Unser Experte für Multiple Sklerose – Basics
Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Peter Hartung
Direktor der Neurologischen Klinik des Universitätsklinikums Düsseldorf. Er beschäftigt sich seit 30 Jahren mit den Grundlagen der Multiplen Sklerose, ist aktiv bei Planung und Koordinierung von internationalen klinischen Studien und ehemaliger Präsident der Internationalen Multiplen-Sklerose-Forschungsgesellschaft ECTRIMS.
Die Mitschrift des Interviews mit Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Peter Hartung zum Thema “Multiple Sklerose – Basics”
Was ist Multiple Sklerose? Was sind die Ursachen?
Die multiple Sklerose ist eine entzündliche Erkrankung des zentralen Nervensystems, also des Gehirns und des Rückenmarks. Sie führt dazu, dass die Nervenleitfähigkeit gestört bzw. aufgehoben ist, das ist letztlich die Ursache der verschiedenen Symptome.
Welche Anzeichen sprechen für eine Multiple Sklerose?
Es gibt verschiedene Anzeichen der Erkrankung, die alle aus dem Befall unterschiedlicher Bezirke des zentralen Nervensystems resultieren. Am häufigsten sind Sensibilitätsstörungen, Missempfindungen, Taubheitsgefühle, Gangstörungen, Gangunsicherheit, Sehstörungen, aber es können auch Blasenstörungen, Sexualfunktionsstörungen eintreten. Also eine ganze große Vielfalt von Symptomen.
Wer ist von Multiple Sklerose am häufigsten betroffen?
Am häufigsten sind deutlich jüngere Erwachsene und hier deutlich häufiger Frauen betroffen. In Deutschland leiden etwa 130.000-150.000, weltweit 2,5 Millionen Patienten an multipler Sklerose.
Wie wird eine Multiple Sklerose diagnostiziert?
Hier stützt sich der Arzt auf die Krankengeschichte, den Nachweis von Symptomen, die wiederholt auftreten und auf eine MS hinweisen, die neurologische Untersuchung, die ebenfalls den Befall verschiedener Abschnitte des Nervensystems dokumentieren muss, die Kernspintomografie, die Entzündungsherde im Gehirn oder Rückenmark zeigt, die Lumbalpunktion, also die Untersuchung des Nervenwassers, die zeigt eine chronische Entzündung und schließlich andere sogenannte neurophysiologische Verfahren, mit denen die Funktionsfähigkeit der Nervenkabel überprüft wird.
Was ist typisch für den Verlauf einer MS-Erkrankung?
In der großen Mehrzahl der Fälle ist die Erkrankung schubförmig, das heißt es tritt ein Symptom auf, das kann einige Wochen bis Monate anhalten, und bildet sich anfänglich komplett zurück. Nach nicht vorhersehbaren Intervallen kann es neuerlich zu diesem Schub kommen und im Verlauf der Erkrankung nimmt die Rückbildungsfähigkeit ab und es sammelt sich sozusagen Behinderung an.
Kann ich das Fortschreiten der Multiplen Sklerose verhindern?
Im Moment leider nicht, wir können aber den Verlauf deutlich günstiger beeinflussen, so dass das Fortschreiten langsamer verläuft.
Wie wird Multiple Sklerose behandelt?
Der akute Schub einer multiplen Sklerose wird mit hochdosierten Kortikosteroiden behandelt und dann je nach Verlaufsform und Schwere gibt es sogenannte immunmodulierende Substanzen, die fehlgeleitete Immunreaktionen in ihrem Ausmaß eingrenzen, zum Beispiel die sogenannten ß-Interferone oder das Glatirameracetat. Seit 5 Jahren gibt es ein weiteres sehr effektives Medikament, einen sogenannten monoklonalen Antikörper und schließlich seit einem Jahr eine Tablette, die ebenfalls sehr genau auf das Immunsystem einwirkt und sehr positive Effekte zeigt.
Wie wirkt sich eine MS im Alltag des Betroffenen aus?
Wenn Sie sich an die Symptome erinnern, die ich ihnen eben erzählte, dann heißt das zunächst eingeschränkte Mobilität. Die Patienten können sich nicht mehr so gut und vor allem nicht lange und ausdauernd bewegen. Sie haben Störungen ihrer Sinnesfunktionen, das Sehen kann beeinträchtigt sein. Es gibt ein sehr uncharakteristisches Symptom, die sogenannte Fatigue oder Ermüdbarkeit, die alle Bereiche des Lebens, geistige Funktionen wie körperliche betrifft und die kognitiven Einschränkungen oder die emotionale Störung haben auch erhebliche Einwirkung und Auswirkung auf die Arbeitsfähigkeit, aber auch auf die familiäre Interaktion.
Kann ich als MS-Patient Autofahren?
Das hängt ganz davon ab, in welchem Umfang sie behindert sind, das kann nicht generell gesagt werden. Es gibt viele Patienten, die dazu gut fähig sind, aber im Einzelfall muss das der Arzt aufgrund der vorliegenden Behinderungen beurteilen.
Welche Unterstützung gibt es für Patienten mit MS?
Nun zum einen natürlich die medizinische Betreuung. Es gibt dann die Selbsthilfeorganisation, die Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft, die vor Ort verschiedene Angebote, von Sozialarbeitern, Psychologen, offeriert. Die Erkrankung muss insgesamt angegangen werden, das heißt eine Gruppenarbeit, ein Gruppenangebot: Ärzte, Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten, Sozialarbeiter, Psychotherapeuten – all dies um die vielfältigen Auswirkungen der Erkrankung auf Leib und Seele und Familie und Arbeitsfähigkeit entsprechend anzugehen.
Kann ich etwas zur Vorbeugung einer Multiplen Sklerose tun?
Da muss man sagen: Leider nein.
Was gibt es heute Neues in der Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose?
Aktuell gibt es seit ein paar Jahren neue Medikamente, die zum einen das Einströmen von schädlichen Zellen des Immunsystems in das Gehirn unterdrücken und zum anderen Medikamente, die bestimmte Untergruppen von Zellen zurückhalten. Es werden im nächsten Jahr zwei neue Tabletten auf den Markt kommen und wenn wir uns die Entwicklung in 3-5 Jahren anschauen, dann wird es noch potentere, länger wirkende Medikamente geben, die sehr gezielt auf zwei ganz entscheidende Zellvertreter des Immunsystems einwirken: die sogenannten T- und die sogenannten B-Lymphozyten.
Welche Neuentwicklungen erwarten Sie in den nächsten Jahren?
Aktuell gibt es seit ein paar Jahren neue Medikamente, die zum einen das Einströmen von schädlichen Zellen des Immunsystems in das Gehirn unterdrücken und zum anderen Medikamente, die bestimmte Untergruppen von Zellen zurückhalten. Es werden im nächsten Jahr zwei neue Tabletten auf den Markt kommen und wenn wir uns die Entwicklung in 3-5 Jahren anschauen, dann wird es noch potentere, länger wirkende Medikamente geben, die sehr gezielt auf zwei ganz entscheidende Zellvertreter des Immunsystems einwirken: die sogenannten T- und die sogenannten B-Lymphozyten.
Infos zur Person
Ich bin Direktor der neurologischen Universitätsklinik Düsseldorf und befasse mich seit nunmehr 30 Jahren mit den Grundlagen der Multiplen Sklerose, bin in zahlreichen internationalen Studien in den Leitungsgremien tätig, und past Präsident der internationalen MS Forschungsgesellschaft.
Infos zur Klinik
Unsere Klinik befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig sowohl mit Diagnose als auch Therapie der MS. Wir haben zahlreiche Forschungsgruppen. Insgesamt fünf Professoren in der Klinik befassen sich ganz vornehmlich mit Multiple Sklerose. Wir nehmen an allen modernen Therapiestudien teil und können dem Patienten ein umfassendes Angebot anbieten.
Wissenschaftlicher und beruflicher Werdegang
1980 | Approbation |
1980-1982 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
1981 | Promovierung |
1987 | Habilitation |
1990-1997 | C3-Professor, stellvertretender Direktor der Neurologischen Klinik und Leiter der Klinischen Forschungsgruppe für Multiple Sklerose an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg |
1997 | Lehrstuhl für Neurologie an die Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz |
Seit 2001 | Lehrstuhlinhaber und Direktor der Neurologischen Klinik an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
Part I – Journals – Original papers
- 1) Zimmer B., Hartung H.-P., Scharfenberger G., Bitter-Suermann D., Hadding U. (1982) Quantitative studies of the secretion of complement component C3 by resident, elicited and activated macrophages. Comparison with C2, C4 and lysosomal enzyme release. European Journal of Immunology 12: 426-430. IF 5,179
- 2) Hartung H.-P., Parnham M.J., Winkelmann J., Rasokat H., Hadding U. (1982) Stimulation of the oxidative burst in macrophages with platelet activating factor (PAF-acether). Agents and Actions Suppl. 11: 139-146. IF 1,141
- 3) Hartung H.-P., Bitter-Suermann D., Hadding U. (1983) Induction of thromboxane release from macrophages by anaphylatoxic peptide C3a of complement and synthetic hexapeptide C3a 72-77. Journal of Immunology 130: 1345-1349. IF 5,646
- 4) Hartung H.-P., Hadding U., Bitter-Suermann D., Gemsa D. (1983) Stimulation of prostaglandin E and thromboxane synthesis in macrophages by purified C3b. Journal of Immunology 130: 2861-2865. IF 5,646
- 5) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1983) Tuftsin stimulates the release of oxygen radicals and thromboxane from macrophages. Immunology Letters 6: 1-7. IF 2,906
- 6) Hartung H.-P., Parnham M.J., Winkelmann J., Englberger W., Hadding U. (1983) Platelet activating factor (PAF) induces the oxidative burst in macrophages. International Journal of Immunopharmacology 5: 115-121. IF 0,53
- 7) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1983) Activation of macrophages by Substance P: Induction of oxidative burst and thromboxane release. European Journal of Pharmacology 89: 301-305. IF 2,585
- 8) Hartung H.-P. (1983) Leukotriene C4 (LTC4) elicits a respiratory burst in peritoneal macrophages. European Journal of Pharmacology 91: 159-160. IF 2,585
- 9) Hartung H.-P. (1983) Acetyl glyceryl ether phosphorylcholine (platelet activating factor) mediates heightened metabolic activity in macrophages: Studies on PGE, TXB2, and O2-production and the influence of calmodulin-inhibitor W-7. FEBS Letters 160: 209-212. IF 3,541
- 10) Parnham M.J., Winkelmann J., Hartung H.-P., Hadding U. (1984) Regulation of the oxidative burst of macrophages by lipid mediators. Agents and Actions 14: 215-226. IF 1,141
- 11) Hartung H.-P., Hadding U., Bitter-Suermann D., Gemsa D. (1984) Release of prostaglandin E and thromboxane from macrophages by stimulation with Factor H. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 56: 453-458. IF 3,009
- 12) Hartung H.-P., Kladetzky R.G., Hennerici M. (1985) Chemically modified low density lipoproteins as inducers of enzyme release from macrophages. FEBS Letters 186: 211-215. IF 3,541
- 13) Stoll G., Schwendemann G., Heininger K., Hartung H.-P., Seitz R., Toyka K.V. (1986) Relation of clinical, serological, neuropathological, and electrophysiological findings in galactocerebroside-induced experimental allergic neuritis. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 49: 258-264. IF 4,869
- 14) Hartung H.-P., Melnik B., Kladetzky R.G., Hennerici M. (1986) Stimulation of the scavenger receptor on monocyte-macrophages elicits release of eicosanoids and reduced oxygen species. Laboratory Investigation 55: 209-216. IF 4,602
- 15) Hartung H.-P. (1986) Calcium fluxes and calmodulin inhibitors in macrophage activation. Cellular Immunology 100: 586-587. IF 2,698
- 16) Hartung H.-P., Wolters K., Toyka K.V. (1986) Substance P: Binding properties and studies on cellular responses in guinea pig macrophages. Journal of Immunology 136: 3856-3863. IF 5,646
- 17) Heininger K., Toyka K.V., Gaczkowski A., Hartung H.-P., Borberg H., Grabensee B. (1986) Selective removal of pathogenic factors in neurologic diseases. Plasma Therapy Transfusion Technology 7: 351-357.
- 18) Kiesel U., Oschilewski M., Kantwerk G., Hanenberg H., Treichel U., Kolb-Bachofen V., Hartung H.-P., Kolb H. (1986) Essential role of macrophages in the development of type I diabetes in BB rat. Transplantation Proceedings 18: 1525-1528. IF 0,994
- 19) Hartung H.-P., Schwenke C., Bitter-Suermann D., Toyka K.V. (1987) Guillain-Barre Syndrome: activated complement components C3a and C5a in cerebrospinal fluid. Neurology 37: 1006-1009. IF 8,172
- 20) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1987) Phorbol diester TPA elicits prostaglandin E release from cultured rat astro¬cytes. Brain Research 417: 347-349. IF 2,463
- 21) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1987) Leukotriene production by cultured astroglial cells. Brain Research 435: 367-370. IF 2,463
- 22) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Fierz W., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1987) Ciclosporin A prevents P2-T cell line – mediated experimental autoimmune neuritis (AT-EAN). Neuroscience Letters 83: 195-200. IF 1,925
- 23) Hartung H.-P., Heininger K., Schäfer B., Toyka K.V. (1988) Substance P and astrocytes – stimulation of the cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism. FASEB Journal 2: 48-51. IF 6,401
- 24) Hartung H.-P., Will R.G., Francis D., Grosse-Wilde H., Rudge P., Scaravilli F., Hennerici M., McDonald W.I. (1988) Familial multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 83: 259-268. IF 2,324
- 25) Heininger K., Fierz W., Schäfer B., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1988) Adoptive transfer experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: evidence for central and peripheral nerve dysfunction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 540: 738-740. IF 2,670
- 26) Heininger K., Schäfer B., Hartung H.-P., Fierz W., Linington C., Toyka K.V. (1988) The role of macrophages in experimental allergic neuritis induced by a P2-specific T-cell line. Annals of Neurology 23: 326-331. IF 9,317
- 27) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1988) Suppression of experimental autoimmune neuritis by the oxygen radical scavengers superoxide dismutase and catalase. Annals of Neurology 23: 453-460. IF 9,317
- 28) Hartung H.-P., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1988) Primary rat astroglial cultures can generate leukotriene B4. Journal of Neuroimmunology 19: 237-243. IF 2,841
- 29) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Heininger K., Stoll G., Toyka K.V. (1988) The role of macrophages and eicosanoids in the pathogenesis of experimental allergic neuritis. Serial clinical, electrophysiological, and morphological observations. Brain 111: 1039-1059. IF 9,490
- 30) Michels M., Hohlfeld R., Hartung H.-P., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1988) Myasthenia gravis: Discontinuation of long-term azathioprine. Annals of Neurology 24: 798. IF 9,317
- 31) Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Heininger K., Fierz W. (1988) Immune mechanisms in acute and chronic inflammatory polyneuropathies. Journal of Neuroimmunology 20: 277-281. IF 2,841
- 32) Hartung H.-P., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1988) Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Prognosis and Pathogenesis. Lancet (II): 1198. IF 30,758
- 33) Seitz R.J., Reiners K.H., Himmelmann F., Heininger K., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1989) The blood-nerve barrier in Wallerian degeneration: A sequential long-term study. Muscle & Nerve 12: 627-635. IF 2,287
- 34) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Diamantstein T., Fierz W., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1989) Suppression of P2-T cell line mediated experimental autoimmune neuritis by interleukin 2 – receptor targeted monoclonal antibody ART 18. Brain Research 489: 120-128. IF 2,463
- 35) Heininger K., Fierz W., Schäfer B., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1989) Electrophysiological investigations in adoptively transferred experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the Lewis rat. Brain 112: 537-552. IF 9,490
- 36) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1989) Recombinant interleukin-1 stimulates eicosanoid production in rat primary culture astrocytes. Brain Research 489: 113-119. IF 2,463
- 37) Heininger K., Gibbels E., Besinger U.A., Borberg H., Hartung H.-P., Grabensee B., Toyka K.V. (1990) The role of therapeutic plasmapheresis in chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathies. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 337: 275-281.
- 38) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., van der Meide P.H., Fierz W., Heininger K., Toyka K.V. (1990) The role of interferon-gamma in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune disease of the peripheral nervous system. Annals of Neurology 27: 247-257. IF 9,317
- 39) Hartung H.-P., Hughes R.A.C., Taylor W.A., Heininger K., Reiners K., Toyka K.V. (1990) T cell activation in Guillain-Barré-Syndrome and in MS: Elevated serum levels of soluble IL-2 receptors. Neurology 40: 215-218. IF 8,172
- 40) Schmidt B., Stoll G., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1990) Rat astrocytes express interferon-gamma immunoreactivity in normal optic nerve and after nerve transection. Brain Research 515: 347-350. IF 2,463
- 41) Schmidt B., Stoll G., Hartung, H.-P. Heininger K., Schäfer B., Toyka K.V. (1990) Macrophages but not Schwann cells express Ia antigen in experimental autoimmune neuritis. Annals of Neurology 28: 70-77. IF 9,317
- 42) Hartung H.-P. (1991) Suppression of actively induced and passively transferred experimental aller¬gic neuritis by cyclosporine A. Journal of Neuroimmunology 31: 89-90. IF 2,841
- 43) Stoll G., Schmidt B., Jander S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1991) Presence of the terminal complement complex (C5b-9) precedes myelin degradation in immune-mediated demyelination of the rat peripheral nervous system. Annals of Neurology 30: 147-155. IF 9,317
- 44) Hartung H.-P., Reiners K., Schmidt B., Stoll G., Toyka K.V. (1991) Serum interleukin-2 concentrations in Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic idiopathic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP). Comparison with other neurological diseases of presumed immunopathogenesis. Annals of Neurology 30: 48-53. IF 9,317
- 45) Stoll G., Thomas C., Reiners K., Schober R., Hartung H.-P. (1991) Encephalo-myelo-radiculo-ganglionitis presenting as pandysautonomia. Neurology 41: 723-726. IF 8,172
- 46) Jung S., Schlüsener H.J., Toyka K., Hartung H.-P. (1991) T cell vaccination does not induce resistance to experimental allergic neuritis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 35: 1-12. IF 2,841
- 47) Zielasek J., Tausch M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1992) Production of nitrite by neonatal rat microglial cells/brain macrophages. Cellular Immunology 141: 111-120. IF 2,698
- 48) Jung S., Krämer S., Schluesener H.J., Hünig T., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1992) Prevention and therapy of experimental autoimmune neuritis by an antibody against α/ß T cell receptors. Journal of Immunology 148: 3768-3775. IF 5,646
- 49) Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Steck A. (1992) Plasmapheresis in chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy (Letter to the Editor). New England Journal of Medicine 326: 1090-1091. IF 47,050
- 50) Barth P.G., Hoffmann G.F., Jaeken J., Lehnert W., Hanefeld F., von Gennip A.H., Duran M., Valk J., Schutgens R.B.H., Trefz F.K., Reimann G., Hartung H.-P. (1992) L-2-hydroxyglutaric acidemia: a novel inherited neurometabolic disease. Annals of Neurology 32: 66-71. IF 9,317
- 51) Schalke B.C.G., Schmidt B., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1992) Pravastatin-associated inflammatory myopathy (Letter to the Editor) New England Journal of Medicine 327: 649-650. IF 47,050
- 52) Schmidt B., Stoll G., van der Meide P.H., Jung S., Hartung H.-P. (1992) Transient cellular expression of interferon-gamma in experimental autoimmune neuritis. Brain 115:1633-1646. IF 9,490
- 53) Zielasek J., Jung S., Schmidt B., Ritter G., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1993) Effects of ganglioside administration on experimental autoimmune neuritis induced by peripheral nerve myelin or P2-specific T cell lines. Journal of Neuroimmunology 43: 103-112. IF 2,841
- 54) Stoll G., Jung S., Jander S., van der Meide P., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Tumor necrosis factor-alpha in immune-mediated demyelination and Wallerian degeneration of the rat peripheral nervous system. Journal of Neuroimmunology 45: 175-182. IF 2,841
- 55) Barth P.G., Hoffmann G.F., Jaeken J., Wanders R.J.A., Duran M., Jansen G.A., Jakobs C., Lehnert W., Hanefeld F., Valk J., Schutgens R.B.H., Trefz F.K., Hartung H.-P., Chamoles N.A., Caruso U. (1993) L-2-hydroxyglutaric acidemia: clinical and biochemical findings in 12 patients and preliminary report on L-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 16: 753-761. IF 3,598
- 56) Jung S., Schlüsener H.J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Modulation of EAE by vaccination with T cell receptor peptides: Vß8 T cell receptor peptide-specific CD4+ lymphocytes lack direct immunoregulatory activity. Journal of Neuroimmunology 45: 15-22. IF 2,841
- 57) Archelos J.J, Roggenbuck K., Schneider-Schaulies J., Linington C., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the extracellular domain of P0. Journal of Neuroscience Research 35: 46-53. IF 2,986
- 58) Zielasek J., Archelos J.J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on rat microglial cells. Neuroscience Letters 153: 136-139. IF 1,925
- 59) Stoll G., Jander S., Jung S., Archelos J., Tamatani T., Miyasaka M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Macrophages and endothelial cells express intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in immune mediated demyelination but not in Wallerian degeneration of the rat peripheral nervous system. Laboratory Investigation 68: 637-644. IF 4,602
- 60) Archelos J.J., Roggenbuck K., Schneider-Schaulies J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Detection and quantification of antibodies to the extracellular domain of P0 during experimental allergic neuritis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 117: 197-205. IF 2,324
- 61) Hartung H.-P., Zielasek J., Toyka K.V. (1993) Reactive nitrogen intermediates: effector molecules of immune-mediated inflammatory nervous system disorders. (Letter to the Editor) Annals of Neurology 33: 422. IF 9,317
- 62) Guillain-Barré Syndrome Steroid Trial Group (1993) Double-blind trial of intravenous methylprednisolone in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Lancet 341: 586-590. IF 30,758
- 63) Jung S., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1993) Shared T-cell receptor gene usage in experimental allergic neuritis and encephalomyelitis. (Letter to the Editor) Annals of Neurology 34:113. IF 9,317
- 64) Seeldrayers P.A., Syha J., Morrissey S., Stodal H., Vass K., Jung S., Lassmann H., Haase A., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1993) NMR investigation of blood-brain-barrier damage in adoptive transfer experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 46: 199-206. IF 2,841
- 65) Stoll G., Müller S., Schmidt B., van der Meide P., Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Localization of interferon-gamma and Ia-antigen in T cell line-mediated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. American Journal of Pathology 142: 1866-1875. IF 5,673
- 66) Archelos J.J., Jung S., Mäurer M., Lassmann H., Schmied M., Miyasaka M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Inhibition of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by antibodies to the intercellular adhesion molecule-1. Annals of Neurology 34: 145-154. IF 9,317
- 67) Enders U., Karch H., Toyka K.V., Michels M., Zielasek J., Pette M., Heesemann J., Hartung H.-P. (1993) The spectrum of immune responses to Campylobacter jejuni and glycoconjugates in Guillain-Barré syndrome and in other neurological disorders. Annals of Neurology 34: 136-144. IF 9,317
- 68) Pette M., Liebert U.G., Göbel U., Grosse-Wilde H., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1993) Measles virus-directed responses of CD4+ T lymphocytes in MS patients and healthy controls. Neurology 43: 2019-2024. IF 8,172
- 69) Jung S., Huitinga I., Schmidt B., Zielasek J., Dijkstra C.D., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Selective elimination of macrophages by dichlormethylene diphosphonate-containing liposomes suppresses experimental autoimmune neuritis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 119: 195-202. IF 2,324
- 70) Hartung H.-P., Michels M., Reiners K., Seeldrayers P., Archelos J.J., Toyka K.V. (1993) Soluble ICAM-1 serum levels in multiple sclerosis and viral encephalitis. Neurology 43: 2331-2335. IF 8,172
- 71) Archelos J.J., Mäurer M., Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1993) Suppression of experimental autoimmune neuritis by antibodies to the inter-cellular adhesion molecule ICAM-1. Brain 116: 1043-1058. IF 9,490
- 72) Kappos L., Radu E.W., Bernasconi L., Brunnschweiler H., Hartung H.-P., Haas J., Gehlen W., Hartard C., Lagreze H.L., Huttinger H. (1993) Treatment of multiple sclerosis with 15 +/- deoxyspergualin. Design of a controlled study with close MRI-monitoring. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie 144: 198-201.
