Unser Experte für Herzinfarkt – Basics
Prof. Dr. med. Malte Kelm

Institution und Position: Direktor der Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie und Angiologiedes Universitätsklinikums Düsseldorf. Lehrstuhlinhaber (W3) Innere Medizin mit Schwerpunkt Kardiologie an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
Stand: 14.03.2018
Die Mitschrift des Interviews mit Prof. Dr. med. Malte Kelm zum Thema “Herzinfarkt – Basics”
Was ist ein Herzinfarkt?
Ein Herzinfarkt ist ein akuter Verschluss der Herzkranzgefäße, also der Gefäße, die das Herz wie einen Kranz umgeben und selber den Herzmuskel mit Sauerstoff versorgen. Dies führt nachfolgend zum Untergang des Herzmuskelgewebes.
Was ist eine Koronarstenose?
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Engstelle eines Herz-Kranzgefäßes. Solche Plugs, die den Durchmesser des Gefäßes einengen, entstehen durch Einlagerung von Fetten und Eiweis-Fetten, Kalzium und anderen Bestandteilen und sie führen in Summe zu einer Reduktion des Blutflusses, bis hin zu einem Gefäßverschluss.
Gibt es Warnsignale vor einem Herzinfarkt?
Es kann eine Reihe von Warnsignalen geben. Dazu gehören unter anderem ein Schmerz hinter dem Brustbein, der auch Vernichtungscharakter haben kann und eine Knappheit an Luft, das heißt, eine Erschwernis Luft zu holen und die Schmerzen können auch ausstrahlen in die Schulter in den Kiefer in den Hals und es kann auch begleitet sein von Übelkeit und Schweißausbruch.
Wie diagnostiziert der Arzt einen Herzinfarkt?
Ein Herzinfarkt wird diagnostiziert oder die Diagnose festgestellt durch drei Dinge: Das Eine ist, das man im Blut den Zelluntergang von den Herzmuskelzellen an bestimmten Eiweißen nachweist. Das zweite sind Veränderungen im EKG. Und das Dritte ist entsprechend die Symptomatik, also das, was der Patient an Beschwerden empfindet und berichtet.
Was ist bei Frauen beim Herzinfarkt anders?
Bei Frauen ist die Erkennung und Diagnosestellung eines Infarktes erschwert, da die Symptome häufig atypisch verlaufen. So kann sich ein Herzinfarkt äußern primär durch Schwindel, Übelkeit, eine allgemeine Schwäche, Schweißausbruch, ohne das es zu einem begleitenden klassischen Brustschmerzes kommt.
Was sind die Ziele der Behandlung des Herzinfarktes?
Ein akuter Herzinfarkt wird behandelt heute standardmäßig durch Katheter-interventionelle Verfahren. Das heißt unmittelbar nach Diagnosesicherung, innerhalb von höchstens 30 Minuten, muss der Patient einer Herzkatheter-Untersuchung zugeführt werden, bei dem die Kranzgefäße und die Verschlussstelle dargestellt werden. Dann wir dort ein Draht eingeführt und der Verschluss wieder eröffnet durch eine Ballon-Aufdehnung und gegebenenfalls dieses Resultat durch die Einlage eines Stens langfristig stabilisiert.
Wie wird der akute Herzinfarkt behandelt?
Das oberste Ziel der Behandlung eines Herzinfarktes muss die rasche und akute Wiedereröffnung des verschlossenen Gefäßes sein. Und dieses muss stabil und nachhaltig sein, um einen weiteren Untergang von Herzmuskelzellen zu verhindern.
Wie erfolgt die Nachsorge nach einem Herzinfarkt?
Nach Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus und erfolgreicher Wiedereröffnung des Gefäßes wird dem Patient eine Leitlinien-gerechte, medikamentöse Therapie mitgegeben, die dann von seinem Hausarzt auch in den nachfolgenden Untersuchungen wieder bewertet und fortgesetzt wird. Das ist die wesentliche Säule. Die zweite wesentliche Säule bedingt eine Änderung des Lebensstils. Dazu gehören regelmäßige Bewegung, gesunde Ernährung, Einstellung von Nikotinkonsum und ähnliches.
Kann man einem Herzinfarkt vorbeugen?
Man kann in Teilen einem Herzinfarkt vorbeugen durch eigene Aktivitäten. Dazu gehören regelmäßige Bewegung, auch Sport. Und dieses möglichst mindestens 30 Minuten einmal am Tag. Eine gesunde Ernährung und auch Vermeidung von negativen Stressfaktoren, die aber individuell streuen können.
Herzrhythmusstörungen bei Herzinfarkt = plötzlicher Herztod?
Ja, dies ist ein Gleichnis, das zusammen die gravierendste Komplikation an einem akuten Herzinfarkt darstellt. Durch den Zelluntergang kann es zu Irritationen des Reizleitungsystems kommen. Darüber bilden sich in der Folge tödliche Herzrhythmusstörungen aus, die dann eben zu dem Versterben führen.
Steigern Wut und starke Emotionen das Herzinfarkt-Risiko?
Solche Situationen gehen einher mit der Stimulation des unbewussten Nervensystems – dem Sympathikotonus und nachfolgend dem Ausschütten von Stresshormonen. Die verengen die Herzkranzgefäße und reduzieren weiter den Blutfluss und können im schlimmsten Falle zu einem Gefäßverschluss und Herzinfarkt führen.
Was tun beim Auftreten von Warnsignalen eines Herzinfarktes?
Hat der Patient das Gefühl, dass es sich um eine akute Situation mit entsprechenden Symptomen handelt, so sollte er unmittelbar die 112, sprich die Notrufzentrale, informieren! Den hier zählt jede Minute.
Wer ist besonders gefährdet für Herzinfarkte?
Hier gibt es eine Reihe von so genannten Risikofaktoren, die klar erkannt wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der klinischen Forschung. Dazu gehören die Menschen, die unmittelbare Verwandte mit schon erlittenem Herzinfarkt haben, also Vater, Mutter, Geschwister. Hierzu gehören auch diejenigen, die rauchen und diejenigen, die eine Stoffwechselstörung haben durch erhöhte Blutfette, einen hohen Blutdruck und/oder Blutzuckerveränderungen – sprich Diabetes mellitus.
Infos zur Person
Ich beschäftige mich selbst und auch mit meinen Arbeitsgruppen seit mehr als 25 Jahren in experimenteller und klinischer Forschung zur Entstehung und Diagnose und auch Behandlung des Herzinfarktes, insbesondere mit den Mechanismen die den Störungen in der Gefäßwand der Herzkranzgefäße zugrunde liegen.
Infos zur Klinik
Das Besondere an dieser Abteilung für Kardiologie ist sicherlich, dass sie eine große Anzahl an Katheterinterventionen und Behandlung von Patienten bei sehr vielen Patienten mit Herzinfarkt durchführt und auch ein überregionales Referenzzentrum darstellt und dort modernste Verfahren entsprechend den internationalen Standards zur Anwendung kommen.
