duhme C, Wildner M, Kuhn S, Fuerst G, Forbes SJ, Jonas S, Robson
    SC, Knoefel WT, Schmelzle M, Schulte Am Esch J. HGF and SDF-1-mediated
    mobilization of CD133+ BMSC for hepatic regeneration following extensive liver
    resection. Liver Int. 2014 Jan;34(1):89-101. doi: 10.1111/liv.12195. Epub 2013
    May 23. PubMed PMID: 23701640.
  • 23: Luca AC, Mersch S, Deenen R, Schmidt S, Messner I, Schaefer KL, Baldus SE,
    Huckenbeck W, Piekorz RP, Knoefel WT, Krieg A, Stoecklein NH. Impact of the 3D
    microenvironment on phenotype, gene expression, and EGFR inhibition of colorectal
    cancer cell lines. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e59689. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059689.
    Epub 2013 Mar 26. PubMed PMID: 23555746; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3608563.
  • 24: Kroepil F, Fluegen G, Vallboehmer D, Baldus SE, Dizdar L, Raffel AM, Hafner D,
    Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT. Snail1 expression in colorectal cancer and its
    correlation with clinical and pathological parameters. BMC Cancer. 2013 Mar
    22;13:145. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-145. PubMed PMID: 23522088; PubMed Central
    PMCID: PMC3617032.
  • 25: Krausch M, Raffel A, Anlauf M, Schott M, Lehwald N, Krieg A, Kroepil F,
    Cupisti K, Knoefel WT. Secondary malignancy in patients with sporadic
    neuroendocrine neoplasia. Endocrine. 2013 Oct;44(2):510-6. doi:
    10.1007/s12020-013-9911-4. Epub 2013 Mar 14. PubMed PMID: 23494366.
  • 26: Ambe P, Haeussinger D, Schneitler V, Bode JG, Lanzman RS, Knoefel WT,
    Vallboehmer D. [Hepatic cholestasis resulting from a long-standing enterothorax: a
    case report]. Z Gastroenterol. 2013 Mar;51(3):287-9. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1330528.
    Epub 2013 Mar 13. German. PubMed PMID: 23487357.
  • 27: Schmelzle M, Duhme C, Junger W, Salhanick SD, Chen Y, Wu Y, Toxavidis V,
    Csizmadia E, Han L, Bian S, Fuerst G, Nowak M, Karp SJ, Knoefel WT, Schulte Esch
    J, Robson SC. CD39 modulates hematopoietic stem cell recruitment and promotes
    liver regeneration in mice and humans after partial hepatectomy. Ann Surg. 2013
    Apr;257(4):693-701. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31826c3ec2. PubMed PMID: 23474584.
  • 28: Ambe P, Weber SA, Schauer M, Knoefel WT. Swallowed foreign bodies in adults.
    Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2012 Dec;109(50):869-75. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0869. Epub
    2012 Dec 14. Review. PubMed PMID: 23293675; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3536040.
  • 29: Krausch M, Kroepil F, Lehwald N, Lachenmayer A, Schott M, Anlauf M, Cupisti
    K, Knoefel WT, Raffel A. Notch 1 tumor expression is lacking in highly
    proliferative pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Endocrine. 2013 Aug;44(1):182-6.
    doi: 10.1007/s12020-012-9850-5. Epub 2012 Dec 7. PubMed PMID: 23225326.
  • 30: Kroepil F, Schauer M, Krausch M, Kroepil P, Topp SA, Raffel AM, Eisenberger CF,
    Knoefel WT. Splenic artery switch for revascularization of the liver: a salvage
    procedure for inflammatory arterial hemorrhage. World J Surg. 2013
    Mar;37(3):591-6. doi: 10.1007/s00268-012-1859-7. PubMed PMID: 23203774.
  • 31: Zacarias Foehrding L, Macher A, Braunstein S, Knoefel WT, Topp SA. Small
    intestine bleeding due to multifocal angiosarcoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2012
    Nov 28;18(44):6494-500. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i44.6494. PubMed PMID: 23197897;
    PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3508646.
  • 32: Chronic Pancreatitis German Society of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases
    (DGVS), Hoffmeister A, Mayerle J, Beglinger C, Buechler MW, Bufler P, Dathe K,
    Foelsch UR, Friess H, Izbicki J, Kahl S, Klar E, Keller J, Knoefel WT, Layer P,
    Loehr M, Meier R, Riemann JF, Ruenzi M, Schmid RM, Schreyer A, Tribl B, Werner J,
    Witt H, Moessner J, Lerch MM. [S3-Consensus guidelines on definition, etiology,
    diagnosis and medical, endoscopic and surgical management of chronic pancreatitis
    German Society of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)]. Z Gastroenterol. 2012
    Nov;50(11):1176-224. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1325479. Epub 2012 Nov 13. German.
    PubMed PMID: 23150111.
  • 33: Knoefel WT, Gabor I, Rehders A, Alexander A, Krausch M, Schulte am Esch J,
    Fuerst G, Topp SA. In situ liver transection with portal vein ligation for rapid
    growth of the future liver remnant in two-stage liver resection. Br J Surg. 2013
    Feb;100(3):388-94. doi: 10.1002/bjs.8955. Epub 2012 Nov 2. PubMed PMID: 23124776.
  • 34: Donner MG, Topp SA, Cebula P, Krienen A, Gehrmann T, Sommerfeld A, Reinehr R,
    Macher A, Herebian D, Mayatepek E, Pannen BH, Knoefel WT, Haeussinger D.
    HbG200-mediated preinduction of heme oxygenase-1 improves bile flow and
    ameliorates pericentral downregulation of Bsep and Mrp2 following experimental
    liver ischemia and reperfusion. Biol Chem. 2013 Jan;394(1):97-112. doi:
    10.1515/hsz-2012-0153. PubMed PMID: 23096566.
  • 35: Dhayat S, Sorescu S, Vallboehmer D, Kraus S, Baldus SE, Rehders A, Kroepil F,
    Krieg A, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Prognostic significance of EpCAM-positive
    disseminated tumor cells in rectal cancer patients with stage I disease. Am J
    Surg Pathol. 2012 Dec;36(12):1809-16. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e318265288c. PubMed
    PMID: 23060348.
  • 36: Kroepil F, Fluegen G, Totikov Z, Baldus SE, Vay C, Schauer M, Topp SA, Esch
    JS, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Down-regulation of CDH1 is associated with
    expression of SNAI1 in colorectal adenomas. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e46665. doi:
    10.1371/journal.pone.0046665. Epub 2012 Sep 28. PubMed PMID: 23029563; PubMed
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  • 38: Scherübl H, Faiss S, Jahn HU, Knoefel WT, Liehr RM, Schwertner C, Steinberg
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  • 39: √Ökerstroem T, Crona J, Delgado Verdugo A, Starker LF, Cupisti K, Willenberg
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  • 40: Rehders A, Stoecklein NH, Gueray A, Riediger R, Alexander A, Knoefel WT.
    Vascular invasion in pancreatic cancer: tumor biology or tumor topography?
    Surgery. 2012 Sep;152(3 Suppl 1):S143-51. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2012.05.012. Epub
    2012 Jul 3. PubMed PMID: 22766363.
  • 41: Lachenmayer A, Cupisti K, Wolf A, Raffel A, Schott M, Willenberg HS,
    Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. Trends in adrenal surgery: institutional review of
    528 consecutive adrenalectomies. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Oct;397(7):1099-107.
    doi: 10.1007/s00423-012-0973-1. Epub 2012 Jun 22. PubMed PMID: 22722636.
  • 42: Lehwald N, Tao GZ, Jang KY, Papandreou I, Liu B, Liu B, Pysz MA, Willmann JK,
    Knoefel WT, Denko NC, Sylvester KG. β-Catenin regulates hepatic mitochondrial
    function and energy balance in mice. Gastroenterology. 2012 Sep;143(3):754-64.
    doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2012.05.048. Epub 2012 Jun 7. PubMed PMID: 22684045.
  • 43: Schauer MC, Stoecklein NH, Theisen J, Kroepil F, Baldus S, Hoelscher A, Feith
    M, Boelke E, Matuschek C, Budach W, Knoefel WT. The simultaneous expression of
    both ephrin B3 receptor and E-cadherin in Barrett`s adenocarcinoma is associated
    with favorable clinical staging. Eur J Med Res. 2012 May 14;17:10. doi:
    10.1186/2047-783X-17-10. PubMed PMID: 22583970; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3471084.
  • 44: Alexander A, Rehders A, Riediger R, Schmitt M, Anlauf M, Knoefel WT. Advanced
    Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Complete Histological Response After Palliative
    Therapy with Gemcitabine and Cisplatin. J Gastrointest Cancer. 2012 Apr 12. [Epub
    ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22528322.
  • 45: Vallboehmer D, Knoefel WT. Duodenal gastrointestinal stroma tumours:
    difficulties of an individualized risk assessment and controversies in surgical
    therapy. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2012 Aug;27(8):1129-30. doi:
    10.1007/s00384-012-1453-3. Epub 2012 Apr 20. PubMed PMID: 22526753.
  • 46: Luebke AM, Baudis M, Matthaei H, Vashist YK, Verde PE, Hosch SB, Erbersdobler
    A, Klein CA, Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Losses at chromosome 4q are
    associated with poor survival in operable ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
    Pancreatology. 2012 Jan-Feb;12(1):16-22. doi: 10.1016/j.pan.2011.11.001. Epub
    2011 Nov 20. PubMed PMID: 22487468.
  • 47: Schulte KM, Gill AJ, Barczynski M, Karakas E, Miyauchi A, Knoefel WT,
    Lombardi CP, Talat N, Diaz-Cano S, Grant CS. Classification of parathyroid
    cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Aug;19(8):2620-8. doi: 10.1245/s10434-012-2306-6.
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  • 48: Mulla MG, Knoefel WT, Gilbert J, McGregor A, Schulte KM. Lateral cervical
    lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid cancer: a systematic review of
    imaging-guided and prophylactic removal of the lateral compartment. Clin
    Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Jul;77(1):126-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04336.x.
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  • 49: am Esch JS, Schmelzle M, Fuerst G, Robson SC, Krieg A, Duhme C, Tustas RY,
    Alexander A, Klein HM, Topp SA, Bode JG, Haeussinger D, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel
    WT. Infusion of CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells after selective portal vein
    embolization enhances functional hepatic reserves after extended right
    hepatectomy: a retrospective single-center study. Ann Surg. 2012
    Jan;255(1):79-85. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31823d7d08. PubMed PMID: 22156926.
