Unser Experte für Nierenversagen

Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Flöge

Spezialisierungen: Nierenversagen. Nierenerkrankungen und Nierenersatztherapien

Institution and position:  Director of the Department of Renal and Hypertensive Diseases, Rheumatology and Immunological Diseases (Department of Internal Medicine II), University Hospital RWTH Aachen. Chairholder (C4) for internal medicine with a focus on nephrology at RWTH Aachen. Member of the Board of the German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM) and its designated President in 2019. Member of the Board of KDIGO (committee for the worldwide production of nephrological diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines).

As of: 14.03.2018

Die Mitschrift des Interviews mit Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Flöge zum Thema “Nierenversagen”

Ist Nierenversagen dasselbe wie Niereninsuffizienz?

Generally, yes. Kidney failure comes in two flavors: the most acute, usually in the context of some medical disaster, where my kidney function quickly goes from 100% to zero – the patient is in intensive care with blood poisoning, with some bleeding shock , Much more common is chronic renal failure, where, over many years, this is a common chronic kidney failure, which unfortunately is usually a one-way street. Once there is a scar in the kidney, I can not turn it back.

Wie wird ein Nierenversagen festgestellt?

Very few patients come to us because they have noticed something. Whether they are storing water or whether they are suddenly having high blood pressure. In the majority of cases, the determination of blood values ​​at the family doctor for health insurance, This is much more common and thus typical of kidney disease – usually you do not notice it.

Kann ich mein Risiko für ein Nierenversagen bestimmen lassen?

So there are already groups of people who are at a higher risk than, say, me. These are diabetics, these are people with a badly adjusted blood pressure, but when smoking is even worse, these are people where, for example, there are certain kidney diseases in the family and these are people, where you would say clearly, such people are regular to the doctor and must then measure the kidney values.

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Welche Beschwerden weisen auf ein Nierenversagen hin?

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Wie kann es zu einem Nierenversagen kommen?

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Was ist ein terminales Nierenversagen?

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Welche Laborwerte sind typisch für ein Nierenversagen?

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Bei welchen Erkrankungen kann es zum Nierenversagen kommen?

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Bei welchen Symptomen sollte der Notarzt gerufen werden?

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Kann man eine Nierenschädigung durch Röntgenkontrastmittel verhindern?

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Kann sich ein Nierenversagen von selbst zurückbilden?

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Ernährung und Bewegung bei Nierenversagen – worauf ist zu achten?

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Gibt es auch Nierenversagen trotz normaler Flüssigkeitsausscheidung?

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Wie viel Flüssigkeit soll man bei Nierenversagen trinken?

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Wie wird ein Nierenversagen am besten behandelt?

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Gibt es neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für Nierenversagen?

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Welche Frage wird Ihnen sehr häufig von Patienten gestellt?

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Welche Frage/Antwort ist für Ihre Patienten überraschend?

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Was halten Sie bei Nierenversagen und zu seiner Prävention für besonders wichtig?

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Was kann man jenseits der klassischen Therapie noch tun?

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Welche Veröffentlichung haben Sie gemacht, die für Ihre Patienten besonders relevant ist?

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Gibt es Medikamente, die die Nieren schädigen?

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Was mache ich, wenn meine Nieren völlig versagen?

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Infos zur Person

The fact that I wanted to become an internist was already clear during my studies. I then did research on kidney diseases as part of the doctoral thesis, and that’s just how I came to it. I think that’s a very typical way. Since 1999 I have been head of the Medical Clinic II at the University of Aachen. We are dealing with kidney and hypertension diseases. I was then president of the German Society of Nephrology for three years until 2016 and will become president of the German Society of Internal Medicine from 2019 and then my, in quotes, club has 25,000 members.

Infos zur Klinik

We are a university hospital and thus of course broadly based and responsible for everything that surrounds the area kidney and hypertension diseases drum. This ranges from the difficult to set high blood pressure to kidney diseases of all kinds, be it immune diseases, genetic diseases, sugar, whatever, about dialysis treatment, kidney transplantation, and we have become a certain focus in Germany for rare immune diseases of the kidneys, so Glomerulonephritis forms and here come patients from afar.

Ist Nierenversagen dasselbe wie Niereninsuffizienz?Wie wird ein Nierenversagen festgestellt?Kann ich mein Risiko für ein Nierenversagen bestimmen lassen?Welche Beschwerden weisen auf ein Nierenversagen hin?Wie kann es zu einem Nierenversagen kommen?Was ist ein terminales Nierenversagen?Welche Laborwerte sind typisch für ein Nierenversagen?Bei welchen Erkrankungen kann es zum Nierenversagen kommen?Bei welchen Symptomen sollte der Notarzt gerufen werden?Kann man eine Nierenschädigung durch Röntgenkontrastmittel verhindern?Kann sich ein Nierenversagen von selbst zurückbilden?Ernährung und Bewegung bei Nierenversagen – worauf ist zu achten?Gibt es auch Nierenversagen trotz normaler Flüssigkeitsausscheidung?Wie viel Flüssigkeit soll man bei Nierenversagen trinken?Wie wird ein Nierenversagen am besten behandelt?Gibt es neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für Nierenversagen?Welche Frage wird Ihnen sehr häufig von Patienten gestellt?Welche Frage/Antwort ist für Ihre Patienten überraschend?Was halten Sie bei Nierenversagen und zu seiner Prävention für besonders wichtig?Was kann man jenseits der klassischen Therapie noch tun?Welche Veröffentlichung haben Sie gemacht, die für Ihre Patienten besonders relevant ist?Gibt es Medikamente, die die Nieren schädigen?Was mache ich, wenn meine Nieren völlig versagen?Infos zur PersonInfos zur Klinik


Professor Jürgen Floege studied at the Hannover Medical School. His special interest in kidney disease and renal replacement therapy emerged during various research periods in the fields of physiology, pharmacology, nephrology and pathology at the Hannover Medical School, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York and the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. He was appointed Head of the Department of Nephrology and Immunology at RWTH Aachen in 1999.

Professor Floege was a board member of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the European Renal Association (ERA-EDTA). He is also a founding member (2008) and past president (until 2016) of the German Society of Nephrology (DGfN), currently a member of the board of the German Society of Internal Medicine and desigined president for 2019, member of the board of KDIGO (a committee, the World Nephrological Therapy Guidelines) and honorary member of the Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak and Serbian Nephrology Society. Together with Professor Richard Johnson and Professor John Feehally, he is editor of the best-selling Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. In addition, Professor Floege is editorial member of various journals, among others

His research interests include both basic research, such as B. Studies on inflammatory disease and scarring as well as clinical issues in immunological kidney disease in particular IgA nephropathy. In addition, there are chronic and chronic cardiovascular problems in chronic kidney disease.

His scientific work includes more than 500 original articles, reviews and editorials as well as 50 book chapters.



Prof. Dr. Jürgen Floege MD Stand 19.01.18


H-Index (Web of Science, April 2017): 68
citations (Web of Science, April 2017): 17531

Main publications
1. Floege J, Burchert W, Brandis A, Gielow P, Nonnast-Daniel B, Spindler E, Hundeshagen H, Shaldon S, Koch KM: Imaging of dialysis-related amyloid (AB-amyloid) deposits with 131I-β2-microglobulin , Kidney Int. 38: 1169-1176 (1990).
2. Floege J, Eng E, Lindner V, Young BA, Reidy MA, Johnson RJ: Rat glomerular mesangial cells synthesize basic FGF: Release, upregulated synthesis and mitogenicity in mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. J Clin Invest 90 (1992): 2362-2369.
3. Floe J, Eng E, Young BA, Alpers CE, Barrett TB, Bowen-Pope DF, Johnson RJ: Infusion of PDGF or basic FGF induces selective glomerular mesangial cell proliferation and matrix accumulation in rats. J Clin Invest 92 (1993): 2952-2962.
4. Floege J, Kriz W, Schulze M, Susani M, Kerjaschki D, Mooney A, Couser WG, Koch KM: Basic FGF augments podocyte injury and inducer glomerulosclerosis in rats with experimental membranous nephropathy. J Clin Invest 96 (1995): 2809-2819.
5. Ostendorf T, Kunter U, Loos A, Eitner F, Regele H, Kerjaschki D, Janjic N, Floege J: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF165) mediates glomerular endothelial repair. J Clin Invest 104 (1999): 913-923.
6. Ketteler M, Bongartz P, Westenfeld R, Wildberger JE, Mahnken AH, Böhm R, Butcher T, Wanner C, Jahn-Dechent W, Floege J: Cardiovascular mortality in dialysis patients: Low Ahsg / fetuin levels may be a critical factor , Lancet 361 (2003): 827-33
7. Ostendorf T, van Roeyen CR, Peterson JD, Kunter U, Eitner F, Hamad AJ, Chan G, Jia XC, Macaluso J, Gazit-Bornstein G, Keyt BA, Lichenstein HS, LaRochelle WJ, Floege J: A fully human monoclonal antibody (CR002) identifies PDGF-D as a novel mediator of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 14 (2003): 2237-47.
8. Yu D, Petermann A, Kunter U, Rong S, Shankland SJ, Floege J: Urinary Podocyte Loss Is More Specific Marker of Ongoing Glomerular Damage than Proteinuria. J Am Soc Nephrol. 16 (2005): 1733-1741
9. Kunter U, Rong S, Boor P, Eitner F, Muller-Newen G, Djuric Z, van Roeyen CR, Konieczny A, Ostendorf T, Villa L, Milovanceva-Popovska M, Kerjaschki D, Floege J: Mesenchymal stem cells prevent progressive experimental renal failure but maldifferentiate into glomerular adipocytes. J Am Soc Nephrol. 18 (2007): 1754-64.
10. Heymann F, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Hamilton-Williams EE, Hammerich L, Panzer U, Kaden S, Quaggin SE, Gröne HJ, Floege J, Kurt’s C: Kidney dendritic cell activation is required for progression of renal disease in a mouse model of glomerular injury. J Clin Invest. 119 (2009): 1286-97
11. Schlieper G, Aretz A, Verberckmoes SC, Kruger T, Behets GJ, Ghadimi R, Weirich TE, Rohrmann D, Langer S, Tordoir JH, Amann K, Westenfeld R, Brandenburg VM, D’Haese PC, Mayer J, Ketteler M, McKee MD, Floege J. Ultrastructural analysis of vascular calcifications in uremia. J Am Soc Nephrol. 21 (2010): 689-96
12. Schlieper G, Westenfeld R, Kruger T, Cranenburg EC, Magdeleyns EJ, Brandenburg VM, Djuric Z, Damjanovic T, Ketteler M, Vermeer C, Dimkovic N, Floege J, Schurgers LJ. Circulating nonphosphorylated carboxylated matrix gla protein predicts survival in ESRD. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011; 22: 387-95.
13. van Roeyen CR, Eitner F, Boor P, Moeller MJ, Raffetseder U, Hanssen L, Books E, Villa L, Banas MC, Hudkins KL, Alpers CE, Ostendorf T, Floege J. Induction of progressive glomerulonephritis by podocyte-specific overexpression of platelet-derived growth factor-D. Kidney Int.
Chertow GM, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Floege J, Goodman WG, Duke CA, Kubo Y, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Mix TC, Moe SM, Trotman ML, 2011, 80, 1292-305 . Wheeler DC, Parfrey PS: Effect of cinacalcet on cardiovascular disease in patients undergoing dialysis. N Engl J Med 2012, 367: 2482-94
15. Pasch A, Farese S, Graber S, Wald J, Richtering W, Floege J, Jahn-Dechent W: Nanoparticle-based test measures overall propensity for calcification in serum. J Am Soc Nephrol 2012, 23: 1744-52.
16. van Roeyen CR, Zok S, Pruessmeyer J, Boor P, Nagayama Y, Fleckenstein S, Cohen CD, Eitner F, Grone HJ, Ostendorf T, Ludwig A, Floege J: Growth arrest -specific protein 1 is a novel endogenous inhibitor of glomerular cell activation and proliferation. Kidney Int 2013, 83: 251-63
17. Braun GS, Nagayama Y, Maruta Y, Heymann F, van Roeyen CR, Klinkhammer BM, Boor P, Villa L, Salant DJ, Raffetseder U, Rose-John S, Ostendorf T, Floege J: IL-6 Trans-Signaling Drives Murine Crescentic Glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016; 27: 132-42
18. Moe SM, Chertow GM, Parfrey PS, Kubo Y, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Duke CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Wheeler DC, Stolina M, Dehmel B, Goodman WG, Floege J: Cinacalcet , Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, and Cardiovascular Disease in Hemodialysis: The Evaluation of Cinacalcet HCl Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events (EVOLVE) Trial. Circulation 2015, 132: 27-39.
19. Rough T, Eitner F, Fitzner C, Sommerer C, Zeier M, Otte B, Panzer U, Peters H, Benck U, Mertens PR, Kuhlmann U, Witzke O, Gross O, Vielhauer V, Mann JF, Hilgers RD, Floege J: Intensive Supportive Care plus Immunosuppression in IgA Nephropathy. N Engl J Med. 2015; 373: 2225-36
20th Floege J, Amann K: Primary glomerulonephritides. Lancet 2016; 387: 2036-48

Most important books

Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 5. Edition
Elsevier Publishers, Philadelphia, USA
Editors: Johnson RJ, Feehally J, Floege J

(inzwischen der weltweite Bestseller in der Nephrologie)
6. Auflage derzeit in Vorbereitung