1978-1985 | Studium der Humanmedizin |
1986-1987 | Assistent an der Universitäts-Nervenklinik Köln und am Max- Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung (Prof. Dr. W.D. Heiß) |
1987-1989 | Assistent am Institut für Herz- und Kreislaufphysiologie der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Prof. Dr. J. Schrader) |
1988-1988 | Forschungsaufenthalt am Clinical Research Centre, Sektion Vaskuläre Biologie, London (Prof. Dr. J. Pearson) |
1989-1995 | Ausbildung zum Facharzt für Innere Medizin an der Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik B der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
1995-1905 | Oberarzt an der Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik B, Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie und Angiologie des Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (Prof. Dr. B.E. Strauer) |
1998-1905 | Leitender Oberarzt des Herzkatheterlabors Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik B, Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie und Angiologie des Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (Prof. Dr. B.E. Strauer) |
1905-1909 | Direktor der Medizinischen Klinik I des Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen |
seit 2009 | Direktor der Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie u. Angiologie des Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf |
- Kelm M, Feelisch M, Spahr R, Piper HM, Noack E, Schrader J.Quantitative and kinetic characterization of nitric oxide and EDRF released from cultured endothelial cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1988 Jul 15;154(1):236-44.PubMed [citation] PMID: 3260776
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- Hartmann M, Kelm M, Schrader J.Protein phosphorylation in intact coronary endothelial cells by bradykinin.Life Sci. 1991;48(17):1619-26.PubMed [citation] PMID: 2016994
- Kelm M, Feelisch M, Deussen A, Strauer BE, Schrader J.Release of endothelium derived nitric oxide in relation to pressure and flow.Cardiovasc Res. 1991 Oct;25(10):831-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 1747876
- Feelisch M, Kelm M.Biotransformation of organic nitrates to nitric oxide by vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1991 Oct 15;180(1):286-93.PubMed [citation] PMID: 1656970
- Kelm M, Feelisch M, Krebber T, Motz W, Strauer BE.The role of nitric oxide in the regulation of coronary vascular resistance in arterial hypertension: comparison of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992;20 Suppl 12:S183-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 1282963
- Motz W, Vogt M, Scheler S, Schwartzkopff BE, Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Prevention with vasoactive drugs].Z Kardiol. 1992;81 Suppl 4:199-204. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 1290299
- Karczewski P, Kelm M, Hartmann M, Schrader J.Role of phospholamban in NO/EDRF-induced relaxation in rat aorta.Life Sci. 1992;51(15):1205-10.PubMed [citation] PMID: 1528090
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- Deussen A, Bading B, Kelm M, Schrader J.Formation and salvage of adenosine by macrovascular endothelial cells.Am J Physiol. 1993 Mar;264(3 Pt 2):H692-700.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8456972
- Kelm M, Feelisch M, Krebber T, Motz W, Strauer BE.Mechanisms of histamine-induced coronary vasodilatation: H1-receptor-mediated release of endothelium-derived nitric oxide.J Vasc Res. 1993 May-Jun;30(3):132-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8518330
- Moore KN, Kelm M, Sinclair O, Cadrain G.Bacteriuria in intermittent catheterization users: the effect of sterile versus clean reused catheters.Rehabil Nurs. 1993 Sep-Oct;18(5):306-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8066320
- Motz W, Kelm M, Schwartzkopff B, Strauer BE.[Angina pectoris and a normal coronary angiogram in arterial hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy].Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1994 Aug 26;119(34-35):1175-80. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 8076507
- Kelm M, Feelisch M, Krebber T, Deussen A, Motz W, Strauer BE.Role of nitric oxide in the regulation of coronary vascular tone in hearts from hypertensive rats. Maintenance of nitric oxide-forming capacity and increased basal production of nitric oxide.Hypertension. 1995 Feb;25(2):186-93.PubMed [citation] PMID: 7843768
- Preik-Steinhoff H, Zink S, Rösen P, Kelm M.Transport of L-arginine in arginine-deprived endothelial cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995 Aug 15;213(2):447-53.PubMed [citation] PMID: 7646498
- Feelisch M, Brands F, Kelm M.Human endothelial cells bioactivate organic nitrates to nitric oxide: implications for the reinforcement of endothelial defence mechanisms.Eur J Clin Invest. 1995 Oct;25(10):737-45.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8557060
- Schäfer S, Schlack W, Kelm M, Deussen A, Strauer BE.Characterisation of left ventricular relaxation in the isolated guinea pig heart.Res Exp Med (Berl). 1996;196(5):261-73.PubMed [citation] PMID: 9010958
- Kelm M, Preik M, Hafner DJ, Strauer BE.Evidence for a multifactorial process involved in the impaired flow response to nitric oxide in hypertensive patients with endothelial dysfunction.Hypertension. 1996 Mar;27(3 Pt 1):346-53.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8698436
- Preik M, Kelm M, Feelisch M, Strauer BE.Impaired effectiveness of nitric oxide-donors in resistance arteries of patients with arterial hypertension.J Hypertens. 1996 Jul;14(7):903-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8818930
- Preik M, Kelm M, Schoebel F, Schottenfeld Y, Leschke M, Strauer BE.Selective impairment of nitric oxide dependent vasodilation in young adults with hypercholesterolaemia.J Cardiovasc Risk. 1996 Oct;3(5):465-71.PubMed [citation] PMID: 9048263
- Preik-Steinhoff H, Kelm M.Determination of nitrite in human blood by combination of a specific sample preparation with high-performance anion-exchange chromatography and electrochemical detection.J Chromatogr B Biomed Appl. 1996 Oct 25;685(2):348-52.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8953178
- Kelm M, Schäfer S, Mingers S, Heydthausen M, Vogt M, Motz W, Strauer BE.Left ventricular mass is linked to cardiac noradrenaline in normotensive and hypertensive patients.J Hypertens. 1996 Nov;14(11):1357-64.PubMed [citation] PMID: 8934365
- Schoebel FC, Gradaus F, Jax TW, Stiegler HM, Stein DA, Borries M, Kelm M, Strauer BE, Leschke M.[Significance of coronary thrombosis for chronic myocardial ischemia].Z Kardiol. 1997;86 Suppl 1:71-83. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9173723
- Heintzen MP, Michel CJ, Schlüter S, Leschke M, Schwartzkopff B, Vester EG, Kelm M, Schiele TM, Strauer BE.[Interventional therapy in acute myocardial infarct].Internist (Berl). 1997 Jan;38(1):44-52. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9119658
- Kelm M, Schäfer S, Preik M, Schoebel FC, Preik-Steinhoff H, Strauer BE.[Coronary vasomotion in coronary heart disease–significance of epicardial and microcirculatory vessels for myocardial perfusion].Z Kardiol. 1997;86 Suppl 1:33-41. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9173720
- Kelm M, Dahmann R, Wink D, Feelisch M.The nitric oxide/superoxide assay. Insights into the biological chemistry of the NO/O-2. interaction.J Biol Chem. 1997 Apr 11;272(15):9922-32.PubMed [citation] PMID: 9092531
- Preik M, Kelm M, Schäfer S, Strauer BE.Impairment of adenosine-induced dilation of forearm resistance arteries in patients with arterial hypertension.Vasa. 1997 May;26(2):70-5.PubMed [citation] PMID: 9174380
- Rath J, Marx R, Ganschow US, Gradaus F, Schoebel FC, Kelm M, Hennersdorf M, Köhler M, Heintzen MP, Strauer BE.[Formation, therapy and prevention of false aneurysm of the femoral artery following diagnostic and interventional heart catheterization].Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1997 Jun 13;122(24):771-7. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9229559
- Kelm M, Schäfer S, Dahmann R, Dolu B, Perings S, Decking UK, Schrader J, Strauer BE.Nitric oxide induced contractile dysfunction is related to a reduction in myocardial energy generation.Cardiovasc Res. 1997 Nov;36(2):185-94.PubMed [citation] PMID: 9463630
- Heintzen MP, Heidland UE, Klimek WJ, Michel CJ, Kelm M, Leschke M, Schwartzkopff B, Vester EG, Strauer BE.[Intracoronary dipyridamole reduces the incidence of acute coronary vessel occlusion in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty–a prospective randomized study].Z Kardiol. 1997 Dec;86(12):961-7. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9499493
- Rath J, Ganschow US, Kelm M, Leschke M, Vester EG, Heintzen MP, Schwartzkopff B, Strauer BE.[Duplex ultrasound risk stratification of percutaneous puncture of the brachial artery for diagnostic and interventional coronary angiography].Z Kardiol. 1998 Apr;87(4):249-57. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9610508
- Strauer BE, Schwartzkopff B, Kelm M.Assessing the coronary circulation in hypertension.J Hypertens. 1998 Sep;16(9):1221-33. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 9746107
- Kelm M, Rath J, Pölitz B, Strauer BE.[Relevance and methods for determining coronary flow reserve].Z Kardiol. 1998;87 Suppl 2:74-9. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 9827464
- Deussen A, Stappert M, Schäfer S, Kelm M.Quantification of extracellular and intracellular adenosine production: understanding the transmembranous concentration gradient.Circulation. 1999 Apr 20;99(15):2041-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10209010
- Kelm M.Nitric oxide metabolism and breakdown.Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999 May 5;1411(2-3):273-89. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10320663
- Kelm M, Preik-Steinhoff H, Preik M, Strauer BE.Serum nitrite sensitively reflects endothelial NO formation in human forearm vasculature: evidence for biochemical assessment of the endothelial L-arginine-NO pathway.Cardiovasc Res. 1999 Mar;41(3):765-72.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10435049
- Schulz K, Kerber S, Kelm M.Reevaluation of the Griess method for determining NO/NO2- in aqueous and protein-containing samples.Nitric Oxide. 1999 Jun;3(3):225-34.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10442854
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Endothelial dysfunction. Therapeutic and prognostic issues].Internist (Berl). 1999 Dec;40(12):1300-7. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 10642917
- Kelm M, Schäfer S, Hennersdorf M, Strauer BE.[Heart failure in primary non-cardiac diseases].Internist (Berl). 2000 Feb;41(2 Pt 1):105-14. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 10743588