- 73) Constable A., Armati P.J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) Production of the prostanoids prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane B2 by rat Schwann cells in vitro. Brain Research 635: 75-80. IF 2,463
- 74) Schröder M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) Meeting Report: Peripheral Nerve Study Group, in Boppard, Germany, July 29th to August 1st, 1993. Brain Pathology 4: 107-108. IF 5,903
- 75) Enders U., Karch H., Heesemann J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) Campylobacter jejuni and Guillain-Barré syndrome: serology and stool culture results. Annals of Neurology (Letter to the Editor) 35: 249. IF 9,317
- 76) Pette M., Gengaroli C., Hartung H.-P., Greiner A., Giegerich G., Toyka K.V. (1994) Human T lymphocytes distinguish bovine from human P2 peripheral myelin protein: Implications for immunological studies on inflammatory demyelinating neuropathies. Journal of Neuroimmunology 52: 47-52. IF 2,841
- 77) Archelos J.J., Mäurer M., Jung S., Miyasaka M., Tamatani T., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) Inhibition of experimental autoimmune neuritis by antibodies to the lymphocyte function associated antigen-1. Laboratory Investigation 70: 667-675. IF 4,602
- 78) Hartung H.-P., Reiners K., Michels M., Hughes R.A.C., Heidenreich F., Zielasek J., Enders U., Toyka K.V. (1994) Serum levels of soluble E-Selectin (ELAM-1) in immune-mediated neuropathies. Neurology 44: 1153-1158. IF 8,172
- 79) Zielasek J., Ritter G., Magi S., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. and participating laboratories (1994) A comparative trial of anti-glycoconjugate antibody assays: IgM antibodies to GM1. Journal of Neurology 241: 475-480. IF 2,903
- 80) Gold R., Schmied M., Giegerich G., Breitschopf H., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Lassmann H. (1994) Differentiation between cellular apoptosis and necrosis by the combined use of in situ tailing and nick translation techniques. Laboratory Investigation 71: 219-225. IF 4,602
- 81) Zettl U.Z., Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1994) Apoptotic cell death of T lymphocytes in experimental autoimmune neuritis. Neuroscience Letters 176: 75-79. IF 1,925
- 82) Harvey G.K., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) The effects of mast cell degranulation on blood-nerve barrier permeability and nerve conduction in vivo. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 125: 102-109. IF 2,324
- 83) Pette M., Linington C., Gengaroli C., Grosse-Wilde H., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) T lymphocyte recognition sites on peripheral nerve myelin P0 protein. Journal of Neuroimmunology 54: 29-34. IF 2,841
- 84) Stangel M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Giegerich G. (1994) Bacterial expression of a soluble T cell receptor alpha chain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 202: 1280-1284. IF 2,548
- 85) Jung S., Schlüsener H.J., Schmidt B., Fontana A., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) Therapeutic effect of transforming growth factor-ß2 on actively induced experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) but not adoptive transfer EAN. Immunology 83: 545-551. IF 3,276
- 86) Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1994) Impact of 15-deoxyspergualin on effector cells in experimental autoimmune diseases of the nervous system. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 98: 494-502. IF 3,009
- 87) Lehrmann E., Kiefer R., Finsen B., Diemer N.H., Zimmer J., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Cytokines in cerebral ischemia: expression of transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-ß1) mRNA in the post-ischemic adult rat hippocampus. Experimental Neurology 131: 114-123. IF 3,914
- 88) Heidenreich F., Schober R., Brinck U., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Multiple paraneoplastic syndromes in a patient with antibodies to neuronal nucleoproteins (anti-HU). Journal of Neurology 242: 210-21. IF 2,903
- 89) Harvey G.K., Toyka K.V., Zielasek J., Kiefer R., Simonis C., Hartung H.P. (1995) Failure of anti-GM1 IgG or IgM to induce conduction block following intraneural transfer. Muscle & Nerve 18: 388-394. IF 2,287
- 90) Schröder J.M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) 11th meeting of the peripheral nerve study group (PNSG). Meeting report. Neuromuscular Disorders 5: 75-78. IF 2,977
- 91) Stangel M., Giegerich G., Torres-Nagel N.E., Hünig T., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Structural analysis of rat T cell receptor TCRβ V4 gene family suggests similar diversity in the mouse. Immunogenetics 41: 125-130. IF 2,988
- 92) Archelos J.J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) B cell reponses to the PNS protein PO in experimental autoimmune neuritis. (Letter to the Editor) Journal of the Neurological Sciences 128: 111. IF 2,324
- 93) Zielasek J., Künzig H., Reichmann H., Jung S., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1995). Inhibition of brain macrophage/microglial respiratory chain enzyme activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis of the Lewis rat. Neuroscience Letters 184: 129-132. IF 1,925
- 94) Gold R., Giegerich G., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1995) T-cell receptor usage und apoptosis in Lewis rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE): Vß8.2 positive T cells are not essential for induction and course of disease. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA 92: 5850-5854. IF 9,432
- 95) Zielasek J., Jung S., Gold R., Liew F.Y., Loscalzo J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Administration of nitric oxide synthase inhibition in experimental autoimmune neuritis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 58: 81-88. IF 2,841
- 96) Zettl U.K., Gold R., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Intravenous glucocorticosteroid treatment augments apoptosis in inflammatory T cells in experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) of the Lewis rat. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 54: 540-547. IF 4,564
- 97) Huitinga I., Ruuls S.R., Jung S., van Rooijen N., Hartung H.-P., Dijkstra C.D. (1995) Macrophages in T cell line mediated, demyelinating and chronic relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 100: 344-351. IF 3,009
- 98) Pette M., Gold R., Pette D.E., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1995) Mafosfamide induces DNA fragmentation and apoptosis in human T lymphocytes – a possible mechanism of its immunosuppressive action? Immunopharmacology 30: 59-69. IF 1,198
- 99) Kiefer R., Streit W., Toyka K.V., Kreutzberg G.W., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Transforming growth factor – ß1: A lesion-associated cytokine of the nervous system. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 13: 331-339. IF 2,025
- 100) Harvey G.K., Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1995) Nonneural-specific T lymphocytes orchestrate inflammatory peripheral neuropathy. Brain 118: 1263-1272. IF 9,490
- 101) Hartung H.-P., Reiners K., Archelos J.J., Michels M., Seeldrayers P., Heidenreich F., Pflughaupt K.W., Toyka K.V. (1995) Circulating adhesion molecules and TNF receptor in multiple sclerosis: Correlation with magnetic resonance imaging. Annals of Neurology 38: 186-193. IF 9,317
- 102) Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats by antibodies against CD2. European Journal of Immunology 25: 1391-1398. IF 5,179
- 103) Gold R., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Synergistic effect of gamma-IFN and TNF-alpha on expression of immune molecules and antigen presentation by Schwann cells. Cellular Immunology 165: 65-70. IF 2,698
- 104) Pollard J.D., Westland K., Harvey G.K., Jung S., Bonner J., Spies J.M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Activated T cells of non-neural specificity open the blood nerve barrier to circulating antibody. Annals of Neurology 37: 467-475. IF 9,317
- 105) Clanet M., Comi G., Fernandez O., Gonsette R.E., Hommes O., Hartung H.-P., Soelberg-Sorensen P., Thompson E.J. (1995) Guidelines for early treatment of patients presenting with clinical and paraclinical abnormalities which put them at high risk for conversion to multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 1: 55-59. IF 3,279
- 106) Hoffmann G.F., Jakobs C., Holmes B., Mitchell L., Becker G., Hartung H.-P., Nyhan W.L (1995) Organic acids in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of patients with L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 18: 189-193. IF 3,598
- 107) Comi G., Barkhof F., Durelli L., Edan G., Fernandez O., Filippi M., Hartung H.-P., Hommes O.R., Seeldrayers P., Soelberg-Sorensen P. (1995) Early treatment of multiple sclerosis with Rebif (recombinant human interferon beta): design of the study. Multiple Sclerosis 1: 24-27. IF 3,279
- 108) Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1995) Soluble complement receptor type 1 inhibits experimental autoimmune neuritis in Lewis rats. Neuroscience Letters 200: 167-170. IF 1,925
- 109) Weishaupt A., Giegerich G., Jung S., Gold R., Enders U., Pette M., Hayasaka K., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1995) T-cell antigenic and neuritogenic activity of recombinant human peripheral myelin P2 protein. Journal of Neuroimmunology 63: 149-156. IF 2,841
- 110) Gold R., Schmied M., Giegerich G., Breitschopf H., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Lassmann H. (1995) The two in situ techniques do not differentiate between apoptosis and necrosis but rather reveal distinct patterns of DNA fragmentation. (Research letter) Laboratory Investigation 72:612-613. IF 4,602
- 111) Morrissey S., Stodal H., Zettl U., Simonis C., Jung S., Lassmann H., Kiefer R., Haase A, Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1996) In vivo MRI and its histological correlates in acute adoptive transfer experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Quantification of inflammation and oedema. Brain 119: 239-248. IF 9,490
- 112) Zettl U.K., Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1996) In situ demonstration of T cell activation and elimination in the peripheral nervous system during experimental autoimmune neuritis in the Lewis rat. Acta Neuropathologica 91: 360-367. IF 6,397
- 113) Stangel M., Zettl U.K., Mix E., Zielasek J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (1996) H2O2 and nitric oxide-mediated oxidative stress induces apoptosis in rat skeletal muscle myoblasts. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 55: 36-43. IF 4,564
- 114) Gold R., Schmied M., Lassmann H., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Wekerle H. (1996) Antigen presentation by astrocytes primes rat T lymphocytes for apoptotic cell death: A model for T cell apoptosis in vivo. Brain 119: 651-659. IF 9,490
- 115) Schmidt B., Toyka K.V., Kiefer R., Full J., Hartung H.-P., Pollard J. (1996) Inflammatory infiltrates in sural nerve biopsies in Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. Muscle & Nerve 19: 474-487. IF 2,287
- 116) Kiefer R., Funa K., Schweitzer T., Jung S., Bourde O., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Transforming growth factor-beta 1 in experimental autoimmune neuritis: cellular localization and time course. American Journal of Pathology 148: 211-223. IF 5,673
- 117) Gold R., Zielasek J., Kiefer R., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Secretion of nitrite by Schwann cells and its effect on T-cell activation in vitro. Cellular Immunology 168: 69-77. IF 2,698
- 118) Zielasek J., Muller B., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Inhibition of cytokine-inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat microglia and murine macrophages by methyl-2,5- dihydroxycinnamate. Neurochemistry International 29: 83-87. IF 3,541
- 119) Flachenecker P., Müllges W., Wermuth P., Hartung H.-P., Reiners K. (1996) Eye-ball pressure testing in the evaluation of serious bradyarrhythmias in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Neurology 47: 69-75. IF 8,172
- 120) van Oosten B.W., Rep M.H.G., van Lier R.A.W., Scholten P.E.T., von Blomberg B.M. E., Pflughaupt K.W., Hartung H.-P., Ader H.J. , Polman C.H. (1996) A pilot study investigating the effects of orally administered pentoxifylline on selected immune variables in patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 66: 49-55. IF 2,841
- 121) Jung S., Zielasek J., Köllner G., Donhauser T., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Preventive but not therapeutic application of Rolipram ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats. Journal of Neuroimmunology 68: 1-11. IF 2,841
- 122) Gold R., Zielasek J., Schröder J.M., Sellhaus B., Cedarbaum J., Hartung H.-P., Sendtner M., Toyka K.V. (1996) Treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) does not improve regeneration in experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) of the Lewis rat. Muscle & Nerve 19: 1177-1180. IF 2,287
- 123) Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) T cell-directed immunotherapy of inflammatory demyelination in the peripheral nervous system: Potent suppression of the effector phase of experimental autoimmune neuritis by anti-CD2 antibodies. Brain 119: 1079-1090. IF 9,490
- 124) van Oosten B.W., Barkhof F., Truyen L., Boringa J.B., Bertelsmann F.W., von Blomberg B.M.E., Woody J.N., Hartung H.-P., Polman C.H. (1996) Increased MRI activity and immune activation in two multiple sclerosis patients treated with the monoclonal anti-TNF antibody cA2. Neurology 47: 1531-1534. IF 8,172
- 125) Gold R., Pepinsky B., Zettl U.K., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Lipocortin-1 (Annexin-1) suppresses activation of autoimmune T cell lines in the Lewis rat. Journal of Neuroimmunology 69: 157-164. IF 2,841
- 126) Schneider C., Gold R., Dalakas M., Schmied M., Lassmann H., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) MHC class I mediated cytotoxicity does not induce apoptosis in muscle fibers nor in inflammatory T cells: studies in patients with polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 55: 1205-1209. IF 4,564
- 127) Bourde O., Kiefer R., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Quantification of IL-6 mRNA in Wallerian degeneration by competitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Neuroimmunology 69: 135-140. IF 2,841
- 128) Clanet M., Comi G., Fernandez O., Gonsette R. E., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Guidance on new therapies in multiple sclerosis patients. (Letter to the Editor). Lancet 348: 136. IF 30,758
- 129) Zettl U.K, Mix E., Gold R., Rothe G., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Detection of oxidative burst and apoptotic cell death in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood. Journal of Laboratory Medicine 20: 176-177. IF 2,795
- 130) Morrissey S.P., Deichmann R., Syha J., Simonis C., Zettl U., Archelos J.J., Jung S., Stodal H., Lassmann H., Toyka K.V., Haase A., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Partial inhibition of AT-EAE by an antibody to ICAM-1: clinico-histological and MRI studies. Journal of Neuroimmunology 69: 85-93. IF 2,841
- 131) Zettl U., Mix E., Zielasek J., Stangel M., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (1997) Apoptosis of myelin-reactive T-cells induced by oxygen and nitrogen intermediates in vitro. Cellular Immunology 178:1-8. IF 2,698
- 132) Hughes R.A.C., Cornblath D., Hartung H.-P., Swan T. and the Plasma Exchange/Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barré Syndrome Trial Group (1997) Randomised trial of plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin, and combined treatments in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Lancet 349: 225-230. IF 30,758
- 133) Flachenecker P., Wermuth P., Hartung H.-P., Reiners K. (1997) Quantitative assessment of cardiovascular autonomic function in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: A longitudinal study. Annals of Neurology 42: 171-179. IF 9,317
- 134) Weishaupt A., Gold, R. Gaupp S., Giegerich G., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1997) Antigen therapy eliminates T cell inflammation by apoptosis: Effective treatment of experimental autoimmune neuritis with recombinant myelin protein P2. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA 94: 1338-1343. IF 9,432
- 135) Van Oosten B.W., Uitdehaag B.M.J., Barkhof F., Hartung H.-P., Wagstaff J., Polman C.H. (1997) Interleukin-2 therapy does not exacerbate multiple sclerosis. Neurology 49: 633-634. IF 8,172
- 136) Enders U., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (1997) Failure of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy in experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) of the Lewis rat. Journal of Neuroimmunology 76: 112-116. IF 2,841
- 137) Gaupp S., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Jung S. (1997) Modulation of experimental autoimmune neuritis in Lewis rats by oral application of myelin antigens. Journal of Neuroimmunology 79: 129-137. IF 2,841
- 138) Wanders R.J.A., Vilarinho L., Hartung H.-P., Hoffmann G.F., Mooijer P.A.W., Jansen G.A., Huijmans J.G.M., de Klerk J.B.C., ten Brink H.J., Jakobs C., Duran M., Barth P. G. (1997) L-2-Hydroxyglutaric acidaemia: Normal L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity in liver from two new patients. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 20: 725-726. IF 3,598
- 139) Fazekas F., Offenbacher H., Hartung H.-P. (1997) What is the role of ancillary investigations in establishing the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? European Neurology 38: 255-257. IF 1,494
- 140) Flachenecker P., Hartung H.-P., Reiners K. (1997). Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability in Guillain-Barré syndrome: A longitudinal study. Brain 120: 1885-1894. IF 9,490
- 141) Previtali C.S., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (1997). Expression and regulation of integrins on glia in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: Central role of TNF-. American Journal of Pathology 151: 1425-1434. IF 5,673
- 142) Archelos J.J., Fortwängler T., Hartung H.-P. (1997). Attenuation of experimental autoimmune neuritis in the Lewis rat by treatment with an antibody to L-selectin. Neuroscience Letters 235: 9-12. IF 1,925
- 143) Weilbach F.X., Jung S., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Giegerich G. (1997). T-cell receptor V-element expression in peripheral nerves of Lewis rats suffering from experimental autoimmune neuritis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 79: 69-75. IF 2,841
- 144) Lublin F.D., Reingold S.C., Clanet M., Cookfair D., Ebers G., Goodkin D., Hartung H.-P. et al. (1997) Guidelines for clinical trials of new therapeutic agents in multiple sclerosis: relations between study investigators, advisors, and sponsors. Neurology 48: 572-574. IF 8,172
- 145) Jung S., Donhauser T., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Propentofylline and iloprost suppress the production of TNF- by macrophages but fail to ameliorate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats. Journal of Autoimmunity 10: 519-529. IF 7,231
- 146) Kiefer R., Kieseier B.C., Brück W., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1998). Macrophage differentiation antigens in acute and chronic autoimmune polyneuropathies. Brain 121: 469-479. IF 9,490
- 147) Enders U., Lobb R., Pepinsky R.B., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Gold R. (1998). The role of the very late antigen-4 and its counterligand vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune neuritis of the Lewis rat. Brain 121: 1257-1266. IF 9,490
- 148) Kieseier B.C., Clements J.M., Pischel H., Wells G.M.A., Miller K., Gearing A.J.H., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Matrix metalloproteinases MMP-9 and MMP-7 are expressed in experimental autoimmune neuritis and the Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Annals of Neurology 43: 427-434. IF 9,317
- 149) Kieseier B.C., Kiefer R., Wells G., Clements J.M., Schweitzer T., Miller K., Gearing A. J.H., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Matrix metalloproteinases-9 and -7 are regulated in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Brain 121: 159-166. IF 9,490
- 150) Archelos J.J., Trotter R., Previtali S., Weißbrich B., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Isolation and characterization of an oligodendrocyte-precursor-derived B-cell epitope in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 43: 15-24. IF 9,317
- 151) Kiefer R., Schweitzer T., Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Sequential expression of transforming growth factor-ß1 by T-cells, macrophages, and microglia in rat spinal cord during autoimmune inflammation. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 57: 385-395. IF 4,564
- 152) Hadden R.D.M, Cornblath D.R., Hughes R.A.C., Zielasek J., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K. V., Swan A.V.,and the Plasma Exchange/Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barré Syndrome Trial Group (1998). Electrophysiological classification of Guillain-Barré Syndrome: clinical associations and outcome. Annals of Neurology 44: 780-788. IF 9,317
- 153) Archelos J.J., Jung S., Rinner W., Lassmann H., Miyasaka M., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Role of leukocyte adhesion molecule L-selectin in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 159: 127-134. IF 2,324
- 154) Previtali S., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Expression of integrins in experimental autoimmune neuritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Annals of Neurology 44: 611-621. IF 9,317
- 155) Schmidt H., Schmidt R., Niederkorn K., Gradert A., Schumacher M., Watzinger N., Hartung H.-P., Kostner G.M. (1998). Paraoxonase polymorphism leu-met54 is associated with carotid atherosclerosis: Results of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study. Stroke 29: 2043-2048. IF 7,041
- 156) Thies F.L., Hartung H.-P., Giegerich G. (1998). Cloning and expression of the Campylobacter jejuni lon gene detected by RNA arbitrarily primed PCR. FEMS Microbiology Letters 165: 329-334. IF 2,199
- 157) PRISMS (Prevention of Relapses and Disability by Interferon beta-1a Subcutaneously in Multiple Sclerosis) Study Group (1998) Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study of interferon beta-1a in relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. Lancet 352: 1498-1504. IF 30,758
- 158) Lehrmann E, Kiefer R., Christensen T., Toyka K.V., Zimmer J., Diemer N.H., Hartung H.-P., Finsen B. (1998) Microglia and macrophages are major sources of locally produced transforming growth factor beta(1) after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. Glia 24: 437-448. IF 4,932
- 159) Confavreux C., Hutchinson M., Hours M.M. et al. [Hartung H.-P.] (1998) Rate of pregnancy-related relapses in multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 339: 285-291. IF 47,050
- 160) Kappos L., Polman C., Pozzilli C. et al. [Hartung H.-P.] (1998) Placebo-controlled multicentre randomised trial of interferon beta-1b in the treatment of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Lancet 352: 1491-1497. IF 30,758
- 161) Thies F.L., Karch H., Hartung H.-P., Giegerich G. (1999) The ClpB protein from Campylobacter jejuni: molecular characterization of the encoding gene and antigenicity of the recombinant protein. Gene 230: 61-6.7 IF 2,416
- 162) Mix E., Zettl U.K., Zielasek J, Hartung .H.-P., Gold R. (1999) Apoptosis induction by macrophage-derived reactive oxygen species in myelin-specific T cells requires cell-cell contact. Journal of Neuroimmunology 95:152-156. IF 2,841
- 163) Fazekas F., Kleinert R., Roob G., Kleinert G., Kapeller P., Schmidt R., Hartung H.-P. (1999). Histopathologic analysis of foci of signal loss on gradient T2*-weighted MR in patients suffering from spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: evidence for microangiopathy related microbleeds. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 20: 637-642. IF 3,296
- 164) Roob G., Schmidt R., Kapeller P., Lechner A., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (1999) MRI evidence of past cerebral microbleeds in a healthy elderly population. Neurology 52: 991-994. IF 8,172
- 165) Schneider C., Dalakas M.C., Toyka K.V., Said G., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (1999) T-cell apoptosis in inflammatory neuromuscular disorders associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Archives of Neurology 56: 79-83. IF 6,312
- 166) Thies F.L., Karch H., Hartung H.-P., Giegerich G. (1999) Cloning and expression of the danK gene of Campylobacter jejuni and antigenicity of heat shock protein 70. Infection and Immunity 67: 1194-1200. IF 4,205
- 167) Thies F.L., Weishaupt A., Karch H., Hartung H.-P., Giegerich G. (1999) Cloning, sequencing and molecular analysis of the Campylobacter jejuni groESL bicistronic operon. Microbiology 145: 89-98. IF 0,638
- 168) Constable A.L., Armati P.J., Hartung H.-P. (1999) DMSO induction of the leukotriene LTC4 by Lewis rat Schwann cells. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 162: 120-126. IF 2,324
- 169) Auer-Grumbach M., Fazekas F., Radner H., Irmler A., Strasser-Fuchs S., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Troyer syndrome: a combination of central brain abnormality and motor neuron disease. Journal of Neurology 246: 556-561. IF 2,903
- 170) Flachenecker P., Wolf A., Krauser M., Hartung H.-P., Reiners K. (1999) Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: correlation with orthostatic intolerance. Journal of Neurology 246: 578-586. IF 2,903
- 171) Schmidt R., Fazekas F., Kapeller P., Schmidt H., Hartung H.-P. (1999) MRI white matter hyperintensities: three-year follow-up of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study. Neurology 53: 132-139. IF 8,172