  • 50: Krausch M, Raffel A, Anlauf M, Baldus SE, Lehwald N, Cupisti K, Eisenberger
    CF, Knoefel WT. Coincidence of mature cystic teratoma and serotonin-producing
    neuroendocrine tumor of the ileum. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Nov;43(12):872-6. doi:
    10.1055/s-0031-1291304. Epub 2011 Nov 21. PubMed PMID: 22105478.
  • 51: Krausch M, Raffel A, Anlauf M, Schott M, Willenberg H, Lehwald N, Hafner D,
    Cupisti K, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. Loss of PTEN expression in neuroendocrine
    pancreatic tumors. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Nov;43(12):865-71. doi:
    10.1055/s-0031-1291333. Epub 2011 Nov 21. PubMed PMID: 22105477.
  • 52: Raffel A, Krausch M, Roushan K, Anlauf M, Henopp T, Hafner D, Lehwald N,
    Kroepil F, Schott M, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Global histone
    modification pattern predicts poor prognosis in organic hyperinsulinism. Horm
    Metab Res. 2011 Nov;43(12):858-64. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1291271. Epub 2011 Nov 21.
    PubMed PMID: 22105476.
  • 53: Knoefel WT, Alexander A, Tustas RY, Schmelzle M, Klein HM, Krieg A, Topp SA,
    Eisenberger CF, Fuerst G, Schulte am Esch J 2nd. [Stem cell-induced liver
    regeneration]. Zentralbl Chir. 2013 Apr;138(2):166-72. doi:
    10.1055/s-0031-1271587. Epub 2011 Nov 15. German. PubMed PMID: 22086774.
  • 54: Matuschek C, Rudoy M, Peiper M, Gerber PA, Hoff NP, Buhren BA, Flehmig B,
    Budach W, Knoefel WT, Bojar H, Prisack HB, Steinbach G, Shukla V, Schwarz A,
    Kammers K, Erhardt A, Scherer A, Boelke E, Schauer M. Do insulin-like growth
    factor associated proteins qualify as a tumor marker? Results of a prospective
    study in 163 cancer patients. Eur J Med Res. 2011 Oct 10;16(10):451-6. PubMed
    PMID: 22024424; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3400976.
  • 55: Matuschek C, Boelke E, Zahra T, Knoefel WT, Peiper M, Budach W, Erhardt A,
    Scherer A, Baldus SE, Gerber PA, Buhren BA, Schauer M, Hoff NP, Gattermann N,
    Orth K. Trimodal therapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Eur J Med
    Res. 2011 Oct 10;16(10):437-44. PubMed PMID: 22024422; PubMed Central PMCID:
  • 56: Boelke E, Peiper M, Knoefel WT, Baldus SE, Schauer M, Matuschek C, Gerber PA,
    Hoff NP, Budach W, Gattermann N, Erhardt A, Scherer A, Buhren BA, Orth K.
    [Multimodal therapy in locally advanced gastric cancer]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr.
    2011 Oct;136(43):2205-11. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1292034. Epub 2011 Oct 18. Review.
    German. PubMed PMID: 22009175.
  • 57: Nestle-Kraemling C, Boelke E, Budach W, Peiper M, Niederacher D, Janni W,
    Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Scherer A, Baldus SE, Lammering G, Gerber PA,
    Matuschek C. [Hemangiosarcoma after breast-conserving therapy of breast cancer:
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    2011 Aug 16. Review. German. PubMed PMID: 21858416.
  • 58: Schauer M, Knoefel WT, Friess H, Theisen J. The amount of neoadjuvant
    chemotherapy for Barrett’s carcinoma does not correlate with long-term survival.
    J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Oct;15(10):1750-5. doi: 10.1007/s11605-011-1623-6. Epub
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  • 59: Matuschek C, Boelke E, Peiper M, Knoefel WT, Budach W, Erhardt A, Scherer A,
    Gerber PA, Buhren BA, Gattermann N, Baldus SE, Rusnak E, Shukla V, Orth K. The
    role of neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment for adenocarcinoma of the upper
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  • 60: Peiper M, Matthaei H, Boelke E, Zurakowski D, Orth K, Heinecke A, Knoefel WT.
    Compartmental resection for subfascial extremity soft tissue sarcoma and quality
    of life in long-term survivors. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011 Aug;123(15-16):488-95.
    doi: 10.1007/s00508-011-1592-5. Epub 2011 Jul 12. PubMed PMID: 21739209.
  • 61: Lehwald N, Tao GZ, Jang KY, Sorkin M, Knoefel WT, Sylvester KG. Wnt-Œ≤-
    cateninsignaling protects against hepatic ischemia and reperfusion injury in mice.
    Gastroenterology. 2011 Aug;141(2):707-18, 718.e1-5. doi:
    10.1053/j.gastro.2011.04.051. Epub 2011 May 4. PubMed PMID: 21679710.
  • 62: Erhardt A, Zhu E, Blondin D, Kubitz R, Knoefel WT, Moedder U, Haeussinger D.
    [Increasing number and improved survival of patients with hepatocellular
    carcinoma from 1988 to 2007: data of a German university clinic]. Z
    Gastroenterol. 2011 Jun;49(6):720-7. doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1246060. Epub 2011 Jun
    1. German. PubMed PMID: 21638238.
  • 63: Schott M, Kloeppel G, Raffel A, Saleh A, Knoefel WT, Scherbaum WA.
    Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011
    May;108(18):305-12. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2011.0305. Epub 2011 May 6. Review.
    PubMed PMID: 21629514; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3103981.
  • 64: Arnold D, Fietkau R, Hegewisch-Becker S, Hoehler T, Knoefel WT, Kubicka S,
    Lang H, Liersch T, Luster M, Oettle H, Reinacher-Schick A, Ridwelski K, Riess H,
    Roedel C, Rueschoff J, Schmiegel W, Schmoll HJ, Vanhoefer U. [Gastrointestinal
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    3:1-31. doi: 10.1159/000328047. Epub 2011 Apr 27. German. PubMed PMID: 21577036.
  • 65: Knoefel WT, Raffel A. [Resection of metastases in neuroendocrine tumors:
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    Epub 2011 Apr 26. German. PubMed PMID: 21523641.
  • 66: Anlauf M, Gerlach P, Schott M, Raffel A, Krausch M, Knoefel WT, Pavel M,
    Kloeppel G. [Pathology of neuroendocrine neoplasms]. Chirurg. 2011
    Jul;82(7):567-73. doi: 10.1007/s00104-011-2067-y. Review. German. PubMed PMID:
  • 67: Twarock S, Freudenberger T, Poscher E, Dai G, Jannasch K, Dullin C, Alves F,
    Prenzel K, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH, Savani RC, Homey B, Fischer JW. Inhibition
    of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma progression by in vivo targeting of
    hyaluronan synthesis. Mol Cancer. 2011 Mar 23;10:30. doi:
    10.1186/1476-4598-10-30. PubMed PMID: 21429221; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3078897.
  • 68: Schauer M, Peiper M, Theisen J, Knoefel W. Prognostic factors in patients
    with diffuse type gastric cancer (linitis plastica) after operative treatment.
    Eur J Med Res. 2011 Jan 27;16(1):29-33. PubMed PMID: 21345767; PubMed Central
    PMCID: PMC3351946.
  • 69: Fleischmann F, Matuschek C, Orth K, Gerber PA, Mota R, Knoefel WT, Peiper M,
    Schick M, van Griensven M, Boelke E, Fleischmann W. Aprotinin and classic wound
    drainage are unnecessary in total hip replacement – a prospective randomized
    trial. Eur J Med Res. 2011 Jan 27;16(1):20-8. PubMed PMID: 21345766; PubMed
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  • 70: Schmelzle M, Peterschulte G, Matthaei H, Schulte Am Esch J 2nd, Peiper M,
    Rehders A, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. [Necrotising inflammations of the lower
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    Feb;136(1):82-3. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1262685. Epub 2011 Jan 24. German. PubMed
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  • 71: Herzog T, Lemmens HP, Arlt G, Raakow R, Weimann A, Pascher A, Knoefel WT,
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    choline citrate–results of a prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled,
    double-blind multicentre trial. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2011 May;26(5):645-52. doi:
    10.1007/s00384-010-1092-5. Epub 2011 Jan 15. PubMed PMID: 21234579.
  • 72: Schmelzle M, Dizdar L, Matthaei H, Baldus SE, Wolters J, Lindenlauf N, Bruns
    I, Cadeddu RP, Kroepil F, Topp SA, Schulte am Esch J 2nd, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel
    WT, Stoecklein NH. Esophageal cancer proliferation is mediated by cytochrome P450
    2C9 (CYP2C9). Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2011 Feb;94(1-2):25-33. doi:
    10.1016/j.prostaglandins.2010.12.001. Epub 2010 Dec 15. PubMed PMID: 21167292.
  • 73: Lehwald N, Cupisti K, Baldus SE, Kroepil P, Schulte Am Esch J 2nd, Eisenberger
    CF, Knoefel WT. Unusual histological findings after partial
    pancreaticoduodenectomy including benign multicystic mesothelioma, adenomyoma of
    the ampulla of Vater, and undifferentiated carcinoma, sarcomatoid variant: a case
    series. J Med Case Rep. 2010 Dec 10;4:402. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-4-402. PubMed
    PMID: 21143956; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3016302.
  • 74: Schauer MC, Holzmann B, Peiper M, Friess H, Knoefel WT, Theisen J.
    Interleukin-10 and -12 predict chemotherapy-associated toxicity in esophageal
    adenocarcinoma. J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Nov;5(11):1849-54. doi:
    10.1097/JTO.0b013e3181f19028. PubMed PMID: 20881642.
  • 75: Kroepil F, Raffel A, Renter MA, Schauer M, Rehders A, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel
    WT. [Individualised and differentiated treatment of rectovaginal fistula].
    Zentralbl Chir. 2010 Aug;135(4):307-11. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1247475. Epub 2010
    Aug 30. Review. German. PubMed PMID: 20806132.
  • 76: Schmelzle M, Alldinger I, Matthaei H, Aydin F, Wallert I, Eisenberger CF,
    Schulte Am Esch J 2nd, Dizdar L, Topp SA, Yang Q, Knoefel WT. Long-term
    vacuum-assisted closure in open abdomen due to secondary peritonitis: a
    retrospective evaluation of a selected group of patients. Dig Surg.