- Heintzen MP, Heidland UE, Klimek WJ, Leschke M, Kelm M, Schwartzkopff B, Vester EG, Michel CJ, Strauer BE.Intracoronary dipyridamole reduces the incidence of abrupt vessel closure following PTCA: a prospective randomised trial.Heart. 2000 May;83(5):551-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10768906, PMCID: PMC1760836
- Heusch G, Post H, Michel MC, Kelm M, Schulz R.Endogenous nitric oxide and myocardial adaptation to ischemia.Circ Res. 2000 Jul 21;87(2):146-52.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10903999
- Preik M, Kelm M, Rösen P, Tschöpe D, Strauer BE.Additive effect of coexistent type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension on endothelial dysfunction in resistance arteries of human forearm vasculature.Angiology. 2000 Jul;51(7):545-54.PubMed [citation] PMID: 10917579
- Ruschitzka FT, Wenger RH, Stallmach T, Quaschning T, de Wit C, Wagner K, Labugger R, Kelm M, Noll G, Rülicke T, Shaw S, Lindberg RL, Rodenwaldt B, Lutz H, Bauer C, Lüscher TF, Gassmann M.Nitric oxide prevents cardiovascular disease and determines survival in polyglobulic mice overexpressing erythropoietin.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Oct 10;97(21):11609-13.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11027359, PMCID: PMC17248
- Hennersdorf MG, Kelm M, Schannwell CM, Rösen P, Strauer BE.[Cardiac complications in diabetes mellitus].Med Klin (Munich). 2000 Sep 15;95(9):487-95. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11028165
- Preik M, Lauer T, Heiss C, Tabery S, Strauer BE, Kelm M.Automated ultrasonic measurement of human arteries for the determination of endothelial function.Ultraschall Med. 2000 Oct;21(5):195-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11126598
- Marx R, Jax TW, Kelm M, Schoebel FC, Strauer BE.Vineberg graft: flow reserve of bilateral implantation after 27 years.Ann Thorac Surg. 2001 Jan;71(1):341-3.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11216775
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Acute myocardial infarct–primary angioplasty or thrombolysis?].Internist (Berl). 2000 Dec;41(12):1331-6, 1338-40, 1342-3. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11189068
- Perings SM, Perings C, Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Determination of right ventricular ejection fraction by thermodilution catheter technique during exercise: a comparison with radionuclide ventriculography].Z Kardiol. 2001 Jan;90(1):28-34. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11220084
- Kelm M, Rath J.Endothelial dysfunction in human coronary circulation: relevance of the L-arginine-NO pathway.Basic Res Cardiol. 2001 Apr;96(2):107-27. Review. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11327329
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Interventional therapy of the acute cardiac infarct].Internist (Berl). 2001 May;42(5):686-98. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11400576
- Hamm CW, Bösenberg H, Brennecke R, Daschner F, Dziekan G, Erbel R, Ewen K, Geffers C, Hausdorf G, Kelm M, Rüden H, Sauer G, Strauer B; German Society of Cardiology-Heart and Cardiovascular Research.[Guidelines for equipping and managing heart catheter rooms (1st revision). Issued by the governing body of the German Society of Cardiology-Heart and Cardiovascular Research. Revised by order of the Committee of Clinical Cardiology].Z Kardiol. 2001 May;90(5):367-76. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11452900
- Decking UK, Williams JP, Dahmann R, Stumpe T, Kelm M, Schrader J.The nitric oxide-induced reduction in cardiac energy supply is not due to inhibition of creatine kinase.Cardiovasc Res. 2001 Aug 1;51(2):313-21.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11470471
- Perings SM, Schulze K, Decking U, Kelm M, Strauer BE.Age-related decline of PCr/ATP-ratio in progressively hypertrophied hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats.Heart Vessels. 2000;15(4):197-202.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11471660
- Perings SM, Perings C, Kelm M, Strauer BE.Comparative evaluation of thermodilution and gated blood pool method for determination of right ventricular ejection fraction at rest and during exercise.Cardiology. 2001;95(3):161-3.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11474163
- Lauer T, Preik M, Rassaf T, Strauer BE, Deussen A, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Plasma nitrite rather than nitrate reflects regional endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity but lacks intrinsic vasodilator action.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Oct 23;98(22):12814-9. Epub 2001 Oct 16.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11606734, PMCID: PMC60136
- Kelm M.Flow-mediated dilatation in human circulation: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2002 Jan;282(1):H1-5. Review. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11748041
- Perings SM, Hennersdorf M, Koch JA, Perings C, Kelm M, Heintzen MP, Strauer BE.[Lipoid pneumonia following attempted suicide by intravenous injection of lamp oil].Med Klin (Munich). 2001 Nov 15;96(11):685-8. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11760657
- Hennersdorf MG, Perings C, Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Atrial fibrillation].Internist (Berl). 2001 Dec;42(12):1631-40. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11793602
- Kelm M.[Interaction of the coronary macro- and microcirculation].Z Kardiol. 2001 Dec;90(12):946-52. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 11826836
- Rassaf T, Preik M, Kleinbongard P, Lauer T, Heiss C, Strauer BE, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Evidence for in vivo transport of bioactive nitric oxide in human plasma.J Clin Invest. 2002 May;109(9):1241-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 11994413, PMCID: PMC150967
- Kelm M, Perings SM, Jax T, Lauer T, Schoebel FC, Heintzen MP, Perings C, Strauer BE.Incidence and clinical outcome of iatrogenic femoral arteriovenous fistulas: implications for risk stratification and treatment.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Jul 17;40(2):291-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12106934
- Schäfer S, Kelm M, Mingers S, Strauer BE.Left ventricular remodeling impairs coronary flow reserve in hypertensive patients.J Hypertens. 2002 Jul;20(7):1431-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12131541
- Weber AA, Meila D, Jacobs C, Weber S, Kelm M, Strauer BE, Zotz RB, Scharf RE, Schrör K.Low incidence of paradoxical platelet activation by glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors.Thromb Res. 2002 Apr 1;106(1):25-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12165285
- Perings SM, Kelm M, Lauer T, Strauer BE.[Duplex ultrasound determination of shunt volume in iatrogenic arteriovenous fistulas after heart catheterization].Z Kardiol. 2002 Jun;91(6):481-6. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12219696
- Rassaf T, Kleinbongard P, Preik M, Dejam A, Gharini P, Lauer T, Erckenbrecht J, Duschin A, Schulz R, Heusch G, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Plasma nitrosothiols contribute to the systemic vasodilator effects of intravenously applied NO: experimental and clinical Study on the fate of NO in human blood.Circ Res. 2002 Sep 20;91(6):470-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12242264
- Weber AA, Jacobs C, Meila D, Weber S, Zotz RB, Scharf RE, Kelm M, Strauer BE, Schrör K.No evidence for an influence of the human platelet antigen-1 polymorphism on the antiplatelet effects of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors.Pharmacogenetics. 2002 Oct;12(7):581-3.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12360110
- Feelisch M, Rassaf T, Mnaimneh S, Singh N, Bryan NS, Jourd’Heuil D, Kelm M.Concomitant S-, N-, and heme-nitros(yl)ation in biological tissues and fluids: implications for the fate of NO in vivo.FASEB J. 2002 Nov;16(13):1775-85.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12409320
- Lauer T, Kleinbongard P, Kelm M.Indexes of NO bioavailability in human blood.News Physiol Sci. 2002 Dec;17:251-5. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12433980
- Rassaf T, Bryan NS, Kelm M, Feelisch M.Concomitant presence of N-nitroso and S-nitroso proteins in human plasma.Free Radic Biol Med. 2002 Dec 1;33(11):1590-6. Erratum in: Free Radic Biol Med. 2003 Jan 15;34(2):283. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12446216
- Kleinbongard P, Rassaf T, Dejam A, Kerber S, Kelm M.Griess method for nitrite measurement of aqueous and protein-containing samples.Methods Enzymol. 2002;359:158-68. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12481568
- Kelm M.The L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway in hypertension.Curr Hypertens Rep. 2003 Feb;5(1):80-6. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12530940
- Lauer T, Kleinbongard P, Preik M, Rauch BH, Deussen A, Feelisch M, Strauer BE, Kelm M.Direct biochemical evidence for eNOS stimulation by bradykinin in the human forearm vasculature.Basic Res Cardiol. 2003 Mar;98(2):84-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12607129
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.Obesity and hypertension in coronary heart disease: two independent PRIMErs?J Hypertens. 2003 Mar;21(3):475-6. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12640234
- Strauer BE, Kelm M.Subcutaneous resistive arteries and coronary conductance.J Hypertens. 2003 Mar;21(3):505-6. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12640242
- Perings SM, Kelm M, Jax T, Strauer BE.A prospective study on incidence and risk factors of arteriovenous fistulae following transfemoral cardiac catheterization.Int J Cardiol. 2003 Apr;88(2-3):223-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12714202
- Rassaf T, Bryan NS, Maloney RE, Specian V, Kelm M, Kalyanaraman B, Rodriguez J, Feelisch M.NO adducts in mammalian red blood cells: too much or too little?Nat Med. 2003 May;9(5):481-2; author reply 482-3. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12724738
- Budeus M, Hennersdorf M, Dierkes S, Preik M, Heintzen MP, Kelm M, Perings C.Effects of right coronary artery PTCA on variables of P-wave signal averaged electrocardiogram.Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2003 Apr;8(2):150-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12848797
- Preik M, Kelm M, Strauer BE.Management of the hypertensive patient with coronary insufficiency but without atherosclerosis.Curr Opin Cardiol. 2003 Jul;18(4):255-9. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 12858122
- Heiss C, Dejam A, Kleinbongard P, Schewe T, Sies H, Kelm M.Vascular effects of cocoa rich in flavan-3-ols.JAMA. 2003 Aug 27;290(8):1030-1. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 12941674