1. Floege J, Stolte H, Kinne R:
Presence of a sodium-dependent D-glucose transport system in the kidney of the Atlantic Hagfish (Myxine Glutinosa).
J Comp Physiol 154 (1984): 355-362.
2. Floege J, Stannat S, Bahlmann J, Kuehn KW, Koch KM:
Performance and biocompatibility of the FD 100 Gambrane hollow-fiber dialyzer.
Blood Purif 4 (1986): 112-119.
3. Floege J, Granolleras C, Bingel M, Deschodt G, Branger B, Oules R, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
ß2-Microglobulin kinetics during haemodialysis and haemofiltration.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 1 (1987): 223-228.
4. Floege J, Granolleras C, Smeby LC, Göhl H, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
Hydrophilic high flux polyamide membranes for ß2-microglobulin removal.
Trans ASAIO 32 (1987): 309-311.
5. Floege J, Wilks MF, Shaldon S, Koch KM, Smeby LC:
ß2-microglobulin kinetics during hemofiltration.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 3: 784-789 (1988).
6. Floege J, Granolleras C, Merscher S, Eisenbach GM, Colton CK, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
Is the rise in plasma ß2-microglobulin seen during hemodialysis meaningful?
Nephron 51 (1989): 6-12.
7. Lonnemann G, Bingel M, Floege J, Koch KM, Shaldon S, Dinarello CA:
Detection of endotoxin-like interleukin-1 inducing activity during in vitro dialysis.
Kidney Int 33 (1988): 29-35.
8. Bingel M, Arndt W, Schulze M, Floege J, Shaldon S, Koch KM, Götze O:
Comparative study of C5a plasma levels with different hemodialysis membranes using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Nephron 51 (1989): 320-325.
9. Floege J, Granolleras C, Deschodt G, Heck M, Baudin G, Branger B, Tournier O, Reinhard B, Eisenbach GM, Smeby LC, Shaldon S:
High-flux synthetic versus cellulosic membranes for ß2-microglobulin removal during hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration and hemofiltration.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 4 (1989): 653-657.
10. Floege J, Boeddeker M, Dreikhausen U, Peest D, Koch KM, Stolte H:
Quantification of human urinary free secretory component, secretory and non-secretory IgA by ELISA.
Clin Physiol Biochem 7 (1989): 165-175.
11. Floege J, Nonnast-Daniel B, Gielow P, Brandis A, Spindler E, Hundeshagen H, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
Specific imaging of dialysis related amyloid deposits using 131I-ß2-microglobulin.
Nephron 51 (1989): 444-447.
12. Knudsen PJ, Leon J, Ng AK, Shaldon S, Floege J, Koch KM:
Hemodialysis-related induction of ß2-microglobulin and interleukin-1 synthesis and release by mononuclear phagocytes.
Nephron 53 (1989): 188-193.
13. Floege J, Boeddeker M, Koch KM:
Urinary IgA, secretory IgA and secretory component in women with recurrent urinary tract infections.
Nephron 56 (1990): 50-55.
14. Radeke HH, Meier B, Topley N, Floege J, Habermehl GG, Resch K:
Interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor induce oxygen radical release of cultured human glomerular mesangial cells.
Kidney Int 37 (1990): 767-775.
15. Topley N, Floege J, Wessel K, Hass R, Radeke HH, Kaever V, Resch K:
Prostaglandin E2 production is synergistically increased in cultured human glomerular mesangial cells by combinations of interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor.
J Immunol 143: 1989-1995 (1989).
16. Floege J, Topley N, Wessel K, Kaever V, Radeke HH, Hoppe J, Kishimoto T, Resch K:
Monokines and platelet derived growth factor modulate prostanoid production in growth arrested human mesangial cells.
Kidney Int 37 (1990): 859-869.
17. Floege J, Wilks MF, Soose M, Kotzerke J, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Renal elimination of ß2-microglobulin and myoglobin in patients with normal and impaired renal function.
Nephron 55 (1990): 361-367.
18. Knudsen PJ, Shaldon S, Floege J, Koch KM:
Hemodialysis-related induction of ß2-microglobulin synthesis and release by mononuclear phagocytes.
Int J Artif Organs 13 (1990): 73-76.
19. Floege J, Burchert W, Brandis A, Gielow P, Nonnast-Daniel B, Spindler E, Hundeshagen H, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Imaging of dialysis related amyloid (AB-amyloid) deposits with 131I-ß2-microglobulin.
Kidney Int 38: 1169-1176 (1990).
20. Kaever V, Bruuns J, Wunder J, Damerau B, Zimmer G, Fauler J, Wessel K, Floege J, Topley N, Radeke H, Resch K:
Human glomerular mesangial cells inactivate leukotriene B4 by reduction into dihydro-leukotriene B4 metabolites.
Life Sciences 46 (1990): 1465-1470.
21. Floege J, Bartsch A, Schulze M, Shaldon S, Koch KM, Smeby LC:
Clearance and synthesis rates of ß2-microglobulin in hemodialyzed patients and normals.
J Lab Clin Med 118 (1991): 153-165.
22. Yoshimura A, Gordon K, Alpers CE, Floege J, Pritzl P, Ross R, Couser WG, Bowen-Pope DF, Johnson RJ:
Demonstration of PDGF B-chain mRNA in glomeruli in mesangial proliferative nephritis by in situ hybridization.
Kidney Int 40 (1991): 470-476.
23. Floege J, Johnson RJ, Gordon K, Iida H, Pritzl P, Yoshimura A, Campbell C, Alpers CE, Couser WG:
Increased synthesis of extracellular matrix in mesangial proliferative nephritis.
Kidney Int 40 (1991): 477-488.
24. Floege J, Topley N, Hoppe J, Barrett TB, Resch K:
Mitogenic effect of platelet-derived growth factor in human glomerular mesangial cells: Modulation and/or suppression by inflammatory cytokines.
Clin Exp Immunol 86 (1991): 334-341.
25. Lonnemann G, Behme TC, Lenzner B, Floege J, Schulze M, Colton CK, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
Permeability of dialyzer membranes for TNF -inducing substances derived from water bacteria.
Kidney Int 42 (1992): 61-68.
26. Floege J, Burns MW, Alpers CE, Yoshimura A, Pritzl P, Gordon K, RA Seifert, Bowen-Pope DF, Couser WG, Johnson RJ:
Glomerular cell proliferation and PDGF expression precede glomerulosclerosis in the remnant kidney model.
Kidney Int 41 (1992): 297-309.
27. Johnson RJ, Raines E, Floege J, Yoshimura A, Pritzl P, Alpers C, Ross R:
Inhibition of mesangial cell proliferation and matrix expansion in glomerulonephritis in the rat by antibody to platelet derived growth factor.
J Exp Med 175 (1992): 1413-1416.
28. Floege J, Alpers CE, Burns MW, Pritzl P, Gordon K, Couser WG, Johnson RJ:
Glomerular cells, extracellular matrix accumulation, and the development of glomerulosclerosis in the remnant kidney model.
Lab Invest 66 (1992): 485-497.
29. Johnson RJ, Alpers CE, Yoshimura A, Lombardi D, Pritzl P, Floege J, Schwartz SM:
Renal injury from angiotensin-II mediated hypertension.
Hypertension 19 (1992): 464-474.
30. Floege J, Johnson RJ, Gordon K, Yoshimura A, Campbell C, Iruela-Arispe L, Alpers CE, Couser WG:
Altered glomerular extracellular matrix synthesis in experimental membranous nephropathy.
Kidney Int 42 (1992): 573-585.
31. Floege J, Alpers CE, Sage EH, Pritzl P, Gordon K, Johnson RJ, Couser WG:
Markers of complement dependent and complement independent glomerular visceral epithelial cell injury in vivo.
Lab Invest 67 (1992): 486-497.
32. Floege J, Eng E, Lindner V, Young BA, Reidy MA, Johnson RJ:
Rat glomerular mesangial cells synthesize basic FGF: Release, upregulated synthesis and mitogenicity in mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis.
J Clin Invest 90 (1992): 2362-2369.
33. Floege J, Eng E, Young BA, Couser WG, Johnson RJ:
Heparin suppresses mesangial cell proliferation and matrix expansion in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Kidney Int 43 (1993): 369-380.
34. Floege J, Johnson RJ, Alpers CE, Richardson CA, Gordon K, Couser WG:
Visceral glomerular epithelial cells can proliferate in vivo and synthesize PDGF B-chain.
Am J Pathol 142 (1993): 637-650.
35. Floege J, Eng E, Young BA, Alpers CE, Barrett TB, Bowen-Pope DF, Johnson RJ:
Infusion of PDGF or basic FGF induces selective glomerular mesangial cell proliferation and matrix accumulation in rats.
J Clin Invest 92 (1993): 2952-2962.
36. Wallmon A, Fellström B, Larsson R, Floege J, Topley N, Lljunghall S:
PDGF-BB, but not PDGF-AA, stimulates calcium mobilization, activation of calcium channels, and cell proliferation in cultured rat mesangial cells.
Exp Nephrol 1 (1993): 238-244.
37. Mehls O, Irzynjec T, Ritz E, Eden S, Kovacs G, Klaus G, Floege J, Mall G:
Effects of rhGH and rhIGF-1 on renal growth an morphology.
Kidney Int 44 (1993): 1251-1258.
38. Eng E, Veniant M, Floege J, Fingerle J, Alpers CE, Menard J, Clozel JP, Johnson RJ:
Renal proliferative and phenotypic changes in rats with two-kidney, one-clip Goldblatt hypertension.
Am J Hypertens 7 (1994): 177-185.
39. Johnson RJ, Lombardi D, Eng E, Gordon K, Alpers CE, Pritzl P, Floege J, Young B, Pippin J, Couser WG, Gabbiani G:
Modulation of experimental mesangial proliferative nephritis by interferon-.
Kidney Int 47 (1995): 62-69.
40. Fukazawa T, Hermann E, Edidin M, Wen J, Huang F, Kellner H, Floege J, Farahmandian D, Williams KM, Yu DTY:
The effect of mutant ß2-microglobulins on the conformation of HLA-B27 detected by antibody and by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
J Immunol 153 (1995): 3543-3550.
41. Alpers CE, Hudkins KL, Floege J, Johnson RJ:
Human renal cortical interstitial cells with some features of smooth muscle cells participate in tubulo-interstitial and crescentic glomerular injury.
J Am Soc Nephrol 5 (1994): 201-210.
42. Eitner F, Schulze M, Brunkhorst R, Koch KM, Floege J:
On the specificity of assays to detect circulating IgA-fibronectin complexes.
J Am Soc Nephrol 5 (1994): 1400-1406.
43. Young BA, Johnson RJ, Alpers CE, Eng E, Gordon K, Floege J, Couser WG:
Cellular events in the evolution of experimental diabetic nephropathy.
Kidney Int 47 (1995): 935-944.
44. Floege J, Kriz W, Schulze M, Susani M, Kerjaschki D, Mooney A, Couser WG, Koch KM:
Basic FGF augments podocyte injury and induces glomerulosclerosis in rats with experimental membranous nephropathy.
J Clin Invest 96 (1995): 2809-2819.
45. Hugo C, Pichler R, Meek R, Gordon K, Kyriakides T, Floege J, Bornstein P, Couser WG, Johnson RJ:
Thrombospondin I is expressed by proliferating mesangial cells and is regulated by PDGF and bFGF in vivo.
Kidney Int 48 (1995): 1846-1856.
46. Francki A, Uciechowski P, Floege J, Von der Ohe J, Resch K, Radeke HH:
Autocrine growth regulation of human glomerular mesangial cells is primarily mediated by basic fibroblast growth factor.
Am J Pathol 147 (1995):1372-1382.
47. Kliem V, Johnson RJ, Alpers CE, Yoshimura A, Couser WG, Koch KM, Floege J:
Mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of tubulointerstitial fibrosis in 5/6-nephrectomized rats.
Kidney Int 49 (1996): 666-678.
48. Floege J, Hackmann B, Kliem V, Kriz W, Alpers CE, Johnson RJ, Kühn KW, Koch KM, Brunkhorst R:
Age-related glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis in Milan normotensive rats: a podocyte disease.
Kidney Int 51 (1997): 230-243.
49. Eitner F, Westerhuis R, Burg M, Weinhold B, Gröne H-J, Ostendorf T, Rüther U, Koch KM, Rees AJ, Floege J:
On the role of interleukin-6 in mediating mesangial cell proliferation and matrix production in vivo.
Kidney Int 51 (1997): 69-78.
50. Zwirner J, Burg M, Schulze M, Brunkhorst R, Götze O, Koch KM, Floege J:
Activated complement C3: a potentially novel predictor of progressive IgA-nephropathy.
Kidney Int 51 (1997): 1257-1264.
51. Floege J, Hudkins KL, Seifert RA, Francki A, Bowen-Pope DF, Alpers CE:
Localization of PDGF -receptor in the developing and mature human kidney.
Kidney Int. 51 (1997): 1140-1150.
52. Burg M, Gröne HJ, Koch KM, Floege J:
Cationic dextran induces mesangioproliferative nephritis in rats independent of glomerular IgA deposition.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 12 (1997): 1856-1862.
53. Shankland SJ, Floege J, Thomas SE, Nangaku M, Hugo C, Pippin J, Henne K, Hockenberry D, Johnson RJ, Couser WG:
Cyclin kinase inhibitors are increased during experimental membranous nephropathy: Potential role in limiting glomerular epithelial cell proliferation in vivo.
Kidney Int 52 (1997): 404-413.
54. Burg M, Ostendorf T, Mooney A, Koch KM, Floege J:
Treatment of experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis with non-anticoagulant heparin. Therapeutic efficacy and safety.
Lab Invest 76 (1997): 505-516.
55. Floege J, Hudkins KL, Davis CL, Schwartz SM, Alpers CE:
Expression of PDGF -receptor in renal arteriosclerosis and rejecting renal transplants.
J Am Soc Nephrol 9 (1998) 211-223.
56. Floege J, Burg M, Hugo C, Gordon K, Van Goor H, Reidy M, Couser WG, Koch KM, Johnson RJ:
Endogenous fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) mediates cytotoxicity in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 9 (1998): 792-801.
57. Ohmacht C, Kliem V, Burg M, Nashan B, Schlitt HJ, Brunkhorst R, Koch KM, Floege J:
Recurrent IgA nephropathy after renal transplantation: A significant contributor to graft loss.
Transplantation 64 (1997) 1493-1496.
58. Schwalbe S, Holzhauer M, Schaeffer J, Galanski M, Koch KM, Floege J:
ß2-microglobulin associated amyloidosis: A vanishing complication of long term hemodialysis?
Kidney Int 52 (1997): 1077-1083.
59. Burg M, Menne J, Ostendorf T, Kliem V, Floege J:
Gene polymorphisms of angiotensin converting enzyme and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in patients with primary glomerulonephritis.
Clin Nephrol 48 (1997): 205-211.
60. Ehlerding G, Schaeffer J, Drommer W, Miyata T, Koch KM, Floege J:
Alterations of synovial tissue and their potential role in the deposition of ß2-microglobulin associated amyloidosis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 13 (1998): 1465-1475.
61. Canaan-Kühl S, Ostendorf T, Zander K, Koch KM, Floege J:
C-natriuretic peptide inhibits mesangial cell proliferation and matrix accumulation in vivo.
Kidney Int 53 (1998): 1143-1151.
62. Janssen U, Ostendorf T, Gaertner S, Eitner F, Hedrich HJ, Assmann KJM, Floege J:
Improved survival and amelioration of nephrotoxic nephritis in ICAM-1 knock out mice.
J Am Soc Nephrol 9 (1998): 1805-1814.
63. Floege J, Ostendorf T, Janssen U, Burg M, Radeke HH, Vargeese C, Green LS, Janjic N:
A novel approach to specific growth factor inhibition in vivo: antagonism of PDGF in glomerulonephritis by aptamers.
Am J Pathol 154 (1999): 169-179.
64. Riley S, Steadman R, Williams JD, Floege J, Phillips AO:
Augmentation of kidney injury by basic fibroblast growth factor or platelet-derived growth factor does not induce progressive diabetic nephropathy in the Goto Kakizaki model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
J Lab Clin Med 134 (1999): 304-312.
65. Floege J, Burg M, Al Masri AM, Groene HJ, von Wussow P:
Expression of interferon-inducible Mx-proteins in patients with IgA-nephropathy or Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
Am. J. Kidney Dis. 33 (1999): 434 440.
66. Floege J, Hudkins KL, Eitner F, Cui Y, Schelling MA, Alpers CE:
Localization of fibroblast growth factor-2 (basic FGF) and FGF receptor-1 in normal adult human kidney.
Kidney Int 56 (1999): 883-97.
67. Ostendorf T, Kunter U, Loos A, Eitner F, Regele H, Kerjaschki D, Janjic N, Floege J:
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF165) mediates glomerular endothelial repair.
J Clin Invest 104 (1999): 913-923.
68. Coimbra TM, Janssen U, Groene HJ, Ostendorf T, Kunter U, Schmidt H, Brabant G, Floege J:
Early events leading to renal injury in obese Zucker (fatty) rats with type II diabetes.
Kidney Int 57(2000):167-182.
69. Joles J, Kunter U, Janssen U, Kriz W, Rabelink TJ, Floege J:
Early mechanisms of renal injury in hyperlipidemic rats.
J Am Soc Nephrol 11 (2000): 669-683.
70. Janssen U, Bahlmann F, Köhl J, Zwirner J, Haubitz M, Floege J:
Activation of the acute phase response and complement C3 in patients with IgA nephropathy.
Am J Kidney Dis 35 (2000): 21-28.
71. Bokemeyer D, Ostendorf T, Kunter U, Lindemann M, Kramer HJ, Floege J:
Differential activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in experimental mesangio-proliferative glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 11 (2000): 232-240.
72. Wagner J, Dechow C, Morath C, Lehrke I, Amann K, Floege J, Ritz E:
Retinoic acid reduces glomerular injury in a rat model of glomerular damage.
J Am Soc Nephrol 11 (2000): 1479-87.
73. Schäffer J, Burchert W, Floege J, Gielow P, Kionka C, Linke RP, Weiss EH, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Recombinant versus natural human 111In-ß2-microglobulin for amyloid scintigraphy in hemodialysis patients.
Kidney Int 58 (2000): 873-880.
74. Lonnemann G, Floege J, Kliem V, Brunkhorst R, Koch KM:
Continuous veno-venous high-flux hemodialysis in patients with acute renal failure and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome using a single path batch dialysis system.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 15 (2000): 1189-1193.
75. Phillips AO, Baboolal K, Gröne HJ, Janssen U, Steadman R, Williams JD, Floege J:
Association of prolonged hyperglycemia with glomerular hypertrophy and renal basement membrane thickening in the Goto Kakizaki model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Am J Kidney Dis 37 (2001): 400-410.
76. Ostendorf T, Kunter U, Groene HJ, Kawachi H, Shimizu F, Koch KM, Janjic N, Floege J:
Specific antagonism of PDGF prevents renal scarring in experimental glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 12 (2001): 909-18.
77. Kurts C, Klebba I, Davey GM, Koch KM, Miller JF, Heath WR, Floege J:
Kidney protection against autoreactive CD8+ T cells distinct from immunoprivilege and sequestration.
Kidney Int 60 (2001): 664-71.
78. Frank D, Weber J, Dresbach H, Thelen H, Floege J:
The role of contact system activation in hemodialyzer-induced thrombogenicity: insights derived from a new ex vivo recirculation model.
Kidney Int. 60 (2001): 1972-1981.
79. Morath C, Dechow C, Lehrke I, Haxsen V, Waldherr R, Floege J, Ritz E, Wagner J:
Effects of retinoids on the TGF-beta system and extracellular matrix in experimental glomerulonephritis.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 12 (2001): 2300-2309.
80. Brandenburg VM, Ketteler M, Blum U, Riehl J, Floege J:
Skeletal scintigraphy in acquired adult Fanconi syndrome.
Clin Nucl Med.27 (2002): 53-54.
81. Ostendorf T, Kunter U, Dooley S, Janjic N, Ruckman J, Eitner F, Floege J:
The effects of PDGF antagonism in experimental glomerulonephritis are independent of the TGF-beta system.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13 (2002): 658-667.
82. Brandenburg VM, Ketteler M, Frank RD, Schmitt H, Floege J, Behler CM, Riehl J:
Bone pain with scintigraphy suggestive of widespread metastases – do not forget phosphate.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 17(2002): 504-507.
83. En-Nia A, Reisdorff J, Stefanidis I, Floege J, Heinrich PC, Mertens PR
Mesangial cell gelatinase A synthesis is attenuated by oscillating hyperbaric pressure.
Biochem J. 362 (2002) 693-700.
84. Westenfeld R, Gawlik A, de Heer E, Kitahara M, Abou-Rebyeh F, Floege J, Ketteler M:
Selective inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase enhances intraglomerular coagulation in chronic anti-thy 1-nephritis.
Kidney Int. 61 (2002): 834-838.
85. Ortlepp JR, Breuer J, Eitner F, Kluge K, Kluge R, Floege J, Hollweg G, Hanrath P, Joost HG:
Blocking of the renin angiotensin system ameliorates genetically determined hyperinsulinemia.
Eur. J. Pharmacol. 436 (2002): 145-150.
86. Eitner F, Ostendorf T, Van Roeyen C, Kitahara M, Li X, Aase K, Groene HJ, Eriksson U, Floege J:
Expression of a novel PDGF isoform, PDGF-C, in normal and diseased rat kidney.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13 (2002): 910-917.
87. Bokemeyer D, Lindemann M, Kitahara M, Kerjaschki D, Trzaskos JM, Floege J, Kramer HJ, Ostendorf T:
In vivo inhibition of the MAP-kinase cascade blunts the progression of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13 (2002): 1473-80
88. Kitahara M, Eitner F, Ostendorf T, Janssen U, Kunter U, Westenfeld R, Matsui K, Kerjaschki D, Floege J:
Selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition impairs glomerular capillary healing in experimental glomerulonephritis.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13 (2002): 1261-70
89. Reisdorf J, En-Nia A, Stefanidis I, Floege J, Lovett DH, Mertens PR:
Transcription factor ets-1 regulates gelatinase A gene expression in mesangial cells.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13 (2002): 1568-78
90. Janssen U, Sowa E, Marchand P, Floege J, Phillips AO, Radeke HH:
Differential expression of MCP-1 and its receptor CCR2 in glucose primed human mesangial cells.
Nephron 92 (2002): 797-806.
91. Riley SG, Evans RA, Davies M, Floege J, Phillips AO:
Goto-Kakizaki rat is protected from proteinuria after induction of anti-Thy1 nephritis.
Am J Kidney Dis. 39 (2002): 985-1000
92. Gaertner SA, Janssen U, Ostendorf T, Koch KM, Floege J, Gwinner W:
Glomerular oxidative and antioxidative systems in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13 (2002): 2930-7.
93. Brandenburg VM, Ketteler M, Fassbender WJ, Heussen N, Freuding T, Floege J, Ittel TH:
Development of lumbar bone mineral density in the late course after kidney transplantation.
Am J Kidney Dis. 40 (2002): 1066-74.
94. Frank RD, Farber H, Lanzmich R, Floege J, Kierdorf HP:
In vitro studies on hirudin elimination by haemofiltration: comparison of three high-flux membranes.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 17 (2002):1957-63.
95. Janssen U, Kunter U, Ostendorf T, Wolf G, Chaponnier C, Gabbiani G, Floege J:
Extracellular actin inhibits glomerular capillary repair in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Nephron Exp Nephrol. 93 (2003): E158-67