    2010;27(4):272-8. doi: 10.1159/000314609. Epub 2010 Jul 22. PubMed PMID:
  • 77: Erlic Z, Ploeckinger U, Cascon A, Hoffmann MM, von Duecker L, Winter A,
    Kammel G, Bacher J, Sullivan M, Isermann B, Fischer L, Raffel A, Knoefel WT,
    Schott M, Baumann T, Schaefer O, Keck T, Baum RP, Milos I, Muresan M, Peczkowska
    M, Januszewicz A, Cupisti K, Toenjes A, Fasshauer M, Langrehr J, von Wussow P,
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    Cancer. 2010 Oct 5;17(4):875-83. doi: 10.1677/ERC-10-0037. Print 2010 Dec. PubMed
    PMID: 20660572.
  • 78: Esch JS, Jurk K, Knoefel WT, Roeder G, Voss H, Tustas RY, Schmelzle M, Krieg
    A, Eisenberger CF, Topp S, Rogiers X, Fischer L, Aken HV, Kehrel BE. Platelet
    activation and increased tissue factor expression on monocytes in reperfusion
    injury following orthotopic liver transplantation. Platelets. 2010;21(5):348-59.
    doi: 10.3109/09537101003739897. PubMed PMID: 20569187.
  • 79: Schauer M, Knoefel WT. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in Barrett’s carcinoma –
    prognosis and response prediction. Anticancer Res. 2010 Apr;30(4):1065-70.
    Review. PubMed PMID: 20530410.
  • 80: Balas M, Zosin I, Maser-Gluth C, Hermsen D, Cupisti K, Schott M, Schinner S,
    Knoefel WT, Scherbaum WA, Willenberg HS. Indicators of mineralocorticoid excess
    in the evaluation of primary aldosteronism. Hypertens Res. 2010 Aug;33(8):850-6.
    doi: 10.1038/hr.2010.76. Epub 2010 Jun 3. PubMed PMID: 20520614.
  • 81: Fietkau R, Heinemann V, Oettle H, Knoefel WT, Tannapfel A. [New data on
    pancreatic cancer]. Onkologie. 2010;33 Suppl 4:31-5. doi: 10.1159/000308453. Epub
    2010 Apr 23. Review. German. PubMed PMID: 20431311.
  • 82: Arnold D, Schmoll HJ, Lang H, Knoefel WT, Ridwelski K, Trarbach T, Staib L,
    Kirchner T, Geissler M, Seufferlein T, Amthauer H, Riess H, Schlitt HJ, Piso P.
    [Specific treatment situations in metastatic colorectal cancer]. Onkologie.
    2010;33 Suppl 4:8-18. doi: 10.1159/000308447. Epub 2010 Apr 23. Review. German.
    PubMed PMID: 20431307.
  • 83: Rehders A, Stoecklein NH, Aydin F, Alexander A, Baldus SE, Knoefel WT.
    Immunohistochemical detection of hepatic CEA+ cells: hepatic tumor cell
    dissemination in colorectal cancer patients–limits of surgery? Cancer Invest.
    2010 May;28(4):381-6. doi: 10.3109/07357900903287014. PubMed PMID: 20370424.
  • 84: Fritscher-Ravens A, Cuming T, Eisenberger CF, Ghadimi M, Nilges A, Meybohm P,
    Schiffmann S, Jacobsen B, Seehusen F, Niemann H, Knoefel WT. Randomized
    comparative long-term survival study of endoscopic and thoracoscopic esophageal
    wall repair after NOTES mediastinoscopy in healthy and compromised animals.
    Endoscopy. 2010 Jun;42(6):468-74. doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1244019. Epub 2010 Mar 23.
    PubMed PMID: 20333608.
  • 85: Schulte am Esch J 2nd, Akyildiz A, Tustas RY, Ganschow R, Schmelzle M, Krieg
    A, Robson SC, Topp SA, Rogiers X, Knoefel WT, Fischer L. ADP-dependent platelet
    function prior to and in the early course of pediatric liver transplantation and
    persisting thrombocytopenia are positively correlated with ischemia/reperfusion
    injury. Transpl Int. 2010 Jul;23(7):745-52. doi:
    10.1111/j.1432-2277.2010.01054.x. Epub 2010 Feb 3. PubMed PMID: 20136783.
  • 86: Raffel A, Eisenberger CF, Cupisti K, Schott M, Baldus SE, Hoffmann I, Aydin
    F, Knoefel WT, Stoecklein NH. Increased EpCAM expression in malignant insulinoma:
    potential clinical implications. Eur J Endocrinol. 2010 Feb;162(2):391-8. doi:
    10.1530/EJE-08-0916. PubMed PMID: 20097833.
  • 87: Schmelzle M, Matthaei H, Lehwald N, Raffel A, Tustas RY, Pomjanski N,
    Reinecke P, Schmitt M, Schulte Am Esch J, Knoefel WT, Eisenberger CF.
    Extrahepatic intraductal ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma: bile duct filling
    defect. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2009 Dec;8(6):650-2. PubMed PMID:
  • 88: Schmelzle M, Eisenberger CF, am Esch JS 2nd, Matthaei H, Krausch M, Knoefel
    WT. Non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine, and non-sarcoma metastases of the liver:
    resection as a promising tool in the palliative management. Langenbecks Arch
    Surg. 2010 Mar;395(3):227-34. doi: 10.1007/s00423-009-0580-y. Epub 2009 Dec 9.
    PubMed PMID: 19998042.
  • 89: Krieg A, Vogt C, Ramp U, Poll LW, Brinkmann MJ, Boelke E, Knoefel WT, Peiper
    M. Combined esophageal injury complicated by progression to a second perforation:
    a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2009 Sep 11;3:9213. doi: 10.4076/1752-1947-3-9213.
    PubMed PMID: 19918291; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2767153.
  • 90: Rehders A, Stoecklein NH, Poremba C, Alexander A, Knoefel WT, Peiper M.
    Reexcision of soft tissue sarcoma: sufficient local control but increased rate of
    metastasis. World J Surg. 2009 Dec;33(12):2599-605. doi:
    10.1007/s00268-009-0262-5. Erratum in: World J Surg. 2010 Aug;34(8):1991. PubMed
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  • 91: Boelke E, Gerber PA, Peiper M, Knoefel WT, Cohnen M, Matuschek C, Budach W,
    Engers R, Gripp S. Leser-Trelat sign presenting in a patient with ovarian cancer:
    a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2009 Jul 23;3:8583. doi: 10.4076/1752-1947-3-8583.
    PubMed PMID: 19830233; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2737766.
  • 92: Aydin F, Eisenberger CF, Raffel A, Rehders A, Hosch SB, Knoefel WT. Recurrent
    Fistula between Ileal Pouch and Vagina-Successful Treatment with a Gracilis
    Muscle Flap. Case Rep Med. 2009;2009:676392. doi: 10.1155/2009/676392. Epub 2009
    Jun 14. PubMed PMID: 19718250; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2729290.
  • 93: Krieg A, Correa RG, Garrison JB, Le Negrate G, Welsh K, Huang Z, Knoefel WT,
    Reed JC. XIAP mediates NOD signaling via interaction with RIP2. Proc Natl Acad
    Sci U S A. 2009 Aug 25;106(34):14524-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0907131106. Epub 2009
    Aug 10. PubMed PMID: 19667203; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2732880.
  • 94: Keitel V, Cupisti K, Ullmer C, Knoefel WT, Kubitz R, Haeussinger D. The
    membrane-bound bile acid receptor TGR5 is localized in the epithelium of human
    gallbladders. Hepatology. 2009 Sep;50(3):861-70. doi: 10.1002/hep.23032. PubMed
    PMID: 19582812.
  • 95: Alexander A, Rehders A, Raffel A, Poremba C, Knoefel WT, Eisenberger CF.
    Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava: radical surgery and vascular
    reconstruction. World J Surg Oncol. 2009 Jun 26;7:56. doi:
    10.1186/1477-7819-7-56. PubMed PMID: 19558690; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2710329.
  • 96: Roedel C, Knoefel WT, Schlitt HJ, Staib L, Hoehler T. [Neoadjuvant and surgical
    treatment for rectal cancer]. Onkologie. 2009;32 Suppl 2:17-20. doi:
    10.1159/000213485. Epub 2009 Jun 22. Review. German. PubMed PMID: 19546598.
  • 97: Lachenmayer A, Yang Q, Eisenberger CF, Boelke E, Poremba C, Heinecke A,
    Ohmann C, Knoefel WT, Peiper M. Superficial soft tissue sarcomas of the
    extremities and trunk. World J Surg. 2009 Aug;33(8):1641-9. doi:
    10.1007/s00268-009-0051-1. PubMed PMID: 19430830.
  • 98: Matthaei H, Krieg A, Schmelzle M, Boelke E, Poremba C, Rogiers X, Knoefel WT,
    Peiper M. Long-term survival after surgery for primary hepatic sarcoma in adults.
    Arch Surg. 2009 Apr;144(4):339-44; discussion 344. doi: 10.1001/archsurg.2009.30.
    PubMed PMID: 19380647.
  • 99: Stockschlaeder M, Ruf L, Linderer A, Schroeder T, Knoefel WT, Haas R, Giers G,
    Gerhardt A, Sucker C, Zotz RB, Scharf RE. Induction of tolerance after combined
    immunosuppression and -adsorption in two patients with acquired haemophilia after
    severe haemorrhages controlled by sequential administration of rFVIIa and FEIBA.
    Thromb Haemost. 2009 Mar;101(3):586-90. PubMed PMID: 19277426.
  • 100: Krieg A, Roehrborn A, Schulte Am Esch J, Schubert D, Poll LW, Ohmann C,
    Braunstein S, Knoefel WT. Necrotizing fasciitis: microbiological characteristics
    and predictors of postoperative outcome. Eur J Med Res. 2009 Jan 28;14(1):30-6.
    PubMed PMID: 19258208; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3352202.
  • 101: Namdar T, Raffel A, Topp SA, am Esch JS, Fuerst G, Knoefel WT, Eisenberger
    CF. Intrahepatic cholestasis without jaundice. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int.