- Kleinbongard P, Dejam A, Lauer T, Rassaf T, Schindler A, Picker O, Scheeren T, Gödecke A, Schrader J, Schulz R, Heusch G, Schaub GA, Bryan NS, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Plasma nitrite reflects constitutive nitric oxide synthase activity in mammals.Free Radic Biol Med. 2003 Oct 1;35(7):790-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 14583343
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Hypertensive heart disease and microangiopathy].Internist (Berl). 2003 Jul;44(7):793-4, 797-805. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 14631576
- Dejam A, Kleinbongard P, Rassaf T, Hamada S, Gharini P, Rodriguez J, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Thiols enhance NO formation from nitrate photolysis.Free Radic Biol Med. 2003 Dec 15;35(12):1551-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 14680678
- Perings SM, Grubert N, Kleinbongard P, Reinecke P, Schulz R, Hermsen D, Willers R, Kelm M.Chronic treatment with fluvastatin improves smooth muscle dilatory function in genetically determined hyperlipoproteinemia.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2004 Feb;43(2):183-90.PubMed [citation] PMID: 14716204
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.Coronary flow reserve measurements in hypertension.Med Clin North Am. 2004 Jan;88(1):99-113. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 14871053
- Schulz R, Kelm M, Heusch G.Nitric oxide in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury.Cardiovasc Res. 2004 Feb 15;61(3):402-13. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 14962472
- Rassaf T, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Circulating NO pool: assessment of nitrite and nitroso species in blood and tissues.Free Radic Biol Med. 2004 Feb 15;36(4):413-22.PubMed [citation] PMID: 14975444
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Zeymer U, Schneider S, Nienaber CA, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Schöbel WA, Sabin G, Senges J; deutsche Cyper-Register.[Safety and current indications during „real life“ use of sirolimus-eluting coronary stents in Germany. Results from the prospective multicenter German Cypher Registry].Herz. 2004 Mar;29(2):181-6. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 15057439
- Kelm M.Minor electrocardiogram abnormalities in arterial hypertension: does it matter?J Hypertens. 2004 Feb;22(2):261-3. Review. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 15076182
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Zeymer U, Schneider S, Nienaber CA, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Schöbel WA, Sabin G, Senges J.“Real life“ use of sirolimus-eluting coronary stents in Germany. Results from the prospective multi-centre German Cypher Registry.Z Kardiol. 2004 Apr;93(4):287-94.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15085373
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Zeymer U, Schneider S, Nienaber CA, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Senges J; Registre Allemand sur Cypher.[Cypher stent: the German registry. Results of the German prospective multicenter registry on Cypher].Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris). 2004 May;53 Suppl 1:36s-39s. French. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 15291160
- Sies H, Schewe T, Heiss C, Kelm M.Cocoa polyphenols and inflammatory mediators.Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1 Suppl):304S-312S. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15640495
- Paunel AN, Dejam A, Thelen S, Kirsch M, Horstjann M, Gharini P, Mürtz M, Kelm M, de Groot H, Kolb-Bachofen V, Suschek CV.Enzyme-independent nitric oxide formation during UVA challenge of human skin: characterization, molecular sources, and mechanisms.Free Radic Biol Med. 2005 Mar 1;38(5):606-15.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15683717
- Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and myocardial infarction].Internist (Berl). 2005 Mar;46(3):265-74. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 15690165
- Lauer T, Heiss C, Preik M, Balzer J, Hafner D, Strauer BE, Kelm M.Reduction of peripheral flow reserve impairs endothelial function in conduit arteries of patients with essential hypertension.J Hypertens. 2005 Mar;23(3):563-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15716698
- Khattab AA, Hamm CW, Senges J, Toelg R, Geist V, Bonzel T, Kelm M, Levenson B, Nienaber CA, Sabin G, Schneider S, Tebbe U, Richardt G.Sirolimus-eluting stent treatment for isolated proximal left anterior descending artery stenoses. Results from the prospective multi-center German Cypher Registry.Z Kardiol. 2005 Mar;94(3):187-92.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15747041
- Dejam A, Hunter CJ, Pelletier MM, Hsu LL, Machado RF, Shiva S, Power GG, Kelm M, Gladwin MT, Schechter AN.Erythrocytes are the major intravascular storage sites of nitrite in human blood.Blood. 2005 Jul 15;106(2):734-9. Epub 2005 Mar 17.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15774613, PMCID: PMC1895176
- Hennersdorf MG, Steiner S, Kelm M, Strauer BE.[Intensive care in cardiovascular medicine — acute coronary syndrome].Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2005 Mar 24;130(12):677-82. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 15776351
- Heiss C, Keymel S, Niesler U, Ziemann J, Kelm M, Kalka C.Impaired progenitor cell activity in age-related endothelial dysfunction.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 May 3;45(9):1441-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15862416
- Ozüyaman B, Kelm M.Mesenchymal stem cells: unknown mechanisms of differentiation.J Hypertens. 2005 Jun;23(6):1133-4. Review. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 15894886
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Schneider S, Zeymer U, Nienaber CA, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Senges J; German Cypher Stent Registry.Incidence and predictors of target vessel revascularization and clinical event rates of the sirolimus-eluting coronary stent (results from the prospective multicenter German Cypher Stent Registry).Am J Cardiol. 2005 Jun 1;95(11):1302-8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15904633
- Berger MM, Hesse C, Dehnert C, Siedler H, Kleinbongard P, Bardenheuer HJ, Kelm M, Bärtsch P, Haefeli WE.Hypoxia impairs systemic endothelial function in individuals prone to high-altitude pulmonary edema.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Sep 15;172(6):763-7. Epub 2005 Jun 9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15947284
- Schulz R, Rassaf T, Massion PB, Kelm M, Balligand JL.Recent advances in the understanding of the role of nitric oxide in cardiovascular homeostasis.Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Dec;108(3):225-56. Epub 2005 Jun 8. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 15949847
- Philipp S, Cui L, Ludolph B, Kelm M, Schulz R, Cohen MV, Downey JM.Desferoxamine and ethyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzoate protect myocardium by activating NOS and generating mitochondrial ROS.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2006 Jan;290(1):H450-7. Epub 2005 Sep 9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16155105
- Heiss C, Kleinbongard P, Dejam A, Perré S, Schroeter H, Sies H, Kelm M.Acute consumption of flavanol-rich cocoa and the reversal of endothelial dysfunction in smokers.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Oct 4;46(7):1276-83.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16198843
- Ozüyaman B, Ebner P, Niesler U, Ziemann J, Kleinbongard P, Jax T, Gödecke A, Kelm M, Kalka C.Nitric oxide differentially regulates proliferation and mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells but not of hematopoietic stem cells.Thromb Haemost. 2005 Oct;94(4):770-2.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16270628
- Kleinbongard P, Schulz R, Rassaf T, Lauer T, Dejam A, Jax T, Kumara I, Gharini P, Kabanova S, Ozüyaman B, Schnürch HG, Gödecke A, Weber AA, Robenek M, Robenek H, Bloch W, Rösen P, Kelm M.Red blood cells express a functional endothelial nitric oxide synthase.Blood. 2006 Apr 1;107(7):2943-51. Epub 2005 Dec 20.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16368881
- Gladwin MT, Schechter AN, Kim-Shapiro DB, Patel RP, Hogg N, Shiva S, Cannon RO 3rd, Kelm M, Wink DA, Espey MG, Oldfield EH, Pluta RM, Freeman BA, Lancaster JR Jr, Feelisch M, Lundberg JO.The emerging biology of the nitrite anion.Nat Chem Biol. 2005 Nov;1(6):308-14. Erratum in: Nat Chem Biol. 2006 Feb;2(2):110. PubMed [citation] PMID: 16408064
- Kleinbongard P, Dejam A, Lauer T, Jax T, Kerber S, Gharini P, Balzer J, Zotz RB, Scharf RE, Willers R, Schechter AN, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Plasma nitrite concentrations reflect the degree of endothelial dysfunction in humans.Free Radic Biol Med. 2006 Jan 15;40(2):295-302. Epub 2005 Nov 10.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16413411
- Schroeter H, Heiss C, Balzer J, Kleinbongard P, Keen CL, Hollenberg NK, Sies H, Kwik-Uribe C, Schmitz HH, Kelm M.(-)-Epicatechin mediates beneficial effects of flavanol-rich cocoa on vascular function in humans.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jan 24;103(4):1024-9. Epub 2006 Jan 17.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16418281, PMCID: PMC1327732
- Heiss C, Lauer T, Dejam A, Kleinbongard P, Hamada S, Rassaf T, Matern S, Feelisch M, Kelm M.Plasma nitroso compounds are decreased in patients with endothelial dysfunction.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Feb 7;47(3):573-9. Epub 2006 Jan 18.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16458138
- Rassaf T, Kleinbongard P, Kelm M.Circulating NO pool in humans.Kidney Blood Press Res. 2005;28(5-6):341-8. Epub 2006 Mar 7. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16534229
- Schauerte P, Schimpf T, Mischke K, Zarse M, Schmid M, Plisiene J, Maurath P, Kelm M, Pauza DH.[Morphology and function of the intrinsic cardiac nervous system].Herz. 2006 Apr;31(2):96-100. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 16738830
- Rassaf T, Poll LW, Brouzos P, Lauer T, Totzeck M, Kleinbongard P, Gharini P, Andersen K, Schulz R, Heusch G, Mödder U, Kelm M.Positive effects of nitric oxide on left ventricular function in humans.Eur Heart J. 2006 Jul;27(14):1699-705. Epub 2006 Jun 16.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16782717
- Balzer J, Heiss C, Schroeter H, Brouzos P, Kleinbongard P, Matern S, Lauer T, Rassaf T, Kelm M.Flavanols and cardiovascular health: effects on the circulating NO pool in humans.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2006;47 Suppl 2:S122-7; discussion S172-6. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16794449