96. Eitner F, Ostendorf T, Kretzler M, Cohen CD for the ERCB-Consortium, Eriksson U, Gröne HJ, Floege J:
PDGF-C expression in the developing and normal adult human kidney and in glomerular diseases.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 14 (2003): 1145-53.
97. Ketteler M, Bongartz P, Westenfeld R, Wildberger JE, Mahnken AH, Böhm R, Metzger T, Wanner C, Jahnen-Dechent W, Floege J:
Cardiovascular mortality in dialysis patients: Low Ahsg/fetuin levels may be a critical factor.
Lancet 361 (2003): 827-33
98. Janssen U, Riley SG, Vassiliadou A, Floege J, Phillips AO:
Hypertension superimposed on type II diabetes in Goto Kakizaki rats induces progressive nephropathy.
Kidney Int. 63 (2003): 2162-70.
99. Kunter U, Floege J, von Jürgensonn AS, Stojanovic T, Merkel S, Gröne HJ, Ferran C:
Expression of A20 in the vessel wall of rat-kidney allografts correlates with protection from transplant arteriosclerosis.
Transplantation. 75 (2003): 3-9
100. Kriz W, Hahnel B, Hosser H, Ostendorf T, Gaertner S, Kranzlin B, Gretz N, Shimizu F, Floege J:
Pathways to recovery and loss of nephrons in anti-Thy-1 nephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 14 (2003):1904-26
101. Schäfer C, Heiss A, Schwarz A, Westenfeld R, Ketteler M, Floege J, Muller-Esterl W, Schinke T, Jahnen-Dechent W.
The serum protein alpha 2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein/fetuin-A is a systemically acting inhibitor of ectopic calcification.
J Clin Invest. 112 (2003):357-66.
102. Ostendorf T, van Roeyen CR, Peterson JD, Kunter U, Eitner F, Hamad AJ, Chan G, Jia XC, Macaluso J, Gazit-Bornstein G, Keyt BA, Lichenstein HS, LaRochelle WJ, Floege J:
A fully human monoclonal antibody (CR002) identifies PDGF-D as a novel mediator of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 14 (2003):2237-47.
103. Frank RD, Brandenburg VM, Lanzmich R, Floege J:
Factor Xa-activated whole blood clotting time (Xa-ACT) for bedside monitoring of dalteparin anticoagulation during haemodialysis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 19 (2004):1552-1558
104. Musi B, Braide M, Carlsson O, Wieslander A, Albrektsson A, Ketteler M, Westenfeld R, Floege J, Rippe B:
Biocompatibility of peritoneal dialysis fluids: long-term exposure of nonuremic rats.
Perit Dial Int 24 (2004): 37-47
105. Steinmetz OM, Panzer U, Harendza S, Mertens PR, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Helmchen U, Stahl RA:
No association of the -2518 MCP-1 A/G promoter polymorphism with incidence and clinical course of IgA nephropathy.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 19 (2004): 596-601
106. Raffetseder U, Wernert N, Ostendorf T, van Roeyen C, Rauen T, Behrens P, Floege J, Mertens PR:
Mesangial cell expression of proto-oncogene Ets-1 during progression of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Kidney Int. 66 (2004): 622-32
107. Brandenburg VM, Politt D, Ketteler M, Fassbender WJ, Heussen N, Westenfeld R, Freuding T, Floege J, Ittel TH:
Early rapid loss followed by long-term consolidation characterizes the development of lumbar bone mineral density after kidney transplantation.
Transplantation 77 (2004): 1566-71
108. Krüger T, Benke D, Eitner F, Lang A, Wirtz M, Hamilton-Williams EE, Engel D, Giese B, Muller-Newen G, Floege J, Kurts C:
Identification and functional characterization of dendritic cells in the healthy murine kidney and in experimental glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 15(2004): 613-21
109. Ostendorf T, Van Roeyen C, Westenfeld R, Gawlik A, Kitahara M, De Heer E, Kerjaschki D, Floege J, Ketteler M:
Inducible nitric oxide synthase-derived nitric oxide promotes glomerular angiogenesis via upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 15 (2004): 2307-19
110. Milovanceva-Popovska, M., Kunter, U., Ostendorf, T., Petermann, A., Rong, S., Eitner, F., Kerjaschki, D., Barnett, A., Floege J:
R-roscovitine (CYC202) alleviates renal cell proliferation in nephritis without aggravating podocyte injury.
Kidney Int 67 (2005): 1362-70
111. Panzer U, Schneider A, Steinmetz OM, Wenzel U, Barth P, Reinking R, Becker JU, Harendza S, Zahner G, Fischereder M, Kramer BH, Schlondorff D, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Helmchen U, Stahl RA:
The chemokine receptor 5 Delta32 mutation is associated with increased renal survival in patients with IgA nephropathy.
Kidney Int. 67 (2005):75-81
112. Lang A, Benke D, Eitner F, Engel D, Ehrlich S, Breloer M, Hamilton-Williams E, Specht S, Hoerauf A, Floege J, von Bonin A, Kurts C:
Heat shock protein 60 is released in immune-mediated glomerulonephritis and aggravates disease: in vivo evidence for an immunologic danger signal.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 16 (2005):383-91
113. Moeller MJ, Soofi A, Sanden SK, Floege J, Kriz W, Holzman LB:
An efficient system for tissue-specific over-expression of transgenes in podocytes in vivo.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 289 (2005): F481-488
114. Yu D, Petermann A, Kunter U, Rong S, Shankland SJ, Floege J:
Urinary Podocyte Loss Is a More Specific Marker of Ongoing Glomerular Damage than Proteinuria.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 16 (2005): 1733-1741
115. Haubitz M, Wittke S, Weissinger EM, Walden M, Rupprecht HD, Floege J, Haller H, Mischak H:
Urine protein patterns can serve as diagnostic tools in patients with IgA nephropathy.
Kidney Int. 67 (2005):2313-20
116. Breitkopf K, van Roeyen C, Sawitza I, Wickert L, Floege J, Gressner AM:
Expression patterns of PDGF-A, -B, -C and -D and the PDGF-receptors alpha and beta in activated rat hepatic stellate cells (HSC).
Cytokine 31 (2005): 349-357
117. Brandenburg VM, Ketteler M, Heussen N, Pollit D, Frank RD, Westenfeld R, Ittel T, Floege J:
Lumbar bone mineral density in very long-term renal transplant recipients: Impact of circulating sex hormones.
Osteoporosis Int 16 (2005): 1611-20
118. Van Roeyen CRC, Eitner F, Martinkus S, Thieltges SR, Ostendorf T, Bokemeyer D, Lüscher B, Lüscher-Firzlaff JM, Floege J, Mertens P R:
Y-box protein 1 activation is a crucial event for platelet-derived growth factor-B downstream signaling in mesangioproliferative glomerular disease.
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 16 (2005) 2985-2996
119. Kunter U, Daniel S, Arvelo MB, Choi J, Shukri T, Patel VI, Longo CR, Scali ST, Shrikhande G, Rocha E, Czismadia E, Mottley C, Grey ST, Floege J, Ferran C:
Combined expression of A1 and A20 achieves optimal protection of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells.
Kidney Int 68 (2005): 1520-1532
120. Dooley S, Said HM, Gressner AM, Floege J, En-Nia A, Mertens PR:
YB-1 is the crucial mediator of antifibrotic IFN-gamma effects.
J Biol Chem 281 (2006): 1784-95
121. Frank RD, Müller U, Lanzmich R, Groeger C, Floege J:
Anticoagulant-free Genius(R) haemodialysis using low molecular weight heparin-coated circuits.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21 (2006): 1013-8
122. Schena FP, Cerullo G, Torres DD, Scolari F, Foramitti M, Amoroso A, Pirulli D, Floege J, Mertens PR, Zerres K, Alexopoulos E, Kirmizis D, Zelante L, Bisceglia L, Ghiggeri GM, Frasca GM, European IgA Nephropathy Consortium:
The IgA nephropathy Biobank. An important starting point for the genetic dissection of a complex trait.
BMC Nephrol 6 (2005): 14.
123. Van Roeyen CRC, Ostendorf T, Bokemeyer D, Behrmann I, Denecke B, Jahnen-Dechent W, Strutz F, Lichenstein HS, LaRochelle WJ, Floege J:
Biological responses to PDGF-BB versus PDGF-DD in human mesangial cells.
Kidney Int 69 (2005): 1393-402
124. Ostendorf T, Rong S, Wiedemann S, Kunter U, Haubold U, van Roeyen CRC, Eitner F, Kawachi H, Starling G, Alvarez E, Smithson G, Floege J:
Antagonism of PDGF-D by the human antibody CR002 prevents renal scarring in experimental glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 17 (2006): 1054-62
125. Kunter U, Rong S, Djuric Z, Boor P, Müller-Newen G, Yu D, Floege J:
Transplanted mesenchymal stem cells accelerate glomerular healing in experimental glomerulonephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 17 (2006): 2202-12
126. Schena FP, Cerullo G, Torres DD, Scolari F, Foramitti M, Amoroso A, Pirulli D, Floege J, Mertens PR, Zerres K, Alexopoulos E, Kirmizis D, Zelante L, Bisceglia L:
Role of interferon-gamma gene polymorphisms in susceptibility to IgA nephropathy: a family-based association study.
Eur J Hum Genet 14 (2006): 488-496
127. Hermanns MM, Brandenburg V, Ketteler M, Kooman JP, Sande FM, Gladziwa U, Rensma PL, Bartelet K, Konings CJ, Hoeks AP, Floege J, Leunissen KM:
Study on the relationship of serum fetuin-A concentration with aortic stiffness in patients on dialysis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21 (2006): 1293-1299
128. Beck S, Beck G, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Lambeau G, Nevalainen T, Radeke HH, Gurrieri S, Haas U, Thorwart, Pfeilschifter J, Kaszkin M:
Upregulation of group IB secreted phospholipase A(2) and its M-type receptor in rat anti-Thy-1 glomerulonephritis.
Kidney Int 70 (2006) 1251-1260.
129. Bisceglia L, Cerullo G, Forabosco P, Torres DD, Scolari F, Di Perna M, Foramitti M, Amoroso A, Bertok S, Floege J, Mertens PR, Zerres K, Alexopoulos E, Kirmizis D, Ermeldina M, Zelante L, Schena FP, on behalf of the European IgAN Consortium:
Genetic Heterogeneity in Italian Families with IgA Nephropathy: Suggestive Linkage for Two Novel IgA Nephropathy Loci.
Am J Hum Genet 79 (2006): 1130-1134.
130. Kunter U, Rong S, Boor P, Eitner F, Muller-Newen G, Djuric Z, van Roeyen CR, Konieczny A, Ostendorf T, Villa L, Milovanceva-Popovska M, Kerjaschki D, Floege J:
Mesenchymal stem cells prevent progressive experimental renal failure but maldifferentiate into glomerular adipocytes.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 18 (2007):1754-64.
131. Borkham-Kamphorst E, van Roeyen CR, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Gressner AM, Weiskirchen R:
Profibrogenic potential of PDGF-D in liver fibrosis.
J Hepatol. 46 (2007):1064-74.
132. Boor P, Konieczny A, Villa L, Schult AL, Bucher E, Rong S, Kunter U, van Roeyen CR, Polakowski T, Hawlisch H, Hillebrandt S, Lammert F, Eitner F, Floege J, Ostendorf T:
Complement C5 mediates experimental tubulointerstitial fibrosis.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 18 (2007):1508-15.
133. Westenfeld R, Schafer C, Smeets R, Brandenburg VM, Floege J, Ketteler M, Jahnen-Dechent W:
Fetuin-A (AHSG) prevents extraosseous calcification induced by uraemia and phosphate challenge in mice.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 22 (2007):1537-46.
134. Bicanski B, Wenderdel M, Mertens PR, Senderek J, Panzer U, Steinmetz O, Stahl RA, Cerullo G, DilettaTorres D, Schena FP, Zerres K, Floege J:
PDGF-B gene single-nucleotide polymorphisms are not predictive for disease onset or progression of IgA nephropathy.
Clin Nephrol. 67 (2007):65-72.
135. Sauerhofer S, Yuan G, Braun GS, Deinzer M, Neumaier M, Gretz N, Floege J, Kriz W, van der Woude F, Moeller MJ:
L-carnosine, a substrate of carnosinase-1, influences glucose metabolism.
Diabetes 56 (2007): 2425-2432.
136. Muhlfeld AS, Ketteler M, Schwamborn K, Eitner F, Schneider B, Gladziwa U, Knuchel R, Floege J:
Sticky platelet syndrome: an underrecognized cause of graft dysfunction and thromboembolic complications in renal transplant recipients.
Am J Transplant. 7 (2007):1865-8.
137. Braun GS, Kretzler M, Heider T, Floege J, Holzman LB, Kriz W, Moeller MJ:
Differentially spliced isoforms of FAT1 are asymmetrically distributed within migrating cells.
J Biol Chem. 282 (2007): 22823-22833.
138. Bokemeyer D, Panek D, Kitahara M, Trzaskos JM, Muller CE, Hockemeyer J, Kunter U, Boor P, Floege J, Kramer HJ, Ostendorf T:
The map kinase ERK regulates renal activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 in experimental glomerulonephritis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007):3431-41.
139. Boor P, Konieczny A, Villa L, Kunter U, van Roeyen CR, LaRochelle WJ, Smithson G, Arrol S, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
PDGF-D inhibition by CR002 ameliorates tubulointerstitial fibrosis following experimental glomerulonephritis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007):1323-31.
140. Brodersen HP, Beckers B, Clauss M, vom Dahl J, Floege J, Janssen U:
Identification of central venous hemodialysis catheter-related infection by a semiquantitative culture method.
J Nephrol 20 (2007): 462-7.
141. Chertow GM, Pupim LB, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Floege J, Goodman WG, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Moe SM, Wheeler DC, Albizem M, Olson K, Klassen P, Parfrey P:
Evaluation of Cinacalcet Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events (EVOLVE): rationale and design overview.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2 (2007):898-905, 2007.
142. Schlieper G, Brandenburg V, Djuric Z, Damjanovic T, Markovic N, Westenfeld R, Dimkovic N, Ketteler M, Floege J:
Is there a correlation between C-reactive protein and calcification inhibitors with cardiovascular parameters and risk factors in hemodialysis patients?
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 132 (2007):1820-4.
143. Eitner F, Bucher E, van Roeyen C, Kunter U, Rong S, Seikrit C, Villa L, Boor P, Fredriksson L, Backstrom G, Eriksson U, Ostman A, Floege J, Ostendorf T:
PDGF-C is a proinflammatory cytokine that mediates renal interstitial fibrosis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 19 (2008):281-9.
144. Scholz J, Lukacs-Kornek V, Engel DR, Specht S, Kiss E, Eitner F, Floege J, Groene HJ, Kurts C:
Renal Dendritic Cells Stimulate IL-10 Production and Attenuate Nephrotoxic Nephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 19 (2008): 527-37.
145. Schwab M, Lupescu A, Mota M, Mota E, Frey A, Simon P, Mertens PR, Floege J, Luft F, Asante-Poku S, Schaeffeler E, Lang F:
Association of SGK1 Gene Polymorphisms with Type 2 Diabetes.
Cell Physiol Biochem 21 (2008):151-60.
146. van Roeyen CR, Eitner F, Scholl T, Boor P, Kunter U, Planque N, Grone HJ, Bleau AM, Perbal B, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
CCN3 is a novel endogenous PDGF-regulated inhibitor of glomerular cell proliferation.
Kidney Int 73 (2008): 86-94.
147. Schlieper G, Hristov M, Brandenburg V, Krüger T, Westenfeld R, Mahnken AH, Yagmur E, Boecker G, Heussen N, Gladziwa U, Ketteler M, Weber C, Floege J:
Predictors of low circulating endothelial progenitor cell numbers in haemodialysis patients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2008)
148. Borkham-Kamphorst E, Kovalenko E, van Roeyen CR, Gassler N, Bomble M, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Gressner AM, Weiskirchen R:
Platelet-derived growth factor isoform expression in carbon tetrachloride-induced chronic liver injury.
Lab Invest. 88 (2008): 1090-100
149. Meyer C, Muhlfeld A, Drexhage C, Floege J, Goepel E, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Rassaf T:
Clinical research for patient empowerment–a qualitative approach on the improvement of heart health promotion in chronic illness.
Med Sci Monit. 14 (2008): CR358-65.
150. Cannata-Andía JB, Fernández-Martín JL, Zoccali C, London GM, Locatelli F, Ketteler M, Ferreira A, Covic A, Floege J, Górriz JL, Rutkowski B, Memmos DE, Verbeelen D, Tielemans C, Teplan V, Bos WJ, Nagy J, Kramar R, Goldsmith DJ, Martin PY, Wüthrich RP, Pavlovic D, Benedik M:
Current management of secondary hyperparathyroidism: a multicenter observational study (COSMOS).
J Nephrol. 21 (2008): 290-8.
151. Eitner F, Ackermann D, Hilgers RD, Floege J:
Supportive Versus Immunosuppressive Therapy of Progressive IgA nephropathy (STOP) IgAN trial: rationale and study protocol.
J Nephrol. 21 (2008): 284-9.
152. Malycha F, Eggermann T, Hristov M, Schena FP, Mertens PR, Zerres K, Floege J, Eitner F:
No evidence for a role of cosmc-chaperone mutations in European IgA nephropathy patients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 24 (2009):321-4.
153. Schlieper G, Krüger T, Djuric Z, Damjanovic T, Markovic N, Schurgers LJ, Brandenburg VM, Westenfeld R, Dimkovic S, Ketteler M, Grootendorst DC, Dekker FW, Floege J, Dimkovic N:
Vascular access calcification predicts mortality in hemodialysis patients.
Kidney Int. 74 (2008):1582-7
154. Mösges R, Köberlein J, Erdtracht B, Klingel R; RHEO-ISHL Study Group:
Quality of life in patients with idiopathic sudden hearing loss: comparison of different therapies using the Medical Outcome Short Form (36) Health Survey questionnaire.
Otol Neurotol. 29(2008):769-75
155. Raffetseder U, Rauen T, Djudjaj S, Kretzler M, En-Nia A, Tacke F, Zimmermann HW, Nelson PJ, Frye BC, Floege J, Stefanidis I, Weber C, Mertens PR:
Differential regulation of chemokine CCL5 expression in monocytes/macrophages and renal cells by Y-box protein-1.
Kidney Int. 75 (2009):185-96
156. Appel D, Kershaw DB, Smeets B, Yuan G, Fuss A, Frye B, Elger M, Kriz W, Floege J, Moeller MJ:
Recruitment of Podocytes from Glomerular Parietal Epithelial Cells.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 20 (2009):333-43
157. Gordon C, Jayne D, Pusey C, Adu D, Amoura Z, Aringer M, Ballerin J, Cervera R, Calvo-Alén J, Chizzolini C, Dayer J, Doria A, Ferrario F, Floege J, Guillevin L, Haubitz M, Hiepe F, Houssiau F, Lesavre P, Lightstone L, Meroni P, Meyer O, Moulin B, O’Reilly K, Praga M, Schulze-Koops H, Sinico R, Smith K, Tincani A, Vasconcelos C, Hughes G:
European consensus statement on the terminology used in the management of lupus glomerulonephritis.
Lupus. 18 (2009):257-63.
158. Pirulli D, Crovella S, Ulivi S, Zadro C, Bertok S, Rendine S, Scolari F, Foramitti M, Ravani P, Roccatello D, Savoldi S, Cerullo G, Lanzilotta SG, Bisceglia L, Zelante L, Floege J, Alexopoulos E, Kirmizis D, Ghiggeri GM, Frascà G, Schena FP, Amoroso A; European IgAN Consortium:
Genetic variant of C1GalT1 contributes to the susceptibility to IgA nephropathy.
J Nephrol. 22 (2009):152-9.
159. Koos R, Krueger T, Westenfeld R, Kühl HP, Brandenburg V, Mahnken AH, Stanzel S, Vermeer C, Cranenburg EC, Floege J, Kelm M, Schurgers LJ:
Relation of circulating Matrix Gla-Protein and anticoagulation status in patients with aortic valve calcification.
Thromb Haemost. 101 (2009):706-13.
160. Boor P, Eitner F, Cohen CD, Lindenmeyer MT; for the ERCB-Consortium, Mertens PR, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
Patients with IgA nephropathy exhibit high systemic PDGF-DD levels.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 24 (2009):2755-62
161. Koos R, Brandenburg V, Mahnken AH, Mühlenbruch G, Stanzel S, Günther RW, Floege J, Jahnen-Dechent W, Kelm M, Kühl HP:
Association of fetuin-A levels with the progression of aortic valve calcification in non-dialyzed patients.
Eur Heart J. 30 (2009):2054-61
162. Westenfeld R, Schäfer C, Krüger T, Haarmann C, Schurgers LJ, Reutelingsperger C, Ivanovski O, Drueke T, Massy ZA, Ketteler M, Floege J, Jahnen-Dechent W:
Fetuin-A Protects against Atherosclerotic Calcification in CKD.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 20 (2009):1264-74
163. Heymann F, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Hamilton-Williams EE, Hammerich L, Panzer U, Kaden S, Quaggin SE, Floege J, Gröne HJ, Kurts C:
Kidney dendritic cell activation is required for progression of renal disease in a mouse model of glomerular injury.
J Clin Invest. 119 (2009):1286-97
164. Appel GB, Contreras G, Dooley MA, Ginzler EM, Isenberg D, Jayne D, Li LS, Mysler E, Sánchez-Guerrero J, Solomons N, Wofsy D; Aspreva Lupus Management Study Group:
Mycophenolate mofetil versus cyclophosphamide for induction treatment of lupus nephritis.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 20 (2009):1103-12
165. Smeets B, Uhlig S, Fuss A, Mooren F, Wetzels JF, Floege J, Moeller MJ:
Tracing the origin of glomerular extracapillary lesions from parietal epithelial cells.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 20 (2009): 2604-15
166. Fangmann J, Arns W, Marti HP, Hauss J, Ketteler M, Beckurts T, Boesmueller C, Pohanka E, Martin PY, Gerhardt M, Farese S, Neumayer HH, Floege J, Gurr C, Budde K; on behalf of the DACH Study Group:
Impact of daclizumab, low-dose cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil and steroids on renal function after kidney transplantation.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25 (2010):283-92
167. Damjanovic T, Djuric S, Schlieper G, Markovic N, Dimkovic S, Radojicic Z, Krüger T, Floege J, Dimkovic N:
Clinical features of hemodialysis patients with intimal versus medial vascular calcifications.
J Nephrol. 22 (2009):358-66
168. Schlieper G, Brandenburg V, Djuric Z, Damjanovic T, Markovic N, Schurgers L, Kruger T, Westenfeld R, Ackermann D, Haselhuhn A, Dimkovic S, Ketteler M, Floege J, Dimkovic N:
Risk factors for cardiovascular calcifications in non-diabetic Caucasian haemodialysis patients.
Kidney Blood Press Res. 32 (2009):161-8
169. Medrano G, Eitner F, Floege J, Leonhardt S:
A novel bioimpedance technique to monitor fluid volume state during hemodialysis treatment.
ASAIO J. 56 (2010):215-20