- 172) Kieseier B.C., Paul R., Koedel U., Seifert T., Clemens J.M., Gearing A.J.H., Pfister H.-W., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Differential expression of matrix metalloproteinases in bacterial meningitis. Brain 122: 1579-1587. IF 9,490
- 173) Chan A., Gold R., Giegerich G., Herrmann T., Jung S., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Usage of Vbeta3.3 T-cell receptor by myelin basic protein-specific encephalitogenic T-cell lines in the Lewis rat. Journal of Neuroscience Research 58: 214-225. IF 2,986
- 174) Gold R., Oelschläger M., Pepinsky R.B., Sommer C., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1999) Increased lipocortin-1 (Annexin-1) expression in the sciatic nerve of Lewis rats with experimental autoimmune neuritis. Acta Neuropathologica 98: 583-589. IF 6,397
- 175) Wewetzer K., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P., Seilheimer B., Christ B. (1999) The monoclonal antibody 23E9 defines a novel developmentally regulated Schwann cell surface antigen. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 17: 715-725. IF 2,025
- 176) Ropele S., Stollberger R., Kapeller P., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (1999) Fast multislice T-1 and T-1sat imaging using a phase acquisition of composite echoes (PACE) technique. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 42: 1089-1097. IF 3,225
- 177) Rieckmann P., Toyka K.V., Buttner U. et al. [Hartung H.-P.] (1999) Escalating immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis. European Neurology 42: 121-127. IF 1,494
- 178) Li D.K.B., Paty D.W., Ebers G.C. et al. [Hartung H.-P.] (1999) Magnetic resonance imaging results of the PRISMS trial: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of interferon-beta 1a in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 46: 197-206. IF 9,317
- 179) Bammer R., Fazekas F., Augustin M., Simbrunner J., Strasser-Fuchs S., Seifert T., Stollberger R., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Diffusion-weighted imaging of the spinal cord. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 21: 587-591. IF 3,296
- 180) Comi G., Kappos L., Clanet M., Ebers G., Fassas A., Fazekas F., Filippi M., Hartung H.-P., Hertenstein B., Karussis D., Martino G., Tyndall A., van der Meché F.G.A., and the BMT-MS Study Group (2000) Guidelines for autologous blood and marrow stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis: a consensus report written on behalf of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the European Charcot Foundation. Journal of Neurology 247: 376-382. IF 2,903
- 181) Schneider C., Matsumoto Y., Kohyama K., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (2000) Experimental autoimmune myositis in the Lewis rat: Lack of spontaneous T-cell apoptosis and therapeutic response to glucocorticosteroid application. Journal of Neuroimmunology 107: 83-87. IF 2,841
- 182) Auer-Grumbach M., Wagner K., Timmerman V., De Jonghe P., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Ulcero-mutilating neuropathy in an Austrian kinship without linkage to HMSN IIB and HSN I loci. Neurology 54: 45-52. IF 8,172
- 183) Schmidt J, Gold R., Schönrock L., Zettl U.K., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (2000) T cell apoptosis in situ in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) following methylprednisolone (MP) pulse therapy: possible implications for therapy of relapses in multiple sclerosis (MS). Brain 123: 1431-1441 IF 9,490
- 184) Wohlleben G., Ibrahim S.M., Schmidt J., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (2000) Regulation of Fas and FasL expression on rat Schwann cells. Glia 30: 373-381. IF 4,932
- 185) Fazekas F., Strasser-Fuchs S., Schmidt H., Enzinger C., Ropele S., Lechner A., Flooh E., Schmidt R., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Apolipoprotein E genotype related differences in brain lesions of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 69: 25-28. IF 4,869
- 186) Tan I.L., Lycklama G.J. Nijeholt A, Polman C.H. et al. [Hartung H.-P.] (2000) Linomide in the treatment of multiple sclerosis: MRI results from prematurely terminated phase-III trials. Multiple Sclerosis 6: 99-104. IF 3,279
- 187) Auer-Grumbach M., Wagner, K. Strasser-Fuchs S., Löscher W.N., Fazekas F., Millner M., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Clinical predominance of proximal upper limb weakness in CMT 1A syndrome. Muscle & Nerve 23: 1243-1249. IF 2,287
- 188) Schmidt R., Schmidt H., Fazekas F., Kapeller P., Roob G., Lechner A., Kostner G.M., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral white matter lesions and paraoxonase PON1 polymorphisms: three-year follow-up of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 20: 1811-1816. IF 7,235
- 189) Auer-Grumbach M., Löscher W.N., Wagner K., Petek E., Körner E., Offenbacher H., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity in hereditary motor neuronopathy type V: a clinical, electrophysiological and genetic family study. Brain 123: 1612-1623. IF 9,490
- 190) Löscher W.N., Auer-Grumbach M., Trinka E., Ladurner G., Hartung H.-P. (2000) The comparison of 2nd lumbrical and interosseus latencies with standard measures of median nerve function across the carpal tunnel: a prospective study of 450 hands. Journal of Neurology 247: 530-534. IF 2,903
- 191) Homann C.N., Suppan K., Wenzel K., Giovannoni G., Ivanic G., Horner S., Ott E., Hartung H.-P. (2000) The Bradykinesia Akinesia Incoordination Test (BRAIN TEST), an objective and user-friendly means to evaluate patients with Parkinsonism. Movement Disorders 15: 641-647. IF 4,014
- 192) Kiefer R., Dangond F., Mueller M., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Enhanced B7 costimulatory molecule expression in inflammatory human sural nerve biopsies. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 69: 362-368. IF IF 4,869
- 193) Hartung H.-P. (2000) NICE and drugs for multiple sclerosis (Letter to the Editor). Lancet 356: 1114. IF 30,758
- 194) Kieseier B.C., Krivacic K., Jung S., Pischel H., Toyka K.V., Ransohoff R.M., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Sequential expression of chemokines in experimental autoimmune neuritis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 110: 121-129. IF 2,841
- 195) Ropele S., Stollberger R., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2000) Estimation of magnetization transfer rates from PACE experiments with pulsed RF saturation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 12: 749-756. IF 2,770
- 196) Bammer R., Augustin M., Strasser-Fuchs S., Seifert T., Kapeller P., Stollberger R., Ebner F., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2000) Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging for characterizing diffuse and focal white matter abnormalities in multiple sclerosis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 44: 583-591. IF 3,225
- 197) Niehaus A., Shi J., Grzenkowski M., Diers-Fenger M., Archelos J., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K. V., Brück W., Trotter J. (2000) Patients with active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis synthesize antibodies recognising oligodendrocyte progenitor cell-surface protein: implications for remyelination. Annals of Neurology 48: 362-371. IF 9,317
- 198) Auer-Grumbach M., de Jonghe P., Wagner K., Verhoeven K., Hartung H.-P., Timmerman V. (2000) Phenotype-genotype correlations in a CMT2B family with refined 3q13-q22 locus. Neurology 55: 1552-1557. IF 8,172
- 199) Roob G., Lechner A., Schmidt R., Flooh E., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2000) Frequency and location of microbleeds in patients with primary intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 31: 2665-2669. IF 7,041
- 200) Augustin M., Bammer R., Simbrunner J., Stollberger R., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2000) Diffusion-weighted imaging of patients with subacute cerebral ischemia: a comparison with conventional and contrast-enhanced MR. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 21: 1596-1602. IF 3,296
- 201) Ropele S., Strasser-Fuchs S., Augustin M., Stollberger R., Enzinger C., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2000) A comparison of MTR, Kfor and T1free in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 21: 1885-1891. IF 3,296
- 202) Kieseier B.C., Schneider C., Clements H., Gearing A., Gold R., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Expression of specific matrix metalloproteinases in inflammatory myopathies. Brain 124: 341-351. IF 9,490
- 203) Hadden R.D.M., Karch H., Hartung H.-P., Zielasek J., Weißbrich B., Schubert J., Weishaupt A., Swan A.V., Hughes R.A.C., Toyka K.V., and the Plasma Exchange/Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barré Syndrome Trial Group (2001) Preceding infections, immune factors and outcome in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Neurology 56: 758-765. IF 8,172
- 204) Krametter D., Niederwieser G., Berghold A., Birnbaum G., Strasser-Fuchs S., Hartung H.-P., Archelos J.J. (2001) Chlamydia pneumoniae – specific humoral immune responses and clinical disease parameters in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 49: 135. IF 9,317
- 205) Krametter D., Niederwieser G., Berghold A., Birnbaum G., Strasser-Fuchs S., Hartung H.-P., Archelos J.J. (2001) Chlamydia pneumoniae in multiple sclerosis: humoral immune responses in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Multiple Sclerosis 7: 13-18. IF 3,279
- 206) Lublin F.D., Reingold S.C., Clanet M., Cookfair D., Ebers G., Fridkis C., Goodkin D., Gupta R., Hartung H.-P., Katz R., Levine R., Lin M., Lisak R., McDonald W.I., McFarland H., Noseworthy J., Panitch H., Polman C., Reder A., Rudge P., Sibley W., Whitaker J., Wolinsky J. (2001) Placebo-controlled clinical trials in multiple sclerosis: ethical considerations. Annals of Neurology 49: 677-681. IF 9,317
- 207) Comi G., Filippi M., Barkhof F., Durelli L., Edan G., Fernández O., Hartung H.-P., Seeldrayers P., Soelberg-Soerensen P., Rovaris M., Martinelli V., Hommes O.R., and the Early Treatment of Multiple Sklerosis Study Group (2001) Effect of early interferon treatment on conversion to definite multiple sclerosis: a randomised study. Lancet 357: 1576-1582. IF 30,758
- 208) Jung S., Gaupp S., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (2001) Oral tolerance in experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) of the Lewis rat. II. Adjuvant effects and bystander suppression in P2 peptide-induced EAN. Journal of Neuroimmunology 116: 21-28. IF 2,841
- 209) Skundric D.S., Lisak R.P., Rouhi M., Kieseier B.C., Jung S., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Schwann cell-specific regulation of IL-1 and IL-1Ra during EAN: possible relevance for immune regulation at paranodal regions. Journal of Neuroimmunology 116: 74-82. IF 2,841
- 210) McDonald W.I., Compston A., Edan G., Goodkin D., Hartung H.-P., Lublin F.D., McFarland H.F., Paty D.W., Polman C.H., Reingold S.C., Sandberg-Wollheim M., Sibley W., Thompson A., van den Noort S., Weinschenker B.Y., Wolinsky J.S. (2001) Recommended diagnostic driteria in multiple sclerosis: guidelines from the International Panel on the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 50: 121-127. IF 9,317
- 211) Andorfer B., Kieseier B.C., Mathey E., Armati P., Pollard J., Oka N., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Expression and distribution of transcription factor NF-kB and inhibitor IkB in the inflamed peripheral nervous system. Journal of Neuroimmunology 116: 226-232. IF 2,841
- 212) Fazekas F., Strasser-Fuchs S., Kolleger H., Berger T., Kristoferitsch W., Schmidt H., Enzinger C., Schiefermeier M., Schwarz, C. Kornek B., Reindl, M. Huber K., Grass R., Wimmer G., Vass K., Pfeiffer K.H., Hartung H.-P., Schmidt R. (2001) Apolipoprotein E ε4 is asociated with rapid progression of multiple sclerosis. Neurology 57:853-857. IF 8,172
- 213) Kieseier B.C., Tani M., Mahad D., Oka, N. Ho T., Woodroofe N., Griffin J.W., Toyka K. V., Ransohoff R.M., Hartung H.-P..(2002) Chemokines and chemokine receptors in inflammatory demyelinating neuropathies: a central role for IP-10. Brain 125: 823-834. IF 9,490
- 214) Bammer R., Keeling S.L., Augustin M., Pruessmann K.P., Wolf R., Stollberger R., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2001) Improved diffusion-weighted single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) in stroke using sensitivity encoding (SENSE). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 46: 548-554. IF 3,225
- 215) Yan W.X., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P., Pollard J.D. (2001) P0 protein is a target antigen in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Annals of Neurology 50: 286-92. IF 9,317
- 216) Korn T., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Jung S. (2001) Suppression of experimental autoimmune neuritis by leflunomide. Brain 124: 1791-802. IF 9,490
- 217) De Jonghe P., Auer-Grumbach M., Irobi J., Wagner K., Plecko B., Kennerson M., Zhu D., De Vriendt E., Van Gerwen V., Nicholson G., Hartung H.-P., Timmerman V. (2002) Autosomal dominant juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and distal hereditary motor neuronopathy with pyramidal tract signs: synonyms for the same disorder? Brain 125: 1320-1325. IF 9,490
- 218) Dawkins J.L., Brahmbhatt S., Auer-Grumbach M., Wagner K., Hartung H.-P., Verhoeven K., Timmerman V., De Jonghe P., Kennerson M., LeGuern E., Nicholson G. A. (2002) Exclusion of serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 2 (SPTLC2) as a common cause for hereditary sensory neuropathy. Neuromuscular Disorders 12: 656-658. IF 2,977
- 219) Baumhackl U., Eibl G., Ganzinger U., Hartung H.-P., Mamoli B., Pfeiffer K.P., Fazekas F., Vass K. (2002) Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Austria. Results of a nationwide survey. Neuroepidemiology 21: 226-234. IF 2,375
- 220) Ghalie R.G., Edan G., Laurent M., Mauch E., Eisenman S., Hartung H.-P., Gonsette R.E., Butine M.D., Goodkin D.E. (2002) Cardiac adverse effects associated with mitoxantrone (Novantrone) therapy in patients with MS. Neurology 59: 909-913. IF 8,172
- 221) Ghalie R.G., Mauch E., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Gonsette R.E., Eisenmann S., Le Page E., Butine M.D., De Goodkin D.E. (2002) A study of therapy-related acute leukaemia after mitoxantrone therapy for multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 8: 441-445. IF 3,279
- 222) Neuhaus O., Strasser-Fuchs S., Fazekas, F. Kieseier B.C., Niederwieser G., Hartung H.-P., Archelos J.J. (2002) Statins as immunomodulators: comparison with interferon-beta 1b in MS. Neurology 59: 990-997. IF 8,172
- 223) Clanet M., Radue E.W., Kappos L., Hartung H.-P., Hohlfeld R., Sandberg-Wollheim M., Kooijmans-Coutinho M.F., Tsao E.C., Sandrock A.W. (2002) A randomized, double-blind, dose-comparison study of weekly interferon beta-1a in relapsing MS. Neurology 59: 1507-1517. IF 8,172
- 224) Seifert T., Kieseier B.C., Ropele S., Strasser-Fuchs S., Quehenberger F., Fazekas F., Hartung. H.-P. (2002) TACE mRNA expression in peripheral mononudear cells precedes new lesions on MRI in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 8: 447-451. IF 3,279
- 225) Hartung H.-P., Gonsette R., Konig N., Kwiecinski H., Guseo A., Morrissey S.P., Krapf H., Zwingers T. (2002) Mitoxantrone in progressive multiple sclerosis: a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomised, multicentre trial. Lancet 360: 2018-2025. IF 30,758
- 226) Enzinger C., Ropele S., Strasser-Fuchs S., Kapeller P., Schmidt H., Poltrum B., Schmidt R., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F. (2003) Lower levels of N-acetylaspartate in multiple sclerosis patients with the apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele. Archives of Neurology 60: 65-70. IF 6,312
- 227) Verhoeven K., De Jonghe P., Coen K., Verpoorten N., Auer-Grumbach M., Kwon J. M., FitzPatrick D., Schmedding E., De Vriendt E., Jacobs A., Van Gerwen V., Wagner K., Hartung H.-P., Timmerman V. (2003) Mutations in the small GTP-ase late endosomal protein RAB7 cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B neuropathy. American Journal Human Genetics 72: 722-727. IF 12,303
- 228) Petereit H.F., Pukrop R., Fazekas F., Bamborschke S.U., Ropele S., Kolmel H.W., Merkelbach S., Japp G., Jongen P.J., Hartung H.-P., Hommes O.R. (2003) Low interleukin-10 production is associated with higher disability and MRI lesion load in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 206: 209-214. IF 2,324
- 229) Kastenbauer S., Koedel U., Wick M., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P., Pfister H.W. (2003) CSF and serum levels of soluble fractalkine (CX3CL1) in inflammatory diseases of the nervous system. Journal of Neuroimmunology 137: 210-217. IF 2,841
- 230) Kieseier B.C., Pischel H., Neuen-Jacob E., Tourtellotte W.W., Hartung H.-P. (2003) ADAM-10 and ADAM-17 in the inflamed human CNS. Glia 42: 398-405. IF 4,932
- 231) Freedman M., King J., Oger J., Sharief M., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Interferons in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Lancet 361: 1822-1823; author reply 1823-1824. IF 30,758
- 232) Barkhof F., Rocca M., Francis G., Van Waesberghe J.H., Uitdehaag B.M., Hommes O.R., Hartung H.-P., Durelli L., Edan G., Fernandez O., Seeldrayers P., Sorensen P., Margrie S., Rovaris M., Comi G., Filippi M. (2003) Validation of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging criteria for multiple sclerosis and response to interferon beta1a. Annals of Neurology 53: 718-724. IF 9,317
- 233) Paul R., Koedel U., Winkler F., Kieseier B.C., Fontana A., Kopf M., Hartung H.-P., Pfister H.W. (2003) Lack of IL-6 augments inflammatory response but decreases vascular permeability in bacterial meningitis. Brain 126: 1873-1882. IF 9,490
- 234) Wiendl H., Neuhaus O., Mehling M., Wintterle S., Schreiner B., Mitsdoerffer M., Wienhold W., Weissert R., Wessels J., Hartung H.-P., Weller M., Tolosa E., Melms A. (2003) The CD28 related molecule ICOS: T cell modulation in the presence and absence of B7.1/2 and regulational expression in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 140: 177-187. IF 2,841
- 235) Homann C.N., Quehenberger F., Petrovic K., Hartung H.-P., Ruzicka E., Homann B., Suppan K., Wenzel K., Ivanic G., Ott E. (2003) Influence of age, gender, education and dexterity on upper limb motor performance in Parkinsonian patients and healthy controls. Journal of Neural Transmission 110: 885-897. IF 2,259
- 236) Schroeter M., Stoll G., Weissert R., Hartung H.-P., Lassmann H., Jander S. (2003) CD8(+) phagocyte recuritment in rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: association with inflammatory tissue destruction. American Journal of Pathology 163: 1517-1524. IF 5,673
- 237) Kappos L., Polman C., Thompson A.J., Duda P., Clanet M., Comi G., Hartung H.-P., Montalban X. (2003) Towards a European network for multiple sclerosis trials (ENMST). Multiple Sclerosis 9: 627-629. IF 3,279
- 238) Koller H., Kornischka J., Neuen-Jacob E., Saleh A., Von Giesen H.J, Schmiedel J., Reichmann H., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Persistent organic personality change as rare psychiatric manifestation of MELAS syndrome. Journal of Neurology 250: 1501-1502. IF 2,903
- 239) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2003) The prefaces of Charcot: leitmotifs of an international career. Neurology 28; 61: 1163. IF 8,172
- 240) Hu W., Mathey E., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Cyclo-oxygenases and prostaglandins in acute inflammatory demyelination of the peripheral nerve. Neurology 23; 61: 1774-1779. IF 8,172
- 241) Jung S., Gaupp S., Korn T.l., Kollner G.l,. Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (2004) Biphasic form of experimental autoimmune neuritis in dark agouti rats and its oral therapy by antigen-specific tolerization. Journal of Neuroscience Research 75 (4): 524-535. IF 2,986
- 242) Clanet M., Kappos L., Hartung H.-P., Hohlfeld R.; European IFNbeta-1a Dose-Comparison Study Investigators (2004) Interferon beta-1a in relapsing multiple sclerosis: four-year extension of the European IFNbeta-1a Dose-Comparison Study. Multiple Sclerosis 10:139-144. IF 3,279
- 243) Saleh A., Schroeter M., Jonkmanns C., Hartung H.-P., Modder U., Jander S. (2004) In vivo MRI of brain inflammation in human ischaemic stroke. Brain 127: 1670-1677. IF 9,490
- 244) Kieseier B.C., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Different effects of simvastatin and interferon beta on the proteolytic activity of matrix metalloproteinases. Archives of Neurology 61: 929-932. IF 6,312
- 245) Schreiner B., Mitsdoerffer M., Kieseier B.C., Chen L., Hartung H.-P., Weller M., Wiendl H. (2004) Interferon-beta enhanced monocyte and dendritic cell expression of B7-H1 (PD-L1) a h4 inhibitor of autologous T-cell activation: relevance for the immune modulatory effect in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 155: 172-182. IF 2,841
- 246) Seitz R.J., Kleiser R., Butefisch C.M., Jorgens S., Neuhaus O., Hartung H.-P., Wittsack H.-J., Sturm V., Hermann M.M. (2004) Bimanual rcoupling by visual cueing in callosal disconnection. Neurocase 10: 316-325. IF 0,970
- 247) Nickel J., Neuen-Jacob E., Saleh A., Gattermann N., Hartung H.-P., Koller H. (2004) CIDP and isolated osteosclerotic myeloma. Neurology 63: 2439. IF 8,172
- 248) Amato M.P., Grimaud J., Achiti I., Bartolozzi M.L., Adeleine P., Hartung H.-P., Kappos L., Thompson A., Trojano M., Vukusic S., Confavreux C. (2004) European validation of a standardized clinical description of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 251: 1472-1480. IF 2,903
- 249) Mitsdoerffer M., Schreiner B., Kieseier B.C., Neuhaus O., Dichgans J., Hartung H.-P., Weller M., Wiendl H. (2005) Monocyte-derived HLA-G acts as a h4 inhibitor of autologous CD4 T-cell activation and is upregulated by interferon- in vitro and in vivo: rationale for the therapy of multiple sclerosis Journal of Neuroimmunology 159: 155-164. IF 2,841
- 250) Comi G., Hartung H.-P., Boneschi F.M. (2005) Evidence for use of glatimer acetate in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurology 4: 75-76. IF 18,126
- 251) Auer-Grumbach M., Schlotter-Weigel B., Lochmuller H., Strobl-Wildemann G., Auer-Grumbach P., Fischer R., Offenbacher H., Zwick E.B., Robl T., Hartl G., Hartung H.-P., Wagner K., Windpassinger C., and the Austrian peripheral neuropathy study group (2005) Phenotypes of the N88S Beradinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 mutation. Annals of Neurology 57: 415-424. IF 9,317
- 252) Neuhaus O., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C., Archelos J.J., Hemmer B., Stuve O., Hartung H.-P. (2005) Multiple sclerosis: mitoxantrone promotes differential effects on immunocompetent cells in vitro. Journal of Neuroimmunology 168: 128-137. IF 2,841
- 253) Kury P., Zickler P., Stoll G., Hartung H.-P., Jander S. (2005) Osteopontin, a macrophage-derived matricellular glycoprotein inhibits axon outgrowth. FASEB Journal 19: 398-400. IF 6,401
- 254) Cepok S., Rosche B., Grummel V., Vogel F., Zhou D., Sayn J., Sommer N., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B. (2005) Short-lived plasma blasts are the main B cell effector subset during the course of multiple sclerosis. Brain 128: 1667-1676. IF 9,490
- 255) Polman C.H., Reingold S.C., Edan G., Filippi M, Hartung H.-P., Kappos L., Lublin F.D., Metz L.M., McFarland H.F., O’Connor P.W., Sandberg-Wollheim M., Thompson A.J., Weinshenker B.G., Wolinsky J.S. (2005) Diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis: 2005 revisions to the “McDonald Criteria”. Annals of Neurology 58: 840-846. IF 9,317
- 256) Bernal F., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2005) Tissue mRNA expression in rat of newly described matrix metalloproteinases. Biological Research 38: 267-271. IF 1,140
- 257) Otto F., Kieseier B., Görtz P., Hartung H.-P., Siebler M. (2005) The pentapeptide QYNAD does not inhibit neuronal network. Canadian Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2005; 32: 344-348. IF 1,240
- 258) Kurz M., Pischel H., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2005) Tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme is expressed in the inflamed peripheral nervous system. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 10: 311-318. IF 3,623
- 259) Stüve O., Cepok S., Elias B., Saleh A., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B., Kieseier B. (2005) Clinical stabilization and effective B-cell depletion in the cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood in a patient with fulminant relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 62: 1620-1623. IF 6,312
- 260) Krapf H., Morrissey S.P., Zenker O., Zwingers T., Gonsette R., Hartung H.-P., MIMS Study Group. (2005) Effect of mitoxantrone on MRI in progressive MS: results of the MIMS trial. Neurology 65: 690-695. IF 8,172
- 261) Kappos L., Clanet M., Sandberg-Wollheim M., Radue E.W., Hartung H.-P., Hohlfeld R., Xu J., Bennett D., Sandrock A., Goelz S., European Interferon Beta-1a IM Dose-Comparison Study Investigators. (2005) Neutralizing antibodies and efficacy of interferon beta-1a: a 4-year controlled study. Neurology 65: 40-47. IF 8,172
- 262) Rice G.P., Hartung H.-P., Calabresi P.A. (2005) Anti-alpha4 integrin therapy for multiple sclerosis: mechanisms and rationale. Neurology 64: 1336-1342. IF 8,172
- 263) Rieckmann P., Kruse N., Nagelkerken L., Beckmann K., Miller D., Polman C., Dahlke F., Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P., Sturzebecher S. (2005) Soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) is associated with treatment effects of interferon beta-1b in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 252: 526-533. IF 2,903
- 264) Zickler P., Seitz R.J., Hartung H.-P., Hefter H. (2005) Bilateral medullary pyramid infarction. Neurology 64: 1801. IF 8,172
- 265) Köller H., Neuen-Jacob E., Saleh A., Kieseier B.C., Jander S., Hartung H.-P. (2006) Case report: A patient with a benign course of neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s syndrome) over 12 years: MRI follow up and histological findings. Journal of Neurology 253: 819-820. IF 2,903