- Heiss C, Schroeter H, Balzer J, Kleinbongard P, Matern S, Sies H, Kelm M.Endothelial function, nitric oxide, and cocoa flavanols.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2006;47 Suppl 2:S128-35; discussion S172-6. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16794450
- Rassaf T, Heiss C, Hendgen-Cotta U, Balzer J, Matern S, Kleinbongard P, Lee A, Lauer T, Kelm M.Plasma nitrite reserve and endothelial function in the human forearm circulation.Free Radic Biol Med. 2006 Jul 15;41(2):295-301. Epub 2006 Apr 26.PubMed [citation] PMID: 16814110
- Kelm M.Significance of vascular nitric oxide synthase pathways in coronary artery disease: a multiple-level biomarker strategy.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Sep 19;48(6):1175-6. Epub 2006 Aug 28. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 16979001
- Iofina E, Langenberg R, Blindt R, Kühl H, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Polymer-based paclitaxel-eluting stents are superior to nonpolymer-based paclitaxel-eluting stents in the treatment of de novo coronary lesions.Am J Cardiol. 2006 Oct 15;98(8):1022-7. Epub 2006 Aug 28.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17027564
- Mischke K, Knackstedt C, Mühlenbruch G, Schimpf T, Neef P, Zarse M, Plisiene J, Stanzel S, Eickholt C, Fache K, Frechen D, Spüntrup E, Hanrath P, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Imaging of the coronary venous system: retrograde coronary sinus angiography versus venous phase coronary angiograms.Int J Cardiol. 2007 Jul 31;119(3):339-43. Epub 2006 Oct 24.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17064793
- Rassaf T, Kleinbongard P, Kelm M.The L-arginine nitric oxide pathway: avenue for a multiple-level approach to assess vascular function.Biol Chem. 2006 Oct-Nov;387(10-11):1347-9. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17081105
- Keymel S, Rassaf T, Kelm M.Nitrite in action: a commentary on „Low-dose intravenous nitrite improves hemodynamics in a canine model of acute pulmonary thromboembolism“.Free Radic Biol Med. 2006 Dec 15;41(12):1750-2. Epub 2006 Oct 24. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 17157177
- Schotten U, de Haan S, Verheule S, Harks EG, Frechen D, Bodewig E, Greiser M, Ram R, Maessen J, Kelm M, Allessie M, Van Wagoner DR.Blockade of atrial-specific K+-currents increases atrial but not ventricular contractility by enhancing reverse mode Na+/Ca2+-exchange.Cardiovasc Res. 2007 Jan 1;73(1):37-47. Epub 2006 Nov 23.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17157284
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Schneider S, Zeymer U, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Nienaber CA, Senges J; German Cypher Stent Registry.Predictors of death or myocardial infarction during follow-up after coronary stenting with the sirolimus-eluting stent. Results from the prospective multicenter German Cypher Stent Registry.Am Heart J. 2006 Dec;152(6):1146-52.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17161068
- Martin C, Schulz R, Post H, Boengler K, Kelm M, Kleinbongard P, Gres P, Skyschally A, Konietzka I, Heusch G.Microdialysis-based analysis of interstitial NO in situ: NO synthase-independent NO formation during myocardial ischemia.Cardiovasc Res. 2007 Apr 1;74(1):46-55. Epub 2007 Jan 3.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17258181
- Zahn R, Nienaber CA, Hamm CW, Weber F, Zeymer U, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Richardt G, Senges J.The sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in clinical practice: impact of direct stenting versus stenting with balloon pre-dilatation.EuroIntervention. 2007 Feb;2(4):459-66.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19755285
- Heiss C, Finis D, Kleinbongard P, Hoffmann A, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Sies H.Sustained increase in flow-mediated dilation after daily intake of high-flavanol cocoa drink over 1 week.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2007 Feb;49(2):74-80.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17312446
- Khattab AA, Hamm CW, Senges J, Toelg R, Geist V, Bonzel T, Kelm M, Levenson B, Nienaber CA, Sabin G, Tebbe U, Schneider S, Richardt G; German Cypher Stent Registry.Incidence and predictors of target vessel revascularization after sirolimus-eluting stent treatment for proximal left anterior descending artery stenoses among 2274 patients from the prospective multicenter German Cypher Stent Registry.Clin Res Cardiol. 2007 May;96(5):279-84. Epub 2007 Feb 26.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17323010
- Mischke K, Schimpf T, Winograd R, Knackstedt C, Zarse M, Plisiene J, Hanrath P, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Simultaneous transesophageal cardioversion and echocardiography: feasibility and safety.Heart Rhythm. 2007 Mar;4(3):304-7. Epub 2006 Nov 29.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17341393
- Grau M, Hendgen-Cotta UB, Brouzos P, Drexhage C, Rassaf T, Lauer T, Dejam A, Kelm M, Kleinbongard P.Recent methodological advances in the analysis of nitrite in the human circulation: nitrite as a biochemical parameter of the L-arginine/NO pathway.J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2007 May 15;851(1-2):106-23. Epub 2007 Feb 14. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17344107
- Becker M, Kramann R, Franke A, Breithardt OA, Heussen N, Knackstedt C, Stellbrink C, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Impact of left ventricular lead position in cardiac resynchronization therapy on left ventricular remodelling. A circumferential strain analysis based on 2D echocardiography.Eur Heart J. 2007 May;28(10):1211-20. Epub 2007 Apr 10.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17426079
- Kühl HP, Katoh M, Buhr C, Krombach GA, Hoffmann R, Rassaf T, Neizel M, Buecker A, Kelm M.Comparison of magnetic resonance perfusion imaging versus invasive fractional flow reserve for assessment of the hemodynamic significance of epicardial coronary artery stenosis.Am J Cardiol. 2007 Apr 15;99(8):1090-5. Epub 2007 Feb 26.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17437733
- Mahnken AH, Mühlenbruch G, Das M, Wildberger JE, Kühl HP, Günther RW, Kelm M, Koos R.MDCT detection of mitral valve calcification: prevalence and clinical relevance compared with echocardiography.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007 May;188(5):1264-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17449769
- Rassaf T, Flögel U, Drexhage C, Hendgen-Cotta U, Kelm M, Schrader J.Nitrite reductase function of deoxymyoglobin: oxygen sensor and regulator of cardiac energetics and function.Circ Res. 2007 Jun 22;100(12):1749-54. Epub 2007 May 10.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17495223
- Rassaf T, Lauer T, Heiss C, Balzer J, Mangold S, Leyendecker T, Rottler J, Drexhage C, Meyer C, Kelm M.Nitric oxide synthase-derived plasma nitrite predicts exercise capacity.Br J Sports Med. 2007 Oct;41(10):669-73; discussion 673. Epub 2007 May 11.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17496072, PMCID: PMC2465183
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Schneider S, Zeymer U, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Nienaber CA, Pfannebecker T, Senges J; German Cypher Stent Registry.The Sirolimus-eluting coronary stent in daily routine practice in Germany: trends in indications over the years. Results from the prospective multi-centre German Cypher Stent Registry.Clin Res Cardiol. 2007 Aug;96(8):548-56. Epub 2007 Jun 4.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17534566
- Lepper W, Kelm M.[Perioperative therapy with antiplatelet agents].Anaesthesist. 2007 Jun;56(6):592-8. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 17541523
- Becker M, Kramann R, Dohmen G, Lückhoff A, Autschbach R, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Impact of left ventricular loading conditions on myocardial deformation parameters: analysis of early and late changes of myocardial deformation parameters after aortic valve replacement.J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2007 Jun;20(6):681-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17543737
- Merx MW, Kelm M.Myocardial reperfusion injury and the challenging quest for its prevention.Crit Care Med. 2007 Jul;35(7):1793-4. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 17581372
- Gramley F, Lorenzen J, Plisiene J, Rakauskas M, Benetis R, Schmid M, Autschbach R, Knackstedt C, Schimpf T, Mischke K, Gressner A, Hanrath P, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Decreased plasminogen activator inhibitor and tissue metalloproteinase inhibitor expression may promote increased metalloproteinase activity with increasing duration of human atrial fibrillation.J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2007 Sep;18(10):1076-82. Epub 2007 Jul 26.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17655664
- Balzer J, Boos M, Rassaf T, Heiss Ch, Preik M, Matern S, Schoebel F, Kelm M, Lauer T.“One-stop-shop“ ultrasound diagnosis of functional, structural and physicomechanical properties of the brachial artery.Vasa. 2007 May;36(2):100-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17708101
- Khattab AA, Hamm CW, Senges J, Toelg R, Geist V, Bonzel T, Kelm M, Levenson B, Neumann FJ, Nienaber CA, Pfannebecker T, Sabin G, Schneider S, Tebbe U, Richardt G; German Cypher Registry.Sirolimus-eluting stent treatment for unprotected versus protected left main coronary artery disease in widespread clinical routine: 6-month and 3-year clinical follow-up results from the prospective multicentre German Cypher Registry.Heart. 2007 Oct;93(10):1251-5. Erratum in: Heart. 2010 Mar;96(6):471. Heart. 2010 Dec;96(24):2044. Heart. 2009 Dec;95(24):2029. PubMed [citation] PMID: 17890701, PMCID: PMC2000930
- Balzer J, Rassaf T, Kelm M.Reductase activity of polyphenols?: A commentary on „red wine-dependent reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide in the stomach“.Free Radic Biol Med. 2007 Nov 1;43(9):1226-8. Epub 2007 Jul 26. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 17893033
- Hoffmann R, Hamm C, Nienaber CA, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Sabin G, Senges J, Zahn R, Tebbe U, Pfannebecker T, Richardt HG, Schneider S, Kelm M; for the German Cypher Registry.Implantation of sirolimus-eluting stents in saphenous vein grafts is associated with high clinical follow-up event rates compared with treatment of native vessels.Coron Artery Dis. 2007 Nov;18(7):559-64.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17925610