170. Chambers JC, Zhang W, Lord GM, van der Harst P, Lawlor DA, Sehmi JS, Gale DP, Wass MN, Ahmadi KR, Bakker SJ, Beckmann J, Bilo HJ, Bochud M, Brown MJ, Caulfield MJ, Connell JM, Cook HT, Cotlarciuc I, Davey Smith G, de Silva R, Deng G, Devuyst O, Dikkeschei LD, Dimkovic N, Dockrell M, Dominiczak A, Ebrahim S, Eggermann T, Farrall M, Ferrucci L, Floege J, Forouhi NG, Gansevoort RT, Han X, Hedblad B, Homan van der Heide JJ, Hepkema BG, Hernandez-Fuentes M, Hypponen E, Johnson T, de Jong PE, Kleefstra N, Lagou V, Lapsley M, Li Y, Loos RJ, Luan J, Luttropp K, Maréchal C, Melander O, Munroe PB, Nordfors L, Parsa A, Peltonen L, Penninx BW, Perucha E, Pouta A, Prokopenko I, Roderick PJ, Ruokonen A, Samani NJ, Sanna S, Schalling M, Schlessinger D, Schlieper G, Seelen MA, Shuldiner AR, Sjögren M, Smit JH, Snieder H, Soranzo N, Spector TD, Stenvinkel P, Sternberg MJ, Swaminathan R, Tanaka T, Ubink-Veltmaat LJ, Uda M, Vollenweider P, Wallace C, Waterworth D, Zerres K, Waeber G, Wareham NJ, Maxwell PH, McCarthy MI, Jarvelin MR, Mooser V, Abecasis GR, Lightstone L, Scott J, Navis G, Elliott P, Kooner JS:
Genetic loci influencing kidney function and chronic kidney disease.
Nat Genet. 42 (2010):373-5.
171. Magnussen AL, Rennel ES, Hua J, Bevan HS, Beazley-Long N, Lehrling C, Gammons M, Floege J, Harper SJ, Agostini HT, Bates DO, Churchill AJ:
VEGF-A165b is cytoprotective and anti-angiogenic in the retina.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51 (2010):4273-81
172. Schlieper G, Aretz A, Verberckmoes SC, Krüger T, Behets GJ, Ghadimi R, Weirich TE, Rohrmann D, Langer S, Tordoir JH, Amann K, Westenfeld R, Brandenburg VM, D’Haese PC, Mayer J, Ketteler M, McKee MD, Floege J.
Ultrastructural analysis of vascular calcifications in uremia.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 21 (2010):689-96
173. Brandenburg VM, Schlieper G, Heussen N, Holzmann S, Busch B, Evenepoel P, Vanholder R, Meijers B, Meert N, Fassbender WJ, Floege J, Jahnen-Dechent W, Ketteler M:
Serological cardiovascular and mortality risk predictors in dialysis patients receiving sevelamer: a prospective study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25 (2010):2672-9
174. Schlieper G, Grotemeyer D, Aretz A, Schurgers LJ, Krüger T, Rehbein H, Weirich TE, Westenfeld R, Brandenburg VM, Eitner F, Mayer J, Floege J, Sandmann W, Ketteler M
Analysis of calcifications in patients with coral reef aorta.
Ann Vasc Surg. 24 (2010):408-14
175. Meyer C, Heiss C, Drexhage C, Kehmeier ES, Balzer J, Mühlfeld A, Merx MW, Lauer T, Kühl H, Floege J, Kelm M, Rassaf T:
Hemodialysis-induced release of hemoglobin limits nitric oxide bioavailability and impairs vascular function.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 55 (2010):454-9
176. Floege J, Raggi P, Block GA, Urena Torres P, Csiky B, Naso A, Nossuli K, Moustafa M, Goodman WG, Lopez N, Downey G, Dehmel B, Chertow GM; on behalf of the ADVANCE Study group:
Study design and subject baseline characteristics in the ADVANCE Study: effects of cinacalcet on vascular calcification in haemodialysis patients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 25 (2010):1916-23
177. Ginzler EM, Wofsy D, Isenberg D, Gordon C, Lisk L, Dooley MA; ALMS Group:
Nonrenal disease activity following mycophenolate mofetil or intravenous cyclophosphamide as induction treatment for lupus nephritis: findings in a multicenter, prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel-group clinical trial.
Arthritis Rheum. 62 (2010):211-21
178. Rassaf T, Westenfeld R, Balzer J, Lauer T, Merx M, Floege J, Steiner S, Heiss C, Kelm M, Meyer C.
Modulation of peripheral chemoreflex by neurohumoral adaptations after kidney transplantation.
Eur J Med Res 15 (2010) Suppl 2:83-7.
179. de Francisco AL, Kim J, Anker SD, Belozeroff V, Canaud B, Chazot C, Drüeke TB, Eckardt KU, Floege J, Kronenberg F, Macdougall IC, Marcelli D, Molemans B, Passlick-Deetjen J, Schernthaner G, Stenvinkel P, Wheeler DC, Fouqueray B, Aljama P.
An Epidemiological Study of Hemodialysis Patients Based on the European Fresenius Medical Care Hemodialysis Network: Results of the ARO Study.
Nephron Clin Pract. 118 (2010):c143-c154
180. Rassaf T, Schueller P, Westenfeld R, Floege J, Eickholt C, Hennersdorf M, Merx MW, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Meyer C.
Peripheral chemosensor function is blunted in moderate to severe chronic kidney disease.
Int J Cardiol. 2010 Oct 25.
181. Rassaf T, Westenfeld R, Balzer J, Lauer T, Merx M, Floege J, Steiner S, Heiss C, Kelm M, Meyer C.
Modulation of peripheral chemoreflex by neurohumoral adaptations after kidney transplantation.
Eur J Med Res. 15 Suppl 2 (2010):83-7.
182. Eitner F, Hauser IA, Rettkowski O, Rath T, Lopau K, Pliquett RU, Fiedler R, Guba M, Hilgers RD, Floege J, Fischereder M.
Risk factors for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PcP) in renal transplant recipients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 26 (2011):2013-7.
183. Raggi P, Chertow GM, Torres PU, Csiky B, Naso A, Nossuli K, Moustafa M, Goodman WG, Lopez N, Downey G, Dehmel B, Floege J; on behalf of the ADVANCE Study Group.
The ADVANCE study: a randomized study to evaluate the effects of cinacalcet plus low-dose vitamin D on vascular calcification in patients on hemodialysis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 26 (2011):1327-39
184. Floege J, Kim J, Ireland E, Chazot C, Drueke T, de Francisco A, Kronenberg F, Marcelli D, Passlick-Deetjen J, Schernthaner G, Fouqueray B, Wheeler DC; on behalf of the ARO Investigators.
Serum iPTH, calcium and phosphate, and the risk of mortality in a European haemodialysis population.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 26 (2011):1948-55.
185. Hausmann R, Kuppe C, Egger H, Schweda F, Knecht V, Elger M, Menzel S, Somers D, Braun G, Fuss A, Uhlig S, Kriz W, Tanner G, Floege J, Moeller MJ.
Electrical forces determine glomerular permeability.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 21 (2010): 2053-8
186. Lux S, Mirzazade S, Kuzmanovic B, Plewan T, Eickhoff SB, Shah NJ, Floege J, Fink GR, Eitner F.
Differential activation of memory-relevant brain regions during a dialysis cycle.
Kidney Int. 78 (2010): 794-802.
187. Boor P, van Roeyen CR, Kunter U, Villa L, Bücher E, Hohenstein B, Hugo CP, Eriksson U, Satchell SC, Mathieson PW, Eitner F, Floege J, Ostendorf T.
PDGF-C mediates glomerular capillary repair.
Am J Pathol. 177 (2010): 58-69.
188. Schlieper G, Westenfeld R, Krüger T, Cranenburg EC, Magdeleyns EJ, Brandenburg VM, Djuric Z, Damjanovic T, Ketteler M, Vermeer C, Dimkovic N, Floege J, Schurgers LJ.
Circulating nonphosphorylated carboxylated matrix gla protein predicts survival in ESRD.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 22 (2011):387-95.
189. Raffetseder U, Rauen T, Boor P, Ostendorf T, Hanssen L, Floege J, Djudjaj S, Frye BC, Mertens PR.
Extracellular YB-1 Blockade in Experimental Nephritis Upregulates Notch-3 Receptor Expression and Signaling.
Nephron Exp Nephrol. 118 (2011):e100-e108
190. Hanssen L, Frye BC, Ostendorf T, Djudjaj S, Boor P, Rauen T, Floege J, Mertens PR, Raffetseder U.
Y-box binding protein-1 mediates profibrotic effects of calcineurin inhibitors in the kidney.
J Immunol. 187 (2011):298-308.
191. Smeets B, Kuppe C, Sicking EM, Fuss A, Jirak P, van Kuppevelt TH, Endlich K, Wetzels JF, Gröne HJ, Floege J, Moeller MJ.
Parietal epithelial cells participate in the formation of sclerotic lesions in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 22 (2011):1262-74.
192. Kramann R, Couson SK, Neuss S, Kunter U, Bovi M, Bornemann J, Knüchel R, Jahnen-Dechent W, Floege J, Schneider RK.
Exposure to uremic serum induces a procalcific phenotype in human mesenchymal stem cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 31 (2011):e45-54
193. Maréchal C, Schlieper G, Nguyen P, Krüger T, Coche E, Robert A, Floege J, Goffin E, Jadoul M, Devuyst O.
Serum fetuin-A levels are associated with vascular calcifications and predict cardiovascular events in renal transplant recipients.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 6 (2011):974-85.
194. Villa L, Boor P, Konieczny A, Kunter U, van Roeyen CR, Denecke B, Gan L, Kupper MB, Hoffmann K, Eitner F, Ostendorf T, Floege J.
Effects and mechanisms of angiotensin II receptor blockade with telmisartan in a normotensive model of mesangioproliferative nephritis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011;26:3131-43
195. Westenfeld R, Schlieper G, Wöltje M, Gawlik A, Brandenburg V, Rutkowski P, Floege J, Jahnen-Dechent W, Ketteler M.
Impact of sirolimus, tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil on osteoclastogenesis–implications for post-transplantation bone disease.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011;26:4115-23
196. van Roeyen CR, Eitner F, Boor P, Moeller MJ, Raffetseder U, Hanssen L, Bücher E, Villa L, Banas MC, Hudkins KL, Alpers CE, Ostendorf T, Floege J.
Induction of progressive glomerulonephritis by podocyte-specific overexpression of platelet-derived growth factor-D.
Kidney Int. 2011;80:1292-305
197. Borkham-Kamphorst E, van Roeyen CR, Van de Leur E, Floege J, Weiskirchen R.
CCN3/NOV small interfering RNA enhances fibrogenic gene expression in primary hepatic stellate cells and cirrhotic fat storing cell line CFSC.
J Cell Commun Signal. 2012;6:11-25
198. Eckardt KU, Bärthlein B, Baid-Agrawal S, Beck A, Busch M, Eitner F, Ekici AB, Floege J, Gefeller O, Haller H, Hilge R, Hilgers KF, Kielstein JT, Krane V, Köttgen A, Kronenberg F, Oefner P, Prokosch HU, Reis A, Schmid M, Schaeffner E, Schultheiss UT, Seuchter SA, Sitter T, Sommerer C, Walz G, Wanner C, Wolf G, Zeier M, Titze S.
The German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) study: design and methods.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012;27:1454-60
199. Scheithauer S, Eitner F, Mankartz J, Haefner H, Nowicki K, Floege J, Lemmen SW.
Improving hand hygiene compliance rates in the haemodialysis setting: more than just more hand rubs.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012;27:766-70.
200. Westenfeld R, Krueger T, Schlieper G, Cranenburg EC, Magdeleyns EJ, Heidenreich S, Holzmann S, Vermeer C, Jahnen-Dechent W, Ketteler M, Floege J, Schurgers LJ:
Effect of vitamin K2 supplementation on functional vitamin K deficiency in hemodialysis patients: a randomized trial.
Am J Kidney Dis 2012, 59:186-95.
201. Sicking EM, Fuss A, Uhlig S, Jirak P, Dijkman H, Wetzels J, Engel DR, Urzynicok T, Heidenreich S, Kriz W, Kurts C, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ:
Subtotal ablation of parietal epithelial cells induces crescent formation.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2012, 23:629-40.
202. Marechal C, Coche E, Goffin E, Dragean A, Schlieper G, Nguyen P, Floege J, Kanaan N, Devuyst O, and Jadoul M.
Progression of coronary artery calcification and thoracic aorta calcification in kidney transplant recipients.
Am J Kidney Dis 2012;59(2):258-69
203. Kabgani N, Grigoleit T, Schulte K, Sechi A, Sauer-Lehnen S, Tag C, Boor P, Kuppe C, Warsow G, Schordan S, Mostertz J, Chilukoti RK, Homuth G, Endlich N, Tacke F, Weiskirchen R, Fuellen G, Endlich K, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ:
Primary cultures of glomerular parietal epithelial cells or podocytes with proven origin.
PloS one 2012, 7:e34907
204. Bertsias GK, Tektonidou M, Amoura Z, Aringer M, Bajema I, Berden JH, Boletis J, Cervera R, Dorner T, Doria A, Ferrario F, Floege J, Houssiau FA, Ioannidis JP, Isenberg DA, Kallenberg CG, Lightstone L, Marks SD, Martini A, Moroni G, Neumann I, Praga M, Schneider M, Starra A, Tesar V, Vasconcelos C, van Vollenhoven RF, Zakharova H, Haubitz M, Gordon C, Jayne D, Boumpas DT.
Joint European League Against Rheumatism and European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (EULAR/ERA-EDTA) recommendations for the management of adult and paediatric lupus nephritis.
Ann Rheum Dis 2012, 71:1771-82.
205. Djudjaj S, Chatziantoniou C, Raffetseder U, Guerrot D, Dussaule JC, Boor P, Kerroch M, Hanssen L, Brandt S, Dittrich A, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Zhu C, Lindenmeyer M, Cohen CD, Mertens PR:
Notch-3 receptor activation drives inflammation and fibrosis following tubulointerstitial kidney injury.
J Pathol 2012, 228:286-99
206. Chertow GM, Correa-Rotter R, Block GA, Drueke TB, Floege J, Goodman WG, Herzog CA, Kubo Y, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Mix TC, Moe SM, Wheeler DC, Parfrey PS:
Baseline characteristics of subjects enrolled in the Evaluation of Cinacalcet HCl Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events (EVOLVE) trial.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012, 27:2872-9.
207. Kiryluk K, Li Y, Sanna-Cherchi S, Rohanizadegan M, Suzuki H, Eitner F, Snyder HJ, Choi M, Hou P, Scolari F, Izzi C, Gigante M, Gesualdo L, Savoldi S, Amoroso A, Cusi D, Zamboli P, Julian BA, Novak J, Wyatt RJ, Mucha K, Perola M, Kristiansson K, Viktorin A, Magnusson PK, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K, Boland A, Metzger M, Thibaudin L, Wanner C, Jager KJ, Goto S, Maixnerova D, Karnib HH, Nagy J, Panzer U, Xie J, Chen N, Tesar V, Narita I, Berthoux F, Floege J, Stengel B, Zhang H, Lifton RP, Gharavi AG:
Geographic differences in genetic susceptibility to IgA nephropathy: GWAS replication study and geospatial risk analysis.
PLoS genetics 2012, 8:e1002765.
208. Rauen T, Grammatikos AP, Hedrich CM, Floege J, Tenbrock K, Ohl K, Kyttaris VC, Tsokos GC:
cAMP-responsive element modulator alpha (CREMalpha) contributes to decreased Notch-1 expression in T cells from patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
J Biol Chem 2012, 287:42525-32
209. Chertow GM, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Floege J, Goodman WG, Herzog CA, Kubo Y, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Mix TC, Moe SM, Trotman ML, Wheeler DC, Parfrey PS:
Effect of cinacalcet on cardiovascular disease in patients undergoing dialysis.
New Engl J Med 2012, 367:2482-94
210. Kaldenbach M, Giebeler A, Tschaharganeh DF, Erschfeld S, Wasmuth HE, Dolle L, Floege J, Trautwein C, Streetz KL:
Hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met signalling is important for the selection of transplanted hepatocytes.
Gut 2012, 61:1209-18
211. Pasch A, Farese S, Graber S, Wald J, Richtering W, Floege J, Jahnen-Dechent W:
Nanoparticle-based test measures overall propensity for calcification in serum.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2012, 23:1744-52.
212. Scheithauer S, Eitner F, Mankartz J, Haefner H, Nowicki K, Floege J, Lemmen SW:
Improving hand hygiene compliance rates in the haemodialysis setting: more than just more hand rubs.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012, 27:766-70.
213. van Roeyen CR, Boor P, Borkham-Kamphorst E, Rong S, Kunter U, Martin IV, Kaitovic A, Fleckenstein S, Perbal B, Trautwein C, Weiskirchen R, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
A novel, dual role of CCN3 in experimental glomerulonephritis: pro-angiogenic and antimesangioproliferative effects.
Am J Pathol 2012, 180:1979-90.
214. Kramann R, Couson SK, Neuss S, Floege J, Knuchel R, Schneider RK:
Uraemia disrupts the vascular niche in a 3D co-culture system of human mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012, 27:2693-702.
215. Kramann R, Frank D, Brandenburg VM, Heussen N, Takahama J, Kruger T, Riehl J, Floege J:
Prognostic impact of renal arterial resistance index upon renal allograft survival: the time point matters.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012, 27:3958-63.
216. Parfrey PS, Chertow GM, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Floege J, Herzog CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Moe SM, Wheeler DC, Dehmel B, Trotman ML, Modafferi DM, Goodman WG:
The clinical course of treated hyperparathyroidism among patients receiving hemodialysis and the effect of cinacalcet: the EVOLVE trial.
J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 2013, 98:4834-44.
217. Tenten V, Menzel S, Kunter U, Sicking EM, van Roeyen CR, Sanden SK, Kaldenbach M, Boor P, Fuss A, Uhlig S, Lanzmich R, Willemsen B, Dijkman H, Grepl M, Wild K, Kriz W, Smeets B, Floege J, Moeller MJ:
Albumin is recycled from the primary urine by tubular transcytosis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2013, 24:1966-80.
218. van Roeyen CR, Zok S, Pruessmeyer J, Boor P, Nagayama Y, Fleckenstein S, Cohen CD, Eitner F, Grone HJ, Ostendorf T, Ludwig A, Floege J:
Growth arrest-specific protein 1 is a novel endogenous inhibitor of glomerular cell activation and proliferation.
Kidney Int 2013, 83:251-63
219. Urena-Torres PA, Floege J, Hawley CM, Pedagogos E, Goodman WG, Petavy F, Reiner M, Raggi P:
Protocol adherence and the progression of cardiovascular calcification in the ADVANCE study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28:146-52
220. Scheithauer S, Eitner F, Hafner H, Floege J, Lemmen SW:
Long-term sustainability of hand hygiene improvements in the hemodialysis setting.
Infection 2013, 41:675-80.
221. Villa L, Boor P, Konieczny A, Kunter U, van Roeyen CR, Denecke B, Gan L, Neusser MA, Cohen CD, Consortium E, Eitner F, Scholl T, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
Late angiotensin II receptor blockade in progressive rat mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis: new insights into mechanisms.
J Pathol 2013, 229:672-84
222. Frank RD, Mueller U, Lanzmich R, Floege J:
Factor XII activation markers do not reflect FXII dependence of thrombin generation induced by polyvinylchloride.
J Mat Sci Materials in medicine 2013, 24:2561-6.
223. Smeets B, Boor P, Dijkman H, Sharma SV, Jirak P, Mooren F, Berger K, Bornemann J, Gelman IH, Floege J, van der Vlag J, Wetzels JF, Moeller MJ:
Proximal tubular cells contain a phenotypically distinct, scattered cell population involved in tubular regeneration.
J. Pathol. 2013, 229:645-59.
224. Kramann R, Brandenburg VM, Schurgers LJ, Ketteler M, Westphal S, Leisten I, Bovi M, Jahnen-Dechent W, Knuchel R, Floege J, Schneider RK:
Novel insights into osteogenesis and matrix remodelling associated with calcific uraemic arteriolopathy.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28:856-68
225. Hanssen L, Alidousty C, Djudjaj S, Frye BC, Rauen T, Boor P, Mertens PR, van Roeyen CR, Tacke F, Heymann F, Tittel AP, Koch A, Floege J, Ostendorf T, Raffetseder U:
YB-1 is an early and central mediator of bacterial and sterile inflammation in vivo.
J. Immunol 2013, 191:2604-13
226. Krueger T, Schlieper G, Schurgers L, Cornelis T, Cozzolino M, Jacobi J, Jadoul M, Ketteler M, Rump LC, Stenvinkel P, Westenfeld R, Wiecek A, Reinartz S, Hilgers RD, Floege J:
Vitamin K1 to slow vascular calcification in haemodialysis patients (VitaVasK trial): a rationale and study protocol.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013.
227. Bellasi A, Reiner M, Petavy F, Goodman W, Floege J, Raggi P
Presence of valvular calcification predicts the response to cinacalcet: data from the ADVANCE study.
J Heart Valve Dis 2013, 22:391-9
228. Kramann R, Kunter U, Brandenburg VM, Leisten I, Ehling J, Klinkhammer BM, Knuchel R, Floege J, Schneider RK:
Osteogenesis of heterotopically transplanted mesenchymal stromal cells in rat models of chronic kidney disease.
J Bone Min Res 2013, 28:2523-34.
229. Cabezas-Rodriguez I, Carrero JJ, Zoccali C, Qureshi AR, Ketteler M, Floege J, London G, Locatelli F, Gorriz JL, Rutkowski B, Memmos D, Ferreira A, Covic A, Teplan V, Bos WJ, Kramar R, Pavlovic D, Goldsmith D, Nagy J, Benedik M, Verbeelen D, Tielemans C, Wuthrich RP, Martin PY, Martinez-Salgado C, Fernandez-Martin JL, Cannata-Andia JB:
Influence of body mass index on the association of weight changes with mortality in hemodialysis patients.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2013, 8:1725-33.
230. Cannata-Andia JB, Fernandez-Martin JL, Locatelli F, London G, Gorriz JL, Floege J, Ketteler M, Ferreira A, Covic A, Rutkowski B, Memmos D, Bos WJ, Teplan V, Nagy J, Tielemans C, Verbeelen D, Goldsmith D, Kramar R, Martin PY, Wuthrich RP, Pavlovic D, Benedik M, Sanchez JE, Martinez-Camblor P, Naves-Diaz M, Carrero JJ, Zoccali C:
Use of phosphate-binding agents is associated with a lower risk of mortality.
Kidney Int 2013, 84:998-1008
231. Martin IV, Borkham-Kamphorst E, Zok S, van Roeyen CR, Eriksson U, Boor P, Hittatiya K, Fischer HP, Wasmuth HE, Weiskirchen R, Eitner F, Floege J, Ostendorf T:
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-C neutralization reveals differential roles of PDGF receptors in liver and kidney fibrosis.
Am J Pathol 2013, 182:107-17
232. Muhlfeld AS, Lange C, Kroll G, Floege J, Krombach GA, Kuhl C, Eitner F, Schrading S:
Pilot study of non-contrast-enhanced MRI vs. ultrasound in renal transplant recipients with acquired cystic kidney disease: a prospective intra-individual comparison.
Clin Transplant 2013, 27:E694-701.
233. Yagmur E, Frank RD, Neulen J, Floege J, Muhlfeld AS:
Platelet Hyperaggregability is Highly Prevalent in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: An Underestimated Risk Indicator of Thromboembolic Events.
Clin Appl Thrombosis Hemost 2013
234. Fernandez-Martin JL, Carrero JJ, Benedik M, Bos WJ, Covic A, Ferreira A, Floege J, Goldsmith D, Gorriz JL, Ketteler M, Kramar R, Locatelli F, London G, Martin PY, Memmos D, Nagy J, Naves-Diaz M, Pavlovic D, Rodriguez-Garcia M, Rutkowski B, Teplan V, Tielemans C, Verbeelen D, Wuthrich RP, Martinez-Camblor P, Cabezas-Rodriguez I, Sanchez-Alvarez JE, Cannata-Andia JB:
COSMOS: the dialysis scenario of CKD-MBD in Europe.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28:1922-35
235. Kruger T, Oelenberg S, Kaesler N, Schurgers LJ, van de Sandt AM, Boor P, Schlieper G, Brandenburg VM, Fekete BC, Veulemans V, Ketteler M, Vermeer C, Jahnen-Dechent W, Floege J, Westenfeld R:
Warfarin induces cardiovascular damage in mice.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2013, 33:2618-24