- 266) Lehmann H.C., Hengge U.R., Alswede L., Saleh A., von Geldern G., Hartung H.-P., Ruzicka T., Hemmer B. (2006) A 32-year-old man with relapsing-progressive brainstem symptoms. Lancet Neurology 5: 97-102. IF 18,126
- 267) Petereit H.F., Reske D., Pukrop R., Maas-Enriquez M., Japp G., Jongen P.J., Kolmel H.W., Merkelbach S., Hartung H.-P., Heiss W.D., Hommes O.R. (2006) No effect of intravenous immunoglobulins on cytokine-producing lymphocytes in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 12: 66-71. IF 3,279
- 268) Zhou D., Srivastava R., Grummel V., Cepok S., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B. (2006) High throughput analysis of TCR-beta rearrangement and gene expression in single T cells. Laboratory Investigation 86: 314-321. IF 4,602
- 269) Hu W., Dehmel T., Pirhonen J., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2006) Interleukin-23 in acute inflammatory demyelination of the peripheral nerve. Archives of Neurology 63: 858-864. IF 6,312
- 270) Schroeter M., Zickler P., Denhardt D.T., Hartung H.-P., Jander S. (2006) Increased thalamic neurodegeneration following ischemic cortical stroke in osteopontin-deficient mice. Brain 129:1426-37. IF 9,490
- 271) Neuhaus O., Manda V.S., Scarpatetti M., Höfeler G., Hartung H.-P., Archelos J.J. (2006) New diagnostic options in tuberculous meningitis? International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 10: 944. IF 2,548
- 272) Zettl U.K., Hartung H.-P., Pahnke A., Brueck W., Benecke R., Pahnke J. (2006) Lesion pathology predicts response to plasma exchange in secondary progressive MS. Neurology 67: 1515-1516. IF 8,172
- 273) Kopadze T., Dehmel T., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O., Kieseier B.C. (2006) Inhibition by mitoxantrone of in vitro migration of immunocompetent cells: A possible mechanism for therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 63: 1572-1578. IF 6,312
- 274) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2006) Polyneuropathy associated with interferon beta treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology 66: 955. IF 8,172
- 275) Köller H., Schroeter M., Feischen H., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2006) Subcutaneous self-infusions of immunoglobulins as a potential therapeutic regimen in immune-mediated neuropathies. Journal of Neurology 253: 1505-1506. IF 2,903
- 276) Kappos L., Polman C.H., Freedman M.S., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalban X., Barkhof F., Bauer L., Jakobs P., Pohl C., Sandbrink R. (2006) Treatment with interferon beta-1b delays conversion to clinically definite and McDonald MS in patients with clinically isolated syndromes. Neurology 67: 1242-1249. IF 8,172
- 277) Zipp F., Hartung H.-P., Hillert J., Schimrigk S., Trebst C., Stangel M., Infante-Duarte C., Jakobs P., Wolf C., Sandbrink R., Pohl C., Filippi M., for the CCR1 Antagonist Study Group. (2006) Blockade of chemokine signaling in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology 67: 1880-1883. IF 8,172
- 278) Cepok S., von Geldern G., Grummel V., Hochgesand S., Celik H., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B. (2006) Accumulation of class switched IgD-IgM-memory B cells in the cerebrospinal fluid during neuroinflammation. Journal of Neuroimmunology 180: 33-39. IF 2,841
- 279) Zhou D., Srivastava R., Nessler S., Grummel V., Sommer N., Brück W., Hartung H.-P., Stadelmann Ch., Hemmer B. (2006) Identification of a Pathogenic Antibody Response to Native Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein in Multiple Sclerosis. Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103: 19057-19062. IF 9,380
- 280) Neuhaus O., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the interferon-betas, glatiramer acetate, and mitoxantrone in multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 259: 27-37. IF 2,324
- 281) Nielsen J.M., Moraal B., Polman C.H., Poppe P., de Vos M., Freedman M.S., Kappos L., Barkhof F., Bauer L., Pohl C., Sandbrink R., Hartung H.-P., Uitdehaag B.M.J. (2007) Classification of patients with a clinically isolated syndrome based on signs and symptoms is supported by MRI results. Multiple Sclerosis 13: 717-721. IF 3,279
- 282) Barkhof F, Polman C.H., Radue E.W., Kappos L., Freedman M.S., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalbán X., Poppe P., de Vos M., Lasri F., Bauer L., Dahms S., Wagner K., Pohl C., Sandbrink R. (2007) Magnetic resonance imaging effects of interferon-beta-1b in the BENEFIT study: integrated 2-year results. Archives of Neurology 64: 1292-1298. IF 6,312
- 283) Geldern G.V., Cepok S., Nolting T., Du Y., Grummel V., Adams O., Hartung H.-P., Arendt G., Hemmer B (2007) CD8 T-cell subsets and viral load in the cerebrospinal fluid of therapy-naive HIV-infected individuals. AIDS 21: 250-253. IF 4,909
- 284) Nessler S., Boretius S., Stadelmann Ch., Bittner A., Merkler D., Hartung H.-P., Michaelis T., Brück W., Frahm J., Sommer N., Hemmer B. (2007) Early MRI changes in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis are predictive of severe inflammatory tissue damage. Brain 130: 2186-2198. IF 9,490
- 285) Dehmel T., Janke A., Hartung H.-P., Goebel H.H., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2007) The cell-specific expression of metalloproteinase disintegrins (ADAMs) in inflammatory myopathies. Neurobiology of Disease 25: 665-674. IF 4,518
- 286) Hu W., Janke A., Ortler S., Hartung H.-.P, Leder C., Kieseier B.C., Wiendl H. (2007) Expression of CD28- related costimulatory molecule and its ligand in inflammatory neuropathies. Neurology 68: 277-282. IF 8,172
- 287) Kuhle J., Pohl C., Mehling M., Edan G., Freedman M.S., Hartung H.-P., Polman C.H., Miller D.H., Montalban X., Barkhof F., Bauer L., Dahms S., Lindberg R., Kappos L., Sandbrink R. (2007) Lack of association between antimyelin antibodies and progression to multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 356: 371-378. IF 47,050
- 288) Kopadze T., Dehmel T., Mylius H.A., Hartung H.-P., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2007) Treosulfan impedes the migration of immunocompetent cells. Journal of Neurology 254: 1457-1458. IF 2,903
- 289) Lehmann H.C., Koehne A., Meyer zu Hörste G., Dehmel T., Kiehl O., Hartung H.-P., Kastenbauer S., Kieseier B.C. (2007) Role of nitric oxide as mediator of nerve injury in inflammatory neuropathies. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 66: 305-312. IF 4,564
- 290) Albrecht P., Fröhlich R., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Methner A. (2007) Optical coherence tomography measures axonal loss in multiple sclerosis independently of optic neuritis. Journal of Neurology 254: 1595-1596. IF 2,903
- 291) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2007) Leopold Ordenstein: On paralysis agitans and multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 13: 1195-1199. IF 3,279
- 292) Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C., Weissert R., Mylius H.A., Pichlmeier U., Hartung H.-P., Melms A., Kuker W., Weller M. (2007) Treatment of active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis with treosulfan. Journal of Neurology 254: 884-889. IF 2,903
- 293) Saleh A., Schroeter M., Ringelstein A., Hartung H.-P., Siebler M., Moedder U., Jander S. (2007) Iron oxide particle-enhanced MRI suggests variability of brain inflammation at early stages after ischemic stroke. Stroke 38: 2733-2737. IF 7,041
- 294) Watson N.F., Woo D., Doherty M.J., Frohman E.M., Racke M.K., de Baets M., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Stüve O. (2007) Humoral immune responses after rabies infection. Archives of Neurology 64: 1355-1356. IF 6,312
- 295) Illes S., Fleischer W., Siebler M., Hartung H.-P., Dihné M. (2007) Development and pharmacological modulation of embryonic stem cell-derived neuronal network activity. Experimental Neurology 207: 171-176. IF 3,914
- 296) Habisch H.-J., Schwalenstöcker B., Danzeisen R., Neuhaus O., Hartung H.-P., Ludolph A. (2007) Limited effects of glatiramer acetate in the high-copy number hSOD1-G93A mouse model of ALS. Experimental Neurology 206: 288-295. IF 3,914
- 297) Cepok S., von Geldern G., Nolting T., Grummel V., Srivastava R., Zhou D., Hartung H.-P., Adams O., Arendt G., Hemmer B. (2007) Viral load determines the B-cell response in the cerebrospinal fluid during HIV infection. Annals of Neurology 62: 458-467. IF 9,317
- 298) Kappos L., Freedman M.S., Polman C.H., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalbán X., Barkhof F., Radü E.-W., Bauer L., Dahms S., Lanius V., Pohl C., Sandbrink R., for the BENEFIT study group. (2007) Effect of early versus delayed interferon beta-1b treatment on disability after a first clinical event suggestive of multiple sclerosis: a 3-year follow-up analysis of the BENEFIT study. Lancet 370: 389-397. IF 30,758
- 299) Kappos L., Montalban X., Hartung H.-P., Freedman M., Polman C.; for the BENEFIT steering committee. (2007) Treating clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of MS – Authors’ reply. Lancet 370: 2000-2001. IF 30,758
- 300) Hughes R.A., Donofrio P., Bril V., Dalakas M.C., Deng C., Hanna K., Hartung H.-P., Latov N., Merkies I., van Doorn P.; on behalf of the ICE Study Group. (2008) Intravenous immune globulin (10% caprylate-chromatography purified) for the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (ICE study): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurology 7: 136-144. IF 18,126
- 301) Leussink V.I., Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Gold R., Kieseier B.C. (2008) Type III systemic allergic reaction to natalizumab. Archives of Neurology 65: 851-852. IF 6,312
- 302) Fazekas F., Lublin F.D., Li D., Freedman M.S., Hartung H.-P., Rieckmann P., Sørensen S., Maas-Enriquez M., Sommerauer B., Hanna K.; for the PRIVIG Study Group and the UBC MS/MRI Research Group. (2008) Intravenous immunoglobulin in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: A dose-finding trial. Neurology 71: 265-271. IF 8,172
- 303) Polman C., Kappos L., Freedman M.S., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalban X., Barkhof F., Selmaj K., Uitdehaag B.M., Dahms S., Bauer L., Pohl C., Sandbrink R.; for the BENEFIT investigators. (2008) Subgroups of the BENEFIT study: risk of developing MS and treatment effect of interferon beta-1b. Journal of Neurology 255: 480-487. IF 2,903
- 304) Dihné M., Schuier F.J., Schuier M., Cordes J., Hartung H.-P., Knehans A., Müller S. (2008) Hashimoto encephalopathy following lodine 131 (131l) radiotherapy of Graves disease. Archives of Neurology 65: 282-283. IF 6,312
- 305) Dehmel T., Goebel H.H., Hartung H.-P., Lehmann H., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2008) The metalloproteinase-disintegrin ADAM10 is exclusively expressed by type I muscle fibres. Muscle & Nerve 38: 1049-1051. IF 2,287
- 306) Zohren F., Toutzaris D., Klärner V., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B., Haas R. (2008) The monoclonal anti VLA4 antibody natalizumab mobilizes CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells in humans. Blood 111: 3893-3895. IF 10,555
- 307) Lehmann H.C., Hoffmann FR., Fusshoeller A., Meyer zu Hörste GM., Hetzel R., Hartung H.-P., Schroeter M., Kieseier B.C. (2008) The clinical value of therapeutic plasma exchange in multifocal motor neuropathy. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 271: 34-39. IF 2,324
- 308) Heinen A., Kremer D., Göttle P., Kruse F., Hasse B., Lehmann H., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2008) The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57kip2 is a negative regulator of Schwann cell differentiation and in vitro myelination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 8748-8753. IF 9,432
- 309) König F.B., Wildemann B., Nessler S., Zhou D., Hemmer B., Metz I., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Brück W. (2008) Persistence of immunopathological and radiological traits in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 65: 1527-1532. IF 6,312
- 310) Hoffmann S., Cepok S., Grummel V., Lehmann-Horn K., Hackermueller J., Stadler P.F., Hartung H.-P., Berthele A., Deisenhammer F., Wasmuth R., Hemmer B. (2008) HLA-DRB1*0401 and HLA-DRB1*0408 are h4ly associated with the development of antibodies against interferon-beta therapy in multiple sclerosis. American Journal of Human Genetics 83: 219-227. IF 12,303
- 311) Heinen A., Kremer D., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2008) p57kip2’s role beyond Schwann cell cycle control. Cell Cycle 7: 2781-2786. IF 4,087
- 312) Leussink V.I., Lehmann H.C., Meyer zu Hörste G., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O., Kieseier B.C. (2008) Rituximab induces clinical stabilization in a patient with fulminant multiple sclerosis not responding to natalizumab: evidence for disease heterogeneity. Journal of Neurology 255: 1436-1438. IF 2,903
- 313) Jörgens S., Biermann-Ruben K., Kurz M.W., Flügel C., Daehli Kurz K., Antke C., Hartung H.-P., Seitz R.J., Schnitzler A. (2008) Word deafness as a cortical auditory processing deficit: a case report with MEG. Neurocase 14: 307-316. IF 0,970
- 314) Kappos L., Gold R., Miller D.H., Macmanus D.G., Havrdova E., Limmroth V., Polman C.H., Schmierer K., Yousry T.A., Yang M., Eraksoy M., Meluzinova E., Rektor I., Dawson K.T., Sandrock A.W., O’Neill G.N.; BG-12 Phase IIb Study Investigators [Hartung H.-P.] (2008) Efficacy and safety of oral fumarate in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIb study. Lancet 372: 1463-1472. IF 30,758
- 315) Martinez-Torres F., Menon S., Pritsch M., Victor N., Jenetzky E., Jensen K., Schielke E., Schmutzhard E., de Gans J., Chung C.H., Luntz S., Hacke W., Meyding-Lamadé U; GACHE Investigators [Hartung H.-P.]. (2008) Protocol for German trial of Acyclovir and corticosteroids in Herpes-simplex-virus-encephalitis (GACHE): a multicenter, multinational, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled German, Austrian and Dutch trial (ISRCTN45122933). BMC Neurology 8: 40. IF 2,109
- 316) Lehmann H.C., Köhne A., Bernal F., Jangouk P., Meyer zu Hörste G., Dehmel T., Hartung H.-P., Previtali S., Kieseier B.C. (2009) Matrix metalloproteinase-2 is involved in myelination of dorsal root ganglia neurons. Glia 57: 479-489. IF 4,932
- 317) Vollmar P., Nessler S., Kalluri S.R., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B. (2009) The antidepressant venlafaxine ameliorates murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 12: 525-536. IF 4,874
- 318) Otto F., Neuen-Jacob E., Arendt G., Stüve O., Hartung H.-P. (2009) A 69-year-old man with left hemispheric necrotizing mass lesion. Brain Pathology19: 541-544. IF 5,903
- 319) Bril V., Katzberg H., Donofrio P., Banach M., Dalakas M.C., Deng C., Hanna K., Hartung H.-P., on behalf of the ICE Study Group (2009) Electrophysiology in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with IGIV. Muscle & Nerve 39: 448-455. IF 2,287
- 320) Bernal F., Elias B., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2009) Regulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors by interferon-beta: a longitudinal study in multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis 15: 721-727. IF 3,279
- 321) Cepok S., Schreiber H., Hoffmann S., Zhou D., Neuhaus O., von Geldern G., Hochgesand S., Nessler S., Rothhammer V., Lang M., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer H. (2009) Enhancement of chemokine expression by interferon beta therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 66: 1216-1223. IF 6,312
- 322) Putzki N., Fischer J., Gottwald K., Reifschneider G., Ries S., Siever A., Hoffmann F., Käfferlein W., Kausch U., Liedtke M., Kirchmeier J., Gmünd S., Richter A., Schicklmaier R., Niemczyk G., Wernsdörfer C., Hartung H.-P., for the „Mensch im Mittelpunkt“ study Group. (2009) Quality of life in 1000 patients with early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology 16: 713-720. IF 2,510
- 323) Merkies I.S., Bril V., Dalakas M.C., Deng C., Donofrio P., Hanna K., Hartung H.-P., Hughes R.A., Latov N., van Doorn P.A., on behalf of the ICE Study Group. (2009) Health-related quality-of-life improvements in CIPD with immune globulin IV 10%. The ICE Study. Neurology 72: 1337-1344. IF 8,172
- 324) Moraal B., Pohl C., Uitdehaag B.M., Polman C.H., Edan G., Freedman M.S., Hartung H.-P., Kappos L., Miller D.H., Montalban X., Lanius V., Sandbrink R., Barkhof F. (2009) Magnetic resonance imaging predictors of conversion to multiple sclerosis in the BENEFIT study. Archives of Neurology 66: 1345-1352. IF 6,312
- 325) Zickler P., Hartung H.-P., Janssen H. (2009) „Bubbles in the brain“: retrograde venous air embolism in the cavernous sinus. European Neurology 61: 318. IF 1,494
- 326) Wellen J., Jangouk P., Hartung H.-P., Dihné M. (2009) Neural precursor cells as a novel target for interferon-beta. Neuropharmacology 56: 386-398. IF 3,909
- 327) Illes S., Theiss S, Hartung H.-P., Siebler M., Dihné M. (2009) Niche-dependent development of functional neuronal networks from embryonic stem cell-derived neural populations. BMC Neuroscience 10: 93. IF 2,744
- 328) Stüve O., Leussink V.I., Fröhlich R., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Menge T., Kieseier B.C. (2009) Long-term B-lymphocyte depletion with rituximab in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 66: 259-261. IF 6,312
- 329) Kremer D., Heinen A., Jadasz J., Göttle P, Zimmermann K., Zickler P., Jander S., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2009) p57kip2 is dynamically regulated in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and interferes with oligodendroglial maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 9087-9092. IF 9,432
- 330) Albrecht P., Schmitz M., Otto M., Hemmer B., Zerr I., Hartung H.-P., Methner A. (2009) Free caspase activity in CSF of patients with dementia. Journal of Neurology 256: 1561-1562. IF 2,903
- 331) Menge T., Schloot N.C., Schott M., Hemmer B., Wiendl H., Roden M., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2009) Interferon beta treatment does not induce organ-specific autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 73: 900-902. IF 8,172
- 332) Comi G., Martinelli V., Rodegher M., Moiola L., Bajenaru O., Carra A., Elovaara I., Fazekas F., Hartung H.-P., Hillert J., King J., Komoly S., Lubetzki C., Montalban X., Myhr K.M., Ravnborg M., Rieckmann P., Wynn D., Young C., Filippi M.; for the PreCISe study group. (2009) Effect of glatiramer acetate on conversion to clinically definite multiple sclerosis in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (PreCISe study): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 374: 1503-1511. IF 30,758
- 333) Otto F., Illes S., Opatz J., Laryea M., Theiss S., Hartung H.-P., Schnitzler A., Siebler M., Dihné M. (2009) Cerebrospinal fluid of brain trauma patients inhibits neuronal network function via NMDA receptors. Annals of Neurology 66: 546-555. IF 9,317
- 334) O’Connor P., Filippi M., Arnason B., Comi G., Cook S., Goodin D., Hartung H.-P., Jeffery D., Kappos L., Boateng F., Filippov V; for the BEYOND Study Group. (2009) 250 g or 500 g interferon beta-1b versus 20 mg glatiramer acetate in replasping-remitting multiple sclerosis: a prospective, randomised multicentre study. Lancet Neurology 8: 889-897. IF 18,126
- 335) Kappos L., Freedman M.S., Polman C.H., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalbán X., Barkhof F., Radü E.W., Metzig C., Bauer L., Lanius V., Sandbrink R., Pohl C; for the BENEFIT Study Group. (2009) Long-term effect of early treatment with interferon beta-1b after a first clinical event suggestive of multiple sclerosis: 5-year active treatment extension of the phase 3 BENEFIT trial. Lancet Neurology 2009; 8: 987-997. IF 18,126
- 336) Nolting T., Lindecke A., Koutsilieri E., Maschke M., Husstedt I.-W., Sopper S., Stüve O., Hartung H.-P., Arendt G.; Competence Network HIV/AIDS. (2009) Measurement of soluble inflammatory mediators in cerebrospinal fluid of human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients at distinct stages of infection by solid-phase protein array. Journal of Neurovirology 15: 390-400. IF 2,336
- 337) van Nes S.I., Vanhoutte E.K., Faber C.G., Garssen M., van Doorn P.A., Merkies I.S., Hartung H.-P., et al.; PeriNomS Study Group. (2009) Improving fatigue assessment in immune-mediated neuropathies: the modified Rasch-built fatigue severity scale. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 14: 268-278. IF 3,623
- 338) De Jager P.L., Chibnik L.B., Cui J., Reischl J., Lehr S., Hartung H.-P., et al.; Steering committees of the BENEFIT, BEYOND, LTF, and CCR1 studies. (2009) Integration of genetic risk factors into a clinical algorithm for multiple sclerosis susceptibility: a weighted genetic risk score Lancet Neurology 8: 1111-1119. IF 18,126
- 339) Wolf C., Menge T., Stenner M.P., Meyer zu Hörste G., Saleh A., Hartung H.-P., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Natalizumab in a patient with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Archives of Neurology 67: 881-883. IF 6,312
- 340) Petzold A., Altintas A., Andreoni L., Bartos A., Berthele A., Blankenstein M.A., Buee L., Castellazzi M., Cepok S., Comabella M., Constantinescu C.S., Deisenhammer F., Deniz G., Erten G., Espiño M., Fainardi E., Franciotta D., Freedman M., Giedraitis V., Gilhus N.E., Giovannoni G., Glabinski A., Grieb P., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B., et al. (2010) Neurofilament ELISA validation. Journal of Immunological Methods 352: 23-31. IF 2,347
- 341) Cohen C.A., Barkhof F., Comi G., Hartung H.-P., Khatri B.O., Montalban X., Pelletier J., Capra R., Gallo P., Izquierdo G., Tiel-Wilck K., de Vera A., Jin J., Stites T., Wu S., Aradhye S., Kappos L.; for the TRANSFORMS Study Group. (2010) Oral fingolimod or intramuscular interferon for relapsing multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 362: 402-415. IF 47,050
- 342) Meyer zu Hörste G., Heidenreich H., Mausberg A.K., Lehmann H.C., ten Asbroek A.L., Saavedra J.T., Baas F., Hartung H.-P., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Mouse Schwann cells activate MHC class I and II restricted T-cell responses, but require external peptide processing for MHC class II presentation. Neurobiology of Disease 37: 483-490. IF 4,518
- 343) Bril V., Dalakas M.C., Deng C., Donofrio P., Hanna K., Hartung H.-P., et al.; on behalf of the ICE Study Group. (2010) Electrophysiologic correlations with clinical outcomes in CIDP. Muscle & Nerve 42: 492-497. IF 2,287
- 344) Lehmann H.C., Jangouk P., Kierysch E.K., Meyer zu Hörste G., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Autoantibody-mediated dysfunction of sympathetic neurons in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Archives of Neurology 67: 203-210. IF 6,312
- 345) Lehmann H.C., Hoffmann F., Meyer zu Hörste G., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Central nervous system involvement in patients with monoclonal gammopathy and polyneuropathy. European Journal of Neurology 17: 1075-1081. IF 2,510
- 346) Meyer zu Hörste G., Heidenreich H., Lehmann H.C., Ferrone S., Hartung H.-P., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Expression of antigen processing and presenting molecules by Schwann cells in inflammatory neuropathies. Glia 58: 80-92. IF 4,932
- 347) Meyer zu Hörste G., Zozulya A.L., El-Haddad H., Lehmann H.C. Hartung H.-P., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Active immunization induces toxicity of diphtheria toxin in diphtheria resistant mice – implications for neuroinflammatory models. Journal of Immunological Methods 354: 80-84. IF 2,347
- 348) Latov N., Deng C., Dalakas M.C., Bril V., Donofrio P., Hanna K., Hartung H.-P., Hughes R.A., Merkies I.S., van Doorn P.A.; for the IGIV-C CIDP Efficacy (ICE) Study Group. (2010) Timing and course of clinical response to intravenous immunoglobulin in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Archives of Neurology 67: 802-807. IF 6,312
- 349) Zickler P., Küry P., Gliem M., Hartung H.-P., Jander S. (2010) Differential patterns of local gene regulation in crush lesions of the rat optic and sciatic nerve: relevance to posttraumatic regeneration. Cellular Physiology & Biochemistry 26: 483-494. IF 3,563
- 350) Göttle P., Kremer D., Jander S., Ödemis V., Engele J., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2010) Activation of CXCR7 receptor promotes oligodendroglial cell maturation. Annals of Neurology 68: 915-924. IF 9,317
- 351) Berger J.R., Centonze D., Comi G., Confavreux C., Cutter G., Giovannoni G., Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Lublin F., Miravalle A., Montalban X., O’Connor P., Olsson T., Polman C.H., Stuve O., Wolinsky J.S., Ziemssen T. (2010) Considerations on discontinuing natalizumab for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 68: 409-411. IF 9,317
- 352) Radue E.W., Stuart W.H., Calabresi P.A., Confavreux C., Galetta S.L., Rudick R.A., Lublin F.D., Weinstock-Guttman B., Wynn D.R., Fisher E., Papadopoulou A., Lynn F., Hartung H.-P., et al.; on behalf of the SENTINEL Investigators. (2010) Natalizumab plus interferon beta-1a reduces lesion formation in relapsing multiple sclerosis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 292: 28-35. IF 2,324
- 353) Sominanda A., Lundkvist M., Fogdell-Hahn A., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Hillert J., Menge T., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Inhibition of endogenous interferon beta by neutralizing antibodies against recombinant interferon beta. Archives of Neurology 67: 1095-1101. IF 6,312
- 354) Merkies IS, Hughes RA, Donofrio P, Bril V, Dalakas MC, Hanna K, Hartung H.-P., Latov N, van Doorn PA, Deng C; on behalf of the ICE Study Group. (2010) Understanding the consequences of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy from impairments to activity and participation restrictions and reduced quality of life: the ICE study. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 15: 208-215. IF 3,623
- 355) Donofrio P.D., Bril V., Dalakas M.C., Deng C., Hanna K, Hartung H.-P., Hughes R., Latov N., Merkies I., van Doorn P.; IGIV-C CIDP Efficacy (ICE) Study Group. (2010) Safety and tolerability of immune globulin intravenous in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Archives of Neurology 67: 1082-1088. IF 6,312