- Hoffmann R, Stellbrink E, Schröder J, Grawe A, Vogel G, Blindt R, Kelm M, Radke PW.Impact of the metabolic syndrome on angiographic and clinical events after coronary intervention using bare-metal or sirolimus-eluting stents.Am J Cardiol. 2007 Nov 1;100(9):1347-52. Epub 2007 Aug 9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17950788
- Meyer C, Schueller PO, Hennersdorf M, Kraus T, Goepel E, Schauerte P, Rassaf T, Kelm M.[Particulate matter and cardiovascular health in the European Union: time for prevention?].Med Klin (Munich). 2007 Nov 15;102(11):899-903. Review. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 17992481
- Schuh A, Liehn EA, Sasse A, Hristov M, Sobota R, Kelm M, Merx MW, Weber C.Transplantation of endothelial progenitor cells improves neovascularization and left ventricular function after myocardial infarction in a rat model.Basic Res Cardiol. 2008 Jan;103(1):69-77. Epub 2007 Nov 12.PubMed [citation] PMID: 17999028
- Kleinbongard P, Keymel S, Kelm M.New functional aspects of the L-arginine-nitric oxide metabolism within the circulating blood.Thromb Haemost. 2007 Nov;98(5):970-4. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18000600
- Stellbrink E, Schröder J, Grawe A, Goebbels R, Blindt R, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Impact of metabolic syndrome on clinical and angiographic outcome after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation.Coron Artery Dis. 2007 Dec;18(8):601-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18004109
- Becker M, Hoffmann R, Schmitz F, Hundemer A, Kühl H, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Franke A.Relation of optimal lead positioning as defined by three-dimensional echocardiography to long-term benefit of cardiac resynchronization.Am J Cardiol. 2007 Dec 1;100(11):1671-6. Epub 2007 Oct 24.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18036367
- Blindt R, Stellbrink K, de Taeye A, Müller R, Kiefer P, Yagmur E, Weber C, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.The significance of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein for risk stratification of stent thrombosis.Thromb Haemost. 2007 Dec;98(6):1329-34.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18064332
- Knackstedt C, Mischke K, Frechen D, Gramley F, Schimpf T, Becker M, Franke A, Kelm M, Schauerte P.The role of intracardiac echocardiography in interventional electrophysiology.Minerva Cardioangiol. 2007 Dec;55(6):755-70.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18091644
- Liehn EA, Merx MW, Postea O, Becher S, Djalali-Talab Y, Shagdarsuren E, Kelm M, Zernecke A, Weber C.Ccr1 deficiency reduces inflammatory remodelling and preserves left ventricular function after myocardial infarction.J Cell Mol Med. 2008 Apr;12(2):496-506. Epub 2007 Dec 14.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18088392
- Hoffmann R, Haager P, Suliman H, Christott P, Radke P, Blindt R, Kelm M.Effect of statin therapy before Q-wave myocardial infarction on myocardial perfusion.Am J Cardiol. 2008 Jan 15;101(2):139-43. Epub 2007 Dec 4.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18178395
- Ludolph B, Bloch W, Kelm M, Schulz R, Kleinbongard P.Short-term effect of the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor rosuvastatin on erythrocyte nitric oxide synthase activity.Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2007;3(6):1069-73.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18200826, PMCID: PMC2350149
- Neumann F, Lobitz O, Fenk R, Bruns I, Köstering M, Steiner S, Hennersdorf M, Kelm M, Strauer BE, Germing U, Hinke A, Haas R, Kobbe G.The sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score is predictive for survival of patients admitted to the intensive care unit following allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation.Ann Hematol. 2008 Apr;87(4):299-304. Epub 2008 Jan 25.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18219487
- Khattab AA, Hamm CW, Senges J, Toelg R, Geist V, Bonzel T, Kelm M, Levenson B, Nienaber CA, Pfannebecker T, Sabin G, Schneider S, Tebbe U, Richardt G; German Cypher Registry.Prognostic value of the modified American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association lesion morphology classification for clinical outcome after sirolimus-eluting stent placement (results of the prospective multicenter German Cypher Registry).Am J Cardiol. 2008 Feb 15;101(4):477-82. Epub 2007 Dec 20.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18312761
- Möllmann H, Elsässer A, Nef H, Schneider S, Nienaber CA, Richardt G, Weber M, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Pfannebecker T, Senges J, Hamm CW.Treatment of in-stent restenosis with sirolimus-eluting-stents: results from the prospective German Cypher stent registry.Clin Res Cardiol. 2008 Jul;97(7):432-40. Epub 2008 Mar 3.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18317669
- Lauer T, Kleinbongard P, Rath J, Schulz R, Kelm M, Rassaf T.L-arginine preferentially dilates stenotic segments of coronary arteries thereby increasing coronary flow.J Intern Med. 2008 Sep;264(3):237-44. Epub 2008 Mar 13.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18341529
- Lauer T, Heiss C, Balzer J, Kehmeier E, Mangold S, Leyendecker T, Rottler J, Meyer C, Merx MW, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Age-dependent endothelial dysfunction is associated with failure to increase plasma nitrite in response to exercise.Basic Res Cardiol. 2008 May;103(3):291-7. Epub 2008 Mar 17.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18347836
- Mischke K, Schimpf T, Knackstedt C, Eickholt C, Hanrath P, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Efficacy of transesophageal defibrillation in ventricular fibrillation of long duration.Am J Emerg Med. 2008 Mar;26(3):287-90.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18358938
- Kehmeier ES, Kropp M, Kleinbongard P, Lauer T, Balzer J, Merx MW, Heusch G, Kelm M, Lepper W, Rassaf T.Serial measurements of whole blood nitrite in an intensive care setting.Free Radic Biol Med. 2008 Jun 1;44(11):1945-50. Epub 2008 Mar 18.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18374662
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- Knackstedt C, Gramley F, Schimpf T, Mischke K, Zarse M, Plisiene J, Schmid M, Lorenzen J, Frechen D, Neef P, Hanrath P, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Association of echocardiographic atrial size and atrial fibrosis in a sequential model of congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation.Cardiovasc Pathol. 2008 Sep-Oct;17(5):318-24. Epub 2008 Mar 4.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18402824
- Becker M, Lenzen A, Ocklenburg C, Stempel K, Kühl H, Neizel M, Katoh M, Kramann R, Wildberger J, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Myocardial deformation imaging based on ultrasonic pixel tracking to identify reversible myocardial dysfunction.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Apr 15;51(15):1473-81.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18402903
- Knackstedt C, Mühlenbruch G, Mischke K, Bruners P, Schimpf T, Frechen D, Schummers G, Mahnken AH, Günther RW, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Imaging of the coronary venous system: validation of three-dimensional rotational venous angiography against dual-source computed tomography.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2008 Nov-Dec;31(6):1150-8. Epub 2008 May 1.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18449597
- Balzer J, Rassaf T, Heiss C, Kleinbongard P, Lauer T, Merx M, Heussen N, Gross HB, Keen CL, Schroeter H, Kelm M.Sustained benefits in vascular function through flavanol-containing cocoa in medicated diabetic patients a double-masked, randomized, controlled trial.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Jun 3;51(22):2141-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18510961
- Balzer J, Kühl H, Rassaf T, Hoffmann R, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Franke A.Real-time transesophageal three-dimensional echocardiography for guidance of percutaneous cardiac interventions: first experience.Clin Res Cardiol. 2008 Sep;97(9):565-74. Epub 2008 May 29. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18512094
- Ozüyaman B, Grau M, Kelm M, Merx MW, Kleinbongard P.RBC NOS: regulatory mechanisms and therapeutic aspects.Trends Mol Med. 2008 Jul;14(7):314-22. Epub 2008 Jun 6. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18539530
- Hendgen-Cotta U, Grau M, Rassaf T, Gharini P, Kelm M, Kleinbongard P.Reductive gas-phase chemiluminescence and flow injection analysis for measurement of the nitric oxide pool in biological matrices.Methods Enzymol. 2008;441:295-315. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18554541
- Becker M, Erdmann N, Stegemann E, Benke D, Schauerte PN, Schaefer WM, Autschbach R, Kelm M, Koch KC.Survival and quality of life in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy for severe heart failure and in heart transplant recipients within a contemporary heart failure management program.J Heart Lung Transplant. 2008 Jul;27(7):746-52. Epub 2008 May 19.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18582804
- Meyer C, Muhlfeld A, Drexhage C, Floege J, Goepel E, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Clinical research for patient empowerment–a qualitative approach on the improvement of heart health promotion in chronic illness.Med Sci Monit. 2008 Jul;14(7):CR358-65.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18591917
- Knackstedt C, Mühlenbruch G, Mischke K, Schimpf T, Spüntrup E, Günther RW, Sanli B, Kelm M, Schauerte P, Mahnken AH.Imaging of the coronary venous system in patients with congestive heart failure: comparison of 16 slice MSCT and retrograde coronary sinus venography: comparative imaging of coronary venous system.Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2008 Dec;24(8):783-91. Epub 2008 Jul 9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18612844
- Hendgen-Cotta UB, Merx MW, Shiva S, Schmitz J, Becher S, Klare JP, Steinhoff HJ, Goedecke A, Schrader J, Gladwin MT, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Nitrite reductase activity of myoglobin regulates respiration and cellular viability in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jul 22;105(29):10256-61. Epub 2008 Jul 16. Erratum in: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Aug 26;105(34):12636. PubMed [citation] PMID: 18632562, PMCID: PMC2481313
- Vogt F, Zernecke A, Beckner M, Krott N, Bosserhoff AK, Hoffmann R, Zandvoort MA, Jahnke T, Kelm M, Weber C, Blindt R.Blockade of angio-associated migratory cell protein inhibits smooth muscle cell migration and neointima formation in accelerated atherosclerosis.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Jul 22;52(4):302-11.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18634987