236. Seikrit C, Henkel C, van Roeyen CR, Bokemeyer D, Eitner F, Martin IV, Boor P, Knuchel R, Meyer HE, Muller-Newen G, Eriksson U, Floege J, Ostendorf T:
Biological responses to PDGF-AA versus PDGF-CC in renal fibroblasts.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28:889-900.
237. Ismail AH, True N, Gross T, Eilebrecht B, Walter M, Schlieper G, Eitner F, Floege J, Leonhardt S:
Usefulness of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy for detection of Hypotensive Episode during Dialysis.
ASAIO Journal 2014.
238. Berger K, Bangen JM, Hammerich L, Liedtke C, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ
Origin of regenerating tubular cells after acute kidney injury.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014, 111:1533-8
239. Berger K, Schulte K, Boor P, Kuppe C, van Kuppevelt TH, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ
The regenerative potential of parietal epithelial cells in adult mice.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2014, 25:693-705
240. Schulte K, Berger K, Boor P, Jirak P, Gelman IH, Arkill KP, Neal CR, Kriz W, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ:
Origin of parietal podocytes in atubular glomeruli mapped by lineage tracing.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2014, 25:129-41.
241. Seiler S, Rogacev KS, Roth HJ, Shafein P, Emrich I, Neuhaus S, Floege J, Fliser D, Heine GH:
Associations of FGF-23 and sKlotho with Cardiovascular Outcomes among Patients with CKD Stages 2-4.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2014, 9:1049-58.
242. Porubsky S, Kuppe C, Maier T, Birk HW, Wornle M, Moeller MJ, Floege J, Grone HJ:
Renal lipidosis in patients enrolled in a methadone substitution program.
Arch Pathol Lab Med 2014, 138:689-93.
243. Klinkhammer BM, Kramann R, Mallau M, Makowska A, van Roeyen CR, Rong S, Buecher EB, Boor P, Kovacova K, Zok S, Denecke B, Stuettgen E, Otten S, Floege J, Kunter U:
Mesenchymal stem cells from rats with chronic kidney disease exhibit premature senescence and loss of regenerative potential.
PloS one 2014, 9:e92115
244. Costa AS, Tiffin-Richards FE, Holschbach B, Frank RD, Vassiliadou A, Kruger T, Eitner F, Gross T, Shah NJ, Schulz JB, Floege J, Reetz K:
Clinical Predictors of Individual Cognitive Fluctuations in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis.
Am J Kidney Dis 2014, 64:434-42.
245. Floege J, Covic AC, Ketteler M, Rastogi A, Chong EM, Gaillard S, Lisk LJ, Sprague SM:
A phase III study of the efficacy and safety of a novel iron-based phosphate binder in dialysis patients.
Kidney Int 2014, 86:638-47
246. Kramann R, Erpenbeck J, Schneider RK, Rohl AB, Hein M, Brandenburg VM, van Diepen M, Dekker F, Marx N, Floege J, Becker M, Schlieper G:
Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Detects Uremic Cardiomyopathy Early and Predicts Cardiovascular Mortality in ESRD.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2014, 25:2351-65..
247. Kaesler N, Magdeleyns E, Herfs M, Schettgen T, Brandenburg V, Fliser D, Vermeer C, Floege J, Schlieper G, Kruger T:
Impaired vitamin K recycling in uremia is rescued by vitamin K supplementation.
Kidney Int 2014, 86:286-93
248. Nagayama Y, Braun GS, Jakobs CM, Maruta Y, van Roeyen CR, Klinkhammer BM, Boor P, Villa L, Raffetseder U, Trautwein C, Gortz D, Muller-Newen G, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
Gp130 dependent signaling in the podocyte.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2014, 307:F346-55.
249. Parfrey PS, Drueke TB, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Floege J, Herzog CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Moe SM, Wheeler DC, Kubo Y, Dehmel B, Goodman WG, Chertow GM
The Effects of Cinacalcet in Older and Younger Patients on Hemodialysis: The Evaluation of Cinacalcet HCl Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events (EVOLVE) Trial.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2015, 10:791-9.
250. Floege J, Covic AC, Ketteler M, Mann JF, Rastogi A, Spinowitz B, Chong EM, Gaillard S, Lisk LJ, Sprague SM
Long-term effects of the iron-based phosphate binder, sucroferric oxyhydroxide, in dialysis patients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015, 30:1037-46.
251. Floege J, Gillespie IA, Kronenberg F, Anker SD, Gioni I, Richards S, Pisoni RL, Robinson BM, Marcelli D, Froissart M, Eckardt KU:
Development and validation of a predictive mortality risk score from a European hemodialysis cohort.
Kidney Int 2015, 87:996-1008.
252. Boor P, Perkuhn M, Weibrecht M, Zok S, Martin IV, Gieseke J, Schoth F, Ostendorf T, Kuhl C, Floege J:
Diffusion-weighted MRI does not reflect kidney fibrosis in a rat model of fibrosis.
J Magn Reson Imaging 2015.
253. Moe SM, Abdalla S, Chertow GM, Parfrey PS, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Floege J, Herzog CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Wheeler DC, Dehmel B, Goodman WG, Drueke TB:
Effects of Cinacalcet on Fracture Events in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: The EVOLVE Trial.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2015, 26:1466-75.
254. Wheeler DC, London GM, Parfrey PS, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Dehmel B, Drueke TB, Floege J, Kubo Y, Mahaffey KW, Goodman WG, Moe SM, Trotman ML, Abdalla S, Chertow GM, Herzog CA:
Effects of cinacalcet on atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic cardiovascular events in patients receiving hemodialysis: the EValuation Of Cinacalcet HCl Therapy to Lower CardioVascular Events (EVOLVE) trial.
J Am Heart Assoc 2014, 3:e001363.
255. Tiffin-Richards FE, Costa AS, Holschbach B, Frank RD, Vassiliadou A, Kruger T, Kuckuck K, Gross T, Eitner F, Floege J, Schulz JB, Reetz K:
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) – a sensitive screening instrument for detecting cognitive impairment in chronic hemodialysis patients.
PLoS One 2014, 9:e106700
256. Spanu S, van Roeyen CR, Denecke B, Floege J, Muhlfeld AS:
Urinary exosomes: a novel means to non-invasively assess changes in renal gene and protein expression.
PLoS One 2014, 9:e109631
257. Smeets B, Stucker F, Wetzels J, Brocheriou I, Ronco P, Grone HJ, D’Agati V, Fogo AB, van Kuppevelt TH, Fischer HP, Boor P, Floege J, Ostendorf T, Moeller MJ:
Detection of activated parietal epithelial cells on the glomerular tuft distinguishes early focal segmental glomerulosclerosis from minimal change disease.
Am J Pathol 2014, 184:3239-48.
258. Alidousty C, Rauen T, Hanssen L, Wang Q, Alampour-Rajabi S, Mertens PR, Bernhagen J, Floege J, Ostendorf T, Raffetseder U:
Calcineurin-mediated YB-1 dephosphorylation regulates CCL5 expression during monocyte differentiation.
J Biol Chem 2014, 289:21401-12
259. Floege J, Regele H, Gesualdo L:
The ERA-EDTA Database on Recurrent Glomerulonephritis following renal transplantation.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2014, 29:15-21.
260. Kiryluk K, Li Y, Scolari F, Sanna-Cherchi S, Choi M, Verbitsky M, Fasel D, Lata S, Prakash S, Shapiro S, Fischman C, Snyder HJ, Appel G, Izzi C, Viola BF, Dallera N, Del Vecchio L, Barlassina C, Salvi E, Bertinetto FE, Amoroso A, Savoldi S, Rocchietti M, Amore A, Peruzzi L, Coppo R, Salvadori M, Ravani P, Magistroni R, Ghiggeri GM, Caridi G, Bodria M, Lugani F, Allegri L, Delsante M, Maiorana M, Magnano A, Frasca G, Boer E, Boscutti G, Ponticelli C, Mignani R, Marcantoni C, Di Landro D, Santoro D, Pani A, Polci R, Feriozzi S, Chicca S, Galliani M, Gigante M, Gesualdo L, Zamboli P, Battaglia GG, Garozzo M, Maixnerova D, Tesar V, Eitner F, Rauen T, Floege J, Kovacs T, Nagy J, Mucha K, Paczek L, Zaniew M, Mizerska-Wasiak M, Roszkowska-Blaim M, Pawlaczyk K, Gale D, Barratt J, Thibaudin L, Berthoux F, Canaud G, Boland A, Metzger M, Panzer U, Suzuki H, Goto S, Narita I, Caliskan Y, Xie J, Hou P, Chen N, Zhang H, Wyatt RJ, Novak J, Julian BA, Feehally J, Stengel B, Cusi D, Lifton RP, Gharavi AG:
Discovery of new risk loci for IgA nephropathy implicates genes involved in immunity against intestinal pathogens.
Nat Genet 2014, 46:1187-96.
261. Titze S, Schmid M, Kottgen A, Busch M, Floege J, Wanner C, Kronenberg F, Eckardt KU:
Disease burden and risk profile in referred patients with moderate chronic kidney disease: composition of the German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) cohort.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015, 30:441-51.
262. Drechsler C, Evenepoel P, Vervloet MG, Wanner C, Ketteler M, Marx N, Floege J, Dekker FW, Brandenburg VM:
High levels of circulating sclerostin are associated with better cardiovascular survival in incident dialysis patients: results from the NECOSAD study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015, 30:288-93.
263. Papasotiriou M, Genovese F, Klinkhammer BM, Kunter U, Nielsen SH, Karsdal MA, Floege J, Boor P:
Serum and urine markers of collagen degradation reflect renal fibrosis in experimental kidney diseases.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015, 30:1112-21.
264. Jankovic A, Damjanovic T, Djuric Z, Marinkovic J, Schlieper G, Tosic-Dragovic J, Djuric P, Popovic J, Floege J, Dimkovic N:
Impact of vascular calcifications on arteriovenous fistula survival in hemodialysis patients: a five-year follow-up.
Nephron 2015, 129:247-52.
265. Reetz K, Abbas Z, Costa AS, Gras V, Tiffin-Richards F, Mirzazade S, Holschbach B, Frank RD, Vassiliadou A, Kruger T, Eitner F, Gross T, Schulz JB, Floege J, Shah NJ:
Increased cerebral water content in hemodialysis patients.
PLoS One 2015, 10:e0122188
266. Kuppe C, Grone HJ, Ostendorf T, van Kuppevelt TH, Boor P, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ:
Common histological patterns in glomerular epithelial cells in secondary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
Kidney Int 2015;88:990-8
267. Floege J, Kubo Y, Floege A, Chertow GM, Parfrey PS:
The Effect of Cinacalcet on Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy Events in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: The EVOLVE Trial.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2015,10:800-7.
268. Fernandez-Martin JL, Martinez-Camblor P, Dionisi MP, Floege J, Ketteler M, London G, Locatelli F, Gorriz JL, Rutkowski B, Ferreira A, Bos WJ, Covic A, Rodriguez-Garcia M, Sanchez JE, Rodriguez-Puyol D, Cannata-Andia JB:
Improvement of mineral and bone metabolism markers is associated with better survival in haemodialysis patients: the COSMOS study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015;30:1542-51
269. Eckardt KU, Gillespie IA, Kronenberg F, Richards S, Stenvinkel P, Anker SD, Wheeler DC, de Francisco AL, Marcelli D, Froissart M, Floege J:
High cardiovascular event rates occur within the first weeks of starting hemodialysis.
Kidney Int 2015;88:1117-25.
270. Gillespie IA, Floege J, Gioni I, Drueke TB, de Francisco AL, Anker SD, Kubo Y, Wheeler DC, Froissart M, on behalf the AROSCc:
Propensity score matching and persistence correction to reduce bias in comparative effectiveness: the effect of cinacalcet use on all-cause mortality.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2015, 24:738-47
271. Chang TI, Abdalla S, London GM, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Floege J, Herzog CA, Mahaffey KW, Moe SM, Parfrey PS, Wheeler DC, Dehmel B, Goodman WG, Chertow GM:
The effects of cinacalcet on blood pressure, mortality and cardiovascular endpoints in the EVOLVE trial.
J Hum Hypertens 2016 Mar;30(3):204-9
272. Moe SM, Chertow GM, Parfrey PS, Kubo Y, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drueke TB, Herzog CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Wheeler DC, Stolina M, Dehmel B, Goodman WG, Floege J:
Cinacalcet, Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, and Cardiovascular Disease in Hemodialysis: The Evaluation of Cinacalcet HCl Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events (EVOLVE) Trial.
Circulation 2015, 132:27-39.
273. Rassaf T, Rammos C, Hendgen-Cotta UB, Heiss C, Kleophas W, Dellanna F, Floege J, Hetzel GR, Kelm M.
Vasculoprotective Effects of Dietary Cocoa Flavanols in Patients on Hemodialysis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016;11:108-18
274. Rauen T, Eitner F, Fitzner C, Sommerer C, Zeier M, Otte B, Panzer U, Peters H, Benck U, Mertens PR, Kuhlmann U, Witzke O, Gross O, Vielhauer V, Mann JF, Hilgers RD, Floege J
Intensive Supportive Care plus Immunosuppression in IgA Nephropathy.
N Engl J Med. 2015;373:2225-36
275. Stenvinkel P, Gillespie IA, Tunks J, Addison J, Kronenberg F, Drueke TB, Marcelli D, Schernthaner G, Eckardt KU, Floege J, Froissart M, Anker SD
Inflammation Modifies the Paradoxical Association between Body Mass Index and Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 May;27(5):1479-86
276. Pun PH, Abdalla S, Block GA, Chertow GM, Correa-Rotter R, Dehmel B, Drüeke TB, Floege J, Goodman WG, Herzog CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Moe SM, Parfrey PS, Wheeler DC, Middleton JP.
Cinacalcet, dialysate calcium concentration, and cardiovascular events in the EVOLVE trial.
Hemodial Int. 2016 Jul;20(3):421-31.
277. Djudjaj S, Lue H, Rong S, Papasotiriou M, Klinkhammer BM, Zok S, Klaener O, Braun GS, Lindenmeyer MT, Cohen CD, Bucala R, Tittel AP, Kurts C, Moeller MJ, Floege J, Ostendorf T, Bernhagen J, Boor P.
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Mediates Proliferative GN via CD74.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Jun;27(6):1650-64
278. Görtz D, Braun GS, Maruta Y, Djudjaj S, van Roeyen CR, Martin IV, Küster A, Schmitz-Van de Leur H, Scheller J, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Müller-Newen G.
Anti-interleukin-6 therapy through application of a monogenic protein inhibitor via gene delivery.
Sci Rep. 2015;5:14685.
279. Genovese F, Boor P, Papasotiriou M, Leeming DJ, Karsdal MA, Floege J.
Turnover of type III collagen reflects disease severity and is associated with progression and microinflammation in patients with IgA nephropathy.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Mar;31(3):472-9
280. Barros X, Dirrichs T, Koos R, Reinartz S, Kaesler N, Kramann R, Gladziwa U, Ketteler M, Floege J, Marx N, Torregrosa JV, Keszei A, Brandenburg VM.
Epicardial adipose tissue in long-term hemodialysis patients: its association with vascular calcification and long-term development.
J Nephrol. 2016 Apr;29(2):241-250
281. Boor P, Bábíčková J, Steegh F, Hautvast P, Martin IV, Djudjaj S, Nakagawa T, Ehling J, Gremse F, Bücher E, Eriksson U, van Roeyen CR, Eitner F, Lammers T, Floege J, Peutz-Kootstra CJ, Ostendorf T.
Role of platelet-derived growth factor-CC in capillary rarefaction in renal fibrosis.
Am J Pathol. 2015 Aug;185(8):2132-42.
282. Ehling J, Bábíčková J, Gremse F, Klinkhammer BM, Baetke S, Knuechel R, Kiessling F, Floege J, Lammers T, Boor P.
Quantitative Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging of Vascular Dysfunction in Progressive Kidney Diseases.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Feb;27(2):520-32
283. Keyzer CA, de Borst MH, van den Berg E, Jahnen-Dechent W, Arampatzis S, Farese S, Bergmann IP, Floege J, Navis G, Bakker SJ, van Goor H, Eisenberger U, Pasch A:
Calcification Propensity and Survival among Renal Transplant Recipients.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2016;27:239-48.
284. Braun GS, Nagayama Y, Maruta Y, Heymann F, van Roeyen CR, Klinkhammer BM, Boor P, Villa L, Salant DJ, Raffetseder U, Rose-John S, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
IL-6 Trans-Signaling Drives Murine Crescentic GN.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016;27:132-42.
285. Turan MN, Kircelli F, Yaprak M, Sisman AR, Gungor O, Bayraktaroglu S, Ozkahya M, Asci G, Floege J, Ok E.
FGF-23 levels are associated with vascular calcification, but not with atherosclerosis, in hemodialysis patients.
Int Urol Nephrol. 2016 Apr;48(4):609-17
286. Brandenburg VM, Kramann R, Rothe H, Kaesler N, Korbiel J, Specht P, Schmitz S, Krüger T, Floege J, Ketteler M.
Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy (calciphylaxis): data from a large nationwide registry.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017 Jan 1;32(1):126-132
287. Djudjaj S, Papasotiriou M, Bülow RD, Wagnerova A, Lindenmeyer MT, Cohen CD, Strnad P, Goumenos DS, Floege J, Boor P.
Keratins are novel markers of renal epithelial cell injury.
Kidney Int. 2016 Apr;89(4):792-808.
288. Buhl EM, Djudjaj S, Babickova J, Klinkhammer BM, Folestad E, Borkham-Kamphorst E, Weiskirchen R, Hudkins K, Alpers CE, Eriksson U, Floege J, Boor P.
The role of PDGF-D in healthy and fibrotic kidneys.
Kidney Int. 2016 Apr;89(4):848-61
289. Anker SD, Gillespie IA, Eckardt KU, Kronenberg F, Richards S, Drueke TB, Stenvinkel P, Pisoni RL, Robinson BM, Marcelli D, Froissart M, Floege J.
Development and validation of cardiovascular risk scores for haemodialysis patients.
Int J Cardiol. 2016 Aug 1;216:68-77
290. Zhu C, Sauter E, Schreiter A, van Roeyen CR, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Gembardt F, Hugo CP, Isermann B, Lindquist JA, Mertens PR.
Cold Shock Proteins Mediate GN with Mesangioproliferation.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Dec;27(12):3678-3689
291. Kaesler N, Immendorf S, Ouyang C, Herfs M, Drummen N, Carmeliet P, Vermeer C, Floege J, Krüger T, Schlieper G.
Gas6 protein: its role in cardiovascular calcification.
BMC Nephrol. 2016 May 26;17(1):52
292. Covic AC, Floege J, Ketteler M, Sprague SM, Lisk L, Rakov V, Rastogi A.
Iron-related parameters in dialysis patients treated with sucroferric oxyhydroxide.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Jun 23
293. Sprague SM, Covic AC, Floege J, Ketteler M, Botha J, Chong EM, Rastogi A.
Pharmacodynamic Effects of Sucroferric Oxyhydroxide and Sevelamer Carbonate on Vitamin D Receptor Agonist Bioactivity in Dialysis Patients.
Am J Nephrol. 2016;44(2):104-12
294. Rauen T, Frye BC, Wang J, Raffetseder U, Alidousty C, En-Nia A, Floege J, Mertens PR.
Cold shock protein YB-1 is involved in hypoxia-dependent gene transcription.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 Sep 16;478(2):982-7
295. von Stillfried S, Apitzsch JC, Ehling J, Penzkofer T, Mahnken AH, Knüchel R, Floege J, Boor P.
Contrast-enhanced CT imaging in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Angiogenesis. 2016 Oct;19(4):525-35
296. Wang J, Gibbert L, Djudjaj S, Alidousty C, Rauen T, Kunter U, Rembiak A, Enders D, Jankowski V, Braun GS, Floege J, Ostendorf T, Raffetseder U.
Therapeutic nuclear shuttling of YB-1 reduces renal damage and fibrosis.
Kidney Int. 2016 Dec;90(6):1226-1237
297. Bábíčková J, Klinkhammer BM, Buhl EM, Djudjaj S, Hoss M, Heymann F, Tacke F, Floege J, Becker JU, Boor P.
Regardless of etiology, progressive renal disease causes ultrastructural and functional alterations of peritubular capillaries.
Kidney Int. 2017 Jan;91(1):70-85.
298. Kuppe C, van Roeyen C, Leuchtle K, Kabgani N, Vogt M, Van Zandvoort M, Smeets B, Floege J, Gröne HJ, Moeller MJ.
Investigations of Glucocorticoid Action in GN.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Nov 28.
299. Pasch A, Block GA, Bachtler M, Smith ER, Jahnen-Dechent W, Arampatzis S, Chertow GM, Parfrey P, Ma X, Floege J.
Blood Calcification Propensity, Cardiovascular Events, and Survival in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis in the EVOLVE Trial.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Feb 7;12(2):315-322
300. Schuett K, Savvaidis A, Maxeiner S, Lysaja K, Jankowski V, Schirmer SH, Dimkovic N, Boor P, Kaesler N, Dekker FW, Floege J, Marx N, Schlieper G.
Clot Structure: A Potent Mortality Risk Factor in Patients on Hemodialysis.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Jan 5
301. Jankovic A, Damjanovic T, Djuric Z, Marinkovic J, Schlieper G, Djuric P, Dragovic JT, Bulatovic A, Mitrovic M, Popovic J, Floege J, Dimkovic N.
Calcification in arteriovenous fistula blood vessels may predict arteriovenous fistula failure: a 5-year follow-up study.
Int Urol Nephrol. 2017 Jan 25.
302. Schneider MP, Raff U, Kopp C, Scheppach JB, Toncar S, Wanner C, Schlieper G, Saritas T, Floege J, Schmid M, Birukov A, Dahlmann A, Linz P, Janka R, Uder M, Schmieder RE, Titze JM, Eckardt KU.
Skin Sodium Concentration Correlates with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in CKD.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Feb 2
303. Kiryluk K, Li Y, Moldoveanu Z, Suzuki H, Reily C, Hou P, Xie J, Mladkova N, Prakash S, Fischman C, Shapiro S, LeDesma RA, Bradbury D, Ionita-Laza I, Eitner F, Rauen T, Maillard N, Berthoux F, Floege J, Chen N, Zhang H, Scolari F, Wyatt RJ, Julian BA, Gharavi AG, Novak J.
GWAS for serum galactose-deficient IgA1 implicates critical genes of the O-glycosylation pathway.
PLoS Genet. 2017 Feb 10;13(2):e1006609
304. Coca A, Valencia AL, Bustamante J, Mendiluce A, Floege J.
Hypoglycemia following intravenous insulin plus glucose for hyperkalemia in patients with impaired renal function.
PLoS One. 2017 Feb 28;12(2):e0172961
305. Floege J, Covic AC, Ketteler M, Mann J, Rastogi A, Spinowitz B, Rakov V, Lisk LJ, Sprague SM.
One-year efficacy and safety of the iron-based phosphate binder sucroferric oxyhydroxide in patients on peritoneal dialysis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017 Feb 23.
306. Fellström BC, Barratt J, Cook H, Coppo R, Feehally J, de Fijter JW, Floege J, Hetzel G, Jardine AG, Locatelli F, Maes BD, Mercer A, Ortiz F, Praga M, Sørensen SS, Tesar V, Del Vecchio L; NEFIGAN Trial Investigators.
Targeted-release budesonide versus placebo in patients with IgA nephropathy (NEFIGAN): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 2b trial.
Lancet. 2017 Mar 28.