- 356) Smolianov V., Dehmel T., Vollmar P., Mausberg AK, Kieseier B.C., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Hofstetter H. (2011) Alteration of T cell cytokine production in PLPp 139-151-induced EAE in SJL mice by an immunostimulatory CpG oligonucleotide. Journal of Neuroinflammation 8: 59. IF 4,675
- 357) Filippi M., Rocca M.A., Camesasca F., Cook S., O’Connor P., Arnason B.G., Kappos L., Goodin D., Jeffery D., Hartung H.-P., Comi G., Wolinsky J.S., Bogumil T., Pohl C., Beckmann K., Sandbrink R., Croze E., Brown C., Desimone T.M., Arnold D.L., Cutter G., Knappertz V. (2011) Interferon (beta)-1b and glatiramer acetate effects on permanent black hole evolution. Neurology 76: 1222-1228. IF 8,172
- 358) Lalive P.H., Häusler M.G., Maurey H., Mikaeloff Y., Tardieu M., Wiendl H., Schroeter M., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Menge T. (2011) Highly reactive anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies differentiate demyelinating diseases from viral encephalitis in children. Multiple Sclerosis 17: 297-302. IF 3,279
- 359) Warnke C., Smolianov V., Dehmel T., Andrée M., Hengel H., Zooren F., Arendt G., Wiendl H., Haas R., Hartung H.-P., Adams O., Kieseier BC. (2011) CD34+ progenitor cells mobilized by natalizumab are not a relevant reservoir for JC virus. Multiple Sclerosis 17: 151-156. IF 3,279
- 360) Smolianov V., Dehmel T., Vollmar P., Kieseier B.C., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Hofstetter H.H. (2011) Alteration of T cell cytokine production in PLPp-139-151-induced EAE in SJL mice by an immunostimulatory CpG Oligonucleotide. Journal of Neuroinflammation 8: 59. IF 4,675
- 361) Meyer-Schwickerath R., Haug C., Hacker A., Fink F., Seidel D., Hartung H.-P., Haupts M.R. (2011) Intracranial venous pressure is normal in patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 17: 637-638. IF 3,279
- 362) Warnke C., Adams O., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2011) Assessment of JC virus DNA in blood and urine from natalizumab-treated patients. Annals of Neurology 69: 215-216. IF 9,317
- 363) Walter J., Honsek S.D., Illes S., Wellen J.M., Hartung H.-P., Rose C.R., Dihné M. (2011) A new role for interferon gamma in neural stem/precursor cell dysregulation. Molecular Neurodegeneration 6: 18. IF 5,091
- 364) Matzke B., Metze C., Winkelmann A., Grossmann A., Hartung H.-P., Benecke R., Zettl U.K. (2011) Severe relapse of multiple sclerosis during plasma exchange treatment. Multiple Sclerosis 17: 759-762. IF 3,279
- 365) Buck D., Cepok S., Hoffmann S., Grummel V., Jochim A., Berthele A., Hartung H.-P., Wassmuth R., Hemmer B. (2011) Influence of the HLA-DRB1 genotype on antibody development to interferon beta in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 68: 480-487. IF 6,312
- 366) Brandt A.U., Oberwahrenbrock T., Ringelstein M., Young K.L., Tiede M., Hartung H.-P., Martin R., Aktas O., Paul F., Schippling S. (2011) Primary retinal pathology in multiple sclerosis as detected by optical coherence tomography. Brain 134: e193. IF 9,490
- 367) Khatri B., Barkhof F., Comi G., Hartung H.-P., Kappos L., Montalban X., Pelletier J., Stites T., Wu S., Holdbrook F., Zhang-Auberson L., Francis G., Cohen J.A.; on behalf of the TRANSFORMS Study Group. (2011) Comparison of fingolimod with interferon beta-1a in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a randomised extension of the TRANSFORMS Study Group. Lancet Neurology 10: 520-529. IF 18,126
- 368) Waschbisch A., Sandbrink R., Hartung H.-P., Kappos L., Schwab S., Pohl C., Wiendl H. (2011) Evaluation of soluble HLA-G as a biomarker for multiple sclerosis. Neurology 77: 596-598. IF 8,172
- 369) Hartung H.-P. (2011) Impact of mobility impairment in multiple sclerosis 1 – healthcare professionals’ perspectives. European Neurological Review 6: 110-114. IF 3,765
- 370) Saure C., Warnke C., Zohren F., Schröder T., Bruns I., Caddedu R.P., Weigelt C., Fischer U., Kobbe G., Hartung H.-P., Adams O., Kieseier B.C., Haas R. (2011) Natalizumab and impedance of the homing of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors. Archives of Neurology 68: 1428-1431. IF 6,312
- 371) Böttcher C., Warnke C., Macht S., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2011) An interesting case of nuchal rigidity. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 38: 516-517. IF 1,179
- 372) Freedman M.S., Bar-Or A., Oger J., Traboulsee A., Patry D., Young C., Olsson T., Li D., Hartung H.-P., Krantz M., Ferenczi L., Verco T.; MAESTRO-01 Investigators. (2011) A phase III study evaluating the efficacy and safety of MBP8298 in secondary progressive MS. Neurology 77: 1551-1560. IF 8,172
- 373) Hartung H.-P., Freedman M.S., Polman C.H., Edan G., Kappos L., Miller D.H., Montalbán X., Barkhof F., Petkau J., White R., Sahajpal V., Knappertz V., Beckmann K., Lanius V., Sandbrink R., Pohl C.; BENEFIT Study Group. (2011) Interferon β-1b-neutralizing antibodies 5 years after clinically isolated syndrome. Neurology 77: 835-843. IF 8,172
- 374) Haupts M.R., Meyer-Schwickerath R., Hacker A., Haug C., Fink F., Seidel D., Hartung H.-P. (2011) Normal CSF ferritin levels in MS suggest against etiologic role of chronic venous insufficiency. Neurology 76: 2131; author reply 2131-2132. IF 8,172
- 375) Acaster S., Swinburn P., Wang C., Stemper B., Beckmann K., Knappertz V., Pohl C., Sandbrink R., Gondek K., Edan G., Kappos L., Freedman M., Hartung H.-P., Arnason B., Comi G., Filippi M., Jeffery D., O’Connor P., Cook S., Lloyd A. (2011) Can the functional assessment of multiple sclerosis adapt to changing needs? A psychometric validation in patients with clinically isolated syndrome and early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 12: 1504-1513. IF 4,230
- 376) Peters M.J., van Nes S.I., Vanhoutte E.K., Bakkers M., van Doorn P.A., Merkies I.S., Faber C.G., Hartung H.-P.; PeriNomS Study group. (2011) Revised normative values for grip strength with the Jamar dynamometer. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 1: 47-50. IF 3,623
- 377) Hecker M., Paap B.K., Goertsches R.H., Kandulski O., Fatum C., Koczan D., Hartung H.-P., Thiesen H.J., Zettl U.K. (2011) Reassessment of blood gene expression markers for the prognosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. PLoS One 6: e29648. IF 4,230
- 378) Meyer zu Hörste G., Mausberg A.K., Müller J.I., Lehmann H.C., Löber S., Gmeiner P., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O., Korth C., Kieseier B.C. (2011) Quinpramine ameliorates rat experimental autoimmune neuritis and redisz´tributes MHC class II molecules. PLoS One 6: e21223. IF 4,230
- 379) International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2, Sawcer S., Hellenthal G., Pirinen M., Spencer C.C., Patsopoulos N.A., Moutsianas L., Dilthey A., Su Z., Freeman C., Hunt S.E., Edkins S., Gray E., [Hartung H.-P.]. (2011) Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis. Nature 476: 214-219. IF 36,104
- 380) Patsopoulos N.A.; Bayer Pharma MS Genetics Working Group; Steering Committees of Studies Evaluating IFN-1b and a CCR1-Antagonist; ANZgene Consortium; Gene MSA; International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium [Sandbrink R., Hartung H.-P] (2011) Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci. Annals of Neurology 70: 897-912. IF 9,317
- 381) Prochnow D., Donell J., Schäfer R., Jörgens S., Hartung H.-P., Franz M., Seitz R.J. (2011) Alexithymia and impaired facial affect recognition in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 258: 1683-1688. IF 4,869
- 382) Weber F., Cepok S., Wolf C., Berthele A., Uhr M., Bettecken T., Buck D., Hartung H.-P., Holsboer F., Müller-Myhsok B., Hemmer B. (2012) Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in HLA- and non-HLA genes associated with the development of antibodies to interferon-β therapy in multiple sclerosis. Pharmacogenomics Journal (in press). IF 4,306
- 383) Langdon D.W., Amato M.P., Boringa J., Brochet B., Foley F., Fredrikson S., Hämäläinen P., Hartung H.-P., Krupp L., Penner I.K., Reder A.T., Benedict R.H. (2012) Recommendations for a brief international cognitive assessment for multiple sclerosis (BICAMS) Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 891-898. IF 4,230
- 384) Köhne A., Stettner M., Jangouk P., Dehmel T, Hartung H.-P., Lehmann H.C., Kieseier B.C. (2012) Fingolimod impedes Schwann cell-mediated myelination: implications fort he treatment of immune neuropathies? Archives of Neurology 2: 1-10. IF 6,312
- 385) Freedman M.S., Metzig C., Kappos L., Polman C.H., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalban X., Yarden J., Spector L., Fire E., Dotan N., Schwenke S., Lanius V., Sandbrink R., Pohl C. (2012) Predictive nature IgM anti--glucose serum biomarker for relapse activity and EDSS progression in CIS patients: a BENEFIT study analysis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 966-973. IF 4,230
- 386) Gliem M., Mausberg A.K., Lee J.I., Simiantonakis I., van Rooijen N., Hartung H.-P., Jander S. (2012) Macrophages prevent hemorrhagic transformation in murine stroke models. Annals of Neurology 71: 743-752. IF 9,317
- 387) Lehmann H.C., Macht S., Jander S., Hartung H.-P., Methner A. (2012) Guillain-Barré syndrome variant with prominent facial diplegia, limb paresthesia, and brisk reflexes. Journal of Neurology (in press). IF 4,869
- 388) Schira J., Gasis M., Estrada V., Hendricks M., Schmitz C., Trapp T., Kruse F., Kögler G., Wernet P., Hartung H.-P., Müller H.W. (2012) Significant clinical, neuropathological and behavioural recovery from acute spinal cord trauma by transplantation of a well-defined somatic stem cell from human umbilical cord blood. Brain 135: 431-446. IF 9,490
- 389) Goodin DS, Hartung HP, O’Connor P, Filippi M, Arnason B; on behalf of the BEYOND Study Group. (2012) Neutralizing antibodies to interferon beta-Ib multiple sclerosis: A clinico-radiographic paradox in the BEYOND trial. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 181-195. IF 4,230
- 390) Hartung H.-P., Matthews V., Ross A.P., Pitschnau-Michel D., Thalheim C., Ward-Abel N.; on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis-Nurse Empowering Education (MS-NEED) Study Group. (2012) Disparities in nursing of multiple sclerosis patients – results of a European nurse survey. Multiple Sclerosis (in press). IF 4,230
- 391) Warnke C., Dehmel T., Posevitz-Fejfar A., Chan A., Berthele A., Schmidt S., Haas J., Kronsbein H.C., Seitz F, Tackenberg B., Mäurer M., Gerbershagen K., Limmroth V., Adams O., Hartung H.-P., Gold R., Hemmer B., Wiendl H., Kieseier B.C. (2012) Anti JCV antibody prevalence in a German MS cohort. Multiple Sclerosis 18: 1054-1055. IF 4,230
- 392) Menge T., Cree B., Saleh A., Waterboer T., Berthele A., Kalluri S.R., Hemmer B., Aktas O., Hartung H.-P., Methner A., Kieseier B.C. (2012) Neuromyelitis optica following human papilloma virus vaccination. Neurology 79: 285-287. IF 8,172
- 393) Husseini L., Saleh A., Reifenberger G., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2012) Inflammatory demyelinating brain lesions heralding primary CNS lymphoma. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 39: 6-10. IF 1,179
- 394) Lill C.M., Schjeide B.M., Akkad D.A., Blaschke P., Winkelmann A., Gerdes L.A., Hoffjan S., Luessi F., Dörner T., Li S.C., Steinhagen-Thiessen E., Lindenberger U., Chan A., Hartung H.-P., Aktas O., Lohse P., Kümpfel T., Kubisch C., Epplen J.T., Zettl U.K., Bertram L., Zipp F. (2012) Independent replication of STAT3 association with multiple sclerosis risk in a large German case-control sample. Neurogenetics 13: 83-86. IF 3,488
- 395) Deng C., Hanna K., Bril V., Dalakas M.C., Donofrio P., van Doorn P.A., Hartung H.-P., Merkies I.S. (2012) Challenges of clinical trial design when there is lack of clinical equipoise: use of a response-conditional crossover design. Journal of Neurology (in press). IF 4,869
- 396) Perron H., Germi R., Bernard C., Garcia-Montojo M., Deluen C., Farinelli L., Faucard R., Veas F., Stefas I., Fabriek B.O., Van-Horssen J., Van-der-Valk P., Gerdil C., Mancuso R., Saresella M., Clerici M., Marcel S., Creange A., Cavaretta R., Caputo D., Arru G., Morand P., Lang A.B., Sotgiu S., Ruprecht K., Rieckmann P., Villoslada P., Chofflon M., Boucraut J., Pelletier J., Hartung H.-P. (2012) Human endogenous retrovirus type W envelope expression in blood and brain cells provides new insights into multiple sclerosis disease. Multiple Sclerosis (in press). IF 4,230
- 397) Schwarz C.S., Ferrea S., Quasthoff K., Walter J., Görg B., Häussinger D., Schnitzler A., Hartung H.-P., Dihné M. (2012) Ammonium chloride influences in vitro-neuronal network activity. Experimental Neurology 235: 368-373. IF 3,914
- 398) Penner I.K., Stemper B., Calabrese P., Freedman M.S., Polman C.H., Edan G., Hartung H.-P., Miller D.H., Montalbán X., Barkhof F., Pleimes D., Lanius V., Pohl C., Kappos L., Sandbrink R. (2012) Effects of interferon beta-1b on cognitive performance in patients with a first event suggestive of multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis (in press.) IF 4,230
- 399) Smolianov V., Dehmel T., Kieseier B.C., Hemmer B, Hartung H.-P., Hofstetter H.H. (2012) Ex vivo activation of naturally occurring IL-17-producing T cells does not require IL-6. Cytokine 58: 231-237.
- 400) Kleiter I., Hellwig K., Berthele A., Kümpfel T., Linker R.A., Hartung H.-P., Paul F., Aktas O.; Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group. (2012) Failure of natalizumab to prevent relapses in neuromyelitis optica. Archives of Neurology 69: 239-245. IF 6,312
- 401) Rieckmann P., Heidenreich F., Sailer M., Zettl U.K., Zessack N., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (2012) Treatment de-escalation after mitoxantrone therapy: results of a phase IV, multicentre, open-label, randomized study of subcutaneous interferon beta-1a in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 5: 3-12.
- 402) Brandt A.U., Zimmermann H., Kaufhold F., Promesberger J., Schippling S., Finis D., Aktas O., Geis C., Ringelstein M., Ringelstein E.B., Hartung H.-P., Paul F., Kleffner I., Dörr J. (2012) Patterns of retinal damage facilitate differential diagnosis between Susac syndrome and MS. PLoS ONE 7: e38741. IF 4,230
- 403) Albrecht P., Henke N., Lehmann H.C., Macht S., Hefter H., Goebels N., Mackenzie C., Rupprecht T.A., Fingerle V., Hartung H.-P., Methner A. (2012) A case relapsing-remitting neuroborreliosis? Challenges in the differential diagnosis of recurrent myelitis. Case Reports in Neurology 4: 47-53.
- 404) Caloyeras J.P., Zhang B., Wang C., Eriksson M., Fredrikson S., Beckmann K., Knappertz V., Pohl P., Hartung H.-P., Shah D., Miller J.D., Sandbrink R., Lanius V., Gondek K., Russell M.W. (2012) Cost-effectiveness analysis of interferon beta1b for the treatment of patients with a first clinical event suggestive of multiple sclerosis. Clinical Therapy 34: 1132-1144.
- 405) Nolting T., Lindecke A., Hartung H.-P., Koutsilieri E., Maschke M., Husstedt I.W., Sopper S., Stüve O., Arendt G.; and the German Competence Network HIV/AIDS. (2012) Cytokine levels in CSF and neuropsychological performance in HIV patients. Journal of Neurovirology 18: 157-161. IF 2,336
- 406) Vanhoutte E.K., Latov N., Deng C., Hanna K., Hughes R., Bril V., Dalakas M.C., Donofrio P., van Doorn P.A., Hartung H.-P., Merkies I.S. (2012) Vigorimeter grip strength in CIDP: a responsive tool that rapidly measures the effect of IVIG – the ICE study. European Journal of Neurology (in press). IF 2,510
- 407) Hochmeister S., Romauch M., Bauer J., Seifert-Held T., Weissert R., Linington C., Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F., Storch M.K. (2012) Re-expression of N-cadherin in remyelinating lesions of experimental inflammatory demyelination. Experimental Neurology 237; 70-77. IF 3,914
- 408) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Goodin D., Amason B., Comi G., Filippi M., Jeffery D.R., Kappos L., et al. (2012) Variability in detection and quantification of interferon beta-1b-induced neutralizing antibodies. Journal of Neuroinflammation 9: 129. IF 4,675
- 409) Albrecht P., Müller A.K., Südmeyer M., Ferrea S., Ringelstein M., Cohn E., Aktas O., Dietlein T., Lappas A., Foerster A., Hartung H.-P., Schnitzler A., Methner A. (2012) Optical coherence tomography in parkinsonian syndromes. PLoS One 7: e34891. IF 4,230
- 410) Vanhoutte E.K., Faber C.G., Merkies I.S.; PeriNomS Study Group. (2012) MRC sum-score in the ICU: good reliability does not necessarily reflect “true reliability”. Muscle & Nerve 45: 767-768. IF 2,287
- 411) Jarius S., Ruprecht K., Wildemann B., Kuempfel T., Ringelstein M., Geis C., Kleiter I., Kleinschnitz C., Berthele A., Brettschneider J., Hellwig K., Hemmer B., Linker R.A., Lauda F., Mayer C.A., Tumani H., Melms A., Trebst C., Stangel M., Marziniak M., Hoffmann F., Schippling S., Faiss J.H., Neuhaus O., Ettrich B., Zentner C., Guthke K., Hofstadt-van Oy U., Reuss R., Pellkofer H., Ziemann U., Kern P., Wandinger K.P., Bergh F.T., Boettcher T., Langel S., Liebetau M., Rommer P.S., Niehaus S., Münch C., Winkelmann A., Zettl U., Metz I., Veauthier C., Sieb J.P., Wilke C., Hartung H.-P., Aktas O., Paul F. (2012) Contrasting disease patterns in seropositive and seronegative neuromyelitis optica: a multicentre study of 175 patients. Journal of Neuroinflammation 9: 14. IF 4,675
- 412) Jaerve A., Kruse F., Malik K., Hartung H.-P., Müller H.W. (2012) Modulation of age-specific cortical transcriptomes in spinal cord injury and repair. PLoS ONE (in press). IF 4,230
- 413) Torres K.J., Göttle P., Kremer D., Rivera J.F., Aguirre-Cruz L., Corona T., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2012) Vinpocetine inhibits oligodendroglial precursor cell differentiation. Cellular Physiology & Biochemistry 30: 711-722. IF 3,563
- 414) Vanhoutte E.K., Faber C.G., van Nes S.I., Jacobs B.C., van Doorn P.A., van Koningsveld R., Cornblath D.R., van der Kooi A.J., Cats E.A., van den Berg L.H., Notermans N.C., van der Pol W.L., Hermans M.C., van der Beek N.A., Gorson K.C., Eurelings M., Engelsman J., Boot H., Meijer R.J., Lauria G., Tennant A., Merkies I.S.; PeriNomS Study Group. (2012) Modifying the medical research council grading system through Rasch analyses. Brain 135: 1639-1649. IF 9,490
- 415) Heinen A., Tzekova N., Graffmann N., Torres K.J., Uhrberg M., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2012) Histone methyltransferase enhancer of zeste homolog 2 regulates Schwann cell differentiation. Glia (in press). IF 4,932
- 416) Mentzer D., Prestel J., Adams O., Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Hengel H., Kieseier B.C., Ludwig W.D., Keller-Stanislawski B. (2012) Case definition for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy following treatment with monoclonal antibodies. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (in press). IF 4,869
- 417) Albrecht P., Bouchachia I., Zimmermann C., Hofstetter H.H., Kovacs Z., Henke N., Lisak D., Issberner A., Lewerenz J., Maher P., Goebels N., Quasthoff K., Mausberg A.K., Hartung H.-P., Methner A. (2012) Effects of dimethyl fumarate on neuroprotection and immunomodulation. Journal of Neuroinflammation 9: 163. IF 4,675
Part II – Journals – Reviews and Editorials
- 1) Hartung H.-P., Hadding U. (1983) Synthesis of complement by macrophages and modulation of their functions through complement activation. Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 6: 283-326. IF 5,479
- 2) Hartung H.-P., Hadding U. (1983) Complement components in relation to macrophage function. Agents and Actions 13: 415-428. IF 1,141
- 3) Heininger K., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Gaczkowski A., Borberg H. (1987) Therapeutic plasma exchange in myasthenia gravis: semiselective adsorption of anti-AchR autoantibodies with tryptophane-linked polyvinylalcohol gels. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 505: 898-900. IF 2,670
- 4) Hartung H.-P. (1988) Activation of macrophages by neuropeptides. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2: 275-281. IF 5,061
- 5) Hartung H.-P., Heininger K., Schäfer B., Toyka K.V. (1988) Substance P stimulates release of arachidonic acid cyclooxygenation products from primary culture rat astrocytes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 540: 427-429. IF 2,670
- 6) Hartung H.-P., Schäfer B., Fierz W., Heininger K., Diamantstein T., Toyka K.V. (1988) Suppression of P2-T cell-line mediated experimental autoimmune neuritis by interleukin 2 -receptor blockade. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 540: 563-565. IF 2,670
- 7) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V., Heininger K., Schäfer B., Fierz W. (1988) Immune mechanisms in inflammatory polyneuropathy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 540: 122-161. IF 2,670
- 8) Hartung H.-P., Heininger K. (1989) Non-specific mechanisms of inflammation and tissue damage in MS. Research in Immunology 140: 226-233. IF 1,441
- 9) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1989) Substance P, inflammation, and the immune system. International Reviews of Immunology 4: 229-249. IF 2,641
- 10) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1990) T cell and macrophage activation in EAN and the Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Annals of Neurology 27 (suppl.): 57-63. IF 9,317
- 11) Hartung H.-P. (1990) Inflammatory neuropathies. New Issues in Neuroscience 2: 75-84.
- 12) Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1991) Immune mechanisms and therapeutic approaches in inflammatory disorders of the peripheral nervous system. The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences Suppl. 1: 11-17. IF 0,421
- 13) Stoll G., Hartung H.-P. (1992) The role of macrophages in degeneration and immune-mediated demyelination of the peripheral nervous system. Advances in Neuroimmunology 2: 163-179. IF 2,43
- 14) Hartung H.-P., Jung S., Stoll G., Zielasek J., Schmidt B., Archelos J.J., Toyka K.V. (1992) Inflammatory mediators in demyelinating disorders of the CNS and PNS. Journal of Neuroimmunology 40: 197-210. IF 2,841
- 15) Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (1993) Immunopathogenesis of the Guillain-Barré syndrome and related disorders. New Issues in Neuroscience 4: 274-282.
- 16) Hartung H.-P. (1993) Neurological Progress: Immune-mediated demyelination. Annals of Neurology 33: 563-567. IF 9,317
- 17) Hartung H.-P. (1994) Experimental allergic neuritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome: immune mechanisms. A short review. Acta Neurologica Belgica 94: 120-123. IF 0,770
- 18) Polman C.H., Hartung H.-P. (1995) The treatment of multiple sclerosis: current and future. Current Opinion in Neurology 8: 200-209. IF 5,430
- 19) Hartung H.-P. (1995) Editorial Review: Pathogenesis of inflammatory demyelination – Implications for therapy. Current Opinion in Neurology 8: 191-199. IF 5,430
- 20) Hartung H.-P., Archelos J.J., Zielasek J., Gold R., Koltzenburg M., Reiners K., Toyka K.V. (1995) Circulating adhesion molecules and cytokines in inflammatory demyelination. A review. Neurology 45: 522-532. IF 8,172
- 21) Hartung H.-P., Pollard J.D., Harvey G.K., Toyka K.V. (1995) Invited review – Immunopathogenesis and treatment of the Guillain-Barré syndrome, Part I. Muscle & Nerve 18: 137-153. IF 2,287
- 22) Hartung H.-P., Pollard J.D., Harvey G.K., Toyka K.V. (1995) Invited review – Immunopathogenesis and treatment of the Guillain-Barré syndrome, Part II. Muscle & Nerve 18: 154-164. IF 2,287
- 23) Zielasek J., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Molecular mechanisms of microglial activation. Advances in Neuroimmunology 6: 191-222. IF 2,43
- 24) Giovannoni G., Hartung H.-P. (1996) The immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Current Opinion in Neurology 9: 165-177. IF 5,430
- 25) Toyka K.V., Hartung H.-P. (1996) Chronic inflammatory polyneuritis and related neuropathies. Current Opinion in Neurology 9: 240-250. IF 5,430
- 26) Hartung H.-P., Zielasek J., Jung S., Toyka K.V. (1996) Effector mechanisms in demyelinating neuropathies. Revue Neurologique Paris 152: 320-327. IF 0,605
- 27) Hartung H.-P., Willison H., Jung S., Pette M., Toyka K.V., Giegerich G. (1996) Autoimmune responses in peripheral nerve. Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 18: 97-123. IF 5,479
- 28) Stangel M., Hartung H.-P., Marx P., Gold R. (1997). Side effects of high dose intravenous immunoglobulins. Clinical Neuropharmacology 5: 385-393. IF 2,349
- 29) Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Lassmann H. (1997) T cell apoptosis in autoimmune diseases: termination of inflammation in the nervous system and other sites with specialized immune-defense mechanisms. Trends in Neurosciences 20: 399-404. IF 12,794
- 30) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B. (1997) New targets for the therapeutic action of interferon- in multiple sclerosis (Editorial). Annals of Neurology 40: 825-826. IF 9,317
- 31) Hartung H.-P., Rieckmann P. (1997) Pathogenesis of immune-mediated demyelination in the CNS. Journal of Neural Transmission (Suppl) 50: 173-181. IF 2,259
- 32) Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (1997) The role of adhesion molecules in multiple sclerosis: biology, pathogenesis and therapeutic implications. Molecular Medicine Today 3: 310-321. IF 3,458
- 33) Köller H., Siebler M., Hartung H.-P. (1997) Immunologically induced electrophysiological dysfunction: implications for inflammatory diseases of the CNS and PNS. Progress in Neurobiology 52: 1-26. IF 9,140
- 34) Hartung H.-P., van der Meché F., Pollard J.D. (1998). Editorial Review: Guillain-Barré Syndrome, CIDP and other chronic immune-mediated neuropathies. Current Opinion in Neurology 11: 497-513. IF 5,430
- 35) Steck A.J., Schaeren-Wiemers N., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Demyelinating inflammatory neuropathies, including Guillain-Barré syndrome. Current Opinion in Neurology 11: 311-318. IF 5,430
- 36) Hartung H.-P., Fazekas F., Gold R. (1998). Immune-mediated peripheral neuropathies: Therapy with intravenous immunoglobulins. Biomedical Progress 11: 38-42.