- Plisiene J, Blumberg A, Haager G, Knackstedt C, Latsch J, Norra C, Arndt M, Tuerk S, Heussen N, Kelm M, Predel HG, Schauerte P.Moderate physical exercise: a simplified approach for ventricular rate control in older patients with atrial fibrillation.Clin Res Cardiol. 2008 Nov;97(11):820-6. Epub 2008 Jul 21.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18648726
- Knackstedt C, Mischke K, Schimpf T, Waringer J, Fache K, Frechen D, Gramley F, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Integration of automatic intrathoracic fluid content measurement into clinical decision making in patients with congestive heart failure.Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2008 Aug;31(8):961-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18684251
- Keymel S, Kalka C, Rassaf T, Yeghiazarians Y, Kelm M, Heiss C.Impaired endothelial progenitor cell function predicts age-dependent carotid intimal thickening.Basic Res Cardiol. 2008 Nov;103(6):582-6. Epub 2008 Aug 14.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18704258
- Hamm CW, Albrecht A, Bonzel T, Kelm M, Lange H, Schächinger V, Terres W, Voelker W.[Diagnostic heart catheterization].Clin Res Cardiol. 2008 Aug;97(8):475-512. Review. German. No abstract available. Erratum in: Clin Res Cardiol. 2008 Dec;97(12):925. PubMed [citation] PMID: 18726641
- Lauer T, Heiss C, Balzer J, Keymel S, Kelm M, Preik M, Rassaf T.Resting microvascular resistance and conduit artery tone: relevance to endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilation.Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2008 Dec;15(6):677-82.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18776817
- Neizel M, Kelm M, Kuehl HP.Incremental value of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the differential diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome in a young man.Eur Heart J. 2009 Feb;30(3):380. Epub 2008 Sep 12. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 18791201
- Adamu U, Schmitz F, Becker M, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Advanced speckle tracking echocardiography allowing a three-myocardial layer-specific analysis of deformation parameters.Eur J Echocardiogr. 2009 Mar;10(2):303-8. Epub 2008 Sep 18.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18801725
- Koos R, Neizel M, Schummers G, Krombach GA, Stanzel S, Günther RW, Kelm M, Kühl HP.Feasibility and initial experience of assessment of mechanical dyssynchrony using cardiovascular magnetic resonance and semi-automatic border detection.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2008 Nov 4;10:49.PubMed [citation] PMID: 18983646, PMCID: PMC2588580
- Hoffmann R, Stempel K, Kühl H, Balzer J, Krämer N, Krombach G, Kelm M, Becker M.Integrated analysis of cardiac tissue structure and function for improved identification of reversible myocardial dysfunction.Coron Artery Dis. 2009 Jan;20(1):21-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19008764
- Schuh A, Liehn EA, Sasse A, Schneider R, Neuss S, Weber C, Kelm M, Merx MW.Improved left ventricular function after transplantation of microspheres and fibroblasts in a rat model of myocardial infarction.Basic Res Cardiol. 2009 Jul;104(4):403-11. Epub 2009 Jan 12.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19139948
- Saygili E, Rana OR, Meyer C, Gemein C, Andrzejewski MG, Ludwig A, Weber C, Schotten U, Krüttgen A, Weis J, Schwinger RH, Mischke K, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Schauerte P.The angiotensin-calcineurin-NFAT pathway mediates stretch-induced up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases-2/-9 in atrial myocytes.Basic Res Cardiol. 2009 Jul;104(4):435-48. Epub 2009 Jan 15.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19148693
- Rana OR, Saygili E, Meyer C, Gemein C, Krüttgen A, Andrzejewski MG, Ludwig A, Schotten U, Schwinger RH, Weber C, Weis J, Mischke K, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Regulation of nerve growth factor in the heart: the role of the calcineurin-NFAT pathway.J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2009 Apr;46(4):568-78. Epub 2008 Dec 25.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19150448
- Meyer C, Rana OR, Saygili E, Ozüyaman B, Latz K, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Hyperoxic chemoreflex sensitivity is impaired in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope.Int J Cardiol. 2010 Jun 25;142(1):38-43. Epub 2009 Jan 26.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19176256
- Balzer J, Kelm M, Kühl HP.Real-time three-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography for guidance of non-coronary interventions in the catheter laboratory.Eur J Echocardiogr. 2009 May;10(3):341-9. Epub 2009 Feb 10. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19211569
- van Faassen EE, Bahrami S, Feelisch M, Hogg N, Kelm M, Kim-Shapiro DB, Kozlov AV, Li H, Lundberg JO, Mason R, Nohl H, Rassaf T, Samouilov A, Slama-Schwok A, Shiva S, Vanin AF, Weitzberg E, Zweier J, Gladwin MT.Nitrite as regulator of hypoxic signaling in mammalian physiology.Med Res Rev. 2009 Sep;29(5):683-741. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19219851, PMCID: PMC2725214
- Neizel M, Katoh M, Schade E, Rassaf T, Krombach GA, Kelm M, Kühl HP.Rapid and accurate determination of relative infarct size in humans using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.Clin Res Cardiol. 2009 May;98(5):319-24. Epub 2009 Mar 5.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19262976
- Koos R, Krueger T, Westenfeld R, Kühl HP, Brandenburg V, Mahnken AH, Stanzel S, Vermeer C, Cranenburg EC, Floege J, Kelm M, Schurgers LJ.Relation of circulating Matrix Gla-Protein and anticoagulation status in patients with aortic valve calcification.Thromb Haemost. 2009 Apr;101(4):706-13.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19350115
- Becker M, Ocklenburg C, Altiok E, Füting A, Balzer J, Krombach G, Lysyansky M, Kühl H, Krings R, Kelm M, Hoffmann R.Impact of infarct transmurality on layer-specific impairment of myocardial function: a myocardial deformation imaging study.Eur Heart J. 2009 Jun;30(12):1467-76. Epub 2009 Apr 7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19351689
- Krombach GA, Hahnen C, Lodemann KP, Krämer N, Schoth F, Neizel M, Boeringer J, Günther RW, Kelm M, Kühl H.Gd-BOPTA for assessment of myocardial viability on MRI: changes of T1 value and their impact on delayed enhancement.Eur Radiol. 2009 Sep;19(9):2136-46. Epub 2009 Apr 17.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19373470
- Bode C, Kelm M.EUROSCORE: still gold standard or less?Clin Res Cardiol. 2009 Jun;98(6):353-4. Epub 2009 May 5. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 19415163
- Kabanova S, Kleinbongard P, Volkmer J, Andrée B, Kelm M, Jax TW.Gene expression analysis of human red blood cells.Int J Med Sci. 2009;6(4):156-9. Epub 2009 Apr 28.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19421340, PMCID: PMC2677714
- Koos R, Brandenburg V, Mahnken AH, Mühlenbruch G, Stanzel S, Günther RW, Floege J, Jahnen-Dechent W, Kelm M, Kühl HP.Association of fetuin-A levels with the progression of aortic valve calcification in non-dialyzed patients.Eur Heart J. 2009 Aug;30(16):2054-61. Epub 2009 May 8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19429630
- van de Sandt AM, Merx MW, Kelm M.Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase inhibition: a new hope for sepsis therapy?J Hypertens. 2009 Jun;27(6):1134-5. Review. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 19454905
- Krause K, Adamu U, Weber M, Hertting K, Hamm C, Kuck KH, Hoffmann R, Kelm M, Blindt R.German stereotaxis-guided percutaneous coronary intervention study group: first multicenter real world experience.Clin Res Cardiol. 2009 Sep;98(9):541-7. Epub 2009 Jun 12.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19521655
- Bruners P, Knackstedt C, Mahnken AH, Luhmann N, Das M, Fach C, Schmitz-Rode T, Günther RW, Kelm M, Mühlenbruch G.Global left ventricular function: assessment with dual-source CT versus conventional ventriculography in a porcine model.Acta Cardiol. 2009 Jun;64(3):311-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19593940
- Khattab AA, Hamm CW, Senges J, Toelg R, Geist V, Bonzel T, Kelm M, Levenson B, Nienaber CA, Pfannebecker T, Sabin G, Schneider S, Tebbe U, Neumann FJ, Richardt G; German Cypher Registry.Sirolimus-eluting stent treatment at high-volume centers confers lower mortality at 6-month follow-up: results from the prospective multicenter German Cypher Registry.Circulation. 2009 Aug 18;120(7):600-6. Epub 2009 Aug 3.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19652087
- Hoffmann R, Klinker H, Adamu U, Kelm M, Blindt R.The risk of definitive stent thrombosis is increased after „off-label“ stent implantation irrespective of drug-eluting stent or bare-metal stent use.Clin Res Cardiol. 2009 Sep;98(9):549-54. Epub 2009 Aug 11.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19669824
- Task Force for Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment and Perioperative Cardiac Management in Non-cardiac Surgery; European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Boersma E, De Hert S, Eeckhout E, Fowkes G, Gorenek B, Hennerici MG, Iung B, Kelm M, Kjeldsen KP, Kristensen SD, Lopez-Sendon J, Pelosi P, Philippe F, Pierard L, Ponikowski P, Schmid JP, Sellevold OF, Sicari R, et al.Guidelines for pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery.Eur Heart J. 2009 Nov;30(22):2769-812. Epub 2009 Aug 27. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 19713421
- Mischke K, Knackstedt C, Schmid M, Hatam N, Becker M, Spillner J, Fache K, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Initial experience with remote magnetic navigation for left ventricular lead placement.Acta Cardiol. 2009 Aug;64(4):467-75.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19725439
- Balzer J, van Hall S, Rassaf T, Böring YC, Franke A, Lang RM, Kelm M, Kühl HP.Feasibility, safety, and efficacy of real-time three-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography for guiding device closure of interatrial communications: initial clinical experience and impact on radiation exposure.Eur J Echocardiogr. 2010 Jan;11(1):1-8. Epub 2009 Sep 15.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19755469
- Opländer C, Volkmar CM, Paunel-Görgülü A, van Faassen EE, Heiss C, Kelm M, Halmer D, Mürtz M, Pallua N, Suschek CV.Whole body UVA irradiation lowers systemic blood pressure by release of nitric oxide from intracutaneous photolabile nitric oxide derivates.Circ Res. 2009 Nov 6;105(10):1031-40. Epub 2009 Sep 24.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19797169