1. Floege J, Granolleras C, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
Which membrane?
Nephron 50 (1988): 177-181.
2. Floege J, Granolleras C, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Dialysis related amyloidosis: pathogenetic aspects and open questions.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 4 (suppl.) (1989): 3-6.
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Consequence of retention of an amyloidogenic protein and/or of dialysis treatment?
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4. Floege J:
Diagnostic approaches to AB-amyloidosis.
Blood Purif 9 (1991): 63-69.
5. Floege J, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
AB-amyloidosis and monokines.
Acta Med Biol 39, Suppl. (1991): 67-73.
6. Floege J, Topley N, Resch K:
Regulation of mesangial cell proliferation.
Am J Kidney Dis 17 (1991): 673-676
7. Johnson RJ, Iida H, Yoshimura A, Floege J, Bowen-Pope DF:
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF): A potentially important cytokine in glomerular disease.
Kidney Int 41 (1992): 590-594.
8. Johnson RJ, Floege J, Yoshimura A, Iida H, Couser WG, Alpers CE:
The activated mesangial cell: A glomerular „myofibroblast“?
J Am Soc Nephrol 2 (1992): S190-S197.
9. Floege J, Johnson RJ, Couser WG:
Mesangial cells in the pathogenesis of progressive glomerular disease in animal models.
Clin Investig 70 (1992): 857-864.
10. Floege J, Schaeffer J, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
Dialysis related amyloidosis: A disease of retention and inflammation.
Kidney Int 42 (1992): S78-S85.
11. Floege J, Eng E, Young BA, Johnson RJ:
Factors involved in the regulation of glomerular mesangial cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo.
Kidney Int 43 (1993): S47-S54.
12. Floege J, Schaeffer J, Ehlerding G:
ß2-microglobulin derived amyloidosis: Clinical use of scintigraphy and insights into its pathogenesis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 8 (1993): 792-793.
13. Johnson RJ, Floege J, Couser WG, Alpers CE:
Role of platelet-derived growth factor in glomerular disease.
J Am Soc Nephrol 4 (1993): 119-128.
14. Floege J, Johnson RJ:
Cytokines in renal inflammation.
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2 (1993): 449-457.
15. Floege J:
Untersuchungen zur Rolle der glomerulären Mesangialzelle in der Pathogenese renaler Erkrankungen.
Deut tierärztl Wschr 100 (1993): 165.
16. Floege J:
Cytokines in the progression of renal disease.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 8 (1993): 1319-1320.
17. Floege J, Radeke HH, Johnson RJ:
Glomerular cells in vitro versus the glomerulus in vivo.
Kidney Int 45 (1994): 360-368.
18. Van Ypersele de Strihou C, Floege J, Jadoul M, Koch KM:
Amyloidosis and its relationship to different dialyzers.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 9 (Suppl. 2) (1994): 156-161.
19. Eng E, Floege J, Young BA, Couser WG, Johnson RJ:
Does extracellular matrix expansion in glomerular disease require mesangial cell proliferation?
Kidney Int 45, Suppl 45 (1994): S45-S47.
20. Schaeffer J, Ehlerding G, Flöge J, Koch KM, Shaldon S:
ß2-Microglobulin associated amyloidosis: why, and how, to look for it.
Clin Nephrol 44 (Suppl. 1) (1995): S3-S9.
21. Floege J, Schäffer J, Koch KM:
Scintigraphic diagnosis of ß2-microglobulin associated amyloidosis.
Rev Rhum (Engl. Ed.) 61 (1994): 39S-42S.
22. Floege J, Koch KM:
Beta-2-microglobulin associated amyloidosis and therapy with high flux hemodialysis membranes.
Clin Nephrol 42, Suppl. 1 (1994): S52-S56.
23. Floege J, Johnson RJ:
Multiple roles for platelet-derived growth factor in renal disease.
Mineral Electrolyte Metab 21 (1995): 271-282.
24. Floege J, Ehlerding G:
Nephrology grand rounds: Beta-2-microglobulin associated amyloidosis (Aß2M-amyloidosis).
Nephron 72 (1996): 9-26.
25. Floege J, Brunkhorst R, Gröne HJ:
Primäre Glomerulonephritiden – Klassifikation und klinisch-pathologische Korrelationen.
Der Internist 36 (1995): 193-206.
26. Floege J, Gröne HJ:
Progression of renal failure: What is the role of cytokines?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 10 (1995): 1575-1586.
27. Schaeffer J, Floege J, Koch KM:
Pathogenetic and diagnostic aspects of dialysis-related amyloidosis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 10 (Suppl. 3) (1995): 4-8.
28. Floege J:
Progression der chronischen Niereninsuffizienz: Rolle der glomerulären Veränderungen
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Nephrologie 26 (1996): 83-90.
29. Wrenger E, Bahlmann J, Floege J:
Harnsäure und tubulointerstitielle Nierenerkrankungen.
Der Internist 37 (1996): 1137-1142.
30. Ostendorf T, Burg M, Floege J:
Cytokines and glomerular injury
Kidney Blood Press Res 19 (1996): 281-289.
31. Schaeffer J, Floege J, Koch KM:
Diagnostic aspects of ß2-microglobulin amyloidosis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 11 (Suppl. 2) (1996): 144-146.
32. Floege J, Burg M, Kliem V:
Recurrent IgA nephropathy after kidney transplantation: not a benign condition.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 13(1998): 1933-1935.
33. Schäffer J, Floege J, Koch KM:
Langzeitbetreuung von Dialysepatienten. I. Hochdruck und Anämie.
Der Internist (1999) 40: 55-63.
34. Floege J, Segerer S, Schäffer J, Koch KM:
Langzeitbetreuung von Dialysepatienten. II. ß2-Mikroglobulin Assoziierte Amyloidose und Erworbene Zystische Nierenerkrankung.
Der Internist (1999) 40: 64-69.
35. Floege J:
New diagnostic and therapeutic aspects in IgA nephropathy.
Kidney Blood Press Res 21 (1998): 283-285.
36. Phillips A, Janssen U, Floege J:
Progression of diabetic nephropathy: Insights from cell culture studies and animal models.
Kidney Blood Press Res 22 (1999): 81-97.
37. Ostendorf, Floege J:
Aptamere: ein neuer Ansatz für Interventionsstudien und zur Entwicklung zukünftiger Therapie-Ansätze.
Medizinische Klinik 94 (1999): 219-223.
38. Floege J, Ostendorf T, Janjic N:
Aptamers: Novel tools for specific intervention studies.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 14 (1999): 1354-1357.
39. Janssen U, Phillips AO, Floege J:
Experimental models of nephropathy associated with type II diabetes.
J. Nephrol 12 (1999): 159-172.
40. Mertens PR, Floege J:
Behandlung der IgA-Nephropathie: Eine kritische Stellungnahme.
Dtsch med Wschr 125 (2000): 1010.
41. Floege J, Mertens PR:
Therapy of IgA nephropathy: A critical appraisal.
Kidney Blood Press Res 23 (2000): 207-209.
42. Floege J, Feehally J:
Disease of the month. IgA nephropathy: Recent developments.
J Am Soc Nephrol 11 (2000): 2395-2403.
43. Ketteler M, Koch KM, Floege J:
Imaging techniques in the diagnosis of dialysis-related amyloidosis.
Seminars in Dialysis 14 (2001): 90-3.
44. Floege J, Ketteler M:
ß2-Microglobulin derived amyloidosis (AB2M-amyloidosis): An update.
Kidney Int 59, Suppl. 78 (2001): S164-S171.
45. Westerhuis R, Kitahara M, Floege J:
IgA nephropathy: How does IgA activate the mesangial cell?
Clin Exp Nephrol (2001) in press.
46. Floege J, Ostendorf T:
PDGF: a new clinical target on the horizon.
Kidney Int 59 (2001): 1592-3.
47. Floege J, Schäffer J, Koch KM:
Scintigraphic methods to detect beta-2-microglobulin associated amyloidosis (Aß2M-amyloidosis).
Nephrol Dial Transplant 16 Suppl. 4 (2001): 12-16.
48. Floege J:
Glomerular remodelling: Novel therapeutic approaches derived from the apparently chaotic growth factor network.
Nephron. 91 (2002):582-7.
49. Ketteler M, Vermeer C, Wanner C, Westenfeld R, Jahnen-Dechent W, Floege J:
Novel insights into uremic vascular calcification: role of matrix gla protein and alpha-2-Heremans Schmid glycoprotein/fetuin.
Blood Purif. 20 (2002): 473-6
50. Floege J:
Evidence-based recommendations for immunosuppression in IgA-nephropathy: handle with caution.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 18 (2003):241-5.
51. Mertens PR, Floege J:
IgA-Nephropathie: Die häufigste Glomerulonephritis-Form.
Dtsch med Wschr 128 (2003): 1242-6
52. Floege J, Gröne HJ:
IgA-Nephropathie: häufig, jedoch nur selten diagnostiziert.
Internist 44 (2003): 1131-1139.
53. Floege J:
Recurrent IgA-nephropathy following renal transplantation
Sem. Nephrol. 24 (2004): 287-291.
54. Floege J:
Recurrent glomerulonephritides following renal transplantation: an update.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 18 (2003): 1260-5.
55. Gawlik A, Floege J:
Dialyse und Transplantation bei Lupus-Nephritis: Neue Entwicklungen.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 33 (2004): 97-103.
56. Eitner F, Floege J:
Novel insights into renal fibrosis.
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 12 (2003): 227-32.
57. Ketteler M, Wanner C, Metzger T, Bongartz P, Westenfeld R, Gladziwa U, Schurgers LJ, Vermeer C, Jahnen-Dechent W, Floege J:
Deficiencies of calcium-regulatory proteins in dialysis patients: A novel concept of cardiovascular calcification in uremia.
Kidney Int Suppl. (2003): 84-87.
58. Floege J, Eitner F, Van Roeyen C, Ostendorf T
PDGF-D and Renal Disease: Yet Another One of Those Growth Factors?
J Am Soc Nephrol. 14 (2003): 2690-1.
59. Ketteler M, Kunter U, Floege J.
An update on herpes virus infections in graft recipients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 18 (2003):1703-6.
60. Brandenburg VM, Heintz B, Floege J
Therapy and prophylaxis of renal failure
Internist 44 (2003):819-30.
61. Floege J:
When man turns to stone: Extraosseous calcification in uremic patients (Kidney International Forum).
Kidney Int 65 (2004): 2447-2462
62. Floege J, van Roeyen C, Ostendorf T:
PDGF-D: a novel mediator of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Drugs of the Future 29 (2004): 179-184
63. Floege J, Ketteler M:
Vascular calcification in patients with end-stage renal disease.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 19 Suppl 5 (2004): V59-V66
64. Brandenburg VM, Gaertner S, Lindemann-Docter K, Ortlepp JR, Westerhuis R, Ketteler M, Westenfeld R, Floege J:
Underestimated complications in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura-haemolytic uraemic syndrome.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 19 (2004): 2142-6
65. Floege J:
Recurrent IgA nephropathy after renal transplantation.
Semin Nephrol 24 (2004): 287-91
66. Janssen U, Vassiliadou A, Riley SG, Phillips AO, Floege J:
The quest for a model of type II diabetes with nephropathy: the Goto Kakizaki rat.
J Nephrol. 17 (2004):769-73.
67. Ketteler M, Westenfeld R, Schlieper G, Brandenburg V, Floege J:
„Missing“ inhibitors of calcification: general aspects and implications in renal failure.
Pediatr Nephrol. 20 (2004): 383-8
68. Ketteler M, Brandenburg V, Jahnen-Dechent W, Westenfeld R, Floege J:
Do not be misguided by guidelines: the calcium x phosphate product can be a Trojan horse.
Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 20 (2005): 673-7
69. Riehl J, Spüntrup E, Heintz B, Günther RW, Floege J:
Renovaskuläre Hypertonie: Diagnose und Therapie.
Internist 46 (2005): 509-519
70. Eitner F, Floege J:
Therapeutic targets for prevention and regression of progressive fibrosing renal diseases.
Curr. Opin. Investig. Drugs 6 (2005): 255-61
71. Floege J:
Nephrology — familiar knowledge in the light of new discoveries in molecular and cell biology.
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 130 (2005): 1552-4
72. Floege J, Eitner F:
Present and future therapy options in IgA nephropathy.
J Nephrol 18 (2005): 354-361
73. Ketteler M, Floege J:
Calcification and the usual suspect phosphate: still guilty but there are other guys behind the scenes.
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2005): Epub ahead of print
74. Ketteler M, Braun J, Haller H, Jehle P, Reichel H, Wanner C, Floege J:
Paradigmenwechsel in der Therapie des sekundären Hyperparathyreoidismus: Wie sind die neuen KDOQI-Leitlinien zu bewerten?
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 34 (2005): 255-263
75. Ketteler M, Schlieper G, Floege J:
Calcification and Cardiovascular Health. New Insights Into an Old Phenomenon
Hypertension 47 (2006):1027-34
76. Floege J:
Is mycophenolate mofetil an effective treatment for persistent proteinuria in patients with IgA nephropathy?
Nat Clin Pract Nephrol 2 (2006):16-7.
77. Floege J, Kunter U, Weber M, Gross O:
Bone marrow transplantation rescues Alport mice.
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2005): Epub ahead of print
78. Brandenburg VM, Floege J:
Early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. New insights into creatinine and proteinuria.
Med Klinik;101 Suppl 1 (2006):158-62
79. Floege J:
Nephrology 2005/2006. Recent clinical studies and developments in science.
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 131(2006):1445-8
80. Colucci G, Floege J, Schena FP:
The urinary sediment beyond light microscopical examination.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21 (2006):1482-5.
81. Eitner F, Floege J:
Kreatinin-Anstieg als Zufallsbefund.
MMW Fortschr Med148 (2006):59-60.
82. Reinecke H, Brandenburg V, Dominiak P, Floege J, Galle J, Geiger H, Grabensee B, de Haan F, Heun K, Ivens K, Krian A, Kroll J, Kutkuhn B, Mann J, Philipp T, Risler T, Strauer BE, Thiel W, Breithard G:
Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Behandlung von Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit und Niereninsuffizienz. Teil I: Pathophysiologie und Diagnostik.
Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 1 (2006): 8-30.
83. Reinecke H, Brandenburg V, Dominiak P, Floege J, Galle J, Geiger H, Grabensee B, de Haan F, Heun K, Ivens K, Krian A, Kroll J, Kutkuhn B, Mann J, Philipp T, Risler T, Strauer BE, Thiel W, Breithard G:
Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Behandlung von Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit und Niereninsuffizienz. Teil II: Therapie.
Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 1 (2006): 103-117.
84. Moeller MJ, Heidenreich S, Gladziwa U, Floege J:
Alltagsprobleme im Umgang mit terminal niereninsuffizienten Patienten.
Internist 48 (2007):795-803
85. Petermann A, Floege J:
Podocyte damage resulting in podocyturia: a potential diagnostic marker to assess glomerular disease activity.
Nephron Clin Pract. 106 (2007):c61-6
86. Floege J, van Roeyen C, Boor P, Ostendorf T:
The role of PDGF-D in mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Contrib Nephrol. 157 (2007):153-8.
87. Floege J, Eitner F, Barratt J, Smith AC, Feehally J:
Mutant mice provide new insight into the role of (mis-)glycation in IgA nephropathy and other glomerular diseases.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 22 (2007):1518-20.
88. Boor P, Sebekova K, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
Treatment targets in renal fibrosis.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007):3391-407.
89. Khwaja A, El Kossi M, Floege J, El Nahas M:
The management of CKD: a look into the future.
Kidney Int 72 (2007):1316-23.
90. Kurts C, Heymann F, Lukacs-Kornek V, Boor P, Floege J:
Role of T cells and dendritic cells in glomerular immunopathology.
Semin Immunopathol 29 (2007):317-35.
91. Ostendorf T, De Vriese AS, Floege J:
Renal side effects of anti-VEGF therapy in man: a new test system.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007):2778-80.
92. Floege J, Eitner F:
Immune modulating therapy for IgA nephropathy: rationale and evidence.
Semin Nephrol 28 (2008):38-47.
93. Floege J, Eitner F, Alpers CE:
A new look at platelet-derived growth factor in renal disease.
J Am Soc Nephrol 19 (2008):12-23.
94. Lameire N, Wheeler DC, Floege J:
Salt wars.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 23 (2008): 2715.
95. Floege J:
Calcium-containing phosphate binders in dialysis patients with cardiovascular calcifications: should we CARE-2 avoid them?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 23 (2008): 3050-2
96. Schlieper G, Floege J:
Calcimimetics in CKD-results from recent clinical studies.
Pediatr Nephrol. 23 (2008): 1721-8.
97. Brandenburg VM, Floege J:
Adynamic bone disease: bone and beyond.
Nephrol Dial Transplant Plus. 3 (2008): 135-47.
98. Eitner F, Floege J:
Bacterial protease for the treatment of IgA nephropathy.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 23 (2008): 2173-5.
99. Krueger T, Westenfeld R, Ketteler M, Schurgers LJ, Floege J:
Vitamin K deficiency in CKD patients: a modifiable risk factor for vascular calcification?
Kidney Int. 76 (2009):18-22
100. Eitner F, Floege J.
Glomerular disease: the Oxford classification–predicting progression of IgAN.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 5 (2009):557-9
101. Barratt J, Eitner F, Feehally J, Floege J:
Immune complex formation in IgA nephropathy: a case of the ‚right‘ antibodies in the ‚wrong‘ place at the ‚wrong‘ time?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 24 (2009):3620-3
102. Schlieper G, Brandenburg V, Ketteler M, Floege J:
Sodium thiosulfate in the treatment of calcific uremic arteriolopathy.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 5 (2009):539-43
103. Krüger T, Floege J:
Coumarin use in dialysis patients with atrial fibrillation–more harm than benefit?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 24 (2009):3284-5
104. Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ:
The SDF-1/CXCR4 axis is a novel driver of vascular development of the glomerulus.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 20 (2009): 1659-61.
105. Floege J, Uhlig S:
Kidney calling lung and call back: how organs talk to each other.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25 (2010):32-4
106. Coppo R, Daha MR, Egido J, El-Nahas M, Feehally J, Floege J, Gesualdo L, Holthofer H, Remuzzi G, Ronco P; ERA-EDTA Immunonephrology Working Group:
ERA-EDTA Immunonephrology working group.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25 (2010):1706-7
107. Knüchel-Clarke R, Lutz HH, Floege J, Marx N, Brümmendorf TH, Trautwein C:
When only the pathologist may help. Limitation and possibilities of biopsies in Internal Medicine.
Internist 51 (2010):463-72
108. Eitner F, Floege J:
Glomerular disease: ACEIs with or without corticosteroids in IgA nephropathy?
Nat Rev Nephrol. 6 (2010):252-4
109. Boor P, Ostendorf T, Floege J.
Renal fibrosis: novel insights into mechanisms and therapeutic targets.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 6 (2010): 643-56.
110. Floege J, Eitner F.
Combined immunosuppression in high-risk patients with IgA nephropathy?
J Am Soc Nephrol. 21 (2010): 1604-6.
111. Floege J, Eitner F.
Incidental finding: elevated serum creatinine.
MMW Fortschr Med. 152 (2010):32-3.
112. Ostendorf T, Boor P, van Roeyen CR, Floege J.
Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) in glomerular and tubulointerstitial fibrosis.
Kidney Int Suppl (2011). 2014 Nov;4(1):65-69.
113. Boor P, Floege J.
Chronic Kidney Disease: Growth Factors in Renal Fibrosis.
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 38 (2011):391-400
114. Rauen T, Weiskirchen R, Floege J.
In search of early events in the development of chronic kidney disease: the emerging role for lipocalin-2/NGAL.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 26 (2011):445-7.
115. Brandenburg VM, Schmitz S, Floege J, Amann K, Ketteler M.
Calciphylaxis. A call for interdisciplinary cooperation].
Hautarzt. 62 (2011):452-8.
116. Drescher W, Schlieper G, Floege J, Eitner F.
Steroid-related osteonecrosis–an update.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 26 (2011):2728-31.
117. Floege J:
The pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy: What is new and how does it change therapeutic approaches?
Am J Kidney Dis 2011; 58: 992-1004
118. Floege J, Eitner F:
Current therapy of IgA-nephropathy.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2011; 10: 1785-94.
119. Ostendorf T, Eitner F, Floege J.
The PDGF family in renal fibrosis.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2012; 7: 1041-50.
120. van Roeyen CR, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
The platelet-derived growth factor system in renal disease: An emerging role of endogenous inhibitors.
Eur J Cell Biol. 2012; 91: 542-51.
121. Kramann R, Floege J, Ketteler M, Marx N, Brandenburg VM:
Medical options to fight mortality in end-stage renal disease: a review of the literature.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012, 27:4298-307.
122. Eitner F, Floege J:
In search of a better understanding of IgA nephropathy-associated hematuria.
Kidney Int 2012, 82:513-5.
123. Floege J, Luscher B, Muller-Newen G:
Cytokines and inflammation.
Eur J Cell Biol 2012, 91:427.
124. Bertsias GK, Tektonidou M, Amoura Z, Aringer M, Bajema I, Berden JH, Boletis J, Cervera R, Dorner T, Doria A, Ferrario F, Floege J, Houssiau FA, Ioannidis JP, Isenberg DA, Kallenberg CG, Lightstone L, Marks SD, Martini A, Moroni G, Neumann I, Praga M, Schneider M, Starra A, Tesar V, Vasconcelos C, van Vollenhoven RF, Zakharova H, Haubitz M, Gordon C, Jayne D, Boumpas DT,
European League Against R, European Renal Association-European D, Transplant A: Joint European League Against Rheumatism and European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (EULAR/ERA-EDTA) recommendations for the management of adult and paediatric lupus nephritis.
Ann Rheum Dis 2012, 71:1771-82.
125. Boor P, Floege J:
The renal (myo-)fibroblast: a heterogeneous group of cells.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012, 27:3027-36.Brandenburg VM, Floege J:
Transplantation: An end to bone disease after renal transplantation?
Nat Rev Nephrol 2013, 9:5-6.
126. Floege J, Bienert A:
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2013, 138:1515-24; quiz 25-8.
127. Floege J, Feehally J:
Treatment of IgA nephropathy and Henoch-Schonlein nephritis.
Nat Rev Nephrol 2013, 9:320-7.
128. Floege J, Grone HJ:
Recurrent IgA nephropathy in the renal allograft: not a benign condition.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28:1070-3.
129. Floege J, Schlieper G:
Chronic kidney disease: How effective and safe are antiplatelet agents in CKD?
Nat Rev Nephrol 2013, 9:314-6.
130. Kruger T, Brandenburg V, Schlieper G, Marx N, Floege J:
Sailing between Scylla and Charybdis: oral long-term anticoagulation in dialysis patients.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013, 28:534-41.
131. Boor P, Ostendorf T, Floege J:
PDGF and the progression of renal disease.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2014, 29 Suppl 1:i45-i54.
132. Floege J, Moura IC, Daha MR:
New insights into the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy.
Semin Immunopathol 2014, 36:431-42.
133. Kruger T, Floege J:
Vitamin K antagonists: beyond bleeding.
Semin Dial 2014, 27:37-41
134. Ronco P, Floege J:
Ten-year advances in immunopathology of glomerulonephritis: translated into patients‘ care or lost in translation?
Semin Immunopathol 2014, 36:377-9.
135. Ostendorf T, Boor P, van Roeyen CR, Floege J.
Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) in glomerular and tubulointerstitial fibrosis.
Kidney Int Suppl (2011). 2014;4:65-69
136. Floege J:
Magnesium in CKD: more than a calcification inhibitor?
J Nephrol 2015, 28:269-77
137. Floege J, Fliser D:
Klotho Deficiency and the Cardiomyopathy of Advanced CKD.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2015, 26:1229-31.
138. Floege J:
Antagonism of canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling: taking RAS blockade to the next level?
J Am Soc Nephrol 2015, 26:3-5.
139. Boor P, Floege J:
Renal allograft fibrosis: biology and therapeutic targets.
Am J Transplant 2015, 15:863-86.
140. Schlieper G, Hess K, Floege J, Marx N:
The vulnerable patient with chronic kidney disease.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015.
141. Floege J:
Moderator’s view: Will ‚modern‘ urine proteomics replace ‚old-fashioned‘ renal biopsy?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015, 30:538-40.
142. Floege J.
Internist (Berl). 2015;56:1277-87
143. Floege J:
Glomerular disease: Efficacy of corticosteroids in high-risk IgA nephropathy.
Nat Rev Nephrol 2015, 11:319-20
144. Schlieper G, Schurgers L, Brandenburg V, Reutelingsperger C, Floege J:
Vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease: an update.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2016;31:31-9.
145. Floege J, Feehally J.
The mucosa-kidney axis in IgA nephropathy.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 2016 Mar;12(3):147-56
146. Floege J, Mak RH, Molitoris BA, Remuzzi G, Ronco P.
Nephrology research-the past, present and future.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 2015;11:677-87
147. Parfrey PS, Block GA, Correa-Rotter R, Drüeke TB, Floege J, Herzog CA, London GM, Mahaffey KW, Moe SM, Wheeler DC, Chertow GM.
Lessons Learned from EVOLVE for Planning of Future Randomized Trials in Patients on Dialysis.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Mar 7;11(3):539-46
148. Schlieper G, Floege J.
Challenging the use of warfarin in patients on dialysis with atrial fibrillation.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 2015;11:450.
149. Floege J.
Highlights of the 2015 ERA-EDTA Congress-glomerular diseases.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Feb;31(2):177-80
150. Floege J.
Prognostic assessment of IgA nephropathy: how much does histology add?
Kidney Int. 2016 Jan;89(1):19-21.
151. Floege J, Rauen T.
Immunosuppression in IgA nephropathy: how certain are we?
Kidney Int. 2016 Jan;89(1):9-11.
152. Floege J.
Phosphate binders in chronic kidney disease: a systematic review of recent data.
J Nephrol. 2016 Jun;29(3):329-340
153. Floege J, Amann K.
Primary glomerulonephritides.
Lancet. 2016 May 14;387(10032):2036-48
154. Floege J
Internist (Berl). 2015 Nov;56(11):1277-85
155. Floege J, Mak RH, Molitoris BA, Remuzzi G, Ronco P.
Nephrology research–the past, present and future.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 2015 Nov;11(11):677-87
156. Brandenburg VM, Evenepoel P, Floege J, Goldsmith D, Kramann R, Massy Z, Mazzaferro S, Schurgers LJ, Sinha S, Torregrosa V, Ureña-Torres P, Vervloet M, Cozzolino M.
Lack of evidence does not justify neglect: how can we address unmet medical needs in calciphylaxis?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Aug;31(8):1211-9
157. Floege J, Rauen T.
Glomerular disease: Immunosuppressant-induced reduction of proteinuria in IgAN.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 2016 Jun 17;12(7):380-2
158. Brandenburg VM, Kaesler N, Kramann R, Floege J, Marx N.
[Magnesium: a kardio-renal viewpoint].
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2016 Oct;141(21):1537-1542
159. Rauen T, Eitner F, Fitzner C, Floege J.
Con: STOP immunosuppression in IgA nephropathy.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Nov;31(11):1771-1774
160. Floege J.
Glomerular disease: Rituximab therapy for IgA nephropathy.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 2017 Mar;13(3):138-140
161. Haase M, Kribben A, Zidek W, Floege J, Albert C, Isermann B, Robra BP, Haase-Fielitz A.
Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury.
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017 Jan 9;114(1-02):1-8.
162. Klinkhammer BM, Goldschmeding R, Floege J, Boor P.
Treatment of Renal Fibrosis-Turning Challenges into Opportunities.
Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2017 Mar;24(2):117-129
163. Rauen T, Floege J.
Inflammation in IgA nephropathy.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2017 Mar 14
164. Schlieper G, Schwenger V, Remppis A, Keller T, Dechend R, Massberg S, Baldus S, Weinreich T, Hetzel G, Floege J, Mahfoud F, Fliser D.
[Anticoagulation in patients with chronic kidney disease : Recommendations from the working group „Heart-Kidney“ of the German Cardiac Society and the German Society of Nephrology].
Internist (Berl). 2017 Apr 10.