- 37) Giovannoni G., Kieseier B., Hartung H.-P. (1998). Correlating immunological and magnetic resonance imaging markers of disease activity in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 64: 31-36. IF 4,869
- 38) Stangel M., Hartung H.-P., Marx P., Gold R. (1998). Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment of neurological autoimmune diseases. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 153: 203-214. IF 2,324
- 39) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (1999) Editorial. Antibody responses in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 168: 75-77. IF 2,324
- 40) Kieseier B.C., Archelos J.J., Storch M., Gold R., Hartung H.-P. (1999) The immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis: a survey of recent advances and implications for future therapy. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 111: 728-737. IF 0,955
- 41) Auer-Grumbach M., Wagner K., Payer F., Hartung H.-P. (1999) „Proximal“ Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome with duplication on chromosome 17p.11.2. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 883: 469-471. IF 2,670
- 42) Kieseier B.C., Clements J.M., Gearing A.J.H., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Matrix metalloproteinases exhibit different expression patterns in inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 878: 567-570. IF 2,670
- 43) Kieseier B.C., Seifert T., Giovannoni G., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Matrix metalloproteinases in inflammatory demyelination – targets for a novel treatment strategy. Neurology 53: 20-25. IF 8,172
- 44) Noseworthy J.H., Gold R., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Editorial Review: Treatment of multiple sclerosis: recent trials and future perspectives. Current Opinion in Neurology 12: 279-293. IF 5,430
- 45) Martino G., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis: the role of T cells. Current Opinion in Neurology 12: 309-321. IF 5,430
- 46) Kieseier B., Storch M.K., Archelos J.J., Martino G., Hartung H.-P. (1999) Effector pathways in immune mediated central nervous system demyelination. Current Opinion in Neurology 12: 323-336. IF 5,430
- 47) Paty D.W., Hartung H.-P., Ebers G.C., Soelberg-Sorensen P., Abramsky O., Kesselring J., Delwel G.O. (1999) Management of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: diagnosis and treatment guidelines. European Journal of Neurology 6 (suppl.1): 1-35. IF 2,510
- 48) Gold R., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (1999). Mechanisms of immune regulation in the peripheral nervous system. Brain Pathology 9: 343-360. IF 5,903
- 49) Hartung H.-P. (1999). Infections and the Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Editorial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 66: 277. IF 4,869
- 50) Archelos J.J., Previtali S.C., Hartung H.-P. (1999). The role of integrins in immune-mediated diseases of the nervous system. Trends in Neurosciences 22: 30-38. IF 12,794
- 51) Roob G., Fazekas F., Hartung H.-P. (1999). Peripheral facial palsy – a review. European Neurology 41: 3-9. IF 1,494
- 52) Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (2000) Animal models for autoimmune demyelinating disorders of the nervous system. Molecular Medicine Today 62: 88-91. IF 3,458
- 53) Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Pathogenetic role of autoantibodies in neurological diseases. Trends in Neurosciences 23: 317-327. IF 12,794
- 54) Archelos J.J., Storch M.K., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Neurological progress: B cells and autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 47: 694-706. IF 9,317
- 55) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2000) The role of matrix metalloproteinases in autoimmune damage to the central and peripheral nervous system. Journal of Neuroimmunology 107: 140-149. IF 2,841
- 56) Kieseier B.C., Storch M.K., Hartung H.-P. (2000) Toxic effector molecules in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated disorders of the central nervous system. Journal of Neural Transmission (Suppl) 59: 69-80. IF 2,259
- 57) Previtali S., Felti M.L., Archelos J.J., Quattrini A., Wrabetz L., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Role of integrins in the peripheral nervous system. Progress in Neurobiology 64: 35-49. IF 9,140
- 58) Kiefer R., Kieseier B.C., Stoll G., Hartung H.-P. (2001) The role of macrophages in immune-mediated damage to the peripheral nervous system. Progress in Neurobiology 64: 109-127. IF 9,140
- 59) Hartung H.-P., Grossman R.I. (2001) ADEM: distinct disease or part of the MS spectrum? Neurology 56: 1257-1260. IF 8,172
- 60) Neuhaus O., Hartung H.-P. (2001) In search of a disease marker: the cytokine profile of primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 7: 143-144. IF 3,279
- 61) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Acute and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathies. Continuum 7: 119-131.
- 62) Coyle P.K., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Use of interferon beta in multiple sclerosis: rationale for early treatment and evidence for dose- and frequency-dependent effects on clinical response. Multiple Sclerosis 8: 2-9. IF 3,279
- 63) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Kiefer R. (2001) Progress in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Current Opinion in Neurology 14: 597-604. IF 5,430
- 64) Kiefer R., Kieseier B.C., Stoll G., Hartung H.-P. (2001) The role of macrophages in immune-mediated damage to the peripheral nervous system. Progress in Neurobiology 64: 109-127. IF 9,140
- 65) Feasby T.E., Hartung H.-P. (2001) Drain the roots: a new treatment for Guillain-Barre syndrome? Neurology 57: 753-754. IF 8,172
- 66) Hemmer B., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (2002) New concepts in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3: 291-301. IF 26,483
- 67) Hartung H.-P., Willison H.J., Kieseier B.C. (2002) Acute immunoinflammatory neuropathy: update on Guillain-Barré syndrome. Current Opinion in Neurology 15: 571-577. IF 5,430
- 68) Quasthoff S., Hartung H.-P. (2002) Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Journal of Neurology 249: 9-17. IF 2,903
- 69) Kiefer R., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2002) Immune-mediated neuropathies. Advances in Neurology 88: 111-131. IF 1,054
- 70) Willison H., Stoll G., Toyka K.V., Berger T., Hartung H.-P. (2002) Autoimmunity and inflammation in the peripheral nervous system. Trends in Neurosciences 25: 127-129. IF 12,794
- 71) Stangel M., Hartung H.-P. (2002) Despair of repair. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 72: 1-4. IF 4,869
- 72) Stangel M., Hartung H.-P. (2002) Remyelinating strategies for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Progress in Neurobiology 68: 361-376. IF 9,140
- 73) Kieseier B.C., Dalakas M.C., Hartung H.-P. (2002) Immune mechanisms in chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. Neurology 59: 7-12 IF 8,172
- 74) Hemmer B., Kieseier B., Cepok S., Hartung H.-P. (2003) New immunopathologic insights into multiple sclerosis. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 3: 246-255. IF 2,250
- 75) Auer-Grumbach M., De Jonghe P., Verhoeven K., Timmerman V., Wagner K., Hartung H.-P., Nicholson G.A. (2003) Autosomal dominant inherited neuropathies with prominent sensory loss and mutilations: a review. Archives of Neurology 60: 329-334. IF 6,312
- 76) Neuhaus O., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Immunomodulation in multiple sclerosis: from immunosuppression to neuroprotection. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 24: 131-138. IF 9,064
- 77) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Current disease-modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis. Seminars in Neurology 23: 133-146 Eratum in: 23: 343-344. IF 2,528
- 78) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Multiple paradigm shifts in multiple sclerosis. Current Opinion in Neurology 16: 247-252. IF 5,430
- 79) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Therapeutic strategies in the Guillain-Barre syndrome. Seminars in Neurology 23: 159-168. IF 2,528
- 80) Quattrini A., Previtali S.C., Kieseier B.C., Kiefer R., Comi G., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Autoimmunity in the peripheral nervous system. Critical Reviews Neurobiology 15(1): 1-39.
- 81) Neuhaus O., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (2003) Statins in multiple sclerosis: a new therapeutic option? Multiple Sclerosis 9: 429-30. IF 3,279
- 82) Neuhaus O., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Mitoxantrone (Novantrone®) in multiple sclerosis – new insights. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 4: 17-26. IF 2,991
- 83) Stuve O., Prod’homme T., Youssef S., Dunn S., Neuhaus O., Weber H., Hartung H.-P., Steinman L., Zamvil SS. (2004) Statins as potential therapeutic agents in multiple sclerosis Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 4(3): 237-44. IF 2,250
- 84) Neuhaus O., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Immune mediated injury, oxidative toxicity and excitotoxicity in multiple sclerosis – possibilities for immune modulation and neuroprotection. Cuadernos de Esclerosis Múltiple 17: 8-21.
- 85) Billiau A., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Biologic role of interferon beta in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 251 Suppl 2:II10-4. IF 2,903
- 86) Neuhaus O., Stuve O., Zamvil S.S., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Are statins a treatment option for multiple sclerosis? Lancet Neurology 369-71. IF 18,126
- 87) Neuhaus O., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Mechanisms of mitoxantrone in multiple sclerosis – what is known? Journal of the Neurological Sciences 223: 25-7. IF 2,324
- 88) Hartung H.-P., Munschauer F.E. (2004) Assessment and management of neurtralizing antibodies in patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 251 Suppl:II 40-2. IF 2,903
- 89) Kieseier B.C., Kiefer R., Gold R., Hemmer B., Willison H.J., Hartung H.-P. (2004) Advances in understanding and treatment of immune-mediated disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Muscle & Nerve 30:131-36. IF 2,287
- 90) Hartung H.-P., Bar-Or A., Zoukos Y. (2004) What do we know about the mechanism of action of disease-modifying treatment in MS? Journal of Neurology 251 Suppl-v12-v29. IF 2,903
- 91) Neuhaus O., Stuve O., Archelos J.J., Hartung H.-P. (2005) Putative mechanisms of action of statins in multiple sclerosis – comparison to interferon-ß and glatiramer acetate. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 233: 173-177. IF 2,324
- 92) Neuhaus O., Stuve O., Zamvil S.S., Hartung H.-P. (2005) Evaluation of hydroxy-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors for multiple sclerosis – opportunities and obstacles. CNS Drugs 19: 833-841. IF 3,879
- 93) Hemmer B., Stuve O., Kieseier B.C. Schellekens H., Hartung H.-P. (2005) Immune response to immunotherapy – The role of neutralizing antibodies to beta-interferons in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurology 4: 403-412. IF 18,126
- 94) Menge T., Hartung H.-P., Stuve O. (2005) Statins – A cure-all for the brain? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6: 325-331. IF 26,483
- 95) Koller H., Kieseier B.C., Jander S., Hartung H.-P. (2005) Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. New England Journal of Medicine 352: 1343-1356. IF 47,050
- 96) Menge T., Hemmer B., Nessler S., Wiendl H., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Stüve O. (2005) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – an update. Archives of Neurology 62: 1673-1680. IF 6,312
- 97) Frohman E.M., Stüve O., Havrdova E., Corboy J., Achiron A., Zivadinov R., Sorensen P.S., Phillips J.T., Weinshenker B., Hawker K., Hartung H.-P., Steinman L., Zamvil S., Cree B.A., Hauser S., Weiner H., Racke M.K., Filippi M. (2005) Therapeutic Considerations for Disease Progression in Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence, Experience, and Future Expectations. Archives of Neurology 62: 1519-1530. IF 6,312
- 98) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Hemmer B. (2005) Purely systemically active anti-inflammatory treatments are adequate to control multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 252: 5: v30-v37. IF 2,903
- 99) Gold R., Hartung H.-P. (2005) Towards individualised MS therapy. Lancet Neurology 4: 693-694. IF 18,126
- 100) Hartung H.-P. (2005) Early treatment and dose optimisation BENEFIT and BEYOND. Journal of Neurology 252: iii44-iii50. IF 2,903
- 101) Frohman E.M., Filippi M., Stüve O., Waxman S.G., Corboy J., Phillips J.T., Lucchinetti C., Wilken J., Karandikar N., Hemmer B., Monson N., De Keyser J., Hartung H.-P., Steinman L., Oksenberg J.R., Cree B.A., Hauser S., Racke M.K. (2005) Characterizing the mechanisms of progression in multiple sclerosis: evidence and new hypotheses for future directions. Archives of Neurology 62: 1345-1356. IF 6,312
- 102) Hartung H.-P., Munschauer F. 3rd, Schellekens H. (2005) Significance of neutralizing antibodies of interferon beta during treatment of multiple sclerosis: expert opinions based on the Proceedings of an International Consensus Conference. European Journal of Neurology 12: 588-601. IF 2,510
- 103) Neuhaus O., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2006) Mitoxantrone in multiple sclerosis. Advances in Neurology 98: 293-302. IF 1,054
- 104) Neuhaus O., Kieseier B., Hartung H.-P. (2006) Therapeutic role of mitoxantrone in multiple sclerosis. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109: 198-209. IF 8,897
- 105) Hemmer B., Frohman E., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O. (2006) Central nervous system infections – a potential complication of systemic immunotherapy. Current Opinion in Neurology 19: 271-276. IF 5,430
- 106) Hemmer B., Nessler S., Zhou D., Kieseier B., Hartung H.-P. (2006) Immunopathogenesis and immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 2: 201-211. IF 6,362
- 107) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Hetzel G.R., Stüve O., Kieseier B.C. (2006) Plasma exchange in Neuroimmunological Disorders – Part 1: Rationale, and Treatment of inflammatory Central Nervous System Disorders. Archives of Neurology 63: 930-935. IF 6,312
- 108) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Hetzel G.R., Stüve O., Kieseier B.C. (2006) Plasma exchange in Neuroimmunological Disorders – Part 2: Treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders. Archives of Neurology 63: 1066-1071. IF 6,312
- 109) Kieseier B.C., Wiendl H., Hartung H.-P. (2006) The inflamed peripheral nervous system: update on immune therapies. Current Opinion in Neurology 19: 433-436. IF 5,430
- 110) Kieseier B.C., Wiendl H., Hartung H.-P. (2006) Immune circuitry in the peripheral nervous system. Current Opinion in Neurology 19: 437-445. IF 5,430
- 111) Schneider-Gold C., Hartung H.-P., Gold R. (2006) Mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus: new therapeutic options in neuroimmunological diseases. Muscle & Nerve 34: 284-291. IF 2,287
- 112) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Interferon-beta and neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis – facts, hopes and phantasies. Experimental Neurology 203: 1-4. IF 3,914
- 113) Zipp F., Waiczies F., Aktas O., Neuhaus O., Hemmer B., Schraven B., Nitsch R., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Impact of HMG-CoA reductase inhibition on brain pathology. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 28: 342-349. IF 9,064
- 114) Hartung H.-P. (2007) McAlpine’s Multiple Sclerosis. Book review. New England Journal of Medicine 356: 534-535. IF 47,050
- 115) Kappos L., Bates D., Hartung H.-P., Havrdova E., Miller D., Polman C.H., Ravnborg M., Hauser S.L., Rudick R.A., Weiner H.L., O’Connor P.W., King J., Radue E.W., Yousry T., Major E.O., Clifford D.B. (2007) Natalizumab treatment for multiple sclerosis: Recommendations for patient selection and monitoring. Lancet Neurology 6: 431-441. IF 18,126
- 116) Hartung H.-P., Polman C., Bertolotto A., Deisenhammer F., Giovannoni G., Havrdova E., Hemmer B., Hillert J., Kappos L., Kieseier B., Killestein J., Malcus C., Comabella M., Pachner A., Schellekens H., Sellebjerg F., Selmaj K., Soelberg Sorensen P. (2007) Neutralising antibodies to interferonß in multiple sclerosis: Expert panel report. Journal of Neurology 254: 827-837. IF 2,903
- 117) Menge T., Kieseier B.C., Nessler S., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O. (2007) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: an acute hit against the brain. Current Opinion in Neurology 20: 247-254. IF 5,430
- 118) Stüve O., Marra C.M., Cravens P.D., Singh M.P., Hu W., Lovett-Racke A., Monson N.L., Phillips J.T., Cohen Tervaert J.W., Nash R.A., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Racke M.M., Frohman E.M., Hemmer B. (2007) Potential risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with natalizumab therapy – possible interventions. Archives of Neurology 64: 169-176. IF 6,312
- 119) Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Toward the development of rational therapies in multiple sclerosis: what is on the horizon? Annals of Neurology 62: 314-326. IF 9,317
- 120) Meyer zu Hörste G., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2007) From bench to bedside –experimental rationale for immune-specific therapies in the inflamed peripheral nerve. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 3: 198-211 IF 6,362
- 121) Kieseier B.C., Wiendl H., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Treatment and treatment trials in MS. Current Opinion in Neurology 20: 286-293. IF 5,430
- 122) Neuhaus O., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Evaluation of atorvastatin and simvastatin for treatment of mutliple sclerosis. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 7: 547-556. IF 2,991
- 123) Filippi M., Hartung H.-P. (2007) What do we really see when we look at MR images? Annals of Neurology 62: 207-209. IF 9,317
- 124) Gold R., Jawad A., Miller D.H., Henderson D.C., Fassas A., Fierz W., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Expert opinion: Guidelines for the use of natalizumab in multiple sclerosis patients previously treated with immunomodulating therapies. Journal of Neuroimmunology 187: 156-158. IF 2,841
- 125) Neuhaus O., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2007) Immunosuppressive agents in multiple sclerosis. Neurotherapeutics 4: 654-660. IF 6,084
- 126) Weber M.S., Stuve O., Neuhaus O., Hartung H.-P., Zamvil S.S. (2007) Spotlight on statins. International MS Journal 14: 93-97.
- 127) Meyer zu Hörste G., Hu W., Hartung H.-P., Lehmann H.C., Kieseier B.C. (2008) The immunocompetence of Schwann cells. Muscle & Nerve 37: 3-13. IF 2,287
- 128) Hu W., Kieseier B., Frohman E., Eagar T.N., Rosenberg R.N., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O (2008) Prion proteins: physiological functions and role in neurological disorders. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 264: 1-8. IF 2,324
- 129) Stüve O., Bennett J.L., Hemmer B., Wiendl H., Racke M.K., Bar-Or A., Hu W., Zivadinov R., Weber M.S., Zamvil S.S., Pacheco M.F., Menge T., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B., Frohman E. (2008) Pharmacological treatment of early multiple sclerosis. Drugs 68: 73-83. IF 4,732
- 130) Killestein J., Hartung H.-P. (2008) Interferon-beta in multiple sclerosis: predicting response at an early stage. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 79: 616-617. IF 4,869
- 131) Farrell R., Bendtzen K., Bertolotto A., Clark B., Comabella M., Deisenhammer F., Fogdell-Hahn A., Giovannoni G., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B., Hillert J., Kappos L., Killestein J., Lindberg R., Montalban X., Polman C., Sorensen P.S., Goodin D.S., Hurwitz B., Noronha A. (2008) Neutralizing antibodies to interferon beta-1b are not associated with disease worsening in multiple sclerosis. Journal of International Medical Research 36: 204-210. IF 0,938
- 132) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P. (2008) Complementing the therapeutic armamentarium for Miller Fisher Syndrome and related immune neuropathies. Brain 131: 1168-1170. IF 9,490
- 133) Hartung H.-P. Book review on Hauser S.L., Josephson S.A., English J.D., Engstrom J.W. (2008) Harrison’s neurology in clinical medicine. Archives of Neurology 65: 554. IF 6,312
- 134) Kieseier B.C., Meyer zu Hörste G., Lehmann H.C., Gold R., Hartung H.-P. (2008) Intravenous immunoglobulins in the treatment of immune neuropathies. Current Opinion in Neurology 21: 555-562. IF 5,430
- 135) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Meyer zu Hörste G., Kieseier B.C. (2008) Plasma exchange in immune-mediated neuropathies. Current Opinion in Neurology 21: 547-554. IF 5,430
- 136) Hofstetter H.H., Stüve O., Hartung H.-P. (2008) Temporary leukocyte effects in temporal lobe epilepsy? Experimental Neurology 212: 239-241. IF 3,914
- 137) Hofstetter H.H., Stüve O., Hartung H.-P. (2008) Fine-tuning the homeostasis of regulatory T cells: new mechanism of immunomodulatory therapy in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 65: 1417-1418. IF 6,312
- 138) Hartung H.-P. (2008) Advances in the understanding of the mechanism of action of IVIg. Journal of Neurology 2008; 255, Suppl. 3: 3-6. IF 2,903
- 139) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2008) Advances in biotechnology and novel insights into pathophysiology have contributed to an increased understanding of the pathomechanisms of diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system. Editorial. Current Opinion in Neurology 21: 517-518. IF 5,430
- 140) Wiendl H., Toyka K.V., Rieckmann P., Gold R., Hartung H.-P., Hohlfeld R. Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Consensus Group. (2008) Basic and escalating immunomodulatory treatments in multiple sclerosis: Current therapeutic recommendations. Journal of Neurology 255: 1449-1463. IF 2,903
- 141) Menge T., Weber M.S., Hemmer B., Kieseier B.C., von Büdingen H.C., Warnke C., Zamvil S.S., Boster A., Khan O., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O. (2008) Disease-modifying agents for mutliple sclerosis: recent advances and future prospects. Drugs 68: 2445-2468. IF 4,732
- 142) Hartung H.-P. (2009) New cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy after treatment with natalizumab. Lancet Neurology 8: 28-31. IF 18,126
- 143) Hofstetter H. H., Stüve O., Hartung H.-P. (2009) Is 1+1 0, 1, 2, or 11? Arithmetics of antiinflammatory agents in autoimmunity. Experimental Neurology 217: 4-6. IF 3,914
- 144) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P. (2009) Variants of Guillain-Barré syndrome: low incidence but high impact. Journal of Neurology 256: 1909-1910. IF 2,903
- 145) Hartung H.-P. (2009) High-dose, high-frequency recombinant interferon beta-1a in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 10: 291-309. IF 2,018
- 146) Kieseier B.C., Wiendl H., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O. (2009) The future of multiple sclerosis therapy. Pharmacological Research 60: 207-211. IF 3,929
- 147) Tumani H., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B., Teunissen C., Deisenhammer F., Giovannoni G., Zettl U.K., and the BioMS Study Group. (2009) Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in multiple sclerosis. Neurobiology of Disease 35: 117-127. IF 4,518
- 148) Hofstetter H., Gold R., Hartung H.-P. (2009) Th17 cells in MS and Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. International MS Journal 16: 12-18.
- 149) Hofstetter H.H, Smolianov V., Hartung H.-P. (2009) Untired regulatory T cells: untying fatigue from T cell regulation in multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology 62: 327-329. IF 2,510
- 150) Aktas O., Hartung H.-P. (2009) Neuromyelitis and more: the unfolding spectrum of aquaporin 4-related neurological diseases. Journal of Neurology 256: 1906-1908. IF 2,903
- 151) Hartung H.-P., Aktas O. (2009) Bleak prospects for primary progressive multiple sclerosis therapy: downs and downs, but a glimmer of hope. Annals of Neurology 66: 429-432. IF 9,317
- 152) Hartung H.-P., Mouthon L., Ahmed R., Jordan S., Laupland K.B., Jolles S. (2009) Clinical applications of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) – Beyond immunodeficiencies and neurology. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 158: 23-33. IF 3,009
- 153) Lehmann H.C., Meyer zu Hörste G., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2009) Pathogenesis and treatment of immune-mediated neuropathies. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 2: 261-281.
- 154) Hartung H.-P. (2009) New oral therapies may offer improved treatment options for patients with multiple sclerosis. Current Opinion in Neurology (Suppl.) 22: S10-S14. IF 5,430
- 155) Warnke C., Meyer zu Hörste G., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O., Kieseier B.C. (2009) Review of teriflunomide and its potential in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 5: 333-340.