- Hendgen-Cotta UB, Kelm M, Rassaf T.A highlight of myoglobin diversity: the nitrite reductase activity during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion.Nitric Oxide. 2010 Feb 15;22(2):75-82. Epub 2009 Oct 29. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19836457
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Zeymer U, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Nienaber CA, Pfannebecker T, Senges J.Coronary stenting with the sirolimus-eluting stent in patients with restenosis after intracoronary brachytherapy: results from the prospective multicentre German Cypher Stent Registry.Clin Res Cardiol. 2010 Feb;99(2):99-106. Epub 2009 Oct 31.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19882098
- Lundberg JO, Gladwin MT, Ahluwalia A, Benjamin N, Bryan NS, Butler A, Cabrales P, Fago A, Feelisch M, Ford PC, Freeman BA, Frenneaux M, Friedman J, Kelm M, Kevil CG, Kim-Shapiro DB, Kozlov AV, Lancaster JR Jr, Lefer DJ, McColl K, McCurry K, Patel RP, et al.Nitrate and nitrite in biology, nutrition and therapeutics.Nat Chem Biol. 2009 Dec;5(12):865-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19915529
- Heiss C, Balzer J, Hauffe T, Hamada S, Stegemann E, Koeppel T, Merx MW, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Lauer T.Vascular dysfunction of brachial artery after transradial access for coronary catheterization: impact of smoking and catheter changes.JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2009 Nov;2(11):1067-73.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19926046
- Meyer C, Schueller P, Rodenbeck A, Hennersdorf M, Merx M, Winter J, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Schauerte P.Primary and secondary prevention of ventricular arrhythmias in dilated cardiomyopathy: nonsustained, sustained, and incessant.Int Heart J. 2009 Nov;50(6):741-51.PubMed [citation] PMID: 19952471
- Zahn R, Hamm CW, Schneider S, Richardt G, Kelm M, Levenson B, Bonzel T, Tebbe U, Sabin G, Nienaber CA; German Cypher Stent Registry.Coronary stenting with the sirolimus-eluting stent in clinical practice: final results from the prospective multicenter German Cypher Stent Registry.J Interv Cardiol. 2010 Feb;23(1):18-25. Epub 2009 Nov 25.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20002292
- Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Boersma E, De Hert S, Eeckhout E, Fowkes G, Gorenek B, Hennerici MG, Iung B, Kelm M, Kjeldsen KP, Kristensen SD, Lopez-Sendon J, Pelosi P, Philippe F, Pierard L, Ponikowski P, Schmid JP, Sellevold OF, Sicari R, Van den Berghe G, Vermassen F, et al.Guidelines for pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery: the Task Force for Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment and Perioperative Cardiac Management in Non-cardiac Surgery of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and endorsed by the Europe…Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2010 Feb;27(2):92-137. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 20068416
- Meyer C, Heiss C, Drexhage C, Kehmeier ES, Balzer J, Mühlfeld A, Merx MW, Lauer T, Kühl H, Floege J, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Hemodialysis-induced release of hemoglobin limits nitric oxide bioavailability and impairs vascular function.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Feb 2;55(5):454-9.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20117459
- Rassaf T, Nolte J, Heussen N, Krombach GA, Günther RW, Kelm M, Kühl HP.Quantitation of the thickness of the non-enhanced myocardial rim predicts recovery of territorial myocardial function in chronic ischemic heart disease: a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging study.Clin Res Cardiol. 2010 May;99(5):293-300. Epub 2010 Feb 12.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20151141
- Meyer C, Rana OR, Saygili E, Gemein C, Becker M, Nolte KW, Weis J, Schimpf T, Knackstedt C, Mischke K, Hoffmann R, Kelm M, Pauza D, Schauerte P.Augmentation of left ventricular contractility by cardiac sympathetic neural stimulation.Circulation. 2010 Mar 23;121(11):1286-94. Epub 2010 Mar 8.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20212280
- Neizel M, Krüger S, Spillner J, Kelm M, Kühl HP.A giant pericardial cyst as unusual cause for atrial flutter.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Mar 16;55(11):1160. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 20223372
- Steiner S, Keymel S, Schueller PO, Willinghöfer R, Kelm M.Sleep apnea in heart failure patients.Panminerva Med. 2010 Mar;52(1):79-89. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20228728
- Rassaf T, Heiss C, Mangold S, Leyendecker T, Kehmeier ES, Kelm M, Lauer T.Vascular formation of nitrite after exercise is abolished in patients with cardiovascular risk factors and coronary artery disease.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Apr 6;55(14):1502-3. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 20359602
- Hoffmann R, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Balzer J.Advanced cardiac imaging in percutaneous transvenous mitral annuloplasty.Clin Res Cardiol. 2010 Sep;99(9):577-8. Epub 2010 Apr 29. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 20428898
- Roehr CC, Kelm M, Proquitté H, Schmalisch G.Equipment and operator training denote manual ventilation performance in neonatal resuscitation.Am J Perinatol. 2010 Oct;27(9):753-8. Epub 2010 May 10.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20458664
- Knackstedt C, Mühlenbruch G, Mischke K, Schummers G, Becker M, Kühl H, Franke A, Schmid M, Spuentrup E, Mahnken A, Lang RM, Kelm M, Günther RW, Schauerte P.Registration of coronary venous anatomy to the site of the latest mechanical contraction.Acta Cardiol. 2010 Apr;65(2):161-70.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20458823
- Heiss C, Kelm M.Chocolate consumption, blood pressure, and cardiovascular risk.Eur Heart J. 2010 Jul;31(13):1554-6. Epub 2010 May 12. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 20462977, PMCID: PMC2895161
- Neizel M, Krämer N, Bönner F, Schütte A, Krüger S, Kelm M, Günther RW, Kühl HP, Krombach GA.Rapid right ventricular pacing with MR-compatible pacemaker lead for MR-guided aortic balloon valvuloplasty in swine.Radiology. 2010 Jun;255(3):799-804.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20501717
- Neizel M, Krämer N, Schütte A, Schnackenburg B, Krüger S, Kelm M, Günther RW, Kühl HP, Krombach GA.Magnetic resonance imaging of the cardiac venous system and magnetic resonance-guided intubation of the coronary sinus in swine: a feasibility study.Invest Radiol. 2010 Aug;45(8):502-6.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20531014
- Keymel S, Sichwardt J, Balzer J, Stegemann E, Rassaf T, Kleinbongard P, Kelm M, Heiss C, Lauer T.Characterization of the non-invasive assessment of the cutaneous microcirculation by laser Doppler perfusion scanner.Microcirculation. 2010 Jul;17(5):358-66.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20618693
- Meyer C, Schueller P, Balzer J, Lauer T, Westenfeld R, Schauerte P, Hennersdorf M, Steiner S, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Sympathetic hyperactivity influences chemosensor function in patients with end-stage renal disease.Eur J Med Res. 2009 Dec 7;14 Suppl 4:151-5.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20156747
- Hendgen-Cotta UB, Flögel U, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Unmasking the Janus face of myoglobin in health and disease.J Exp Biol. 2010 Aug 15;213(Pt 16):2734-40. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20675542
- Heiss C, Keen CL, Kelm M.Flavanols and cardiovascular disease prevention.Eur Heart J. 2010 Nov;31(21):2583-92. Epub 2010 Sep 18. Review.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20852295
- Rassaf T, Muehlsteff J, Such O, Kelm M, Meyer C.The pulse arrival time approach for non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring in low-acuity settings.Med Sci Monit. 2010 Nov;16(11):MT83-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20980968
- Rassaf T, Schueller P, Westenfeld R, Floege J, Eickholt C, Hennersdorf M, Merx MW, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Meyer C.Peripheral chemosensor function is blunted in moderate to severe chronic kidney disease.Int J Cardiol. 2012 Mar 8;155(2):201-5. Epub 2010 Oct 27.PubMed [citation] PMID: 20980069
- Meyer C, Rassaf T, Schüller P, Martinek M, Kelm M, Pürerfellner H.[Treatment of atrial fibrillation: behavioral, pharmacologic and catheter-based perspectives].Praxis (Bern 1994). 2010 Nov 3;99(22):1343-51. Review. German. Erratum in: Praxis (Bern 1994). 2010 Nov 17;99(23):1440. PubMed [citation] PMID: 21049441
- Wolf-Puetz A, Wein M, Niehues R, Horlitz M, Kelm M, Klingel K, Kandolf R, Klein RM.Multiple old myocardial scars and new onset of myocarditis in two young patients presenting with ventricular tachycardias and dilated cardiomyopathy.Clin Res Cardiol. 2011 Mar;100(3):253-60. Epub 2010 Dec 3. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 21128079
- Rassaf T, Westenfeld R, Balzer J, Lauer T, Merx M, Floege J, Steiner S, Heiss C, Kelm M, Meyer C.Modulation of peripheral chemoreflex by neurohumoral adaptations after kidney transplantation.Eur J Med Res. 2010 Nov 4;15 Suppl 2:83-7.PubMed [citation] PMID: 21147628
- Meyer C, Göpel E, Siegrist J, Heiss C, Kelm M, Rassaf T.[Lifestyle modification programs protecting cardiovascular health in Germany and Sweden. A qualitative interview study].Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2011 Feb;54(2):213-20. German. PubMed [citation] PMID: 21290276
- Meyer C, Morren G, Muehlsteff J, Heiss C, Lauer T, Schauerte P, Rassaf T, Purerfellner H, Kelm M.Predicting neurally mediated syncope based on pulse arrival time: algorithm development and preliminary results.J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2011 Sep;22(9):1042-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8167.2011.02030.x. Epub 2011 Mar 15.PubMed [citation] PMID: 21410580
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- Totzeck M, Kelm M, Rassaf T.Endothelial damage after resuscitation: reactive oxygen species as possible therapeutic targets?Crit Care Med. 2011 Jul;39(7):1837-9. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 21685755
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- Lauer T, Kelm M.[Pre-operative cardiac risk assessment].Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2011 Dec;136(48):2478-80. Epub 2011 Nov 22. Review. German. No abstract available. PubMed [citation] PMID: 22109580
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- Keymel S, Heinen Y, Balzer J, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Lauer T, Heiss C.Characterization of macro-and microvascular function and structure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Am J Cardiovasc Dis. 2011;1(1):68-75. Epub 2011 May 15.PubMed [citation] PMID: 22254187, PMCID: PMC3253507