    2009 Feb;8(1):103-5. PubMed PMID: 19208525.
  • 102: Moehler M, Ridwelski K, Karthaus M, Staib L, Knoefel WT, Kneba M, Schlitt
    HJ, Arnold D, Tannapfel A, Reinacher-Schick A, Piso P. [Treatment of
    nonresectable liver metastases]. Onkologie. 2008;31 Suppl 5:14-8. doi:
    10.1159/000163068. Epub 2008 Nov 14. Review. German. PubMed PMID: 19033699.
  • 103: Schlitt HJ, Arnold D, Knoefel WT, Ridwelski K, Moehler M, Tannapfel A,
    Reinacher-Schick A. [Surgical and perioperative therapy of liver metastases].
    Onkologie. 2008;31 Suppl 5:9-13. doi: 10.1159/000163067. Epub 2008 Nov 14.
    Review. German. PubMed PMID: 19033698.
  • 104: Schmelzle M, Matthaei H, Tustas RY, Schmitt M, Mueller-Mattheis V, Linhart W,
    Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Esch JS 2nd. Abdominal perforation after rupture of a
    diamond-studded wire: a case report. Cases J. 2008 Nov 13;1(1):307. doi:
    10.1186/1757-1626-1-307. PubMed PMID: 19014528; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2596791.
  • 105: Anlauf M, Bauersfeld J, Raffel A, Koch CA, Henopp T, Alkatout I, Schmitt A,
    Weber A, Kruse ML, Braunstein S, Kaserer K, Brauckhoff M, Dralle H, Moch H, Heitz
    PU, Komminoth P, Knoefel WT, Perren A, Kloeppel G. Insulinomatosis: a multicentric
    insulinoma disease that frequently causes early recurrent hyperinsulinemic
    hypoglycemia. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 Mar;33(3):339-46. doi:
    10.1097/PAS.0b013e3181874eca. PubMed PMID: 19011561.
  • 106: Rehders A, Peiper M, Stoecklein NH, Alexander A, Boelke E, Knoefel WT,
    Rogiers X. Hepatic metastasectomy for soft-tissue sarcomas: is it justified?
    World J Surg. 2009 Jan;33(1):111-7. doi: 10.1007/s00268-008-9777-4. PubMed PMID:
  • 107: Cupisti K, Ramp U, Raffel A, Krausch M, Rehders A, Knoefel WT. Multiple
    giant scalp metastases of a follicular thyroid carcinoma. World J Surg Oncol.
    2008 Aug 11;6:82. doi: 10.1186/1477-7819-6-82. PubMed PMID: 18694518; PubMed
    Central PMCID: PMC2533320.
  • 108: Scheunemann P, Stoecklein NH, Hermann K, Rehders A, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel
    WT, Hosch SB. Occult disseminated tumor cells in lymph nodes of patients with
    gastric carcinoma. A critical appraisal of assessment and relevance. Langenbecks
    Arch Surg. 2009 Jan;394(1):105-13. doi: 10.1007/s00423-008-0369-4. Epub 2008 Jul
    15. PubMed PMID: 18626657.
  • 109: Krieg A, Esch JS 2nd, Poll LW, Braunstein S, Knoefel WT. Mucinous
    cystadenoma of the appendix misdiagnosed as cystic hydatid disease of the liver:
    a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2008 Jun 25;2:218. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-2-218.
    PubMed PMID: 18578871; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2478665.
  • 110: Matthaei H, Boelke E, Schmelzle M, Budach W, Orth K, Engers R, Cohnen M,
    Matuschek C, Gripp S, Knoefel WT, Peiper M. Modern therapy of rectal carcinoma.
    Eur J Med Res. 2008 Apr 30;13(4):139-46. Review. PubMed PMID: 18504168.
  • 111: Stoecklein NH, Hosch SB, Bezler M, Stern F, Hartmann CH, Vay C, Siegmund A,
    Scheunemann P, Schurr P, Knoefel WT, Verde PE, Reichelt U, Erbersdobler A, Grau
    R, Ullrich A, Izbicki JR, Klein CA. Direct genetic analysis of single
    disseminated cancer cells for prediction of outcome and therapy selection in
    esophageal cancer. Cancer Cell. 2008 May;13(5):441-53. doi:
    10.1016/j.ccr.2008.04.005. PubMed PMID: 18455127.
  • 112: Lehwald N, Cupisti K, Willenberg HS, Schott M, Krausch M, Raffel A, Wolf A,
    Brinkmann K, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. Standard-radical vs. function-preserving
    surgery of benign nodular goiter: a sonographic and biochemical 10-year follow-up
    study. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2009 Mar;394(2):279-83. doi:
    10.1007/s00423-008-0328-0. Epub 2008 Apr 9. PubMed PMID: 18398621.
  • 113: Topp SA, Krieg A, Koch A, Tidden CM, Ramp U, Hohlfeld T, Macher A, Schulte
    am Esch J 2nd, Eisenberger CF, Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT. Hemoglobin-glutamer 200
    reduces reperfusion injury of the cold preserved rat liver by induction of heme
    oxygenase-1. J Surg Res. 2008 Dec;150(2):243-54. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2008.02.033.
    Epub 2008 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 18395753.
  • 114: Pippirs U, Kruse R, Bruch-Gerharz D, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Schulte KW.
    [Acne inversa with arm plexus involvement]. Hautarzt. 2008 Apr;59(4):278-80. doi:
    10.1007/s00105-008-1520-4. German. PubMed PMID: 18338142.
  • 115: Scheunemann P, Stoecklein NH, Rehders A, Bidde M, Metz S, Peiper M,
    Eisenberger C, Schulte Am Esch J, Knoefel WT, Hosch SB. Frequency and prognostic
    significance of occult tumor cells in lymph nodes in patients with adenocarcinoma
    of the papilla of Vater. HPB (Oxford). 2007;9(2):135-9. doi:
    10.1080/13651820601090646. PubMed PMID: 18333129; PubMed Central PMCID:
  • 116: Garbrecht N, Anlauf M, Schmitt A, Henopp T, Sipos B, Raffel A, Eisenberger
    CF, Knoefel WT, Pavel M, Fottner C, Musholt TJ, Rinke A, Arnold R, Berndt U,
    Ploeckinger U, Wiedenmann B, Moch H, Heitz PU, Komminoth P, Perren A, Kloeppel G.
    Somatostatin-producing neuroendocrine tumors of the duodenum and pancreas:
    incidence, types, biological behavior, association with inherited syndromes, and
    functional activity. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2008 Mar;15(1):229-41. doi:
    10.1677/ERC-07-0157. PubMed PMID: 18310290.
  • 117: Rehders A, Cupisti K, Schmitt M, Renter MA, Kroepil P, Iskender O, Knoefel
    WT. Laparotomy enables retrograde dilatation and stent placement for malignant
    esophago-respiratory fistula. World J Surg Oncol. 2008 Jan 26;6:8. doi:
    10.1186/1477-7819-6-8. PubMed PMID: 18221555; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2267468.
  • 118: Lingohr P, Knoefel WT, Kleimann E, Rheinwalt KP. [Laparoscopic coincidental
    finding in a case of incomplete ileus: adenocarcinoma of the small intestine as
    first manifestation of Crohn’s disease]. Zentralbl Chir. 2007 Dec;132(6):564-8.
    German. PubMed PMID: 18098087.
  • 119: Kloeppel G, Anlauf M, Raffel A, Perren A, Knoefel WT. Adult diffuse
    nesidioblastosis: genetically or environmentally induced? Hum Pathol. 2008
    Jan;39(1):3-8. Review. PubMed PMID: 18070631.
  • 120: Matthaei H, Boelke E, Eisenberger CF, Alldinger I, Krieg A, Schmelzle M,
    Poremba C, Schellhammer F, Knoefel WT, Budach W, Peiper M. Interdisciplinary
    treatment of primary hepatic angiosarcoma: emergency tumor embolization followed
    by elective surgery. Eur J Med Res. 2007 Dec 14;12(12):591-4. PubMed PMID:
  • 121: Cupisti K, Wolf A, Raffel A, Schott M, Miersch D, Yang Q, Eisenberger CF,
    Roeher HD, Knoefel WT. Long-term clinical and biochemical follow-up in medullary
    thyroid carcinoma: a single institution’s experience over 20 years. Ann Surg.
    2007 Nov;246(5):815-21. PubMed PMID: 17968174.
  • 122: Schellhammer F, am Esch JS, Hammerschlag S, Knoefel WT, Fuerst G. Surgical
    access to jejunal veins for local thrombolysis and stent placement in portal vein
    thrombosis. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2008 Jul;31 Suppl 2:S185-7. Epub 2007
    Oct 10. PubMed PMID: 17926089.
  • 123: Namdar T, Raffel AM, Topp SA, Namdar L, Alldinger I, Schmitt M, Knoefel WT,
    Eisenberger CF. Complications and treatment of migrated biliary endoprostheses: a
    review of the literature. World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Oct 28;13(40):5397-9.
    Review. PubMed PMID: 17879415.
  • 124: Alldinger I, Tsamaloukas AG, Germing U, Hosch SB, Knoefel WT. Complete
    remission of a metastatic pancreatic carcinoma after modified G-FLIP therapy.
    Chemotherapy. 2007;53(5):356-9. Epub 2007 Sep 3. PubMed PMID: 17785972.
  • 125: Scheunemann P, Stoecklein NH, Rehders A, Bidde M, Metz S, Peiper M,
    Eisenberger CF, Schulte Am Esch J, Knoefel WT, Hosch SB. Occult tumor cells in
    lymph nodes as a predictor for tumor relapse in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
    Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2008 May;393(3):359-65. Epub 2007 Aug 18. PubMed PMID:
  • 126: Alldinger I, Yang Q, Gocht A, Raffel A, Knoefel WT, Peiper M. Prognosis and
    treatment of primary deep soft tissue sarcomas. Anticancer Res. 2007
    Jul-Aug;27(4C):2759-64. PubMed PMID: 17695444.
  • 127: Lehwald N, Krausch M, Franke C, Assmann B, Adam R, Knoefel WT. Sandifer
    syndrome–a multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Eur J Pediatr
    Surg. 2007 Jun;17(3):203-6. PubMed PMID: 17638161.