- 156) Aktas O., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2010) Neuroprotection, regeneration and immunomodulation: broadening the therapeutic repertoire in multiple sclerosis. Trends in Neurosciences 33: 140-152. IF 12,794
- 157) Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2010) Bioavailability of interferon-beta in patients with multiple sclerosis – fishing for the surrogate. European Journal of Neurology 17: 344-345. IF 2,510
- 158) Chun J, Hartung H.-P. (2010) Mechanism of action of oral fingolimod (FTY720) in multiple sclerosis. Clinical Neuropharmacology 33: 91-101 IF 2,349
- 159) Awad A., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Bennett J.L., Stuve O. (2010) Analyses of cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology 219: 1-7. IF 2,841
- 160) Hartung H.-P., Aktas O., Kieseier B.C., Comi G. (2010) Development of oral cladribine for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 257: 163-170. IF 2,903
- 161) Warnke C., Menge T., Hartung H.-P., Racke M.K., Cravens P.D., Bennett J.L., Frohman E.M., Greenberg B.M., Zamvil S.S., Gold R., Hemmer B., Kieseier B.C., Stüve O. (2010) Natalizumab and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: what are the causal factors and can it be avoided? Archives of Neurology 67: 923-930. IF 6,312
- 162) Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Atacicept – targeting B cells in multiple sclerosis. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 3: 205-216.
- 163) Polman C.H., Bertolotto A., Deisenhammer F., Giovannoni G., Hartung H.-P., Hemmer B., Killestein J., McFarland H.F., Oger J., Pachner A.R., Petkau J., Reder A.T., Reingold S.C., Schellekens H., Soelberg-Sorensen P. (2010) Recommendations for clinical use of data on neutralising antibodies to interferon-beta therapy in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurology 9: 740-750. IF 18,126
- 164) Hartung H.-P., Aktas O. (2010) Oral therapies for multiple sclerosis: are we there yet? Lancet Neurology 9: 454-457. IF 18,126
- 165) Stüve O., Kieseier B.C., Hemmer B., Hartung H.-P., Awad A., Frohman E.M., Greenberg B.M., Racke M.K., Zamvil S.S., Phillips J.T., Gold R., Chan A., Zettl U., Milo R., Marder E., Khan O., Eagar T.N. (2010) Translational research in neurology and neuroscience 2010: multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology 67: 1307-1315. IF 6,312
- 166) Aktas O., Küry P., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2010) Fingolimod is a potential novel therapy for multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Neurology 6: 373-382. IF 6,362
- 167) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C., Hughes R.A. (2010) Guillain-Barré syndrome after exposure to influenza virus. Lancet of Infectious Diseases 10: 643-651. IF 15,583
- 168) Warnke C., Wiendl H., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O., Kieseier B.C. (2010) Identification of targets and new developments in the treatment of multiple sclerosis-focus on cladribine. Drug Design, Development & Therapy 4: 117-126.
- 169) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P. (2010) Varicella-zoster virus: another trigger of Guillain-Barré syndrome? Clinical Infectious Diseases 51: 531-533. IF 8,195
- 170) Mix E., Meyer-Rienecker H., Hartung H.-P., Zettl U.K. (2010) Animal models of multiple sclerosis-potentials and limitations. Progress in Neurobiology 92: 386-404. IF 9,140
- 171) Kremer D., Aktas O., Hartung H.-P., Küry P. (2010) The complex world of oligodendroglial differentiation inhibitors. Annals of Neurology 69: 602-618. IF 9,317
- 172) Kotter M., Stadelmann C., Hartung H.-P. (2011) Enhancing remyelination in disease – can we wrap it up? Brain 134: 1882-1900. IF 9,490
- 173) Menge T, Hartung HP, Kieseier BC. (2011) Neutralizing antibodies in interferon beta treated patients with multiple sclerosis: knowing what to do now. Journal of Neurology 258: 904-907. IF 2,903
- 174) Hartung H.-P., Lehmann H.C., Willison H.J. (2011) Establishing common clinical research standards for CIDP. Nature Reviews Neurology 7: 250-251. IF 6,362
- 175) Hartung H.-P., Montalban X., Sorensen P.S., Vermersch P., Olsson T. (2011) Principles of a new treatment algorithm in multiple sclerosis. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 11: 351-362. IF 2,991
- 176) Aktas O., Hartung H.-P. (2011) Beyond axonal transection: Hippocampal damage in Multiple Sclerosis. Annals of Neurology 69: 433-436. IF 9,317
- 177) Kieseier B.C., Wiendl H., Hartung H.-P., Leussink V.I., Stüve O. (2011) Risks and benefits of multiple sclerosis therapies: need for continual assessment? Current Opinion in Neurology 24: 238-243. IF 5,430
- 178) Dihné M., Hartung H.-P., Seitz R.J. (2011) Restoring neuronal function after stroke by cell replacement: anatomic and functional considerations. Stroke 42: 2342-2350. IF 7,041
- 179) Hartung H.-P., Lehmann H.C., Kieseier B.C., Hughes R. (2011) Novel treatment for immune neuropathies on the horizon. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16: 75-83. IF 3,623
- 180) Warnke C., Stüve O, Hartung H.-P., Fogdell-Hahn A., Kieseier BC. (2011) Critical appraisal of the role of fingolimod in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 7: 519-527.
- 181) Winkelmann A., Loebermann M., Reisinger E.C., Hartung H.-P., Zettl U.K. (2011) Fingolimod treatment for multiple sclerosis patients What do we do with varicella? Annals of Neurology 70: 673-674; author reply 674. IF 9,317
- 182) Latov N., Dalakas M., Vallat J.M., Donofrio P., Hartung H.-P., Toyka K.V. (2011) Biomarkers in the diagnosis and therapy of CIDP: Proceedings of the Biomarkers Faculty Meeting; June 8-9, 2010, Athens, Greece. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System Suppl. 1: 1-2. IF 3,623
- 183) Hughes R., Hartung H.-P. (2011) Neuroimmunology: Assessing the value of plasma exchange in neurology. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 7: 309-10. IF 26,483
- 184) Riminton D.S., Hartung H.-P., Reddel S.W. (2011) Managing the risks of immunosuppression. Current Opinion in Neurology 3: 217-223. IF 5,430
- 185) Meyer zu Hörste G., Mausberg A.K., Müller J.I., Lehmann H.C., Löber S., Gmeiner P., Hartung H.-P., Stüve O., Korth C., Kieseier B.C. (2011) Quinpramine ameliorates rat experimental autoimmune neuritis and redistributes MHC class II molecules. PLoS One 6: e21223. IF 4,230
- 186) Menge T., Hartung H.-P., Kieseier B.C. (2011) Neutralizing antibodies in interferon beta treated patients with multiple sclerosis: knowing what to do now (Editorial). European Journal of Neurology 258: 904-907. IF 2,510
- 187) Hartung H.-P., Aktas O. (2011) Evolution of multiple sclerosis treatment: next generation therapies meet next generation efficacy criteria. Lancet Neurology 10: 293-295. IF 18,126
- 188) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P. (2011) Plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulins: Mechanism of action in immune-mediated neuropathies. Journal of Neuroimmunology 231: 61-69. IF 2,841
- 189) Loebermann M., Winkelmann A., Hartung H.-P., Hengel H., Reisinger E.C., Zettl U.K. (2012) Vaccination against infection in patients with multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Neurology 8: 143-151. IF 6,362
- 190) Hartung H.-P., Dihné M. (2012) Volume transmission–mediated encephalopathies: a possible new concept? Archives of Neurology 69: 315-321. IF 6,312
- 191) Warnke C., Leussink V.I., Goebels N., Aktas O., Boyko A., Kieseier B.C, Hartung H.-P. (2012) Cladribine as a therapeutic option in multiple sclerosis. Clinical Immunology 142: 68-75. IF 3,932
- 192) Ingwersen J., Aktas O., Kuery P., Kieseier B., Boyko A., Hartung H.-P. (2012) Fingolimod in multiple sclerosis: mechanisms of action and clinical efficacy. Clinical Immunology 142: 15-24. IF 3,932
- 193) Lehmann H.C., Hughes R.A., Kieseier B.C., Hartung H.-P. (2012) Recent developments and future directions in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System (in press). IF 3,623
- 194) Yuki N., Hartung H.-P. (2012) Guillain-Barré Syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 366: 2294-2304. IF 47,050
- 195) Lehmann H.C., Hartung H.-P. (2012) Progress in untying the Gordian nodes of Ranvier in Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Experimental Neurology 235: 211-213. IF 3,914
- 196) Hartung H.-P. (2012) Advances in the management of multiple sclerosis-related spasticity. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 12: 1. IF 2,991
- 197) Hughes R., Hartung H.-P. (2012) Author’s reply: Plasma exchange: are bigger studies necessarily better? Nature Reviews Neurology 8: 410. IF 6,362
Part III – Journals – Reviews in German language
- 1. Hartung HP, Heininger K, Toyka KV (1988) Neuromuskuläre Manifestationen der HIV-1 und HTLV-I Infektionen. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 113: 1975-1981. IF 0,625
- 2. Wurthmann C, Hartung HP, Dengler W, Gerhardt P (1989) Kleine-Levin-Syndrom. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 114: 1528-1531. IF 0,625
- 3. Wurthmann C, Hartung HP, Neuen-Jacob E, Dengler W (1989) Schwere Dermatomyositis – ein ungewöhnlicher Verlauf. Die Medizinische Welt 40: 1392-1394.
- 4. Hartung HP, Heininger K, Toyka KV (1990) Neue Aspekte zur Pathogenese und Therapie des Guillain-Barré Syndroms und der chronischen Polyneuritis. Nervenarzt 61: 197-207. IF 0,814
- 5. Künstler E, Hartung HP, Warmuth-Metz M, Seeldrayers P, Toyka KV (1991) Die magnetresonanztomographische Diagnostik bei MS ist sinnvoll. Aktuelle Neurologie 18: 105-108. IF 0,295
- 6. Kappos L, Theobald K, Hartung HP (1992) 15±deoxyspergualin, eine Hoffnung für MS-Betroffene? Nervenarzt 63: 768-771. IF 0,814
- 7. Gold R, Hartung HP (1993) Therapie der Immunneuropathien. Aktuelle Neurologie 20: 147-160. IF 0,295
- 8. Hartung HP (1993) Pathophysiologie entzündlicher Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems. Aktuelle Neurologie 20: 71-76. IF 0,295
- 9. Pette M, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1994) Die immunaugmentative Therapie als Behandlung der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 65: 878-880. IF 0,814
- 10. Hartung HP, Gold R, Zielasek J, Archelos JJ, Toyka KV (1994) Therapie der akuten Polyradikuloneuritis (Guillain-Barré Syndrom). Nervenarzt 65: 807-818. IF 0,814
- 11. Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (1994) Interferon-ß zur Behandlung der schubförmig verlaufenden Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 65: 139-145. IF 0,814
- 12. Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R, Toyka KV (1994) Behandlung der Multiplen Sklerose mit IFN-ß. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 91: 965-970.
- 13. Pette M, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1994) Cyclophosphamid in der Therapie der chronisch-progredienten Multiplen Sklerose – kritische Analyse der vorliegenden Studien. Nervenarzt 65: 271-274. IF 0,814
- 14. Gold R, Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1995) Stellenwert intravenöser 7S-Immunglobuline in der Behandlung der multiplen Sklerose. Aktuelle Neurologie 22: 224-228. IF 0,295
- 15. Weilbach FX, Voltz R, Hohlfeld R, Hartung HP (1995) Copolymer-1 in der Behandlung der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 66: 473-477. IF 0,814
- 16. Flachenecker P, Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1995) Aktive Schutzimpfungen bei Multipler Sklerose. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 120: 1513-1516. IF 0,625
- 17. Weilbach FX, Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1995) Orales, niedrig dosiertes Methotrexat bei chronisch progredienter Multipler Sklerose. Eine vorläufige kritische Analyse. Nervenarzt 66: 643-647. IF 0,814
- 18. Gold R, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1995) Kortikosteroidtherapie neurologischer Autoimmunerkrankungen. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 137: 512-514.
- 19. Flachenecker P, Hartung HP (1995) Multiple Sklerose und Schwangerschaft. Übersicht und Stand der europäischen PRIMS Studie. Nervenarzt 66: 97-104. IF 0,814
- 20. Weilbach FX, Hartung HP (1995) Cladribin bei chronisch progredienter Multipler Sklerose. Nervenarzt 66: 299-303. IF 0,814
- 21. Gold R, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1995) Therapie mit Immunglobulinen bei neurologischen Autoimmunerkrankungen. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie 63: 17-29. IF 0,793
- 22. Rieckmann P, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1996) Rekombinante Beta-Interferone: Immunmodulatorische Therapie der schubförmigen Multiplen Sklerose. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 46: 3022-3027.
- 23. Weilbach FX, Hartung HP (1996) Immunmodulation bei multipler Sklerose: Linomide. Nervenarzt 67: 701-705. IF 0,814
- 24. Flachenecker P, Hartung HP (1996) Krankheitsverlauf und Prognose der Multiplen Sklerose. 1 Teil: Der natürliche Krankheitsverlauf. Nervenarzt 67: 435-443. IF 0,814
- 25. Flachenecker P, Hartung HP (1996) Krankheitsverlauf und Prognose der Multiplen Sklerose. 2. Teil: Prädiktiver Wert klinischer und paraklinischer Faktoren. Nervenarzt 67: 444-451. IF 0,814
- 26. Flachenecker P, Hartung HP (1996) EDMUS – eine europäische Datenbank für multiple Sklerose. Nervenarzt 67: 277-282. IF 0,814
- 27. Hartung HP, Pette M, Reiners K, Toyka KV (1996) Akutes Guillain-Barré-Syndrom / Miller-Fisher-Syndrom. Nervenheilkunde 15: 15-20. IF 0,373
- 28. Reiners K, Hartung HP (1996) Paraproteinämische Polyneuropathien. Nervenheilkunde 15: 27-39. IF 0,373
- 29. Gold R, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1996) Immunmodulierende Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Therapiewoche 10: 532-536.
- 30. Hartung HP, Hohlfeld (1997) Interferon-beta 1a in der Therapie der schubförmigen Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 68: 525-527. IF 0,814
- 31. Weilbach F, Hartung HP (1997) Physikalisches Trauma und multiple Sklerose. Nervenarzt 68: 940-944. IF 0,814
- 32. Walther EU, Dang T, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (1997) Bildung von neutralisierenden Antikörpern unter Therapie der multiplen Sklerose mit Interferon beta-1b: Praktisches Vorgehen bei Verdacht auf Therapieversagen. Nervenarzt 68: 935-939. IF 0,814
- 33. Weilbach FX, Hartung HP (1997) Betainterferone 1a und 1b zur Therapie der schubförmigen multiplen Sklerose: Avonex, Betaferon, Rebif. Internistische Praxis 37: 845-852.
- 34. Hartung HP, Gold R, Fazekas F (1998). Immun-Neuropathien: Einsatz von intravenös applizierbaren Immunglobulinen. Die gelben Hefte 38: 98-104.
- 35. Pöhlau D, Aktas O, Epplen C, Hartung HP, Hoffmann V, Przuntek H (1998) Remyelinisierungsförderung als zukünftiges Therapieprinzip der Multiplen Sklerose? Nervenarzt 69: 841-850. IF 0,814
- 36. Rieckmann P, Hartung HP (1998) Interferon beta-1a: Ein zweites gentechnisch hergestelltes Zytokin zur Behandlung der schubförmigen multiplen Sklerose. Arzneimitteltherapie 16: 39-40.
- 37. Fazekas F, Strasser-Fuchs S, Hartung HP (1998) Intravenöse Immunglobuline in der Therapie der schubförmigen multiplen Sklerose. Ein Update. Nervenarzt 69: 361-365. IF 0,814
- 38. Roob G, Kleinert R, Seifert T, Lechner A, Kapeller R, Kleinert G, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Hartung HP (1999) Hinweise auf zerebrale Mikroblutungen in der MRT. Nervenarzt 70: 1082-1087. IF 0,814
- 39. Auer-Grumbach M, Wagner K, Fazekas F, Löscher WN, Strasser-Fuchs S, Hartung HP (1999) Hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathien (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrom) und verwandte Neuropathien. Nervenarzt 70: 1052-1061. IF 0,814
- 40. Zimmermann C, Walther EU, Goebels N, Lienert C, Kappos L, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (1999) Interferon beta-1b zur Behandlung der sekundär chronisch progredienten multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 70: 759-763. IF 0,814
- 41. Kieseier BC, Seifert T, Hartung HP (1999) Matrix Metalloproteinasen als mögliche Ansatzpunkte neuer Therapien bei entzündlich demyelinisierenden Erkrankungen des Nervensystems. Nervenarzt 70: 509-516. IF 0,814
- 42. Hartung HP, Weilbach FX, Flachenecker P, Rieckmann P (1999) Interferon beta-1a (Rebif) bei schubförmiger multipler Sklerose. Arzneimitteltherapie 17: 2-5.
- 43. Hartung HP, Flachenecker P, Weilbach FX, Rieckmann P (1999) Die PRISMS Studie: Interferon-beta-1a (Rebif) bei schubförmiger multipler Sklerose. Nervenarzt 70: 182-185. IF 0,814
- 44. Horner S, Schmidbauer M, Schnaberth G, Weiss S, Niederkorn K, Schmidt R, Homann CN, Ott E, Hartung HP (2000) Antiplatelet therapy in secondary ischemic stroke prevention. Neuropsychiatrie 14: 12-22. IF 1,420
- 45. Baumhackl U, Hartung HP, Ladurner G (2000) 3. Multiple-Sklerose-Konsensuskonferenz 5. Juli 1999, Wien. Neuropsychiatrie 14: 40-54. IF 1,420
- 46. Baumhackl U, Hartung HP, Mamoli B (2000) Multiple-Sklerose. Österreichische Ärztezeitung 19: 48-56.
- 47. Multiple Sklerose-Therapie-Konsensus-Gruppe [Hartung HP] (2001) Immunmodulatorische Stufentherapie der Multiplen Sklerose. 1. Ergänzung, Dezember 2000. Nervenarzt 72: 150-157. IF 0,814
- 48. Oentrich W, Dose T, Friedmann D, Haupts M, Hartung HP, Walther EU, König N, Schröder G, Stürzebecher CS (2001) Interferon beta-1b (Betaferon®) bei Patienten mit schubförmig-remittierender Multipler Sklerose. Nervenarzt 72: 286-292. IF 0,814
- 49. Quasthoff S, Hartung HP (2001) Nervenwachstumsfaktor (NGF) in der Behandlung der diabetischen Polyneuropathie: eine Hoffnung weniger? Nervenarzt 72: 456-459. IF 0,814
- 50. Rieckmann P., Toyka K.V.; Multiple Sklerose-Therapie-Konsensus-Gruppe [Hartung HP] (2002) Immunmodulatorische Stufentherapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Neue Aspekte und praktische Umsetzung, März 2002. Nervenarzt 73: 556-563. IF 0,814
- 51. Köller H, Kieseier BC, Jander S, Hartung HP (2003) Chronisch inflammatorische demyelinisierende Polyneuropathie. Nervenarzt 74: 320-333. IF 0,814
- 52. Köller H, Kieseier BC, Jander S, Hartung HP (2003) Akut und chronisch entzündliche Neuropathien – das Guillain-Barré Syndrom und die CIDP: I. Diagnostik. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 128: 1357-1360. IF 0,625
- 53. Köller H, Kieseier BC, Jander S, Hartung HP (2003) Akut und chronisch entzündliche Neuropathien – das Guillain-Barré Syndrom und die CIDP: II. Therapie. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 128: 1405-1407. IF 0,625
- 54. Rosche B, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP, Hemmer B (2003) Neue Einblicke in die Immunpathologie der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 74: 654-663. IF 0,814
- 55. Kieseier BC, Gold R, Hartung HP (2003) Mitoxantron zur Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 74: 906-910. IF 0,814
- 56. Neuhaus O, Wiendl H, Kieseier BC, Archelos JJ, Hartung HP (2003) Cholesterinsenker – eine neue Therapieoption bei Multipler Sklerose? Statine als Immunmodulatoren. Nervenarzt 74: 704-707. IF 0,814
- 57. Wiendl H, Lehmann HC, Hohlfeld R, Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2003) Immunmodulierende Therapiestrategien bei der Multiplen Sklerose: Übersicht und aktueller Stand klinischer Studien. Aktuelle Neurologie 30: 433-441. IF 0,295
- 58. Lehmann HC, Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2004) Jean-Martin Charcot im Spiegel der deutschen Nervenheilkunde. Nervenarzt 75: 187-192. IF 0,814
- 59. Lehmann HC, Kieseier BC, Hetzel GR, Grabensee B, Hartung HP (2004) Plasmapherese-Therapie in der Neurologie. Arzneimitteltherapie 22: 82-90.
- 60. Neuhaus O, Hartung HP (2004) Neurologische Aspekte systemisch-rheumatischer Erkrankungen. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 63: 104-12. IF 0,533
- 61. Wiendl H, Lehmann HC, Hohlfeld R, Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2004) Multiple Sklerose: potentielle Therapieansätze und Update laufender Studien. Nervenarzt 75: 536-552. IF 0,814
- 62. Neuhaus O, Hartung HP (2004) Cannabinoide – symptomatische Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose? Psychoneuro 30: 389-392.
- 63. Schneider-Gold C, Hartung HP (2004) Myasthenia gravis: Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiarie 72: 45-56. IF 0,793
- 64. Neuhaus O, Kieseier BC, Klimke A, Gaebel W, Hohlfeld R, Hartung HP (2004) Cannabinoide bei Multipler Sklerose – Chance oder Risiko? Nervenarzt 75: 1022-1026. IF 0,814
- 65. Menge T, von Büdingen HC, Zamvil SS, Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Stüve O (2005) Statine zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems? Eine Standortbestimmung aus Forschung und Klinik. Nervenarzt 76: 426-437. IF 0,814
- 66. Stüve O, Nessler S, Hartung HP, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Kieseier BC (2005) Pathogenese, Diagnose, Behandlung, und Prognose der akuten disseminierten Enzephalomyelitis. Nervenarzt 76: 701-707. IF 0,814
- 67. Schreiner B, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R, Wiendl H (2005) Blockade von Adhäsionsmolekülen mit Natalizumab (TYSABRI®, vormals ANTEGREN®) in der Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose – Aktueller Studienstand. Nervenarzt 76: 999-1005. IF 0,814
- 68. Köller H, Neuhaus O, Schroeter M, Hartung HP (2005) Myopathien unter der Therapie mit Lipidsenkern. Nervenarzt 76: 212-217. IF 0,814
- 69. Jander S, Hartung HP (2005) Aktuelle Aspekte in der Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie der Myasthenia gravis. Aktuelle Neurologie 32: 3-9. IF 0,295
- 70. Rieckmann P.; Multiple Sklerose-Therapie-Konsensus-Gruppe [Hartung HP] (2006) Immunmodulatorische Stufentherapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Aktuelle Therapieempfehlungen, September 2006. Nervenarzt 77: 1506-1518. IF 0,814
- 71. Gold R, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (2006) Monoklonale Antikörper verbessern Behandlung der schubförmigen Multiplen Sklerose – Molekulare Grundlagen und klinische Ergebnisse der anti-VLA4-(Natalizumab)-Therapie. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 131: 31-34. IF 0,625
- 72. Wiendl H, Kieseier BC, Gold R, Hohlfeld R, Bendzsus M, Hartung HP (2006) Multiple Sklerose: Revision der neuen Diagnosekriterien nach McDonald. Nervenarzt 77: 1235-1245. IF 0,814
- 73. Diener HC, Elger CE, Hartung HP, Maschke M, Weller M, Deuschl G, Kastrup O, Schuchardt V (2007) Off-Label-Use in der Neurologie. Aktuelle Neurologie 34: 1-5. IF 0,295
- 74. Lehmann HC, Hartung HP, Hetzel GR, Kieseier BC (2007) Plasmapherese als Therapieoption bei neurologischen Erkrankungen. Nervenarzt 78: 166-176. IF 0,814
- 75. Hacke W, Oertel W, Wick W, Hartung HP, Ringleb PA, Diener HC (2007) Die großen klinischen Studien – Evidenzbasierte Medizin in der Deutschen Neurologie. Aktuelle Neurologie 34: 386-389. IF 0,295
- 76. Klatt J, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (2007) FTY720 (Fingolimod) als neue Therapiemöglichkeit der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 78: 1200-1208. IF 0,814
- 77. Stangel M, Hartung HP, Gold R (2009) Bedeutung intravenöser Immunglobuline zur Behandlung immunvermittelter Polyneuropathien. Nervenarzt 80: 678-687. IF 0,814
- 78. Diener HC, Hartung HP, Bien CG, Hacke W, Ringelstein EB, Ludolph A, Deusch G, Wiltfang J, Weller M, Steinhausen K, Stemper B, Klatt J, Drepper J, Griewing B, Meier U, Herschel M, Hummel K, Paar WD, Dintsios CM, Schade-Brittinger C, Weber R, Weimar C (2009) Klinische Studien in der Neurologie in Deutschland 2008. Aktuelle Neurologie 36: 1-11. IF 0,295
- 79. Menge T, von Büdingen HC, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2009) Anti-B Zell-spezifische Therapie in der Multiplen Sklerose – aktueller Stand. Nervenarzt 80: 190-198. IF 0,814
- 80. Warnke C, Kieseier BC, Zettl U, Hartung HP (2009) Alemtuzumab als neue Therapieoption der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 80: 468-474. IF 0,814
- 81. Hartung HP (2009) Atacicept: ein neuer B-Lymphozyten gerichteter Therapieansatz bei Multipler Sklerose. Nervenarzt 80: 1462-1472. IF 0,814
- 82. Gold R, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R, Wiendl H, Kieseier BC, Linker RA, Schmidt S, Toyka KV, für die Arbeitsgruppe Moderne Immuntherapie der MS. (2009) Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose mit monoklonalen Antikörpern. Aktuelle Neurologie 36: 334-344. IF 0,295
- 83. Hacke W, Diener HC, Hartung HP, Elger C, Brandt TH (2009) Messung von Publikationsleistungen. Nervenarzt 80: 1226-1238. IF 0,814
- 84. Hartung HP, Warnke C, Hohlfeld R, Kieseier BC (2009) Progressive multifokale Leukenzephalopathie. Nervenarzt 80: 1143-1153. IF 0,814
- 85. Husseini L, Leussink VI, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2010) 4-Aminopyridin (Fampridin) – ein neuer Ansatz zur symptomatischen Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 81: 203-211. IF 0,814
- 86. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Aktas O (2010) Cladribin: Entwicklung einer oralen Formulierung zur Behandlung der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 81: 194-202. IF 0,814
- 87. Warnke C, Leussink VI, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2010) Interferon bei Multipler Sklerose. Nervenarzt 81: 1476-1482. IF 0,814
- 88. Aktas O, Ingwersen J, Kieseier B, Küry P, Hohlfeld R, Hartung HP. (2011) Orales Fingolimod bei Multipler Sklerose: Therapeutische Modulation des Sphingosin-1-Phosphat-Systems. Nervenarzt 82: 215-225. IF 0,814
- 89. Warnke C, Adams O, Gold R, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R, Wiendl H Kieseier BC. (2011) Progressive multifokale Leukenzephalopathie unter Natalizumab. Erste Möglichkeiten einer Risikostratifizierung? Nervenarzt 82: 475-480. IF 0,814
- 90. Warnke C, Adams O, Hartung HP, Gold R, Hemmer B, Hohlfeld R, Stangel M, Zipp F, Wiendl H Kieseier BC. (2011) Risikostratifizierung einer progressiven multifokalen Leukenzephalopathie unter Natalizumab. Empfehlungen zur JC-Virus-Serologie. Nervenarzt 82: 1314-1319. IF 0,814
- 91. Warnke C, Andersen K, Hartung HP, Hefter H. (2011) Superfizielle Siderose des zentralen Nervensystems bei einem Patienten mit Hämochromatose und Morbus Wilson. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 136: 721-724. IF 0,625
- 92. Hartung HP, Berger J, Wiendl H, Meier U, Stangel M, Aktas O, Kieseier BC, Radü EW, Buttmann M, Gold R; für die Teilnehmer eines Expertenmeetings. (2011) Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose mit monoklonalen Antikörpern: aktualisierte Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit Natalizumab im Rahmen eines Expertenmeetings. Aktuelle Neurologie 38: 2-11. IF 0,295
- 93. Menge T, Kieseier BC, Warnke C, Aktas O, Hartung HP. (2012) Alemtuzumab: eine weitere Chance zur Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 83: 487-501. IF 0,814
- 94. Husseini L, Leussink VI, Warnke C, Hartung HP, Kieseier BC. (2012) Cannabinoide zur symptomatischen Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Nervenarzt 83: 695-704. IF 0,814
- 95. Hartung HP, Keller-Stanislawski B, Hughes RA, Lehmann HC. (2012) Guillain-Barré-Syndrom nach Exposition mit Influenza. Nervenarzt 83: 714-730. IF 0,814
Part IV – Book chapters
- 1. Hartung HP, Zanker B, Bitter-Suermann D (1982) Influence of macrophage activation on the synthesis of complement components C2, C3, C4. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 155: 525-529.