1. Creutzig A, Kamin K, Floege J, Wannske M, Alexander K, Wagner HH:
Ergotamininduzierte periphere Durchblutungsstörungen – Ein Fallbericht.
Röntgenbl 38 (1985): 193-195.
2. Floege J, Brandis A, Nonnast-Daniel B, Westhoff-Bleck M, Linke RP, Koch KM:
Subcutaneous amyloid tumor of ß2-microglobulin origin in a long-term hemodialysis patient.
Nephron 53 (1989): 73-75.
3. Floege J, Lonnemann G, Stichtenoth DO, Helmchen U, Koch KM, Brunkhorst R:
Minimal change nephrotic syndrome in a 74 year old patient following parenteral administration of sheep cells (“Frischzellen”).
Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 13 (1998): 187-189.
4. Kielstein J, Helmchen U, Netzer K, Weber MF, Koch KM, Floege J:
Conversion of Goodpasture’s syndrome into membranous glomerulonephritis.
Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 16 (2001): 2082-2085.
5. Brandenburg VM, Frank RD, Janssen U, Wurth P, Floege J, Riehl J:
Ultrasonographic fata morgana.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 18 (2003):845-846.
6. Politt D, Heintz B, Floege J, Mertens PR:
Tacrolimus- (FK 506) based immunosuppression in severe systemic lupus erythematosus
Clin Nephrol. 62 (2004):49-53
7. Mühlfeld AS, Floege J:
COX-2 inhibitor induced anuric renal failure in a previously healthy young woman
Clin Nephrol. 63 (2005):221-4
8. Guetgemann A, Brandenburg VM, Ketteler M, Riehl J, Floege J:
Unclear fever 7 weeks after renal transplantation in a 56-year-old patient.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21 (2006):2325-7
9. Mühlfeld AS, Eitner F, Perez-Bouza A, Knuechel R, Heintz B, Floege J:
Littoral cell angioma of the spleen mimicking posttransplantation lymphoma in a 63-year-old renal transplant patient.
Am J Kidney Dis. 52 (2008): e11-4.
10. Lutz HH, Ackermann T, Krombach GA, Gröne HJ, Rauen T, Floege J, Mertens PR:
Henoch-Schönlein purpura complicated by cardiac involvement: case report and review of the literature.
Am J Kidney Dis. 54 (2009):e9-15.
11. Rauen T, Michaelis A, Floege J, Mertens PR:
Case series of idiopathic membranous nephropathy with long-term beneficial effects of ACTH peptide 1-24.
Clin Nephrol. 71 (2009):637-42
12. Seikrit C, Mühlfeld A, Groene HJ, Floege J.
Renal allograft failure in a hyperparathyroid patient following initiation of a calcimimetic.
Nat Rev Nephrol. 7 (2011):237-41
13. Saritas T, Koutsonas A, Walter P, Floege J, Kruger T:
Management of intraocular hypertension during hemodialysis by intravenous glucose administration.
Am J Kidney Dis 2014, 63:500-2
14. Saritas T, Brandenburg V, Federico G, Gröne HJ, Floege J, Moeller MJ, Moza A
Glomerulonephritis triggered by a chronically infected left ventricular assist device.
Lancet. 2015;386:2363-4