  • 128: Alldinger I, Schaefer KL, Goedde D, Ottaviano L, Dirksen U, Ranft A,
    Juergens H, Gabbert HE, Knoefel WT, Poremba C. Microsatellite instability in
    Ewing tumor is not associated with loss of mismatch repair protein expression. J
    Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2007 Oct;133(10):749-59. Epub 2007 May 25. PubMed PMID:
  • 129: Peiper M, Boelke E, Orth K, Hosch SB, Rehders A, Matthaei H, Knoefel WT.
    Current status of radical systematic lymphadenectomy in pancreatic cancer–a
    review of the literature. Eur J Med Res. 2007 Feb 26;12(2):47-53. Review. PubMed
    PMID: 17369117.
  • 130: Fuerst G, Schulte am Esch J, Poll LW, Hosch SB, Fritz LB, Klein M, Godehardt
    E, Krieg A, Wecker B, Stoldt V, Stockschlaeder M, Eisenberger CF, Moedder U,
    Knoefel WT. Portal vein embolization and autologous CD133+ bone marrow stem cells
    for liver regeneration: initial experience. Radiology. 2007 Apr;243(1):171-9.
    Epub 2007 Feb 20. PubMed PMID: 17312278.
  • 131: Schott M, Willenberg HS, Sagert C, Nguyen TB, Schinner S, Cohnen M, Cupisti
    K, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Scherbaum WA. Identification of occult metastases
    of medullary thyroid carcinoma by pentagastrin-stimulated intravenous calcitonin
    sampling followed by targeted surgery. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007
    Mar;66(3):405-9. PubMed PMID: 17302876; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1859979.
  • 132: Raffel A, Krausch M M, Anlauf M, Wieben D, Braunstein S, Kloeppel G, Roeher
    HD, Knoefel WT. Diffuse nesidioblastosis as a cause of hyperinsulinemic
    hypoglycemia in adults: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Surgery. 2007
    Feb;141(2):179-84; discussion 185-6. PubMed PMID: 17263973.
  • 133: Knoefel WT. The peritonitis dilemma: better safe than sorry or wait for the
    cat to jump? Crit Care Med. 2007 Feb;35(2):648-9. PubMed PMID: 17251715.
  • 134: Rehders A, Hosch SB, Scheunemann P, Stoecklein NH, Knoefel WT, Peiper M.
    Benefit of surgical treatment of lung metastasis in soft tissue sarcoma. Arch
    Surg. 2007 Jan;142(1):70-5; discission 76. PubMed PMID: 17224503.
  • 135: Perren A, Anlauf M, Henopp T, Rudolph T, Schmitt A, Raffel A, Gimm O, Weihe
    E, Knoefel WT, Dralle H, Heitz PU, Komminoth P, Kloeppel G. Multiple endocrine
    neoplasia type 1 (MEN1): loss of one MEN1 allele in tumors and monohormonal
    endocrine cell clusters but not in islet hyperplasia of the pancreas. J Clin
    Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Mar;92(3):1118-28. Epub 2006 Dec 19. PubMed PMID:
  • 136: Krieg A, Schulte Am Esch J, Schmelzle M, Tustas R, El-Karmi A, Hosch S,
    Knoefel WT. Stem cell factor levels do increase in patients subsequent to
    hepatectomy with the extent of parenchymal loss. Transplant Proc. 2006
    Dec;38(10):3556-8. PubMed PMID: 17175329.
  • 137: Anlauf M, Perren A, Henopp T, Rudolf T, Garbrecht N, Schmitt A, Raffel A,
    Gimm O, Weihe E, Knoefel WT, Dralle H, Heitz PU, Komminoth P, Kloeppel G. Allelic
    deletion of the MEN1 gene in duodenal gastrin and somatostatin cell neoplasms and
    their precursor lesions. Gut. 2007 May;56(5):637-44. Epub 2006 Nov 29. PubMed
    PMID: 17135306; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1942169.
  • 138: Raffel A, Anlauf M, Hosch SB, Krausch M, Henopp T, Bauersfeld J, Klofat R,
    Bach D, Eisenberger CF, Kloppel G, Knoefel WT. Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia due
    to adult nesidioblastosis in insulin-dependent diabetes. World J Gastroenterol.
    2006 Nov 28;12(44):7221-4. PubMed PMID: 17131493.
  • 139: Anlauf M, Garbrecht N, Henopp T, Schmitt A, Schlenger R, Raffel A, Krausch
    M, Gimm O, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Dralle H, Komminoth P, Heitz PU, Perren A,
    Kloeppel G. Sporadic versus hereditary gastrinomas of the duodenum and pancreas:
    distinct clinico-pathological and epidemiological features. World J
    Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep 14;12(34):5440-6. Review. PubMed PMID: 17006979.
  • 140: Krieg A, Schulte am Esch J 2nd, Ramp U, Hosch SB, Knoefel WT, Gabbert HE,
    Mahotka C. TRAIL-R4-beta: a new splice variant of TRAIL-receptor 4 lacking the
    cysteine rich domain 1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Oct 13;349(1):115-21.
    Epub 2006 Aug 14. PubMed PMID: 16934748.
  • 141: Weismann D, Fassnacht M, Weinberger F, Hamelmann W, Diehl S, Lorenz K,
    Baerlehner E, Reincke M, Beuschlein F, Knoefel W, Nies C, Hahner S, Allolio B.
    Intraoperative haemodynamic stability in patients with
    phaeochromocytoma–minimally invasive vs conventional open surgery. Clin
    Endocrinol (Oxf). 2006 Sep;65(3):352-8. PubMed PMID: 16918955.
  • 142: Stoecklein NH, Siegmund A, Scheunemann P, Luebke AM, Erbersdobler A, Verde
    PE, Eisenberger CF, Peiper M, Rehders A, Esch JS, Knoefel WT, Hosch SB. Ep-CAM
    expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus: a potential therapeutic
    target and prognostic marker. BMC Cancer. 2006 Jun 23;6:165. PubMed PMID:
    16796747; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1523209.
  • 144: Schommartz B, Cupisti K, Antke C, Schmidt D, Knoefel WT, Mueller HW.
    [Localisation of parathyroid glands using planar (99m)Tc-sestamibi scintigraphy.
    Comparison between subtraction- and dual-phase technique]. Nuklearmedizin.
    2006;45(3):115-21. German. PubMed PMID: 16710507.
  • 145: Anlauf M, Schlenger R, Perren A, Bauersfeld J, Koch CA, Dralle H, Raffel A,
    Knoefel WT, Weihe E, Ruszniewski P, Couvelard A, Komminoth P, Heitz PU, Kloeppel
    G. Microadenomatosis of the endocrine pancreas in patients with and without the
    multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome. Am J Surg Pathol. 2006
    May;30(5):560-74. PubMed PMID: 16699310.
  • 146: Alldinger I, Yang Q, Pilarsky C, Saeger HD, Knoefel WT, Peiper M.
    Retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas: prognosis and treatment of primary and
    recurrent disease in 117 patients. Anticancer Res. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2B):1577-81.
    PubMed PMID: 16619574.
  • 147: Eisenberger CF, Stoecklein NH, Jazra S, Hosch SB, Peiper M, Scheunemann P,
    Am Esch JS, Knoefel WT. The detection of oesophageal adenocarcinoma by serum
    microsatellite analysis. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2006 Nov;32(9):954-60. Epub 2006 Apr
    3. PubMed PMID: 16584865.
  • 148: Alldinger I, Peiper M, Diallo R, Poll L, Kuendgen A, Germing U, Knoefel WT.
    Primary pancreatic lymphoma–a rare cause of cholestasis leading to surgical
    treatment. Ann Hematol. 2006 Jul;85(7):485-6. Epub 2006 Mar 28. PubMed PMID:
  • 149: Alldinger I, Siebler M, Peiper M, Cupisti K, Rado Y, Kindgen-Milles D,
    Knoefel WT. Episodic respiratory failure due to focal epileptic activity. Eur J
    Med Res. 2006 Feb 21;11(2):90-2. PubMed PMID: 16504967.
  • 150: Knoefel WT, Rehders A. [Gastrointestinal bleeding–concepts of surgical
    therapy in the upper gastrointestinal tract]. Chirurg. 2006 Feb;77(2):126-32.
    Review. German. PubMed PMID: 16411075.
  • 151: Raffel A, Krausch M, Cupisti K, Gerharz CD, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT.
    Ghrelin expression in neuroendocrine tumours of the gastrointestinal tract with
    multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Horm Metab Res. 2005 Oct;37(10):653-5.
    PubMed PMID: 16278790.
  • 152: am Esch JS 2nd, Tustas RY, Robson SC, Hosch SB, Akyildiz A, Broering DC,
    Fischer L, Knoefel WT, Rogiers X. Recipient levels and function of von Willebrand
    factor prior to liver transplantation and its consumption in the course of
    grafting correlate with hepatocellular damage and outcome. Transpl Int. 2005
    Nov;18(11):1258-65. PubMed PMID: 16221156.
  • 153: Raffel A, Cupisti K, Krausch M, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT. [Decision making
    in postoperative incidentally found small C-cell-carcinoma]. Zentralbl Chir. 2005
    Oct;130(5):434-9. German. PubMed PMID: 16220440.
  • 154: Sato T, Peiper M, Fritscher-Ravens A, Gocht A, Soehendra N, Knoefel WT.
    Strategy of treatment of submucosal gastric tumors. Eur J Med Res. 2005 Jul
    29;10(7):292-5. PubMed PMID: 16055400.
  • 155: Wolf A, Willenberg HS, Cupisti K, Schott M, Geddert H, Raffel A, Bornstein
    SR, Scherbaum WA, Knoefel WT. Adrenal pheochromocytoma with contralateral
    cortisol-producing adrenal adenoma: diagnostic and therapeutic management. Horm
    Metab Res. 2005 Jun;37(6):391-5. PubMed PMID: 16001333.
  • 156: Knoefel WT. Caught in the act: observation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils
    for the regulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha release by tumor necrosis
    factor-alpha converting enzyme in patients with secondary peritonitis. Crit Care
    Med. 2005 Jun;33(6):1454-5. PubMed PMID: 15942388.
  • 157: Fritscher-Ravens A, Knoefel WT, Krause C, Swain CP, Brandt L, Patel K.
    Three-dimensional linear endoscopic ultrasound-feasibility of a novel technique
    applied for the detection of vessel involvement of pancreatic masses. Am J
    Gastroenterol. 2005 Jun;100(6):1296-302. PubMed PMID: 15929760.