- 2. Hadding U, Hartung HP, Rasokat H, Gemsa D (1982) Peritoneal macrophages release prostaglandin E and thromboxane B2 in response to C3b. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 155: 531-534.
- 3. Hartung HP, Hadding U (1985) Phorbol myristate acetate und platelet activating factor promote synthesis of complement by macrophages in vitro. In: Higgs GA, Williams TJ (eds.) „Inflammatory Mediators“. Macmillan Press, London, 117-125.
- 4. Hartung HP, Hadding U (1985) Synthesis of complement by macrophages. In: Müller-Eberhardt HJ, Miescher P (eds.) „Complement“. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 279-322/473-474.
- 5. Hartung HP, Hömberg V, Hennerici M (1985) Klinische und labordiagnostische Beobachtungen bei familiärer MS. Verhandlungen Dt. Ges. für Neurologie. Bd. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, 728-733.
- 6. Heininger K, Stoll G, Schwendemann G, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1985) Klinische, neurophysiologische und morphologische Untersuchungen bei der galactocerebrosid-induzierten experimentell-allergischen Neuritis des Kanin¬chens. Verhandlungen Dt. Ges. für Neurologie. Bd. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, 815-820.
- 7. Hartung HP, Wolters K, Toyka KV (1985) Interaktion von Substanz P mit Makrophagen. Verhandlungen Dt. Ges. für Neurologie. Bd. 3, Springer, Heidelberg, 824-828.
- 8. Heininger K, Hartung HP, Toyka KV, Borberg H (1986) Plasma separation and immunoadsorption in myasthenia gravis. In: Oda T (ed.) Plasmapheresis V. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, 3-10.
- 9. Seitz RJ, Reiners K, Heininger K, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1987) Changes of the blood-nerve barrier during nerve regeneration in the mouse. Verhandlungen Dt. Ges. für Neurologie. Bd. 4, Springer, Heidelberg, 87-89.
- 10. Heininger K, Hartung HP, Gaczkowski A, Borberg H, Grabensee B, Toyka KV (1987) Selective adsorption therapy in myasthenia gravis. Verhandlungen Dt. Ges. für Neurologie. Bd. 4, Springer, Heidelberg, 100-102.
- 11. Hartung HP, Schäfer B, Heininger K, Stoll G, Toyka KV (1987) Suppression and treatment of EAN by novel anti-inflammatory agents acting on macrophages. Verhandlungen Dt. Ges. für Neurologie. Bd. 4, Springer, Heidelberg, 516-518.
- 12. Hartung HP, Hennerici M (1988) Role of macrophages in atherosclerosis. In: Hennerici M, Sitzer G, Weger DH (eds.) Carotid artery plaques. Karger, Basel, 47-63.
- 13. Heininger K, Schäfer B, Hartung HP, Fierz W, Toyka KV, Lassmann H (1989) adoptive transfer experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: Role of macrophages and reactive oxygen species. In: Gonsette RE, Delmotte P (eds.) Recent Advances in Multiple Sclerosis Therapy. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 185-190.
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- 16. Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1992) Circulating immune factors. In: Asbury AK, McKhann GM, McDonald WI (eds.) Diseases of the Nervous System: Clinical Neurobiology. 2nd edition. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1396-1409.
- 17. Hartung HP, Stoll G, Toyka KV (1993) Immune reactions in the peripheral nervous system. In: Dyck PJ, Thomas PK, Griffin JW, Low PA, Poduslo J (eds.) Peripheral Neuropathy. 3rd edition. Saunders, Philadelphia, 418-444.
- 18. Hartung HP, Reiners K, Toyka KV, Pollard JD (1994) Guillain-Barré syndrome and CIDP. In: Hohlfeld R (ed.) Immunology of Neuromuscular Diseases. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 33-104.
- 19. Hund M, Hartung HP, Ropper A (1994) Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP). In: Hacke W, Hanley DF, Einhäupl K, Bleck TP, Diringer M (eds) Neurocritical care. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 788-795.
- 20. Müllges W, Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1994) Acute muscular weakness. In: Hacke W, Hanley DF, Einhäupl K, T. P. Bleck, und M. Diringer (eds.) Neurocritical care. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 307-318.
- 21. Gold R, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (1995) Stellenwert der Therapie mit Immunglobulinen in der Neurologie. In: Elger CE, Dengler R (eds.) Jahrbuch der Neurologie. Biermann Verlag, Münster, 135-158.
- 22. Hartung HP (1995) Neurological diseases. In: Kazatchkine MD (ed) Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Parthenon Publishing, London, 59-63.
- 23. Hartung HP (1995) Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and implications for therapy with high-dose 7S intravenous immunoglobulins. In: Dammacco F (ed) Immunoglobulins in Therapy. Medizinische Verlagsgesellschaft, Marburg, 79-83.
- 24. Hartung HP (1995) Immunneuropathien. In: Huffmann G, Braune HJ (Hgb) Neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen. Einhorn-Presse Verlag, Reinbek, 376-385.
- 25. Hartung HP, Kiefer R, Gold R, Toyka KV (1996) Autoimmunity in the peripheral nervous system. Baillières Clinical Neurology. London, 1-45.
- 26. Hartung HP (1997) Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. In: Abramsky O, Ovadia H (eds.) Frontiers in Multiple Sclerosis. Clinical Research and Therapy. Martin Dunitz Ltd, London, 45-59.
- 27. Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (1997) Matrix metalloproteinases in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. In: Ansorge S, Langer J (eds.) Cellular Peptidases in Immune Functions and Diseases. Plenum Press, New York, 303-306.
- 28. Hartung HP (1997) Therapie der Entmarkungskrankheiten. In: Jörg J (Hrsg.) Therapie neurologischer Erkrankungen. 2. Auflage. Springer, Heidelberg, 409-426.
- 29. Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1997) Immune-mediated polyneuropathies and related animal models. In: Bär PR, Beal MF (eds.) Neuroprotection in CNS diseases. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 489-554.
- 30. Rieckmann P, Hartung HP (1997) Neuroimmunologie. In: Herdegen T, Tölle TR, Bähr M (Hrsg.) Klinische Neurobiologie. Molekulare Pathogenese und Therapie von neurobiologischen Erkrankungen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 149-188.
- 31. Hartung HP, Gold R, Jung S (1998) Local immune responses in the peripheral nervous system. In: Antel J, Birnbaum G, Hartung HP (eds.) Clinical Neuroimmunology. Blackwell Science, Malden, MA, 40-54.
- 32. Hartung HP, Toyka KV, Griffin JW (1998) Guillain-Barré Syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. In: Antel J, Birnbaum G, Hartung HP (eds.) Clinical Neuroimmunology. Blackwell Science, Malden, MA, 294-306.
- 33. Hartung HP (1998) Nervensystem und Auge. In: Pleyer U, Manthey F (Hrsg.) Entzündungen im Auge. Agamede Verlag, Köln, 88-103.
- 34. Hartung HP (1999) Akute Polyneuroradikulitis und Guillain-Barré-Syndrom. In: Hopf HC, Deuschl G, Diener HC, Reichmann H (Hrsg.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik. 3. Auflage. Thieme, Stuttgart, 401-411.
- 35. Hartung HP (1999) Chronische Polyneuritis (CIDP: chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuro-pathy. In: Hopf HC, Deuschl G, Diener HC, Reichmann H (Hrsg.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik. 3. Auflage. Thieme, Stuttgart, 411-415.
- 36. Hartung HP, Fazekas F, Hohlfeld R (1999) Multiple Sklerose. In: Hopf HC, Deuschl G, Diener HC, Reichmann H (Hrsg.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik. 3. Auflage. Thieme, Stuttgart, 909-942.
- 37. Hartung HP (1999) Guillain-Barré Syndrom und CIDP. In: Hopf HC, Deuschl G, Diener HC, Reichmann H (Hrsg.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik. 3. Auflage. Georg-Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart, 411-415.
- 38. Flachenecker P, Hartung HP (1999) Impfkomplikationen des ZNS. In: Hopf HC, Deuschel G, Diener HC, Reichmann H (Hrsg.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik. 3. Auflage. Thieme, Stuttgart, 893-896.
- 39. Kieseier B, Hartung HP (1999) Neuroinflammation. In: Willoughby DA, Tomlinson A, (eds.) Inducible enzymes in the inflammatory response. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 169-186.
- 40. Hartung HP, Toyka KV, (1999). Immunpathologie und Immuntherapie. In: Kunze K (Hrsg.) Praxis der Neurologie. 2. Auflage. Thieme, Stuttgart, 89-122.
- 41. Archelos JJ, Hartung HP (1999) Adhesion molecules and the blood-brain barrier in multiple sclerosis. In: Martino G, Adorini L (eds.) From Basic Immunology to Immune-mediated Demyelination. Springer, Heidelberg/Milano, 149-161.
- 42. Archelos JJ, Hartung HP (1999) Adhesion molecules in multiple sclerosis: a review. In: Siva A, Kesselring J, Thompson AJ (eds.) Frontiers in Multiple Sclerosis. Vol. 2. Martin Dunitz, London, 85-116.
- 43. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (1999) Immunopathogenesis of MS. In: Fieschi C, Comi G, Pozilli C (eds.) Sclerosi Multipla. Mosby Italia, Milano, 19-32.
- 44. Wiestler OD, Deckert-Schlüter M, Hartung HP (1999) Immunologische Aspekte bei Erkrankungen des ZNS. In: Ganten D, Ruckpaul K (Hrsg.) Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems. Handbuch der Molekularen Medizin. Springer, Berlin, 3-28.
- 45. Pette M, Mix E, Zettl UK, Hartung HP (1999) Grundlagen der Neuroimmunologie. In: Zettl UK, Mix E (Hrsg.) Klinische Neuroimmunologie. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1-18.
- 46. Hartung HP (1999) Immunological aspects of multiple sclerosis. In: Ghezzi A, Zaffaroni M, Comi G, Zibetti A, Canal N (eds.) Attualità sul trattamento con β-interferon. Editio da Associazione Amici Centro Studi S. M., Gallarate, 5-17.
- 47. Hartung HP, Ritz MF, Steck AJ (1999) Éléments de neuro-immunologie. In: Steck AJ (ed.) Affections démyélinisantes: neuro-immunologie et clinique. Traité de Neurologie. Paris, Doin, 35-60.
- 48. Fazekas F, Strasser-Fuchs S, Gold R, Hartung HP (1999) Intravenous immunoglobulin. In: Rudick RA, Goodkin DE (eds). Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics. Martin Dunitz, London, 309-322.
- 49. Hartung HP, Gonsette R, Morrissey S, Krapf H, Fazekas F (1999) Mitoxantrone. In: Rudick RA, Goodkin DE (eds). Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics. Martin Dunitz, London, 309-322.
- 50. Kieseier BC, Giovanni G, Hartung HP (1999) Immunological surrogate markers of disease activity in multiple sclersosis. In: Comi G, Lücking C, Kimura J, Rossi F (eds). Clinical Neurophysiology: From Receptors to Perception. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 601-614.
- 51. Fazekas F, Gold R, Hartung HP, Strasser-Fuchs S (2000) Immunoglobulins. In: Hawkins CP, Wolinsky JS (eds.) Principles of Treatments in Multiple Sclerosis. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 95-114.
- 52. Wohlleben G, Hartung HP, Gold R (2000) Humoral and cellular immune functions of cytokine-treated Schwann cells. In: Matsas R, Tsacopoulos M (eds). The Functional Roles of Glial Cells in Health and Disease. Kluwer Academic Plenum, New York, 151-156.
- 53. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Stangel M, Archelos JJ (2000) Stellenwert einer hochdosierten IVIG-Therapie bei Immunneuropathien: Wirksamkeit und Mechanismen. In: Kiehl MG, Naß WP, Volk HD (Hrsg.) Immunmodulation mit Immunglobulinen bei Autoimmunerkrankungen und Infektionen. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 50-57.
- 54. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Gold R, Archelos JJ (2000) Immunological basis for the treatment of neurological disorders by intravenous immunoglobulins. In: Said G (ed.) Intravenous Immunoglobulin in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders. Martin Dunitz, London, 1-17.
- 55. Fazekas F, Gold R, Hartung HP, Strasser-Fuchs S (2000) Immunoglobulins. In: Hawkins CP, Wolinsky JS (eds.) Principles of Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 95-113.
- 56. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Archelos JJ (2000) Neuromuskuläre Störungen beim Intensivpatienten. In: Burchardi H, Larsen R, Schuster HP, Suter PM (Hrsg.) Intensivmedizin. 8. Auflage. Springer, Heidelberg, 867-877.
- 57. Kieseier BC, Archelos J, Giovannoni G, Hartung HP (2001) Immunological parameters in blood as surrogate markers in multiple sclerosis. In: Kappos L, Kesselring J, Radü EW, Johnson K (eds.) Multiple Sclerosis: Tissue Destruction and Repair. Martin Dunitz, London, 129-144.
- 58. Hartung HP (2001) Therapie der Entmarkungskrankheiten. In: Jörg J (Hrsg.) Therapie neurologischer Erkrankungen. 3. Auflage. Springer, Heidelberg.
- 59. Kiefer R, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2001) Immune-mediated neuropathies. In: Pourmand, Harati (eds.) Neuromuscular Disorders. Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 111-131.
- 60. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Stangel M, Archelos JJ (2002) High-dose IVIG therapy for immune neuropathies: efficacy and mechanisms of action. In: Kiehl, Naß, Volk (eds.) Immunomodulation with immunoglobulins for autoimmune diseases and infections. Georg-Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart, 48-55.
- 61. Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2002) Chemokines in the inflamed peripheral nervous system. In: Ransohoff R (ed.) Universes in delicate balance: chemokines and the nervous system. Elsevier Sciene, Amsterdam, 375-380.
- 62. Hartung HP, Toyka KV, Kieseier BC (2002) Immune mechanisms in neurological disease. In: Asbury AK, McKhann GM, Mc Donald WI, Goadsby PJ, McArthur J (eds.) Diseases of the nervous system: clinical neuroscience and therapeutic principles. Cambridge Universitiy Press, Cambridge, 1501-1526.
- 63. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2003) Neuroimmunology of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. In: Aminoff, Daroff (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Academic Press, San Diego.
- 64. Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2003) Peripheral nervous system, immunology of. In: Aminoff M, Daroff R (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Academic Press, San Diego, 846-849.
- 65. Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2003) Neuroimmunology, overview. In: Aminoff M, Daroff R (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Academic Press, San Diego, 489-492.
- 66. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2003) Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. In: Wood P (ed.) Neuroimmunology – Mechanisms and Management. Humana Press, Totowa NJ, 345-357.
- 67. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2003) Intravenous immunoglobulins – mechanisms of action In: Jolles S (ed.) Use of intravenous immunoglobulin in clinical dermatology. Martin Dunitz, London, 1-20.
- 68. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC (2003) Autoimmunity in the nervous system. In: Noseworthy J (ed.) Neurological Therapeutics: Principles and Practice. Martin Dunitz, London, 1094-1106.
- 69. Noseworthy J, Hartung HP (2003) Multiple sclerosis and related conditions. In: Noseworthy J (ed.) Neurological Therapeutics, Principles and Practice. London, Martin Dunitz, 1107-1134.
- 70. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Archelos JJ (2003) Neuromuskuläre Störungen beim Intensivpatienten. In: Burchardi H, Larsen R, Schuster HP, Suter PM (eds.) Intensivmedizin. 9. Auflage. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 737-746.
- 71. Kieseier BC, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Hartung HP (2004) Die Immunpathogenese der Multiplen Sklerose. In: Kesselring J (ed.) Multiple Sklerose. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 87-97.
- 72. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Gold R, Stoll G, Toyka KV (2005) Introduction to immune reactions in the PNS. In: Dyck PJ, Thomas PK (eds.) Peripheral Neuropathies. 4th ed. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 559-572.
- 73. Gold R, Stoll G, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP, Toyka KV (2005) Experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN). In: Dyck PJ, Thomas PK (eds.) Peripheral Neuropathies. 4th ed. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 609-634.
- 74. Gold R, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2005) Immunology properties of the peripheral nervous system. In: Antel J, Birnbaum B, Hartung HP (eds.) Clinical Neuroimmunology. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 77-86.
- 75. Pollard JD, Hughes R, Hartung HP (2005) Fundamentals of immune therapy. In: Dyck PJ, Thomas PK (eds.) Peripheral Neuropathies 4th ed., WB Saunders, London, 635-648.
- 76. Hahn AF, Hartung HP, Dyck PJ (2005) CIDP. In: Dyck PJ, Thomas PK (eds.) Peripheral Neuropathies. 4th ed. WB Saunders, London, 2221-2254.
- 77. Neuhaus O, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2005) Mechanisms of action of current therapeutics and promising future candidates in multiple sclerosis. In: Columbus F (ed.) Treatment and Management of Multiple Sclerosis. Nova Biomedical Books, New York, 1-32.
- 78. Neuhaus O, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2005) Mitoxantrone In: Freedman M (ed.) Multiple sclerosis and demyelinating diseases. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, in press.
- 79. Hemmer B, Stüve O, Hartung HP (2005) Basis of immunotherapy. In: Antel J, Birnbaum G, Hartung HP (eds.) Clinical Neuroimmunology. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 21-32.
- 80. Hemmer B, Stüve O, Kieseier B, Hartung HP (2005) Multiple sclerosis – Immune directed therapies. In: Antel J, Birnbaum G, Hartung HP (eds.) Clinical Neuroimmunology. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 217-228.
- 81. Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2005) Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. In: Antel J, Birnbaum B, Hartung HP (eds.) Clinical Neuroimmunology. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 229-238.
- 82. Köller H, Hartung HP (2005) Neuromuscular Rehabilitation: Diseases of the motor neuron, peripheral nerve, and neuromuscular junction. In: Selzer M, Clarke S, Cohen L, Duncan P, Gage F (eds.) Textbook of neural repair and rehabilitation. Vol. II. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 657-676.
- 83. Hemmer B, Töpfner N, Hartung HP (2006) Immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. In: Gilman S (ed.) Neurobiology of Disease. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 197-204.
- 84. Kieseier BC, Stüve O, Hartung HP (2006) Autoimmunity in the nervous system. In: Noseworthy JH (ed.). Neurological Therapeutics: Principle and Practice. 2nd edition, Informa Healthcare, Oxford, 1207-1223.
- 85. Köller H, Hartung HP (2006) Neuromuscular Rehabilitation: Diseases of the motor neuron, peripheral nerve, and neuromuscular junction. In: Selzer M, Clarke S, Duncan PW, Gage F (eds.) Textbook of neural repair and rehabilitation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 657-676.
- 86. Neuhaus O, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2006) Mitoxantrone. In: Cook SD (ed.) Handbook of Multiple Sclerosis. 4th ed. Taylor & Francis, New York, 373-384.
- 87. Noseworthy JH, Hartung HP (2006) Multiple sclerosis and related conditions. In: Noseworthy JH (ed.) Neurological Therapeutics: Pri
- ciples and Practice. 2nd edition, Informa Healthcare, Oxford, 1247-1253. 88. Menge T, Hemmer B, Nessler S, Zhou D, Kieseier BC, Hartung HP (2007) Immunopathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis: Overwiew. In: Zhang J (ed.) Immune Regulation and Immunotherapy in Autoimmune Disease. Springer, New York, 171-187.
- 89. Kieseier BC, Hu W, Hartung HP (2007) Schwann cells as immunomodulatory cells. In: Armati (ed.). The Schwann cell – an extraordinary tale. Cambridge University Press, 118-125.
- 90. Hemmer B, Töpfner N, Hartung HP (2007) Immunopathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis. In: Gilman S (ed.) Neurobiology of Disease. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 197-204.
- 91. Schroeter M, Kieseier BC, Köller H, Hartung HP (2007) Immune-Mediated Neuropathies. In: Gilman S (ed.) Neurobiology of Disease. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 205-215.
- 92. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Schroeter M (2008) Neuromuskuläre Störungen beim Intensivpatienten, Critical-illness-Neuropathie und andere neurologische Störungen. In: Burchardi H, Larsen R, Kuhlen R, Jauch KW, Schölmerich J (eds.) Die Intensivmedizin 10. Auflage, Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg, 695-706.
- 93. Kremer D, Aktas O, Hartung HP, Küry P. (2010) Immunobiology of the oligodendrocyte. In: Armati P (ed.) The Biology of Oligodendrocytes Cambridge University Press, 115-136.
- 94. Hartung HP, Kieseier BC, Lehmann HC. Neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen bei Intensivpatienten. In: Burchardi, Larsen, Kuhlen, Muhl, Jauch, Schölmerich (eds.) Intensivmedizin. Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011; 701-711.
Part V – Books
- 1. Toyka KV, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (1987) Klinische Neuroimmunologie. VCH, Weinheim.
- 2. Hartung HP (ed.) (1995) Bailliere’s Clinical Neurology: Peripheral Neuropathies, Part I. Bailliere-Tindall, London, Vol. 4.
- 3. Hartung HP (ed.) (1996) Bailliere’s Clinical Neurology: Peripheral Neuropathies, Part II. Bailliere-Tindall, London, Vol. 5.
- 4. Antel J, Birnbaum G, Hartung HP (eds.) (1998) Clinical Neuroimmunology. Blackwell Scientific, Malden, MA.
- 5. Hartung HP, Poewe W, Reichmann H (Hrsg.) (1999) Prinzipien der Neurologie. McGraw Hill, London.
- 6. Steck A, Hartung HP (Hrsg.) (2001) Demyelinisierende Erkrankungen. Steinkopff-Verlag, Darmstadt.
- 7. Antel J, Birnbaum G, Hartung HP, Vincent A (eds.) (2005) Clinical Neuroimmunology. 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 8. Putzki N, Hartung HP (eds.) (2009) Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.UNI-MED Verlag, Bremen.