Leserbriefe / Verschiedenes

1. Shaldon S, Koch KM, Dinarello CA, Colton CK, Knudsen PJ, Floege J, Granolleras C:
ß2-Microglobulin and haemodialysis.
Lancet I (1987): 925-926.
2. Floege J, Granolleras C, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Does hemodialysis induce muscular release of myoglobin?
Clin Nephrol 29 (1988); 273-274.
3. Floege J:
Behandlung der asymptomatischen Hyperurikämie.
Internist 38 (1997): 1233.
4. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler D:
Report from the editorial office.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 20 (2005): 2019-2021
5. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler D:
Report from the editorial office.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21 (2006): 1
6. Wheeler D, Floege J, Lameire N:
NDT contributes to a collection of 100 seminal papers published by Oxford University Press.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21 (2006): 2047-8
7. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler D:
Report from the editorial office.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007): 1-2.
8. Floege J, Kurtz A:
Professor Fokko J. van der Woude.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007): 658-659.
9. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler DC.:
Changes to the editorial board and the launch of NDTplus.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22 (2007): 1805.
10. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler DC:
Editorial Note.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 23 (2008): 2716.
11. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler DC:
Report from the editorial office.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 24(2009):1-3
12. Lameire N, Wheeler DC, Floege J.
Editorial report 2010.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 26 (2011): 1-3.
13. Lameire N, Floege J, Wheeler DC.
The five most cited NDT papers from 2005 to 2009.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 25 (2010): 2825-31
14. Floege J, Kronenberg F, Froissart M.
Mortality in chronic kidney disease and mineral metabolism.
JAMA 306 (2011): 159
15. Schlieper G, Krüger T, Floege J:
Atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease
N Engl J Med 2012; 367: 2157
16. Schlieper G, Floege J:
Challenging the use of warfarin in patients on dialysis with atrial fibrillation.
Nat Rev Nephrol 2015.
17. Floege J, Rauen T, Eitner F.
Intensive Supportive Care plus Immunosuppression in IgA Nephropathy.
N Engl J Med. 2016 Mar 10;374(10):992-3

Bücher und Buchkapitel

1. Floege J, Granolleras C, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
ß2-Microglobulin kinetics with different dialysis membranes (Possible interaction between ß2-microglobulin amyloidosis and inflammatory agents).
In: Dialysis arthropathies and ß2-M amyloidosis. Gambro SA, Paris, p. 101-105 (1987).
2. Floege J, Granolleras C, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Dialysis associated amyloidosis and ß2-microglobulin.
In: D’Amico G, Colasanti G (Eds.): Nephrology and Dialysis Updated. Contr Nephrol 61, Karger, Basel. p. 27-36 (1988).
3. Floege J, Wilks MF, Granolleras C, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
ß2-Microglobulin and dialysis related amyloidosis: recent developements.
In: Baldamus C, Mion C, Shaldon S (Eds.): Improvements in Dialysis Therapy. Contrib Nephrol 74, Karger, Basel. p. 120-126 (1989).
4. Floege J, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Non-invasive in vivo detection of AB-amyloidosis using its radiolabelled precursor protein.
In: Natvig JB, Forre O, Husby G, Husebekk A, Skogen B, Sletten K, Westermark P (Eds.) Amyloid and Amyloidosis 1990, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1991; p. 781-785.
5. Linke RP, Floege J, Lottspeich F, Deutzmann R:
Several ß2-microglobulin fragments identified in an amyloidoma in a patient with long-term hemodialysis.
In: Natvig JB, Forre O, Husby G, Husebekk A, Skogen B, Sletten K, Westermark P (Eds.) Amyloid and Amyloidosis 1990, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1991; p. 369-373.
6. Floege J, Smeby LC:
High flux membranes and dialysis related amyloidosis.
In: Shaldon S, Koch KM (Eds.): Polyamide – The evolution of a synthetic membrane for renal therapy. Contrib Nephrol 96, Karger, Basel. p. 124-137 (1991).
7. Lonnemann G, Floege J, Shaldon S, Koch KM:
Blood-dialyzer interactions: Their role in long term complications of hemodialysis.
In: Berlyne GM (Ed): The kidney today: Selected topics in renal science. Contr Nephrol 100: 155-171 (1992).
8. Eng E, Floege J, Young BA, Alpers CE, Couser WG, Johnson RJ:
Is mesangial cell proliferation required for extracellular matrix expansion in glomerular disease?
In: Koide H, Hayashi T (eds): Extracellular matrix in the kidney. Contrib Nephrol 107: 156-162 (1994).
9. Schaeffer J, Floege J, Koch KM:
Clinical aspects of dialysis-related amyloidosis.
In: Maeda K, Shinzato T (eds): Dialysis-Related Amyloidosis. Contrib Nephrol 112: 90-96 (1995).
10. Yoshimura A, Iida H, Floege J, Johnson RJ:
PDGF and renal disease.
In: Schlöndorff D, Bonventre JV (eds.): Molecular Nephrology. Marcel Dekker, New York. pp. 875-886 (1995).
11. Linke RP, Floege J, Arnold GJ, Zouh H:
Size heterogeneity of amyloid fibril proteins of ß2m origin in hemodialysis and disease-specific antibodies.
In: Maeda K, Shinzato T (eds): Dialysis-Related Amyloidosis. Contrib Nephrol 112: 65-76 (1995).
12. Schaeffer J, Floege J, Koch KM:
Whole-body scintigraphy.
In: Van Ypersele C, Drüeke T (eds): Dialysis Amyloid. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, 145-153 (1996).
13. Floege J:
Beta-2-Mikroglobulin assoziierte Amyloidose (Aß2M-Amyloidose).
In: Franz HE (Hrsg.): Dialyse 1996. Pabst Scientific Publishers, Berlin, 113-123 (1996).
14. Floege J, Rees AJ:
Growth factors and cytokines.
In: Neilson EG, Couser WG: Immunologic Renal Diseases. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 417-454 (1997).
15. Floege J:
Behandelbare Nierenkrankheiten.
In: Franz HE (Hrsg.): Dialyse 1997. Pabst Scientific Publishers, Berlin, 15-28 (1997).
16. Floege J, Gröne HJ:
Glomerular cells in the progression of human and experimental nephropathies.
In: Grünfeld JP, Bach JF, Funck-Brentano JL, Maxwell MH (Hrsg.): Advances in Nephrology. Mosby Year Book, St. Louis 15-37 (1997).
17. Floege J, Lonnemann G:
Complications related to water treatment, substitution fluids and dialysate composition.
In: Lameire NP, Mehta RL (Hrsg.): Complications of dialysis – recognition and management. Marcel Dekker, New York im Druck.
18. Floege J:
Beta-2-Microglobulin derived amyloid.
In: Johnson RJ, Feehally J (Hrsg.): Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. Mosby International, London, 73.1-73.8 (2000)
19. Floege J:
Acquired cystic kidney disease.
In: Johnson RJ, Feehally J (Hrsg.): Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. Mosby International, London, 74.1-74.4 (2000)
20. Brunkhorst R, Schulze M, Floege J:
Glomerulonephritiden: Klinische Befunde und Laborbefunde, klinische Verlaufsformen.
In: Koch KM (Hrsg.): Klinische Nephrologie. Urban & Fischer, München 167-175 (2000).
21. Brunkhorst R, Floege J, Schulze M:
Pathogenese der Glomerulonephritis und Pathogenese renaler Ödeme.
In: Koch KM (Hrsg.): Klinische Nephrologie. Urban & Fischer, München 176-185 (2000).
21. Floege J, Brunkhorst R, Schulze M:
Primäre Glomerulonephritiden.
In: Koch KM (Hrsg.): Klinische Nephrologie. Urban & Fischer, München 186-209 (2000).
22. Floege J, Brunkhorst R, Schulze M:
Sekundäre Glomerulonephritiden.
In: Koch KM (Hrsg.): Klinische Nephrologie. Urban & Fischer, München 210-225 (2000).
23. Wrenger E, Floege J, Bahlmann J:
In: Koch KM (Hrsg.): Klinische Nephrologie. Urban & Fischer, München 265-272 (2000).
24. Floege J, Schulze M, Brunkhorst R:
Anti-GBM-Nephritis und Goodpasture-Syndrom.
In: Koch KM (Hrsg.): Klinische Nephrologie. Urban & Fischer, München 430-436 (2000).
25. Floege J, Ostendorf T, Wolf G:
Growth factors and cytokines.
In: Neilson EG, Couser WG: Immunologic Renal Diseases. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 2nd edition (2001).
26. Floege J:
Glomeruläre Erkrankungen.
In: Domschke W, Hohenberger W, Meinertz T, Reinhardt D, Tölle R, Possinger K: Therapie-Handbuch. Urban & Fischer, München 18. Auflage (2001).
27. Mertens PR, Floege J:
Glomerulonephritis –Pathogenese und klinische Verläufe.
In: Franz HE, Risler T: Nephrologie für Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg S. VI-1.1 1-7 (2001).
28. Floege J:
Mesangioproliferative Glomerulonephritis.
In: Franz HE, Risler T: Nephrologie für Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg S. VI-1.1.1 1-8 (2001).
29. Mertens PR, Schulze M, Floege J:
Membranöse Glomerulonephritis.
In: Franz HE, Risler T: Nephrologie für Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg S. VI-1.1.2 1-4 (2001).
30. Mertens PR, Floege J:
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis.
In: Franz HE, Risler T: Nephrologie für Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg S. VI-1.1.3 1-4 (2001).
31. Floege J, Mertens PR:
Peri- und postinfektiöse Glomerulonephritis.
In: Franz HE, Risler T: Nephrologie für Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg S. VI-1.1.4 1-5 (2001).
32. Floege J, Schulze-Lohoff E, Weber M:
In: Paumgartner G, Steinbeck G: Therapie innerer Krankheiten. Springer, Berlin 10. Auflage S. 503-525 (2003).
33. Floege J:
Beta-2-Microglobulin derived amyloid.
In: Johnson RJ, Feehally J (Hrsg.): Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. Mosby International, London, 2nd edition, 920-930 (2003)
34. Floege J:
Acquired cystic kidney disease.
In: Johnson RJ, Feehally J (Hrsg.): Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. Mosby International, London, 2nd edition 930-934 (2003)
35. Floege J:
ß2-Mikroglobulin Amyloidose.
In: Hörl WH, Wanner C (Hrsg.): Dialyseverfahren in Klinik und Praxis. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 6. Auflage S. 560-569 (2003)
36. Kunter U, Floege J:
Gentherapie in der Nephrologie.
In: Von der Leyen H, Dieterich HA (Hrsg.): Gentherapie – Ansätze zu neuen Therapieformen in der Medizin. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 179-203 (2005), ISBN 3804719171
37. Floege J, Schulze-Lohoff E, Weber M:
In: Paumgartner G, Steinbeck G: Therapie innerer Krankheiten. Springer, Berlin 11. Auflage S. 529-553 (2005).
38. Feehally J, Floege J, Savill J, Turner NA:
Glomerular injury and glomerular response.
In: Oxford Textbook of Nephrology. Herausgeber: Davison AM. 3. Auflage; Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, S. 363-388. ISBN 0-19-856796-0


1. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 22/1999. Special Issue: Mechanisms of Progression in Renal Disease (Guest Editor: J. Floege)
2. Seminars in Immunopathology 36/2014. Guest Editor glomerular disease.
3. CME sHPT – Pathophysiologie des sekundären Hyperparathyreoidismus. Module I und II. Thieme Verlag 2004 und 2005. Hrsg: Floege J, Ketteler M.
4. Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 3rd edition. Elsevier Publishers, Boston. Editors: J. Feehally, J. Floege, R.J. Johnson
5. Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 4rd edition. Elsevier Publishers, Boston. Editors: J. Floege, J. Feehally, R.J. Johnson
6. Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 5rd edition. Elsevier Publishers, Boston. Editors: R.J. Johnson, J. Feehally, J. Floege