  • 158: Litmathe J, Kurt M, Grabitz K, Knoefel WT, Gams E. Simultaneous coronary
    artery bypass grafting, replacement of the innominate artery and subtotal
    thyroidectomy in a 61 year-old patient: a case-report. Chin Med J (Engl). 2005
    Apr 20;118(8):699-701. PubMed PMID: 15899128.
  • 159: Cupisti K, Raffel A, Ramp U, Wolf A, Donner A, Krausch M, Eisenberger CF,
    Knoefel WT. Synchronous occurrence of a follicular, papillary and medullary
    thyroid carcinoma in a recurrent goiter. Endocr J. 2005 Apr;52(2):281-5. PubMed
    PMID: 15863962.
  • 160: am Esch JS 2nd, Knoefel WT, Klein M, Ghodsizad A, Fuerst G, Poll LW,
    Piechaczek C, Burchardt ER, Feifel N, Stoldt V, Stockschlaeder M, Stoecklein N,
    Tustas RY, Eisenberger CF, Peiper M, Haeussinger D, Hosch SB. Portal application
    of autologous CD133+ bone marrow cells to the liver: a novel concept to support
    hepatic regeneration. Stem Cells. 2005 Apr;23(4):463-70. PubMed PMID: 15790766.
  • 161: Anlauf M, Wieben D, Perren A, Sipos B, Komminoth P, Raffel A, Kruse ML,
    Fottner C, Knoefel WT, Moenig H, Heitz PU, Kloeppel G. Persistent hyperinsulinemic
    hypoglycemia in 15 adults with diffuse nesidioblastosis: diagnostic criteria,
    incidence, and characterization of beta-cell changes. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005
    Apr;29(4):524-33. PubMed PMID: 15767809.
  • 162: Knoefel WT, Hosch SB, Peiper M. Chronic pancreatitis–from losing heart to
    acting smart! Eur J Med Res. 2004 Dec 22;9(12):563-4. PubMed PMID: 15689303.
  • 163: Schulte am Esch J 2nd, Robson SC, Knoefel WT, Eisenberger CF, Peiper M,
    Rogiers X. Impact of O-linked glycosylation of the VWF-A1-domain flanking regions
    on platelet interaction. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(1):82-90. PubMed PMID:
  • 164: Schulte Am Esch J 2nd, Robson SC, Knoefel WT, Hosch SB, Rogiers X. O-linked
    glycosylation and functional incompatibility of porcine von Willebrand factor for
    human platelet GPIb receptors. Xenotransplantation. 2005 Jan;12(1):30-7. PubMed
    PMID: 15598271.
  • 165: Stoecklein NH, Luebke AM, Erbersdobler A, Knoefel WT, Schraut W, Verde PE,
    Stern F, Scheunemann P, Peiper M, Eisenberger CF, Izbicki JR, Klein CA, Hosch SB.
    Copy number of chromosome 17 but not HER2 amplification predicts clinical outcome
    of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Dec
    1;22(23):4737-45. Erratum in: J Clin Oncol. 2005 Jan 1;23(1):248. PubMed PMID:
  • 166: Langwieler TE, Kim JS, Mann O, Thonke F, Knoefel WT, Rogiers X, Izbicki JR.
    Management of an unclear bile duct stenosis. Surg Endosc. 2004 Apr;18(4):717-8.
    PubMed PMID: 15214372.
  • 167: Schaefer H, Engert A, Grass G, Mansmann G, Wassmer G, Hubel K, Loehlein D,
    Ulrich BC, Lippert H, Knoefel WT, Hoelscher AH. Perioperative granulocyte
    colony-stimulating factor does not prevent severe infections in patients
    undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: a randomized placebo-controlled
    clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2004 Jul;240(1):68-75. PubMed PMID: 15213620; PubMed
    Central PMCID: PMC1356376.
  • 168: Frahm S, Mautner VF, Brems H, Legius E, Debiec-Rychter M, Friedrich RE,
    KnoefelWT, Peiper M, Kluwe L. Genetic and phenotypic characterization of tumor
    cells derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors of neurofibromatosis
    type 1 patients. Neurobiol Dis. 2004 Jun;16(1):85-91. PubMed PMID: 15207265.
  • 169: Peiper M, Sato T, Zurakowski D, Eisenberger C, Heinecke A, Hosch S, Knoefel
    WT. CD44s expression is associated with improved survival in soft tissue sarcoma.
    Anticancer Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2C):1053-6. PubMed PMID: 15154622.
  • 170: Eisenberger CF, Gocht A, Knoefel WT, Busch CB, Peiper M, Kutup A, Yekebas
    EF, Hosch SB, Lambrecht W, Izbicki JR. Heterotopic pancreas–clinical
    presentation and pathology with review of the literature. Hepatogastroenterology.
    2004 May-Jun;51(57):854-8. Review. PubMed PMID: 15143933.
  • 171: Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Peiper M, Yekebas EF, Hosch SB, Busch C, Izbicki
    JR. Pancreas-sparing duodenectomy in duodenal pathology: indications and results.
    Hepatogastroenterology. 2004 May-Jun;51(57):727-31. PubMed PMID: 15143902.
  • 172: Peiper M, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR. [The influence of residual tumor on local
    recurrence after unplanned resection of soft tissue sarcoma]. Dtsch Med
    Wochenschr. 2004 Jan 30;129(5):183-7. German. PubMed PMID: 14735414.
  • 173: Peiper M, Zurakowski D, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR. Malignant fibrous
    histiocytoma of the extremities and trunk: an institutional review. Surgery. 2004
    Jan;135(1):59-66. PubMed PMID: 14694301.
  • 174: Fritscher-Ravens A, Broering DC, Knoefel WT, Rogiers X, Swain P, Thonke F,
    Bobrowski C, Topalidis T, Soehendra N. EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration of
    suspected hilar cholangiocarcinoma in potentially operable patients with negative
    brush cytology. Am J Gastroenterol. 2004 Jan;99(1):45-51. PubMed PMID: 14687140.
  • 175: Strate T, Mann O, Kleinhans H, Schneider C, Knoefel WT, Yekebas E, Standl T,
    Bloechle C, Izbicki JR. Systemic intravenous infusion of bovine hemoglobin
    significantly reduces microcirculatory dysfunction in experimentally induced
    pancreatitis in the rat. Ann Surg. 2003 Nov;238(5):765-71. PubMed PMID: 14578741;
    PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1356157.
  • 176: Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Peiper M, Merkert P, Yekebas EF, Scheunemann P,
    Steffani K, Stoecklein NH, Hosch SB, Izbicki JR. Squamous cell carcinoma of the
    esophagus can be detected by microsatellite analysis in tumor and serum. Clin
    Cancer Res. 2003 Sep 15;9(11):4178-83. PubMed PMID: 14519643.
  • 177: Knoefel WT, Prenzel KL, Peiper M, Hosch SB, Gundlach M, Eisenberger CF,
    Strate T, Scheunemann P, Rogiers X, Izbicki JR. Klatskin tumors and Klatskin
    mimicking lesions of the biliary tree. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2003 Oct;29(8):658-61.
    PubMed PMID: 14511613.
  • 178: Fritscher-Ravens A, Davidson BL, Hauber HP, Bohuslavizki KH, Bobrowski C,
    Lund C, KnoefelWT, Soehendra N, Brandt L, Pepe MS, Pforte A. Endoscopic
    ultrasound, positron emission tomography, and computerized tomography for lung
    cancer. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Dec 1;168(11):1293-7. Epub 2003 Aug 6.
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  • 179: Sato T, Peiper M, Heinecke A, Zurakowski D, Eisenberger CF, Hosch S, Knoefel
    WT, Izbicki JR. Expression of HER2/neu does not correlate with survival in soft
    tissue sarcoma. Onkologie. 2003 Jun;26(3):268-71. PubMed PMID: 12845212.
  • 180: Peiper M, Alldinger I, Heller R, Pilarsky C, Schumacher U, Knoefel WT,
    Heinecke A, Izbicki JR. Biological and molecular characterization of a new human
    ampullary cancer cell line. Anticancer Res. 2003 Jan-Feb;23(1A):291-8. PubMed
    PMID: 12680226.
  • 181: Knoefel WT. Is prediction imperative before prevention? Crit Care Med. 2003
    Mar;31(3):976-7. Review. PubMed PMID: 12627018.
  • 182: Fritscher-Ravens A, Bohuslavizki KH, Brandt L, Bobrowski C, Lund C, Knoefel
    WT, Pforte A. Mediastinal lymph node involvement in potentially resectable lung
    cancer: comparison of CT, positron emission tomography, and endoscopic
    ultrasonography with and without fine-needle aspiration. Chest. 2003
    Feb;123(2):442-51. PubMed PMID: 12576364.
  • 183: Strate T, Schneider C, Yekebas E, Knoefel WT, Bloechle C, Izbicki JR.
    Systemic endotoxin and gastric mucosal pH are the best parameters to predict
    lethal outcome in a porcine model of abdominal sepsis according to multivariate
    analysis. J Invest Surg. 2003 Jan-Feb;16(1):13-21. PubMed PMID: 12554335.
  • 184: Strate T, Knoefel WT, Yekebas E, Izbicki JR. Chronic pancreatitis: etiology,
    pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2003
    Mar;18(2):97-106. Epub 2002 Sep 5. Review. PubMed PMID: 12548409.
  • 185: Fritscher-Ravens A, Schirrow L, Pothmann W, KnoefelWT, Swain P, Soehendra N.
    Critical care transesophageal endosonography and guided fine-needle aspiration
    for diagnosis and management of posterior mediastinitis. Crit Care Med. 2003
    Jan;31(1):126-32. PubMed PMID: 12545005.
  • 186: Peiper M, Goedegebuure PS, Alldinger I, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR, Eberlein TJ.
    Comparison of various sources of antigen-presenting cells for the generation of
    GP2-tumor peptide specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. Anticancer Res. 2002
    Nov-Dec;22(6A):3357-63. PubMed PMID: 12530087.
  • 187: Fritscher-Ravens A, Brand L, KnoefelWT, Bobrowski C, Topalidis T, Thonke F,
    de Werth A, Soehendra N. Comparison of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle
    aspiration for focal pancreatic lesions in patients with normal parenchyma and
    chronic pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Nov;97(11):2768-75. PubMed PMID:
  • 188: Yekebas EF, Strate T, Zolmajd S, Eisenberger CF, Erbersdobler A, Saalmueller
    A, Steffani K, Busch C, Elsner HA, Engelhardt M, Gillesen A, Meins J, The M,
    Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR. Impact of different modalities of continuous venovenous
    hemofiltration on sepsis-induced alterations in experimental pancreatitis. Kidney
    Int. 2002 Nov;62(5):1806-18. PubMed PMID: 12371983.
  • 189: Strate T, Yekebas E, Knoefel WT, Bloechle C, Izbicki JR. Pathogenesis and
    the natural course of chronic pancreatitis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2002
    Sep;14(9):929-34. Review. PubMed PMID: 12352211.
  • 190: Peiper M, Knoefel WT, Junge G, Hosch S, Izbicki JR. [The Internet as a
    source for information retrieval. Example: soft tissue sarcoma]. Chirurg. 2002
    Sep;73(9):930-7. German. PubMed PMID: 12297960.
  • 191: Strate T, Langwieler TE, Mann O, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR. Intractable hiccup:
    an odd complication after laparoscopic fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux
    disease. Surg Endosc. 2002 Jul;16(7):1109. Epub 2002 Apr 9. PubMed PMID:
  • 192: Knoefel WT, Eisenberger CF, Strate T, Izbicki JR. Optimizing surgical
    therapy for chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatology. 2002;2(4):379-84; discussion
    385. Review. PubMed PMID: 12138226.
  • 193: Izbicki JR, Yekebas EF, Strate T, Eisenberger CF, Hosch SB, Steffani K,
    Knoefel WT. Extrahepatic portal hypertension in chronic pancreatitis: an old
    problem revisited. Ann Surg. 2002 Jul;236(1):82-9. PubMed PMID: 12131089; PubMed
    Central PMCID: PMC1422552.
  • 194: Hosch SB, Scheunemann P, Lueth M, Inndorf S, Stoecklein NH, Erbersdobler A,
    Rehders A, Gundlach M, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR. Expression of 17-1A antigen and
    complement resistance factors CD55 and CD59 on liver metastasis in colorectal
    cancer. J Gastrointest Surg. 2001 Nov-Dec;5(6):673-9. PubMed PMID: 12086907.
  • 195: Eisenberger CF, Kropp A, Langwieler TE, Gocht A, Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT.
    Heterotopic pancreatitis: gastric outlet obstruction due to an intramural
    pseudocyst and hamartoma. Z Gastroenterol. 2002 Apr;40(4):259-62. PubMed PMID:
  • 196: Peiper M, Sato T, Streichert T, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR.
    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte mediated recognition of human pancreatic cancer cells. Int
    J Cancer. 2002 May 1;99(1):88-92. PubMed PMID: 11948497.
  • 197: Gawad KA, Eisenberger CF, Knoefel WT, Fritscher-Ravens A, Busch C, Soehendra
    N, Izbicki JR. [Intussusception after Billroth II procedure–an uncommon cause of
    an upper gastrointestinal ileus]. Z Gastroenterol. 2002 Mar;40(3):189-92. German.
    PubMed PMID: 11901453.
  • 198: Adams HA, Baumann G, Gaensslen A, Janssens U, Knoefel W, Koch T, Marx G,
    Mueller-Werdan U, Pape HC, Prange W, Roesner D, Standl T, Teske W, Werner G,
    Zander R; I.A.G.-Schock. [Definition of shock types]. Anasthesiol Intensivmed
    Notfallmed Schmerzther. 2001 Nov;36 Suppl 2:S140-3. German. PubMed PMID:
  • 199: Strate T, Mann O, Standl T, Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT. The potential of HBOC in
    acute pancreatitis. Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther. 2001 Nov;36
    Suppl 2:S119-20. PubMed PMID: 11753716.
  • 200: Schutte A, Topp SA, Knoefel WT, Brilloff S, Mueller L, Rogiers X, Gundlach
    M. Influence of Ginkgo Biloba extract (EGB 761) on expression of EGR-1 mRNA and
    HSP-70 mRNA after warm ischemia in the rat liver. Transplant Proc. 2001
    Nov-Dec;33(7-8):3724-5. PubMed PMID: 11750587.
  • 204: Yekebas EF, Eisenberger CF, Ohnesorge H, Saalmueller A, Elsner HA, Engelhardt
    M, Gillesen A, Meins J, The M, Strate T, Busch C, Knoefel WT, Bloechle C, Izbicki
    JR. Attenuation of sepsis-related immunoparalysis by continuous veno-venous
    hemofiltration in experimental porcine pancreatitis. Crit Care Med. 2001
    Jul;29(7):1423-30. PubMed PMID: 11445702.
  • 205: Izbicki JR, Scheunemann P, Knoefel WT, Hosch SB. Micrometastases and
    Microinvolvement in Esophageal Carcinoma. Concerning Feith et al.: Clinical
    relevance of lymph node micrometastases in esophageal carcinoma. Onkologie
    2000;23:330-333. Onkologie. 2000 Oct;23(5):478-479. PubMed PMID: 11441247.
  • 206: Witt H, Luck W, Becker M, Boehmig M, Kage A, Truninger K, Ammann RW, O’Reilly
    D, Kingsnorth A, Schulz HU, Halangk W, Kielstein V, Knoefel WT, Teich N, Keim V.
    Mutation in the SPINK1 trypsin inhibitor gene, alcohol use, and chronic
    pancreatitis. JAMA. 2001 Jun 6;285(21):2716-7. PubMed PMID: 11386926.
  • 207: Loehr M, Hoffmeyer A, Kroeger J, Freund M, Hain J, Holle A, Karle P, Knoefel
    WT, Liebe S, Mueller P, Nizze H, Renner M, Saller RM, Wagner T, Hauenstein K,
    Guenzburg WH, Salmons B. Microencapsulated cell-mediated treatment of inoperable
    pancreatic carcinoma. Lancet. 2001 May 19;357(9268):1591-2. PubMed PMID:
  • 208: Broering DC, Eisenberger CF, Koch A, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Duerig M,
    Raedler A, Izbicki JR. Strictureplasty for large bowel stenosis in Crohn’s
    disease: quality of life after surgical therapy. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2001
    Apr;16(2):81-7. PubMed PMID: 11355323.
  • 209: Broering DC, Eisenberger CF, Koch A, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR.
    Quality of life after surgical therapy of small bowel stenosis in Crohn’s
    disease. Dig Surg. 2001;18(2):124-30. PubMed PMID: 11351157.
  • 210: Hosch SB, Stoecklein NH, Pichlmeier U, Rehders A, Scheunemann P, Niendorf A,
    Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR. Esophageal cancer: the mode of lymphatic tumor cell
    spread and its prognostic significance. J Clin Oncol. 2001 Apr 1;19(7):1970-5.
    PubMed PMID: 11283129.
  • 211: Topp S, Knoefel WT, Schutte A, Brilloff S, Rogiers X, Gundlach M. Ginkgo
    biloba (EGB 761) improves microcirculation after warm ischemia of the rat liver.
    Transplant Proc. 2001 Feb-Mar;33(1-2):979-81. PubMed PMID: 11267155.
  • 212: Hillert C, Broering DC, Gundlach M, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR, Rogiers X.
    Hepatic involvement in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: an unusual
    indication for liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2001 Mar;7(3):266-8. PubMed
    PMID: 11244170.
  • 213: Brand B, Pfaff T, Binmoeller KF, Sriram PV, Fritscher-Ravens A, KnoefelWT,
    Jaeckle S, Soehendra N. Endoscopic ultrasound for differential diagnosis of focal
    pancreatic lesions, confirmed by surgery. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2000
    Nov;35(11):1221-8. PubMed PMID: 11145297.
  • 214: Fritscher-Ravens A, Izbicki JR, Sriram PV, Krause C, Knoefel WT, Topalidis
    T, Jaeckle S, Thonke F, Soehendra N. Endosonography-guided, fine-needle
    aspiration cytology extending the indication for organ-preserving pancreatic
    surgery. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Sep;95(9):2255-60. PubMed PMID: 11007226.
  • 215: Knoefel WT, Hosch SB, Hoyer B, Izbicki JR. The initial approach to anorectal
    abscesses: fistulotomy is safe and reduces the chance of recurrences. Dig Surg.
    2000;17(3):274-8. PubMed PMID: 10867462.
  • 216: Yekebas E, Treede H, Jochum M, Gippner-Steppert C, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT,
    Scholz J, Fink E, Izbicki JR. Bradykinin B2-receptor antagonism attenuates fatal
    cardiocirculatory breakdown induced by severe experimental pancreatitis. Crit
    Care Med. 2000 Apr;28(4):1119-27. PubMed PMID: 10809293.
  • 217: Knoefel WT, Brunken C, Neumann E, Gundlach M, Rogiers X, Izbicki JR.
    [Colorectal liver metastases: does the number of metastases determine of
    resection is oncologically indicated?]. Swiss Surg. 2000;6(1):6-10. Review.
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  • 218: Izbicki JR, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Rogiers X, Kuechler T. Surgical
    treatment of chronic pancreatitis and quality of life after operation. Surg Clin
    North Am. 1999 Aug;79(4):913-44. Review. PubMed PMID: 10470335.
  • 219: Gawad KA, Hosch SB, Bumann D, Luebeck M, Moneke LC, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT,
    Busch C, Kuechler T, Izbicki JR. How important is the route of reconstruction
    after esophagectomy: a prospective randomized study. Am J Gastroenterol. 1999
    Jun;94(6):1490-6. PubMed PMID: 10364012.
  • 221: Yekebas EF, Treede H, Knoefel WT, Bloechle C, Fink E, Izbicki JR. Influence
    of zero-balanced hemofiltration on the course of severe experimental pancreatitis
    in pigs. Ann Surg. 1999 Apr;229(4):514-22. PubMed PMID: 10203084; PubMed Central
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  • 222: Stenger AM, Knoefel WT, Dahmen U, Bloechle C, Izbicki JR.
    [Pancreatico-bronchial fistula with communication to a pseudoaneurysm of the
    arteria lienalis as a rare complication in chronic pancreatitis]. Z
    Gastroenterol. 1998 Dec;36(12):1047-51. German. PubMed PMID: 10025056.
  • 223: Limmer JC, Knoefel WT, Pogoda P, Schneider C, Izbicki JR, Broelsch CE.
    [Indirect traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures after blunt abdominal or thoracic
    trauma]. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd. 1998;115:1221-3. German. PubMed
    PMID: 9931841.
  • 224: Izbicki JR, Bloechle C, Broering DC, Knoefel WT, Kuechler T, Broelsch CE.
    Extended drainage versus resection in surgery for chronic pancreatitis: a
    prospective randomized trial comparing the longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy
    combined with local pancreatic head excision with the pylorus-preserving
    pancreatoduodenectomy. Ann Surg. 1998 Dec;228(6):771-9. PubMed PMID: 9860476;
    PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1191595.
  • 225: Izbicki JR, Gawad KA, Quirrenbach S, Hosch SB, Breid V, Knoefel WT, Kuepper
    HU, Broelsch CE. [Is the stapled suture in visceral surgery still justified? A
    prospective controlled, randomized study of cost effectiveness of manual and
    stapler suture]. Chirurg. 1998 Jul;69(7):725-34. German. PubMed PMID: 9738217.
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    hepatocellular carcinoma. Digestion. 1998 Jul;59 Suppl 2:78-9. Review. PubMed
    PMID: 9718430.
  • 227: Standl T, Burmeister MA, Horn EP, Wilhelm S, Knoefel WT, Schulte am Esch J.
    Bovine haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier for patients undergoing haemodilution
    before liver resection. Br J Anaesth. 1998 Feb;80(2):189-94. PubMed PMID:
  • 228: Hosch SB, Knoefel WT, Pichlmeier U, Schulze V, Busch C, Gawad KA, Broelsch
    CE, Izbicki JR. Surgical treatment of piles: prospective, randomized study of
    Parks vs. Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy. Dis Colon Rectum. 1998
    Feb;41(2):159-64. PubMed PMID: 9556238.
  • 229: Bloechle C, Kusterer K, Kuehn RM, Schneider C, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR.
    Inhibition of bradykinin B2 receptor preserves microcirculation in experimental
    pancreatitis in rats. Am J Physiol. 1998 Jan;274(1 Pt 1):G42-51. PubMed PMID:
  • 230: Hosch SB, Izbicki JR, Pichlmeier U, Stoecklein N, Niendorf A, Knoefel WT,
    Broelsch CE, Pantel K. Expression and prognostic significance of immunoregulatory
    molecules in esophageal cancer. Int J Cancer. 1997 Dec 19;74(6):582-7. PubMed
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  • 231: Hosch SB, Knoefel WT, Metz S, Stoecklein N, Niendorf A, Broelsch CE, Izbicki
    JR. Early lymphatic tumor cell dissemination in pancreatic cancer: frequency and
    prognostic significance. Pancreas. 1997 Aug;15(2):154-9. PubMed PMID: 9260200.
  • 232: Knoefel WT, Bloechle C, Izbicki JR. [Decompression of the main pancreatic
    duct can delay progressive loss of pancreatic function in chronic pancreatitis].
    Z Gastroenterol. 1997 Apr;35(4):301-3. German. PubMed PMID: 9221614.
  • 233: Izbicki JR, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Kuechler T, Binmoeller KF, Soehendra N,
    Broelsch CE. [Drainage versus resection in surgical therapy of chronic
    pancreatitis of the head of the pancreas: a randomized study]. Chirurg. 1997
    Apr;68(4):369-77. German. PubMed PMID: 9206631.
  • 234: Broelsch CE, Knoefel WT, Gundlach M, Malago M, Frilling A, Rogiers X.
    [Surgical therapy of primary and secondary liver tumors]. Praxis (Bern 1994).
    1997 Jan 21;86(4):91-3. German. PubMed PMID: 9064725.
  • 235: Limmer JC, Knoefel WT, Bloechle C, Katzer A, Izbicki JR, Broelsch CE.
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    pancreatitis]. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd. 1997;114:1078-80. German.
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  • 236: Knoefel WT, Hosch SB, Hoyer B, Thonke F, Izbicki JR, Broelsch CE. [Fistula
    detection in perianal abscess. Prevention or unnecessary trauma?]. Langenbecks
    Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd. 1997;114:545-6. German. PubMed PMID: 9574202.
  • 237: Gundlach M, Pohland CC, Toennies SE, Knoefel WT, Rogiers X, Broelsch CE.
    Small bowel preservation: evaluation of different solutions. Transplant Proc.
    1996 Oct;28(5):2622-3. PubMed PMID: 8907981.
  • 238: Rogiers X, Malag√≥ M, Gawad K, Jauch KW, Olausson M, Knoefel WT, Gundlach M,
    Bassas A, Fischer L, Sterneck M, Burdelski M, Broelsch CE. In situ splitting of
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  • 239: Izbicki JR, Passlick B, Hosch SB, Kubuschock B, Schneider C, Busch C,
    Knoefel WT, Thetter O, Pantel K. Mode of spread in the early phase of lymphatic
    metastasis in non-small-cell lung cancer: significance of nodal micrometastasis.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1996 Sep;112(3):623-30. PubMed PMID: 8800148.
  • 240: Gawad KA, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR, Schroeder S, Broelsch CE. Generalised
    lymphangioleiomyomatosis presenting as a retroperitoneal tumour. Eur J Surg. 1996
    Jul;162(7):583-5. PubMed PMID: 8874169.
  • 241: Rogiers X, Danninger F, Malag√≥ M, Knoefel WT, Gundlach M, Bassas A,
    Burdelski M, Broelsch CE. [Liver transplants from living donors]. Rozhl Chir.
    1996 Mar;75(3):117-20. Slovak. PubMed PMID: 8768973.
  • 242: Gawad KA, Rogiers X, Malag√≥ M, Gundlach M, Knoefel WT, Izbicki JR, Broelsch
    CE. Optimisation of donor organ usage with the extended application of
    split-liver, reduced size and living related liver transplantation: a 1-year
    experience. Transplant Proc. 1996 Feb;28(1):54-5. PubMed PMID: 8644337.
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    M, Broelsch CE. Living-related liver transplantation in children. Transplant
    Proc. 1996 Feb;28(1):428-9. PubMed PMID: 8644305.
  • 244: Knoefel WT, Kollias N, Rattner DW, Nishioka NS, Warshaw AL. Reflectance
    spectroscopy of pancreatic microcirculation. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1996
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  • 245: Izbicki JR, Hosch SB, Knoefel WT, Passlick B, Bloechle C, Broelsch CE.
    Extended resections are beneficial for patients with locally advanced colorectal
    cancer. Dis Colon Rectum. 1995 Dec;38(12):1251-6. PubMed PMID: 7497835.
  • 246: Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT, Passlick B, Habekost M, Karg O, Thetter O. Risk
    analysis and long-term survival in patients undergoing extended resection of
    locally advanced lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995 Aug;110(2):386-95.
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  • 247: Bloechle C, Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT, Kuechler T, Broelsch CE. Quality of life
    in chronic pancreatitis–results after duodenum-preserving resection of the head
    of the pancreas. Pancreas. 1995 Jul;11(1):77-85. PubMed PMID: 7667246.
  • 248: Rogiers X, Malago M, Habib N, Knoefel WT, Pothmann W, Burdelski M,
    Meyer-Moldenhauer WH, Broelsch CE. In situ splitting of the liver in the
    heart-beating cadaveric organ donor for transplantation in two recipients.
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  • 249: Izbicki JR, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Kuechler T, Binmoeller KF, Broelsch CE.
    Duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the pancreas in chronic
    pancreatitis. A prospective, randomized trial. Ann Surg. 1995 Apr;221(4):350-8.
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  • 250: Izbicki JR, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Wilker DK, Dornschneider G, Broelsch CE.
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  • 251: Pohland CC, Toennies SE, Linsel-Nitschke M, Knoefel WT, Malago M, Rogiers X,
    Gundlach M, Broelsch CE. Ischemia and reperfusion injury in rat small bowel:
    evaluation with an ex vivo reperfusion model. Transplant Proc. 1995
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  • 252: Izbicki JR, Passlick B, Karg O, Bloechle C, Pantel K, Knoefel WT, Thetter O.
    Impact of radical systematic mediastinal lymphadenectomy on tumor staging in lung
    cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995 Jan;59(1):209-14. PubMed PMID: 7818326.
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    [Therapeutic approach to hemobilia]. Zentralbl Chir. 1995;120(6):455-60. German.
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  • 255: Reimer P, Weissleder R, Shen T, Knoefel WT, Brady TJ. Pancreatic receptors:
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  • 256: Knoefel WT, Kollias N, Warshaw AL, Waldner H, Nishioka NS, Rattner DW.
    Pancreatic microcirculatory changes in experimental pancreatitis of graded
    severity in the rat. Surgery. 1994 Nov;116(5):904-13. PubMed PMID: 7940196.
  • 257: Izbicki JR, Kreusser T, Meier M, Prenzel KL, Knoefel WT, Passlick B, Kuntz
    G, Schiele U, Thetter O. Fibrin-glue-coated collagen fleece in lung
    surgery–experimental comparison with infrared coagulation and clinical
    experience. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1994 Oct;42(5):306-9. PubMed PMID: 7863495.
  • 258: Bloechle C, Izbicki JR, Rashed MY, el-Sefi T, Hosch SB, Knoefel WT, Rogiers
    X, Broelsch CE. Hemobilia: presentation, diagnosis, and management. Am J
    Gastroenterol. 1994 Sep;89(9):1537-40. PubMed PMID: 8079933.
  • 259: Izbicki JR, Bloechle C, Knoefel WT, Wilker DK, Dornschneider G, Seifert H,
    Passlick B, Rogiers X, Busch C, Broelsch CE. Complications of adjacent organs in
    chronic pancreatitis managed by duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the
    pancreas. Br J Surg. 1994 Sep;81(9):1351-5. PubMed PMID: 7953411.
  • 260: Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT, Mueller-Hoecker J, Mandelkow HK. Pancreatic hamartoma:
    a benign tumor of the pancreas. Am J Gastroenterol. 1994 Aug;89(8):1261-2. PubMed
    PMID: 8053450.
  • 261: Broelsch CE, Burdelski M, Rogiers X, Gundlach M, Knoefel WT, Langwieler T,
    Fischer L, Latta A, Hellwege H, Schulte FJ, et al. Living donor for liver
    transplantation. Hepatology. 1994 Jul;20(1 Pt 2):49S-55S. PubMed PMID: 8005580.
  • 262: Bloechle C, Kusterer K, Konrad T, Hosch SB, Izbicki JR, Knoefel WT, Broelsch
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